Technology Path Choice and Competitive Advantage of Firms in Emerging Industries: An Empirical Study Based on China's Photovoltaic Industry

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Photovoltaic industry, as a strategic emerging industry supported by the national policy for a long time, is an important part of new energy industry, which is crucial for China to realize the upgrading of its energy structure and practice the

Photovoltaic industry, as a strategic emerging industry supported by the national policy for a long time, is an important part of new energy industry, which is crucial for China to realize the upgrading of its energy structure and practice the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality". Photovoltaic industry is characterized by long R&D investment cycle, strong scale effect, high risk of technology selection, etc. Therefore, the study of photovoltaic industry can help to explore the development law of emerging industries, and has a strong inspirational role in promoting the transformation of industrial development and the construction of independent innovation of enterprises. Silicon link is the upstream link of PV manufacturing industry, with high technical barriers, and is the most representative link of PV industry. This paper selects all the PV enterprises in the upstream silicon link of the PV industry chain as the research object according to the standards of the PV industry, by combing the industrial development history and technological change of such enterprises, and trying to explore the basic influencing factors affecting their technological routes by focusing on the technological route disputes between mono-crystalline and polycrystalline in the process of their development, creatively identifying the competitive strategies and decomposing them in the perspectives of costs, efficiency, environmental externalities and transaction costs, by constructing the basic factors affecting their technological routes. We creatively identify the competitive strategies and decompose them from the perspectives of cost, efficiency, environmental externalities, and transaction cost, and try to answer the question of what characteristics of technology routes can help enterprises gain competitive advantages from the perspective of the final development of enterprises through the construction of theoretical models and case studies, and then explore the specific influencing factors affecting the selection of different technology routes by enterprises. In this way, we can provide suggestions for improving the development quality of China's photovoltaic industry, realizing sustainable development, and contributing to the rapid development of China's strategic emerging industries.
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Private Offering and Innovation of Listed New Energy Enterprises

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Non public offerings are common economic activities of enterprises. Enterprises that make non-public offerings can use the financing capital to purchase fixed assets and expand. From the perspective of enterprise innovation, with the continuous upgrading of market competition, enterprises may

Non public offerings are common economic activities of enterprises. Enterprises that make non-public offerings can use the financing capital to purchase fixed assets and expand. From the perspective of enterprise innovation, with the continuous upgrading of market competition, enterprises may need new capital to upgrade their assets, or purchase key technology licenses, patents, and invest in start-ups in related industries. Therefore, there may be some correlation between economic activities and innovation. It is of great significance to understand the impact of economic activities and analyze the influencing factors of innovation performance for how to better promote innovation. This paper increases the consideration of the impact of non-public issuance on innovation, and further find out the impact mechanism of innovation. Although there is positive relationship between non-public issuance and invention patents and utility models, with the relationship with utility models is significant at the 5% level, considering the endogeneity of this relationship remains significant only in the DID model. In the sub samples of non-public issuance plans, the success of issuance also becomes insignificant. Under the instrumental variable method, the conclusion of the benchmark model is supported, and in the sub samples of non-public issuance plans, the success of issuance is still not significant. In the lag phase inspection, non-public issuance promotes the improvement of utility model patents in enterprises. The asset liability ratio of enterprises has certain positive moderating effect on the relationship between non-public issuance and corporate innovation, but this effect only holds across the entire sample range. In the subsample, this conclusion is not true. The moderating effects of R&D ratio, whether there are cash transactions, and whether major shareholders participate are not significant. Companies with low public offering price ratios, i.e. those with high discounts, may experience a decrease in their innovation after successful issuance. These companies are relatively inferior in the market and attract non-public investors with high discounts. They cannot create good innovation, while good innovative companies have lower discounts on non-public offerings. After raising funds, companies increase their R&D, Promote further innovation achievements.
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Research on the Impact and Mechanism of Internal Control of Securities Firms on IPO Firms

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This paper first introduces the institutional background of the study. In the context of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China, the gatekeeper role of IPO enterprises has changed from the supervisor to the market,

This paper first introduces the institutional background of the study. In the context of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China, the gatekeeper role of IPO enterprises has changed from the supervisor to the market, which puts forward higher requirements for intermediary institutions such as securities companies. As an important market medium connecting IPO enterprises and external investors, securities companies are known as the "gatekeepers" of the capital market. They can authenticate and supervise the IPO enterprises they underwrite and/or sponsor. The impact of securities companies on the IPO process has also been a hot topic in the academic and practical circles. This paper examines the impact of internal control of securities companies on IPO companies.This study finds that the higher the level of internal control of securities companies, the higher the quality of IPO companies, including higher IPO information disclosure quality, lower IPO underpricing and higher post IPO performance. The mechanism test indicates that the internal control of securities companies can reduce employees' self-interest behavior and improving employees' work efficiency. Secondly, the impact is stronger in non-state-owned enterprises, when the reputation of securities companies is lower, and the external legal environment is lower. In addition, this study finds the compliance degree of internal control and the reliability of reporting of securities firms are important dimensions that affect the quality of IPO enterprises. iv The conclusions of this study have some practical significance. First, this study finds that the level of internal control of securities firms has an important impact on the quality of IPO enterprises. Therefore, improving the internal control of China's securities companies is an important work that needs to be grasped for a long time. The research conclusions of this paper have important research significance for further optimizing the gatekeeper responsibilities of securities companies and improving the efficiency of resource allocation in the IPO market under the background of the transition from the approval system to the registration system in China's IPO market.
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Three Essays on Nonprofit Supply Management

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Nonprofit operations management has gained increasing attention from both academia andpolicymakers. While the literature has focused on monetary donations, it is important to recognize that individuals also support charity organizations through volunteering and in-kind gifts. This dissertation examines the role of in-kind

Nonprofit operations management has gained increasing attention from both academia andpolicymakers. While the literature has focused on monetary donations, it is important to recognize that individuals also support charity organizations through volunteering and in-kind gifts. This dissertation examines the role of in-kind donations in supporting the operations of Nonprofit organizations. It is divided into three pieces: the first two investigate the relationship between individuals’ time and monetary donations, and their implications for Nonprofit operations, while the last part centers on individuals’ goods donations. The first chapter explores a fundamental question: Do volunteering activities discourage or encourage donations? While some research suggests that people view their time and financial contributions as substitutes, others believe that they should be complementary. Two controlled online experiments indicate that volunteering improves subsequent monetary donations and that, as greater effort is required, people tend to reduce their donations. These results highlight the importance of considering both the labor and financial contributions of volunteers and creating volunteer projects with an appropriate level of effort. The second chapter is about how to manage volunteers, taking into account how volunteers can be unpredictable, heterogeneous, and even donate money. The results challenge conventional knowledge in volunteer management, highlighting the need to integrate the management of volunteers and donors. Volunteers are not only suppliers of labor, but also consumers of volunteering activities. Moreover, enhancing the job efficiency of volunteers may also hinder the performance of charities. Last, the donation of goods is a vital form of supply for charities, which can be resold to generate additional revenue. However, not all in-kind gifts are useful, and unwanted donations can place a financial strain on charitable organizations. Despite this, nonprofits may hesitate to reject undesired donations for fear of discouraging future support. In response, I employ behavioral interventions to encourage donors to voluntarily increase the quality of their gifts.
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Ferment New Wine in Old Barrels: Operational Renovation for Efficiency and Social Welfare

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As Charles Darwin’s evolution theory reveals, it is not the strongest species that survive, but those most responsive to change. This principle also applies in the realm of operations management, where managers shall creatively redesign operations to address new challenges.

As Charles Darwin’s evolution theory reveals, it is not the strongest species that survive, but those most responsive to change. This principle also applies in the realm of operations management, where managers shall creatively redesign operations to address new challenges. This dissertation presents three cases where renovating traditional operations cost-effectively solves emerging problems, including fraudulent reviews on online platforms (Chapter 1), inefficient strategy design of advertisers (Chapter 2), and inadequate user participation in global procurement initiatives (Chapter 3). I demonstrate that such a practice not only enhances operational efficiency but promotes social welfare. The first two chapters examine operational renovation in the private sector, while the third focuses on the public sector. Specifically, Chapter 1 investigates sellers’ review manipulation on e-commerce platforms and shows that platforms may not be as committed to combating fake reviews as they claim to be. To mitigate this problem, I craft a game-theoretic model and illustrate that restructuring return policies – an essential, long-established operation – can inhibit review manipulation. Chapter 2 analyzes geofencing, an emerging advertising strategy that enables advertisers to send ads to consumers within a virtual fencing zone. While extant literature shows the usefulness of geofencing, the optimal implementation of the strategy remains unclear. Therefore, I analytically examine the optimal operations of geofencing. The findings suggest that the typical practice of setting the geofence around the advertiser’s store is not cost-efficient. Advertisers shall think outside of the box and consider placing the fencing zone elsewhere. My proposed geofencing location and radius could increase resource utilization, advertising efficacy, and consumer welfare. Chapter 3 switches the focus to the public sector, addressing the unaffordability of health products in low- to middle-income countries (LMICs). Social planners have managed procurement pools to help LMICs access health products, yet countries’ willingness to join the pool can vary greatly. A lack of country participation would jeopardize the success of pooled procurement. To encourage more countries to join, I design a procurement mechanism that considers countries’ heterogeneous preferences, disease burdens, and ability to pay. This proposed mechanism, with an appropriately designed subsidy plan, could maximize the aggregate social welfare.
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全球价值链下的中小企业战略转型升级路径 ——以打印耗材行业欣威科技企业与超俊科技企业为例

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本研究以中小型企业在全球价值链中的转型升级为聚焦,主要通过案例分析的方式,选取代表性企业欣威科技和超俊科技,提出“动态整合能力”的概念,发展了企业家精神理论、全球价值链理论、动态能力理论和企业间合作理论,对于中小型企业的战略转型升级具有实践借鉴价值。在研究方法上,研究针对中小型企业如何在全球价值链中转型升级进行回应,通过参与式观察、深度访谈获取数据与资料,并通过欣威科技与超俊科技的案例分析厘清脉络,以期对于全球价值链理论和动态能力理论有所贡献。 在研究结论上,本研究认为,中小型企业在全球价值链攀登中,应注重发展动态整合能力,密切跟进新技术运用和企业间合作,基于创始人专业背景资源拓展自身发展的空间。 在研究贡献与研究意义上,本研究探索中小型企业战略转型的驱动因素和升级路径,实质上是在全球价值链发展到新的阶段的必要命题。首先,研究聚焦的对象是中小型企业,中小型企业具有自身的特点和问题;其次,全球价值链和国内兼容打印耗材行业的发展均到了一个新的阶段,面临着一定的瓶颈,也亟待取得转型升级。因此,深入探索、挖掘和剖析中小型企业战略转型的驱动因素和升级路径,借鉴并拓展全球价值链理论、动态能力理论和企业间合作理论,为提升中小型企业在全球价值链发展中应对的能动性,在理论延伸和实践指导上均具有重大意义。
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中国工程机械企业并购绩效研究 — 以中联重科为例

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关键词:企业并购; 绩效评价;中联重科; 工程机械行业
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关键词: 融资租赁、类信贷、真租赁、经营性租赁、转型、风险管理
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