Bottled Borders

We completed our thesis as a part of Founders Lab. Bottled Borders is an innovative gift giving service offering a SouthWest style mixology box. Our unique approach focuses on the SouthWest region of the US including Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico,

We completed our thesis as a part of Founders Lab. Bottled Borders is an innovative gift giving service offering a SouthWest style mixology box. Our unique approach focuses on the SouthWest region of the US including Arizona, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, and Colorado. Our model allows customers to explore the flavors of the Southwest, featuring signature alcoholic beverage recipes from the five states, as well as garnishes and a bar tool kit. Each box also contains fun facts about each region, cocktail recipes, serving suggestions, bar tips, and exclusive video instructions. Targeting aspiring connoisseurs of culture and alcohol, Bottled Borders aims to democratize the exploration of cultures through beverages. We seek to bring the joy of travel and cultural discovery to individuals in the comfort of their homes. Our mission is to not only provide premium mixology mix but also to educate and immerse our customers in the history and culture of each region.
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Charisma in Tour Guides: A Training and Application to Choices in Higher Education

Tour guides allow students an insight into universities around the country, helping students to make their college decision a little easier. Does the charisma a tour guide showcases make a difference in the students decision? Throughout watching the Devils' Advocates

Tour guides allow students an insight into universities around the country, helping students to make their college decision a little easier. Does the charisma a tour guide showcases make a difference in the students decision? Throughout watching the Devils' Advocates of Arizona State University we were able to see a trend towards students being more likely to say they were going to Arizona State with the more charismatic qualities that the tour guide exemplified.
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Optimizing Hydrogel Matrix for Cell Transplantation: A Synergistic Approach Using Nanoprobe Siloxane and 3D Printed Spiral Molds

In this comprehensive research, we have pursued a dual investigation within the scope of tissue engineering: firstly, to investigate the retention of nanoprobe siloxane emulsions in bio-compatible hydrogel matrices in order to be able to measure oxygen saturation within the

In this comprehensive research, we have pursued a dual investigation within the scope of tissue engineering: firstly, to investigate the retention of nanoprobe siloxane emulsions in bio-compatible hydrogel matrices in order to be able to measure oxygen saturation within the hydrogel; secondly, to refine the design of 3D printed hydrogel molds to enhance structural integrity of hydrogels for cell encapsulation. We evaluated the retention capabilities of these nanoemulsions, tagged with fluorescent dyes, across varying concentrations, and further advanced the mold design to prevent hydrogel unraveling and ensure complete filling. The findings suggest pivotal implications for the application of these hydrogels in cell transplantation and set a methodological precedent for future empirical studies.
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Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing for Young Adults Grieving

Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing For Young Adults Grieving is a written resource for bereaved young adults. Cassandra, having faced the challenging loss of her father, Charlie, just before starting college, noticed a distinct lack of

Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing For Young Adults Grieving is a written resource for bereaved young adults. Cassandra, having faced the challenging loss of her father, Charlie, just before starting college, noticed a distinct lack of resources tailored for grieving young adults. She felt discouraged by the scarcity of materials specifically catering to the needs of this demographic. In response to this gap, Cassandra decided to write a narrative to fill the void and offer guidance to others navigating similar challenges in their grief journey. This narrative represents Cassandra’s exploration of resilience in the face of bereavement during her own young adulthood. Initially, Cassandra set out to create a "guide to grieving" for young adults, but discovered there's no universal roadmap for an easy journey through loss. To gain insights, she interviewed five individuals who suffered the loss of their parent between the ages of 15 and 22. Despite diverse experiences between the interviewees and Cassandra, common themes emerged. She delved deeper into these themes through research, hoping to create a comprehensive resource that young adults could look to. Still however, through the process, she realized grief is highly personal, shaped by individual circumstances and reactions. While various paths for coping exist, the focus of this thesis is to inspire and offer guidance to those navigating the challenges of grieving. Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony, originally the famous 37-hour playlist created by her dad, was also the soundtrack of his life. Now, it is a guide for young adults grieving the loss of a loved one. Each chapter in the narrative, named after a song on her dad’s playlist, provides insight from an interviewee, an anecdote from Cassandra’s experience, and research from other online sources to support themes presented in the text. Cassandra hopes that her words can serve as a guiding light, leading an individual with grace and strength through the dark passages of grief.
Date Created

Space Architecture: Improving Psychological Support Aboard the International Space Station Through Design


Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even

Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even now, it remains problematic. The risks involved with space travel are immense: rocket failures such as that in Columbia, hull breaches, or simple miscalculations that may result in numerous deaths and severe casualties. For much of its history, space travel has emphasized practicality, economics, and engineering, leaving little room to design an environment supporting those in orbit. While engineering, finances, and feasibility reign as the highest priorities in space habitation, there is an often overlooked necessity to design environments that better address station inhabitants' mental and behavioral needs.

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COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy Among Pregnant People in Arizona


With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for

With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the pregnant population in the state of Arizona. Using a mixed-methods approach, this cross-sectional study employs both semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 40) and a quantitative survey instrument (n = 400) to better understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant people, with data collected over the course of a few months. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression are employed to analyze the quantitative data and the semi-structured interviews are inductively coded to analyze themes across participant interviews. The results from this study are not only able to help better address disparities in COVID-19 vaccinations among pregnant people, but they also provide implications for vaccine hesitancy overall in order to develop interventions to address vaccine hesitancy. Future research is warranted to better understand regional differences in vaccine hesitancy and differences across populations.

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The Intersection of Authentic DEI Marketing, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Profitability in the Cosmetics Industry


The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the impacts of virtue signaling and tokenism within the cosmetic industry and how it relates to corporate social responsibility. Secondary research has been gathered and analyzed to find insight into how these

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the impacts of virtue signaling and tokenism within the cosmetic industry and how it relates to corporate social responsibility. Secondary research has been gathered and analyzed to find insight into how these aspects in marketing can impact the profits and other measures of success within business. This will lead to an understanding of how corporate social responsibility can be beneficial to the cosmetic industry, especially as companies grow and expand their target market. This thesis research is based on secondary research built from articles and advertisements. Additionally, research will be pulled from company statistics in profits and sales to determine success in different product launches and the marketing tactics utilized. After analyzing these differences and the types of advertisements that lead to the most successful results, it can be determined that virtue signaling and racial/ethnic tokenism can hinder success potential and thus, in contrast, companies that adhere to the ethical implications within corporate social responsibility will benefit from a reputation of sincerity.

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Changing the College Experience


College student mental health has been a prominent issue in the US. However, solutions to address this issue are oftentimes not free or convenient for students. This project seeks to aid in improving student mental health by identifying and addressing

College student mental health has been a prominent issue in the US. However, solutions to address this issue are oftentimes not free or convenient for students. This project seeks to aid in improving student mental health by identifying and addressing the most commonly faced stress factors that contribute to poor mental health. These stress factors will be addressed via a free iOS application made available on the Apple App Store. A free iOS application that addresses commonly faced stress factors will provide students with a free and easily accessible resource to aid in their mental health journey.

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Impacts of SES on Educational Attainment in Maryvale


In the United States, the importance of acquiring higher education has steadily increased with almost two-thirds of the population attending some college or university (U.S. Census Bureau). Across different socioeconomic groups, the accessibility of higher education is vastly different. Factors

In the United States, the importance of acquiring higher education has steadily increased with almost two-thirds of the population attending some college or university (U.S. Census Bureau). Across different socioeconomic groups, the accessibility of higher education is vastly different. Factors such as low income, immigration status, and familiarity with national policies and institutions pose significant obstacles, especially for low-income communities of color. As the standard of skills needed for a productive career heightens, research needs to target specific marginalized communities that may disproportionately face barriers to entry into the pursuit of higher education. In this study, I will focus efforts on Maryvale, Arizona to assess the impact of socioeconomic status (SES) on educational attainment levels. 20% of Maryvale’s population falls below the federal poverty line, a greater proportion than the rest of Arizona. While income and poverty levels contribute as obstacles to the process of development, they are compounded by factors such as limited English-speaking ability and a lack of health insurance within Maryvale’s population. This study uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to show how low socioeconomic status has a negative relationship with higher educational attainment in historically underserved communities like Maryvale.

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A Comparative Analysis of Youth Alcohol Use Disorder in the United States and Spain: Cultural Approach


Alcohol use disorder is a major problem worldwide and can result in a number of significant physical, social and economic consequences. Specifically when comparing the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the United States and Spain, it is much higher

Alcohol use disorder is a major problem worldwide and can result in a number of significant physical, social and economic consequences. Specifically when comparing the prevalence of alcohol use disorders in the United States and Spain, it is much higher in the United States, at 13.9% compared with 1.5% in Spain. While there are a number of factors that contribute to a person’s risk, this thesis focuses on possible cultural explanations for these differences. After analyzing current literature surrounding alcohol trends and differing cultures in the US and Spain, the differences could be attributable to the dry drinking culture in the US, and the culture surrounding university - living and college towns in the US. The findings of this study suggest that culture, norms and attitudes surrounding drinking have a large impact on alcohol use disorder, and the US could benefit from implementing strategies to change these norms and attitudes surrounding alcohol, as well as train healthcare providers to have effective, brief counseling conversations.

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