"El Otro Lado del Velo": Reimagining Fey in the Mestizaje of the U.S. Southwest

A critical introduction and narrative exploration of the chimeric nature of mestizaje through the lens of Jeffrey Jerome Cohen's Seven Theses of Monster Culture
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Student and Teacher Perspectives on What Makes Students Successful in High School:
Evidence from Phoenix-area Schools


Education is known for being powerful in reducing poverty, improving health, promoting healthier economies, and providing peaceful and productive opportunities for young people worldwide. It’s a key to success that has been threatened in the state of Arizona through low

Education is known for being powerful in reducing poverty, improving health, promoting healthier economies, and providing peaceful and productive opportunities for young people worldwide. It’s a key to success that has been threatened in the state of Arizona through low funding, teacher shortages, and a lack of resources. Inadequate learning environments further educational inequalities and hinder academic achievement among students. In finding a solution, the objectives of education policy in Arizona are analyzed from an economic and equity standpoint.

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COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy Among Pregnant People in Arizona


With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for

With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the pregnant population in the state of Arizona. Using a mixed-methods approach, this cross-sectional study employs both semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 40) and a quantitative survey instrument (n = 400) to better understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant people, with data collected over the course of a few months. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression are employed to analyze the quantitative data and the semi-structured interviews are inductively coded to analyze themes across participant interviews. The results from this study are not only able to help better address disparities in COVID-19 vaccinations among pregnant people, but they also provide implications for vaccine hesitancy overall in order to develop interventions to address vaccine hesitancy. Future research is warranted to better understand regional differences in vaccine hesitancy and differences across populations.

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The Historical Win of Proposition 308: Analyzing the Strategies Used by Aliento To Attain Instate Tuition Access for Undocumented and DACAmented Students


Attaining educational equity had been one of the immigration related barriers faced by undocumented immigrants in the State of Arizona since the early 2000s. In 2006, Arizona voters passed Proposition 300 which prohibited anyone who is not a U.S. citizen

Attaining educational equity had been one of the immigration related barriers faced by undocumented immigrants in the State of Arizona since the early 2000s. In 2006, Arizona voters passed Proposition 300 which prohibited anyone who is not a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident from receiving instate tuition and additional state-funded assistance for educational costs in Arizona (Prop 300 Legislative Analysis). In 2018, the Arizona Supreme Court deemed students under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program ineligible for instate tuition and state financial aid. But it sparked a momentum IN 2018 from Aliento, a non- profit community based organization in Arizona. Their mission was to attain access to instate tuition and state-funded scholarships for all regardless of immigration status. The main goals of this study are to highlight how the historical win of Proposition 308 was made possible, through an analysis of the extensive strategies utilized by Aliento to get it on the midterm ballot and secondly, to inform potential beneficiaries. This study provides a descriptive analysis of the tactics utilized throughout Aliento’s instate tuition campaigns to get Proposition 308 on the midterm ballot and its successful win in the November 8, 2022 midterm election. Specifically, it will apply the Community Power Building Approach to analyze three main tactics utilized by Aliento to pass Prop 308. This study demonstrates how undocumented and DACAmented people in Arizona, who cannot vote or participate in the electoral process, mobilized and got Prop 308 on the ballot. Their tactics were successful in attaining educational equity in the State of Arizona.

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Surviving Harsh U.S. Immigration Policies: Haitian Migration to Mexicali, Baja California

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A successful asylum case is extremely rare in the United States legal system, particularly for Black migrants entering from Haiti who are subject to multiple layers of racism throughout each step of the process. Recent policies, such as Title 42

A successful asylum case is extremely rare in the United States legal system, particularly for Black migrants entering from Haiti who are subject to multiple layers of racism throughout each step of the process. Recent policies, such as Title 42 and Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), have further restricted migrants from initiating this process by blocking their entry and expediting their removals. Title 42, a public health code issued to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, has accelerated the deportation of Haitian migrants, while MPP has forced many migrants to stay in Mexico during their asylum proceedings. Both of these policies have had a punitive effect on migrants attempting to enter the country through “legal manners,” yet they are ineffective ways of stopping migration. Instead, migrants are now crossing through a weaponized southern border due to Border Patrol’s strategy of Prevention through Deterrence. Though there is extensive research on the racism that non-Black migrants face when interacting with enforcement agencies in the Borderlands, there is no research centering the experiences of Black migrants. In this paper, I argue that in spite of this dangerous route, migrants find ways to survive through community-based strategies, including transnational networks. Additionally, I examine local efforts in Mexicali, B.C. to provide support to migrants. This case-study is critical for the understanding of the borderlands as it highlights the detrimental consequences of colonial occupation, racism, and late-stage capitalism. Key words: Black migration, immigration, border enforcement, asylum process

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COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy Among Pregnant People in Arizona

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With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for

With recent reports indicating that there is a relatively low number of pregnant people vaccinated against COVID-19 in the United States (~30% per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, October, 2021), this study aims to understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the pregnant population in the state of Arizona. Using a mixed-methods approach, this cross-sectional study employs both semi-structured qualitative interviews (n = 40) and a quantitative survey instrument (n = 400) to better understand the reasons for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among pregnant people, with data collected over the course of a few months. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression are employed to analyze the quantitative data and the semi-structured interviews are inductively coded to analyze themes across participant interviews. The results from this study are not only able to help better address disparities in COVID-19 vaccinations among pregnant people, but they also provide implications for vaccine hesitancy overall in order to develop interventions to address vaccine hesitancy. Future research is warranted to better understand regional differences in vaccine hesitancy and differences across populations.

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Achieving Health Equity: The Role of Community Health Workers in Latinx Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Arizona

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The purpose of this study is to describe Community Health Workers’ (CHWs) efforts in meeting unmet needs in underserved populations, especially with added COVID-19 pressures. Five focus groups were conducted with 28 CHWs across three counties. It was found that

The purpose of this study is to describe Community Health Workers’ (CHWs) efforts in meeting unmet needs in underserved populations, especially with added COVID-19 pressures. Five focus groups were conducted with 28 CHWs across three counties. It was found that CHW’s served as puentes/bridges, in which the extent of their reach and foundational strength provides a connection between the Latino/a/x population across Arizona and social services, resources, and the healthcare system.
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The Show Must Go On: Exploring the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Phoenix Music Scene

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In 2020, a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19 forced thousands of concert venues across the United States to close their doors to music lovers and employees alike. This project serves to examine how concert enthusiasts, music venue employees and venues

In 2020, a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19 forced thousands of concert venues across the United States to close their doors to music lovers and employees alike. This project serves to examine how concert enthusiasts, music venue employees and venues in the Valley responded to the return of the live music industry.

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Cultural Competence in the Medical Education Cycle

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Mentions of diversity have become an essential part of every university and medical school’s mission statement. Yet, with such an emphasis on diversity, there is an evident absence of<br/>cultural competence education in the curricula of medical education. There is no

Mentions of diversity have become an essential part of every university and medical school’s mission statement. Yet, with such an emphasis on diversity, there is an evident absence of<br/>cultural competence education in the curricula of medical education. There is no clear answer of<br/>what is expected of physicians and no direct transitions for the different stages of medical<br/>training when it comes to cultural competence education. This is a vital issue, as there is a close<br/>relationship between the quality of patient care, patient adherence, and medical providers’ levels<br/>of cultural competence. This research analyzes the extent that cultural competence is taught at<br/>various points of the medical education cycle through a data analysis of an IRB approved<br/>questionnaire given to students within the medical education cycle and their value versus<br/>exposure of cultural competence.

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The Successes and Failures of the Freedom Budget and What They Mean for Today’s Progressive Battles

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In the 1960s, prominent Civil Rights leaders proposed a Freedom Budget For All Americans, a policy proposal pamphlet with ambitious goals such as the abolition of poverty, universal healthcare and housing, fair wages for workers, a progressive tax, and more.

In the 1960s, prominent Civil Rights leaders proposed a Freedom Budget For All Americans, a policy proposal pamphlet with ambitious goals such as the abolition of poverty, universal healthcare and housing, fair wages for workers, a progressive tax, and more. These economic goals were meant to alleviate racial inequality by attacking the deep roots of inequality in the United States. While the Freedom Budget did not pass, the movement for the goals was incredibly remarkable and modern progressive movements like that for the Green New Deal can learn much from the successes and failures of the Freedom Budget. This thesis aims to identify strengths and weaknesses, analyze the causes behind them, and synthesize these factors into the modern context of the Green New Deal's fight.
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