Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing for Young Adults Grieving

Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing For Young Adults Grieving is a written resource for bereaved young adults. Cassandra, having faced the challenging loss of her father, Charlie, just before starting college, noticed a distinct lack of

Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony: A Guide Toward Healthy Healing For Young Adults Grieving is a written resource for bereaved young adults. Cassandra, having faced the challenging loss of her father, Charlie, just before starting college, noticed a distinct lack of resources tailored for grieving young adults. She felt discouraged by the scarcity of materials specifically catering to the needs of this demographic. In response to this gap, Cassandra decided to write a narrative to fill the void and offer guidance to others navigating similar challenges in their grief journey. This narrative represents Cassandra’s exploration of resilience in the face of bereavement during her own young adulthood. Initially, Cassandra set out to create a "guide to grieving" for young adults, but discovered there's no universal roadmap for an easy journey through loss. To gain insights, she interviewed five individuals who suffered the loss of their parent between the ages of 15 and 22. Despite diverse experiences between the interviewees and Cassandra, common themes emerged. She delved deeper into these themes through research, hoping to create a comprehensive resource that young adults could look to. Still however, through the process, she realized grief is highly personal, shaped by individual circumstances and reactions. While various paths for coping exist, the focus of this thesis is to inspire and offer guidance to those navigating the challenges of grieving. Charlie’s Bitter Sweet Symphony, originally the famous 37-hour playlist created by her dad, was also the soundtrack of his life. Now, it is a guide for young adults grieving the loss of a loved one. Each chapter in the narrative, named after a song on her dad’s playlist, provides insight from an interviewee, an anecdote from Cassandra’s experience, and research from other online sources to support themes presented in the text. Cassandra hopes that her words can serve as a guiding light, leading an individual with grace and strength through the dark passages of grief.
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Communities, News Deserts and Environmental News Ecosystem Health


This thesis will examine possible connection points between the health of a local environmental/climate news ecosystem and that local community’s belief in and vulnerability to the effects of climate change in Central Appalachia and Northern Virginia. The three counties that

This thesis will examine possible connection points between the health of a local environmental/climate news ecosystem and that local community’s belief in and vulnerability to the effects of climate change in Central Appalachia and Northern Virginia. The three counties that will be studied in Virginia are Arlington, Buchanan and Wise Counties. This research will be mainly a hypothesis-generating descriptive analysis of data, coupled with both interviews with researchers and local experts, in addition to observations from relevant literature about the possible connections between availability of environmental news with climate change, institutional belief and climate vulnerability data. The local history of resource extraction will also be explored. The point of this thesis is not to prove that a lack of access to strong, locally focused climate and environmental news increases vulnerability to the effects of climate change (although it does raise this as a possibility). Rather, it is to continue a conversation with journalists, media professionals and climate professionals about how to approach understanding and engaging groups left out of the climate conversation and groups who've been traditionally underserved by news media when it comes to climate information and appeals for institutional trust. This conversation is already happening, especially when it comes to the importance of the health of local, community focused news in general in Appalachia, but given the urgency and scale of the climate crisis, merits continuation and some inquiry into environmental news.

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