Space Architecture: Improving Psychological Support Aboard the International Space Station Through Design


Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even

Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even now, it remains problematic. The risks involved with space travel are immense: rocket failures such as that in Columbia, hull breaches, or simple miscalculations that may result in numerous deaths and severe casualties. For much of its history, space travel has emphasized practicality, economics, and engineering, leaving little room to design an environment supporting those in orbit. While engineering, finances, and feasibility reign as the highest priorities in space habitation, there is an often overlooked necessity to design environments that better address station inhabitants' mental and behavioral needs.

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The Process Project App, addresses the impact and value of architecture in all aspects and provides users with necessary information and guidance needed in one cohesive interface. The app uses psychographic and GIS mapping to analyze existing sites. community demographics,

The Process Project App, addresses the impact and value of architecture in all aspects and provides users with necessary information and guidance needed in one cohesive interface. The app uses psychographic and GIS mapping to analyze existing sites. community demographics, and provide visualizations and information about the potential impact of the building ideas. By doing so, the app can help architects design buildings that cater to the specific needs and desires of the people who will use and inhabit them, while also promoting sustainable behaviors and reducing the environmental impact of the building. Ultimately, the app aims to create a community-driven platform for architecture ideas that can lead to more efficient and sustainable buildings, happier occupants, and a better overall user experience that can shape the path of this new wave of architecture.

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Role of Circular Economy in the Indigenous Built Environment: An Assessment of Design and Construction Potential of Circular Building Materials in an American Indian Community

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This thesis intends to help inform American Indian nations’ decision making related to housing. The study recognizes the urgent need for housing solutions that fit the needs of a community as well as benefit the overall ecosystem. One model that

This thesis intends to help inform American Indian nations’ decision making related to housing. The study recognizes the urgent need for housing solutions that fit the needs of a community as well as benefit the overall ecosystem. One model that can offer guidance is the Circular Economy (CE) model. A well-thought-out CE process can provide housing solutions that are economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable. It also stimulates the local economy by strategically introducing positive changes. This research identifies the construction potential of available circular materials as compared to more contemporary building materials. It then recommends a closed-loop circular model that utilizes the community’s existing infrastructure to develop affordable housing. The proposed CE model operates within the built environment, stimulating local employment while catering to the needs of the residents. Such an approach can prove to be beneficial for the local community and perhaps scalable to the global economy.
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The Architecture of Mindfulness

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In the age of social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and an overwhelming pressure to become "successful," there is a marked lack of personal connection within communities and a constant state of stress and overwork. This constant state of stress

In the age of social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and an overwhelming pressure to become "successful," there is a marked lack of personal connection within communities and a constant state of stress and overwork. This constant state of stress then builds into anxiety, as there are few public resources for mental reprieve. The World Health Organization reports that anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders worldwide, begging the question as to how they can be addressed most effectively worldwide. As design is implicit within any environment that provides for mental wellness, it must be carefully curated to provide not only the physical necessities, but speak for something beyond explanation- a sense of mental refuge and comfort. Using the concept of mindfulness, architecture has the power to force users to truly be present in the experience, activating space to become a mental refuge rather than a passive infrastructure.
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