Harvesting Water Saving Potential Outdoors:
A Guide To Incorporating Xeriscape And Passive Rainwater Harvesting Techniques For Residents in Phoenix, Arizona

This project is a collaboration between Arizona State University Project Cities, The Design School, and the City of Phoenix’s Water Services Department. The thesis is an exploration and analysis of feedback from Phoenix residents used to create an educational resource,

This project is a collaboration between Arizona State University Project Cities, The Design School, and the City of Phoenix’s Water Services Department. The thesis is an exploration and analysis of feedback from Phoenix residents used to create an educational resource, which is intended to give Phoenix homeowners inspiration on how to successfully modify their front yard using xeriscape and rainwater harvesting methods intended to help them save water and keep their landscape drought resilient.
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Latin Sol Festival: Preserving History and Enhancing Diversity within the Latin Dance Community in Arizona

The Latin Sol Festival stands as a vibrant celebration of culture, music, and dance, uniting communities and fostering connections in a dynamic showcase of Latin heritage. Held annually, this festival embodies the spirit of cultural preservation and community engagement. As

The Latin Sol Festival stands as a vibrant celebration of culture, music, and dance, uniting communities and fostering connections in a dynamic showcase of Latin heritage. Held annually, this festival embodies the spirit of cultural preservation and community engagement. As the festival continues to grow and evolve, it remains committed to its original mission. The aim of this creative project was to maximize efficiency, effectiveness, diversity, document its historical impact, increase Sunday participation and set a new standard for future years. These were accomplished by a diverse set of tools including marketing, rebranding, delegation, design and collaborations with local businesses.
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Systems Thinking, Regenerative Design, and the Living Building Challenge in Post-Pandemic Workplace Interior Design

All living and man-made features have their place in Earth’s web of living systems. Thinking in terms of design and positioning social, environmental, ecological, and economic systems as interconnected parts of a whole, regenerative design seeks to give back more

All living and man-made features have their place in Earth’s web of living systems. Thinking in terms of design and positioning social, environmental, ecological, and economic systems as interconnected parts of a whole, regenerative design seeks to give back more than it takes from the environment; surpassing present sustainable design initiatives to foster holistic solutions which have the capacity to transform wicked problems into positive outcomes. This method utilizes a systems thinking approach by connecting various scales to the benefit of ecological, environmental, economic, and social organizations. Systems thinking can be defined broadly as “an approach to integration that is based on the belief that the component parts of a system will act differently when isolated from the system’s environment or other parts of the system” (Principal 2021). Thus, systems are nested within one another and cannot be properly examined without considering the other elements they impact. It is then pertinent to work within the interconnectedness of elements and account for these relationships since “the sustainability of a living system is tied directly to its beneficial integration into a larger system” (Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability 2016). Regenerative design builds upon this by striving to create a unified whole where the co-evolution of humans and natural systems support one another through design (Regenerative Development and Design: A Framework for Evolving Sustainability 2016). Serving as a framework for regenerative design, the Living Building Challenge creates a unified building standard with the goal of enriching architectural and interior environments to positively impact social, environmental, economic, and ecological systems. To implement these principles, the aim of this creative project will be to attain Living Building Challenge Interior CORE certification in the context of a post-pandemic workplace design project.
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Designing Workspaces with Consideration to our Senses and their Effect on Stress

Levels of chronic stress in the United States related to work culture and working environments is a widely dealt with issue that is taking a toll on factors such as mental health and physical well being. High levels of stress

Levels of chronic stress in the United States related to work culture and working environments is a widely dealt with issue that is taking a toll on factors such as mental health and physical well being. High levels of stress can lead to issues such as headaches, high blood pressure, weight gain or damage to the immune system. Due to adults in the United States spending roughly eight hours a day, five days a week in their workspaces, it is relevant to investigate designing a space tailored to the way humans interpret their emotions and feelings about the surrounding environment: through the five senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. Findings suggest that there is potential to lower chronic stress levels by gaining a better understanding of the senses and how different stimuli affect the stress response and how those can be applied to the workspace.
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