Sowing the Seeds of Dysfunction: Stalin's Lingering Legacy on the Soviet Collapse and the Emergence of Capitalism in Post-Soviet Russia

This paper delves into the ramifications of Stalin's economic policy of collectivization, as well as how collectivization was instrumental to creating the poor economic environment that plagued post-Soviet Russia. This includes the rise of consumer culture, the economy of favors, and black marketeering.
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The Environmental Justice Movement: A California Study of EPA Superfund Cleanups

This research paper seeks to explore the environmental justice movement in California, through specifically examining the cleanup of EPA Superfund sites. In 1980, the Environmental Protection Agency created the Superfund list, consisting of the nation's worst toxic waste sites, which

This research paper seeks to explore the environmental justice movement in California, through specifically examining the cleanup of EPA Superfund sites. In 1980, the Environmental Protection Agency created the Superfund list, consisting of the nation's worst toxic waste sites, which the EPA has committed to clean. This paper qualitatively analyzes the cities/counties near two Superfund sites in California, one that has been permanently cleaned and another that has yet to be cleaned. While many factors may influence the EPA to clean up certain sites over others, this paper focuses on whether race, income/education, representation, and community groups play a role in the permanent cleanup of a site. I initially hypothesized that the site with a higher non-white population and lower educational attainment/income was less likely to receive permanent cleanup. This hypothesis was not supported in my analysis of the two selected sites. I also hypothesized that the site with lower levels of bureaucratic representation would be less likely to experience permanent cleanup, however it seems that distributional equity may have played more of an influential role on the EPA than bureaucratic representation. My results regarding the presence of community organizations were inconclusive, though some groups were found to have had access to the EPA. While examining more sites across the U.S. would further research in this area, this project serves as a basis of understanding toxic waste sites in vulnerable communities and the EPA's role in the environmental justice movement.
Date Created

GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

GPU vs CPU: AI and the Xeon Business

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry

The rapid expansion of artificial intelligence has propelled significant growth in the GPU market. In the evolving data center landscape, Company X faces challenges due to its lag in entering the GPU market, which jeopardizes its competitive advantage against industry players like Nvidia and AMD. To address these issues, our thesis aims to analyze market dynamics between CPUs and GPUs-whether they present distinct markets or compete against each other. We seek to guide Company X in maximizing profitability and sustaining its pivotal role in the semiconductor industry amidst the AI revolution. Specifically, we discuss optimizing their GPU offering, Falcon Shores, towards specific markets and doubling down on the production of CPUs.
Date Created

An Exploration of Color


Jake Hernandez grew up in Houston, Texas where his frequent visits to the Museum of Fine Arts introduced him to the works of Mark Rothko and Piet Mondrian. Inspired by these artist’s use of color, Hernandez has leveraged his own

Jake Hernandez grew up in Houston, Texas where his frequent visits to the Museum of Fine Arts introduced him to the works of Mark Rothko and Piet Mondrian. Inspired by these artist’s use of color, Hernandez has leveraged his own understanding of color theory and mathematics to explore the complexity of this element for his honors thesis. In Colored Squares I and II, Hernandez created a process of random color generation from a set of blue, red, and yellow pigments to explore color in the absence of human bias. Since artists' personal biases and inclinations towards color affect our exploration of this element, Hernandez wanted to eliminate these obstructions to investigate color to a much greater extent. In Colored Landscapes I, II, and III, Hernandez used the primaries again in a more expressive style. Drawing inspiration from his travels across Europe and North America, Hernandez created new landscapes all his own. These studies offer a substantiated argument for the limits of art itself, showing artists have only explored a very small fraction of art's possibilities and that more exploration can be done in color and the other elements of art.

Date Created

Contemporary Architecture: A single-family residential development proposal in Central Arizona

The development of modest residential properties in Phoenix, Arizona is a topic of great interest to architects and urban planners. Phoenix is a rapidly growing city, with a population that is projected to continue to increase in the coming years.

The development of modest residential properties in Phoenix, Arizona is a topic of great interest to architects and urban planners. Phoenix is a rapidly growing city, with a population that is projected to continue to increase in the coming years. As such, there is a great need for affordable and sustainable housing options that can accommodate this growing population. In this thesis prospectus, we will explore the architectural elements that make up a modern and modest residential design in Phoenix, Arizona by proposing a theoretical infill residential development located in Central Arizona. The design will be oriented to the biggest problem regarding residential development and design within Phoenix: lack of attainable housing and the impact of urbanization and urban sprawl. The thesis will focus on the key elements of affordability, residential variety, modern building techniques, and modular design.
Date Created

EasyHub: Can an Innovation Contribute to Economic Recovery by Improving a Hotel Guest’s Experience?

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As the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm, the hotel industry struggled to remain afloat. Many resorted to innovative solutions to maintain their business and jobs. As the hotel industry grappled with ideas that could keep their business afloat,

As the COVID-19 pandemic took the world by storm, the hotel industry struggled to remain afloat. Many resorted to innovative solutions to maintain their business and jobs. As the hotel industry grappled with ideas that could keep their business afloat, an idea called EasyHub was born. EasyHub is a hypothetical mobile device application that bridges the user and a paired SMART device or an entire ecosystem of SMART devices. While the design for EasyHub was initially intended to help hotels increase their accessibility, it soon became apparent that EasyHub could potentially be a product of much greater market value. As the idea of EasyHub became more developed, the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to subdue, and the hotel industry was on the mend. Assuming that EasyHub is found useful, it could theoretically boost demand to businesses that use them. Many hotels already utilize SMART devices to some degree making them prime targets for EasyHub. This research paper seeks to determine if EasyHub can aid hotels’ recovery from the pandemic-induced recession by increasing revenue. Surveys were conducted among hoteliers and a general audience to determine the impact of EasyHub on guests’ decisions to stay at a hotel. The results indicate that EasyHub would not be a significant factor in guests’ decision-making of hotels; however, this may be due to a lack of clarity about the product, as many respondents expressed a desire for more information. Further development and testing of EasyHub is necessary before a market analysis and its full potential can be assessed.

Date Created

The Effects of Put-away Errors and Time Pressure on Warehouse Worker Stress, Productivity, and Order Picking Accuracy


Warehouse workers are critical to the success of any business and supply chain. It is important to understand different factors that can influence an employee's performance and satisfaction at work. In order to determine some best practices, 173 students at

Warehouse workers are critical to the success of any business and supply chain. It is important to understand different factors that can influence an employee's performance and satisfaction at work. In order to determine some best practices, 173 students at Arizona State University participated in an online warehousing simulation in a controlled laboratory setting. Participants were subject to different combinations of time pressure and put-away errors (i.e. when items that need to be picked by a warehouse worker are not located where they are supposed to be). A preliminary analysis shows that the largest impact is that of time pressure on worker productivity. As time pressure increases, the time required to complete a task decreases. The trade-offs of using time pressure as a management option are discussed.

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