Space Architecture: Improving Psychological Support Aboard the International Space Station Through Design


Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even

Interstellar travel has been one of planet Earth’s grandest achievements in modern history. To send people and entire laboratories beyond Earth’s atmosphere is an unfathomably complex and challenging accomplishment; the logistics and engineering alone took decades to execute, and even now, it remains problematic. The risks involved with space travel are immense: rocket failures such as that in Columbia, hull breaches, or simple miscalculations that may result in numerous deaths and severe casualties. For much of its history, space travel has emphasized practicality, economics, and engineering, leaving little room to design an environment supporting those in orbit. While engineering, finances, and feasibility reign as the highest priorities in space habitation, there is an often overlooked necessity to design environments that better address station inhabitants' mental and behavioral needs.

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Salomon's House: A Synthetic Biology Science Fiction Prototype

Based upon the idea of a "science fiction prototype" as originally designed by Brian David Johnson, Salomon’s House is a science fiction novella, written to be as scientifically accurate as possible and to present a balanced account of the potential

Based upon the idea of a "science fiction prototype" as originally designed by Brian David Johnson, Salomon’s House is a science fiction novella, written to be as scientifically accurate as possible and to present a balanced account of the potential social consequences of genetic engineering. It aims to explore the answers to some core questions that have plagued scientists and philosophers alike while entertaining its readers with a punchy, character-driven narrative.
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Clustered Unfriendly Faces Data - Full Data

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

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Clustered Surreal Images Data - Clusters

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

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Clustered Action Data - Sheet 1

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

Date Created

Clustered Friendly Faces Data - Clusters

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

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Thesis Defense Presentation

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

Date Created

Hatfield Final Project (Spring 2022)

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This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.

Date Created

Saying HAI: Augmenting Human Connection with Artificial Intelligence

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of

This project explores the potential of an artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithm, K-Means to augment the connection between two individuals through a game interface. Further implementation of such technology is theorized in the form of a two-way chatbot. The role of bias is extensively reported and researched in order to remain cognizant of these new technological advancements.
Date Created

Close Encounters of the First Kind: On Cultural Representations of Extraterrestrials, First Contact, & the Mythology of the Alien Other

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Western culture has oversimplified and mythologized the possibility of first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Whether through anthropocentrism, lack of contextual literature and/or available knowledge, or simple misunderstanding, humanity has failed to fully consider the impacts of seeking out alien life.

Western culture has oversimplified and mythologized the possibility of first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. Whether through anthropocentrism, lack of contextual literature and/or available knowledge, or simple misunderstanding, humanity has failed to fully consider the impacts of seeking out alien life. Instead, humanity’s cultural and political representations of extraterrestrials tell us a great deal about the people behind the stories—all of us stuck together on our pale blue dot. This thesis explores the mythological character that is ever-present in the extraterrestrial conversation, and how past and current cultural creators in the global West have perpetuated and changed that paradigm. This thesis is also an exploration of the ways we envision our ability to contact and interact with an unknown extraterrestrial other—in many ways mythological, and in some ways as powerful symbols for struggles against oppression. I argue for a more nuanced, creative, and scientifically driven representation and consideration of first contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.
Date Created