Technology Path Choice and Competitive Advantage of Firms in Emerging Industries: An Empirical Study Based on China's Photovoltaic Industry

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Photovoltaic industry, as a strategic emerging industry supported by the national policy for a long time, is an important part of new energy industry, which is crucial for China to realize the upgrading of its energy structure and practice the

Photovoltaic industry, as a strategic emerging industry supported by the national policy for a long time, is an important part of new energy industry, which is crucial for China to realize the upgrading of its energy structure and practice the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality". Photovoltaic industry is characterized by long R&D investment cycle, strong scale effect, high risk of technology selection, etc. Therefore, the study of photovoltaic industry can help to explore the development law of emerging industries, and has a strong inspirational role in promoting the transformation of industrial development and the construction of independent innovation of enterprises. Silicon link is the upstream link of PV manufacturing industry, with high technical barriers, and is the most representative link of PV industry. This paper selects all the PV enterprises in the upstream silicon link of the PV industry chain as the research object according to the standards of the PV industry, by combing the industrial development history and technological change of such enterprises, and trying to explore the basic influencing factors affecting their technological routes by focusing on the technological route disputes between mono-crystalline and polycrystalline in the process of their development, creatively identifying the competitive strategies and decomposing them in the perspectives of costs, efficiency, environmental externalities and transaction costs, by constructing the basic factors affecting their technological routes. We creatively identify the competitive strategies and decompose them from the perspectives of cost, efficiency, environmental externalities, and transaction cost, and try to answer the question of what characteristics of technology routes can help enterprises gain competitive advantages from the perspective of the final development of enterprises through the construction of theoretical models and case studies, and then explore the specific influencing factors affecting the selection of different technology routes by enterprises. In this way, we can provide suggestions for improving the development quality of China's photovoltaic industry, realizing sustainable development, and contributing to the rapid development of China's strategic emerging industries.
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Collectivism Culture, Institutional Environment and Family Business Innovation Investment

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Culture is the root and soul of a country and a nation. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is an important source of modern socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and an inexhaustible spiritual driving force for the Chinese nation. As our

Culture is the root and soul of a country and a nation. The excellent traditional Chinese culture is an important source of modern socialist culture with Chinese characteristics and an inexhaustible spiritual driving force for the Chinese nation. As our country’s comprehensive national strength unceasingly climbs, the Chinese traditional culture receives increasing attention from people of all walks of life. The cultivation of rice in the south and wheat in the north in China leads to a huge cultural difference, which shapes individual behavior by influencing individual values, and subsequently influences enterprise governance mode and management decisions. Using the data of the origins of the founders of family businesses listed on A-share market from 2008 to 2020, this paper examines the relationship between collectivist culture and family business innovation and its impact mechanism. The results show that collectivist culture inhibits the innovation input of family firms, and the level of family control plays a mediating role. When the market regulatory environment is better and the political association of enterprises is lower, the influence of collectivist culture on innovation is more obvious. This DBA dissertation thoroughly analyzes the specific path that affects the innovative ability of family businesses. It enriches the related research on family business governance and technological innovation, contributes to the empirical evidence of eastern cultural context, and provides reference for strengthening the dominant position of technological innovation in family business and improving the level of regional innovation.
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Franchise Value of International Banks

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The aim of this dissertation is to examine the factors influencing the franchise value of international banks in the long run. Tobin’s Q ratio (i.e., simplified version, Price to Book value) is applied to measure the franchise value on a

The aim of this dissertation is to examine the factors influencing the franchise value of international banks in the long run. Tobin’s Q ratio (i.e., simplified version, Price to Book value) is applied to measure the franchise value on a dataset of 40-year performance (1981-2021) of the Global Systematic Important Banks (G-SIBs). Factors including the macro, operational, and business factors are analyzed using the fixed effect linear regression models to identify their correlations with the franchise value. The findings indicate that macro factors, such as interest rate, globalization cycle, pattern of global value chain, and stock market performance play a vital role in determining international banks’ franchise value. Macro factors play a more important role than operational factors such as leverage ratio and risk appetite, as well as business scope of a bank measured by business diversification and the scale of business. An analysis of a smaller sample indicates that investment in technology is another main factor driving the franchise value of international banks. In addition, peer group comparison of similar banking models is also conducted for universal banks, investment banks, and Japanese banks separately. Finally, two case studies of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse in 2023 are discussed to echo the rationale drawn from the empirical analyses of G-SIB banks.
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新世纪以来中国电影的产业化改革与探索愈发呈现良好的态势,国产院线电影也在实践中努力赢得观众和票房市场。其中类型喜剧电影,最符合商业电影规律、最顺应影视市场需求、最能获得票房收益而备受影视创投机构、制作公司青睐。本论文研究对象聚焦类型喜剧电影,通过“欢声笑语里的财富”现象,探究类型喜剧电影内部本体构成要素与外部客观促成要素的关联;以通过分析自变量与因变量因素对中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素进行实证研究,为影视创投和影视制作总结并提供可靠建议。 本论文整体结构包括:第一部分为导论,包括研究背景、目的意义,相关文献综述与文献评述和论文创新性。第二部分聚焦类型喜剧本身,从电影学范畴的电影本体出发,探究“笑”的心理、社会与文化内涵,并分析将“笑”对经济领域的延伸。第三部分以影视投资、票房为依托,从现象和数据中探寻影响类型喜剧电影的因素,为展开中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素实证研究做好理论的铺垫。第四与第五部分则基于上述理论进行实证检验,选用2013-2020年电影样本,采用多元线性回归模型研究喜剧类型对票房的吸引力,以及不同种类型喜剧对电影票房的提振效果作用差异。研究发现喜剧电影对电影票房有显著的提振作用;以及研究电影的外部影响因素(续集效应)对电影票房的作用。发现续集电影有更好的票房表现,续集效应的票房提升作用在喜剧电影中表现的更加明显。 本论文研究成果最终将回归到“欢声笑语里的财富”本身;即“类型复合喜剧”对促进电影与金融产业的互动关联、实现更加可持续化发展,以及进而推动经济及文化业的发展。
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随着中国居民消费占GDP比例的提升,人均GDP的增长,银行等贷款机构对个人和零售业务的长期发展,中国金融机构的个人贷款不良资产规模发生了很大的变化。居民个人对外负债主要是以债权方式体现。基于债权的一致性,对于借贷人的个人外部负债缺少特定的强制性的偿贷顺序安排,偿贷行为也不会受到法律框架的强制约束,导致借贷人在偿贷能力不足时,个体的主观意愿对于偿贷行为结果的影响显著。 既往的个人贷款不良资产管理和服务模式,均参照企业贷款不良资产管理和服务模式,体现出在标的资产的产品特点、信贷主体差异、法律完备性、对公共基础服务支撑要求等方面存在显著的不同。原有针对企业贷款不良资产的管理和服务模式在适应个人贷款不良资产管理和服务时,也就需要采用不同的方式和策略,所以,优化、提升对于借贷人的管理和服务模式就存在必要的调整和优化空间。 由于借贷人的自然人属性,区别于企业的法人属性,其生命周期自然存续期间,偿贷能力存在修复的可能,外部征信环境的改善,也会对个人贷款不良资产的产生影响。现有的个人贷款不良资产的管理和服务模式也需要做出必要的调整过和安排。 21世纪前20年,互联网/通讯/IT技术发展迅速,AI、BigData、Blockchain等技术逐渐成熟,对厘清个人贷款不良资产偿贷机制提供了必要的基础数据。在此基础上,运用日趋完备的信息不对称和行为决策等理论工具,对既有对个人贷款不良资产管理和服务模式做出优化和调整就存在可能性。 本文基于P2P个人贷款不良资产管理和服务过程中形成的数据,选取金额回款率和失联事件发生率来计量借款人的行为决策结果,通过对这两个指标在个人贷款不良资产管理和服务中呈现的规律进行分析,初步厘清了个人贷款不良资产的偿贷过程中的行为决策机制,在既有框架基础上,对个人贷款不良资产管理和服务中的资产定价优化、资产交易模式、管理和服务机构评价、不良资产策略管理策略、催收服务策略等提供提供了有益的补充。
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关键词: 动量因子,东亚证券市场,套利策略
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