Charisma in Tour Guides: A Training and Application to Choices in Higher Education

Tour guides allow students an insight into universities around the country, helping students to make their college decision a little easier. Does the charisma a tour guide showcases make a difference in the students decision? Throughout watching the Devils' Advocates

Tour guides allow students an insight into universities around the country, helping students to make their college decision a little easier. Does the charisma a tour guide showcases make a difference in the students decision? Throughout watching the Devils' Advocates of Arizona State University we were able to see a trend towards students being more likely to say they were going to Arizona State with the more charismatic qualities that the tour guide exemplified.
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A Measure of Engineering Self-Efficacy & Engineering Identity in Undergraduate Students

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Self-efficacy in engineering, engineering identity, and coping in engineering have been shown in previous studies to be highly important in the advancement of one’s development in the field of engineering. Through the creation and deployment of a 17 question survey,

Self-efficacy in engineering, engineering identity, and coping in engineering have been shown in previous studies to be highly important in the advancement of one’s development in the field of engineering. Through the creation and deployment of a 17 question survey, undergraduate and first year masters students were asked to provide information on their engagement at their university, their demographic information, and to rank their level of agreement with 22 statements relating to the aforementioned ideas. Using the results from the collected data, exploratory factor analysis was completed to identify the factors that existed and any correlations. No statistically significant correlations between the identified three factors and demographic or engagement information were found. There needs to be a significant increase in the data sample size for statistically significant results to be found. Additionally, there is future work needed in the creation of an engagement measure that successfully reflects the level and impact of participation in engineering activities beyond traditional coursework.

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Assessment of Concept Mapping in a Biomaterials Class

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Concept maps are teaching tools used to encourage students to utilize active learning strategies and to take responsibility for their own learning. The purpose of this two-semester study is to evaluate the use of concept maps in a junior-level Biomaterials

Concept maps are teaching tools used to encourage students to utilize active learning strategies and to take responsibility for their own learning. The purpose of this two-semester study is to evaluate the use of concept maps in a junior-level Biomaterials classroom. The maps are assessed based on students' attitude, achievement, and persistence. No significant correlation was determined between concept map score and achievement (correlation coefficient = 0.1739 in the first semester, 0.2208 in the first set of the second semester, and 0.0829 in the second set of the second semester), though further studies should be completed to support the effects of concept mapping. Statistically significant increases in student attitude regarding concept mapping cost, interest, and utility between the two semesters were found (p = 0.013, p = 0.105, p = 0.002, p = 0.083 overall). Persistence was moderately high throughout the entire study (98% in the first semester and 100% in the second semester).
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