The Impact of Consumer Co-creation Value and Platform Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in the Context of the Sharing Economy——The Mediating Role of Self-determination Sense

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With the rapid development of information technology and the rise of the Internet+ era, the sharing economy has fundamentally changed people's lives and consumption patterns, and has also reshaped the process of value co-creation between enterprises and customers. In the

With the rapid development of information technology and the rise of the Internet+ era, the sharing economy has fundamentally changed people's lives and consumption patterns, and has also reshaped the process of value co-creation between enterprises and customers. In the sharing economy, enterprises no longer play the dominant role; instead, they have evolved into platforms that provide support and services for users. In this economy, users not only determine the profitability and reputation of enterprises but also create substantial value through the exchange of usage rights to idle resources and interactions both online and offline. Therefore, studying the value co-creation behavior of bilateral users on sharing service platforms is of significant necessity for enterprise development. This research aims to explore the impact mechanism of bilateral user value co-creation on customer value in sharing service platforms. Through the analysis and summarization of literature, a theoretical model of bilateral user value co-creation and customer value in the context of the sharing economy has been established. The research subjects include users of the homestay/inn platform on Ctrip, as well as users of other types of sharing platforms, such as Lazy Housekeeping, LoveChef, Didi and Airbnb. In the empirical part, questionnaires were designed and sample data was collected through the Questionnaire Star platform. SPSS 25 and AMOS 23 data analysis software were used to perform reliability and validity analysis and correlation analysis of the scales. Multivariate regression analysis was employed to investigate the impact of bilateral user value co-creation on various aspects of customer value. Additionally, the Bootstrap method was used to test the mediating roles of relevant factors. Through the above research methods, we will be able to have an in-depth understanding of the impact mechanism of two-sided user value co-creation on customer value of the shared service platform and obtain more comprehensive and concrete research findings. I believe that the findings of this study will have important implications for the theory and practice in the domain of sharing economy. Key words: sharing economy, sharing service platform, two-sided users, value co-creation, customer value
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Does the Development of Digital Finance Alleviate the Credit Financing Constraints of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?

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China’s digital economy has developed rapidly after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. As an important part of the digital economy, the application and development of digital finance has provided a better path for financial institutions

China’s digital economy has developed rapidly after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. As an important part of the digital economy, the application and development of digital finance has provided a better path for financial institutions about services innovation and business development. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for a large proportion of the number of enterprises in China. They affected the society deeply on various aspects such as economic growth, employment, and innovation. However, financing constraints characterized by “difficult requirements” and “high cost” have long restricted the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In recent years, the growth rate of the international economy has slowed down in an all-round way due to the impact of the epidemic. The SMEs have become more severe in this environment with stronger demands for funds. The rapid development of digital finance provides a technical environment for substantially improving the availability of loans for SMEs. As the main source of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, commercial banks can deal with the problem of information asymmetry between them and SMEs easily through comprehensive digital transformation. Furthermore, the digital transformation of commercial banks could alleviate the financing constraints of SMEs and allocate more credit resources for SMEs. This study uses Peking University’s digital financial inclusive index and the SMEs’ loan data from the specific commercial bank for empirical analysis. The results demonstrate that the development of digital finance can alleviate the financing constraints of SMEs and reduce the information asymmetry between banks and enterprises. Moreover, the digital finance could also improve the overall business efficiency of commercial banks. In addition, SMEs with relatively in-depth digital transformation are easier for taking advantage of the opportunity of digital financial development to alleviate their own financing constraints. This study provides effective suggestions for the administrative department to formulate relevant guiding policies for digital financial development, commercial banks’ digital business strategy formulation, and more financial resource allocation for SMEs with development prospects based on the research conclusions.
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A Study of the Influencing Factors of NFTs in Social Media Marketing

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NFT market have developed into an annual sales scale of nearly $60 billion. After the crazy blockchain investment myth, how can the rational trading market grasp consumer demand? As the main platform of marketing for 21st century, social media is

NFT market have developed into an annual sales scale of nearly $60 billion. After the crazy blockchain investment myth, how can the rational trading market grasp consumer demand? As the main platform of marketing for 21st century, social media is widely used by both traditional artists and NFT creator. When artworks are combined with NFT in social media marketing, how do they affect the willingness to purchase digital collectibles? In the hot era of GPT, how will artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) affect people's purchasing behavior? This article measures the impact on consumer purchasing willingness from the activity level of social media accounts (number of posts), creator attributes (human vs. artificial intelligence), published content (diversity, content tendency), etc. Through experiments, this article verifies that consumers' demand for uniqueness will positively affect the willingness to purchase digital collectibles and payment prices; artificial intelligence generated content(AIGC) will reduce consumers' willingness to purchase and payment prices, but as the diversity and quantity of published content increases, the negative impact is significantly weakened; compared with emotionally inclined content, the negative impact of artificial intelligence generated content is greater on technology-oriented content.
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An Empirical Study on the Accuracy of Analysts' Long-term Earnings Forecast

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With the continuous development of the Chinese capital market over the past thirty years, the securities analyst industry has experienced a process of transformation from a reckless period to a golden time. One of the most important signals is that

With the continuous development of the Chinese capital market over the past thirty years, the securities analyst industry has experienced a process of transformation from a reckless period to a golden time. One of the most important signals is that securities analysts are increasingly conducting research report providing long-term earnings forecasts for the company. However, current research on analysts is limited to their short-term forecasting behavior, and there is little on analysts' long-term earnings forecasts. Therefore, this article takes the research on analysts' long-term forecast reports issued by analysts on A-share listed companies, and conducts an empirical study on the analysts' forecasts accuracy and its influencing factors. First, the author combed the research literature related to analyst forecasts and selected variables from three dimensions, including company characteristics (financial indicators and non-financial indicators), analyst characteristics and affiliated institution characteristics; secondly, considering the high-dimensionality of the influencing factors, this paper uses the method of combining machine learning and traditional regression to conduct empirical research; finally, the research tested the heterogeneity of influencing factors from two perspectives, including time and industry.The results of this article show that the long-term profit forecasts of analysts in China have advantages over traditional statistical models. More than 60% of analysts provide profit forecasts that are better than statistical models. Afterwards, when examining the factors that affected the accuracy of analysts’ forecasts, it found that although analyst and institutional characteristics affected analysts’ predictions to a certain extent, company characteristics are the most important variables among them all. As the time goes by, the influence of non-financial factors on forecast accuracy gradually decreasing, but analyst characteristics continue to strengthen. In addition, cyclical industries are more difficult to predict than companies in non-cyclical industries, and the difficulty of prediction will not be reduced with the analyst efforts. This research can help analysts optimizing their forecasting behavior and prompts investors to understand analysts' reports more deeply, which makes them using analyst forecast data to make investment decisions in a rationally ways, and it can also help to promote the securities pricing efficiency and development of Chinese capital market.
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Technology for Good - A Study of the Impact of Digital Economy Firms' Participation in the Common Wealth Model on Firm Performance

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Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether

Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether digital economy enterprises can promote more equitable and sustainable development of society. The participation of digital economy enterprises in the common wealth is an important source of legitimacy for their development. This thesis investigates the mechanism of the impact of their common wealth inputs on corporate financial performance by using a sample of digital economy firms among Chinese listed companies as a case study. It is found that, overall, the mechanism of the effect of firms' common affluence model on their financial performance has a positive effect. The main source of this positive effect is the secondary distribution of the firm, i.e., the legitimacy of tax contributions. Other legitimacy such as employee and shareholder legitimacy are not significantly associated with financial performance, while social philanthropic input from tertiary distribution participation has a significant negative effect. In the association of redistribution on firm performance, there is a positive facilitating effect on firms' R&D efficiency and a negative moderating effect of economic policy uncertainty. It suggests that there are differences in the impact of firms' legitimacy initiatives, such as tax contributions, on performance under different firm development expectations. Whereas in the third distribution, firms' R&D efficiency has a crowding-out effect on the economic gains from the legitimacy of common wealth participation, economic policy uncertainty has a reinforcing effect in the third distribution of firms. The above suggests that the development of digital economy firms is more positively facilitated by official legitimacy and currently lacks the constraints of industrial ecology from internal and public scrutiny.
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作为凸显国际竞争战略的重要标志性产业之一,MEMS传感器因其技术含量高、市场前景广阔等特征备受全球主要国家的重点关注。我国MEMS传感器产业驱动力主要表现为政策的正向驱动效应明显,下游需求潜力巨大,资本流入效应明显,企业研发重视程度不断提高等。在这些驱动因素下,我国MEMS产业涌现出以敏芯股份为代表的诸多优秀企业,国产化MEMS逐步在单一产品上突破外商“包围”,在全球占据较大市场份额,初步实现了点的突破。从MEMS产业本身来看,MEMS产品的商业进程慢、生产工艺非标准化、严重依赖下游应用场景、需求定制化程度高,技术端和需求端匹配要求极高,这意味着MEMS企业的先发优势尤其重要。然而,从技术成熟度、企业经营状况、竞争者数量等方面来看,本土MEMS传感器行业的替代趋势尚处初级阶段。企业规模还只是国际领先企业的零头, 产品比较单一,集成化集中度不高,而且产品加工制造等关键环节还严重依赖象IMT, TSMC(台积电)这样的外资控股企业。 在此背景下,本文以我国MEMS传感器产业链为切入点,系统梳理MEMS传感器产业上、中、下游产业链的发展现状、竞争格局与发展趋势等。一方面,本文通过剖析全球MEMS产业链现状,并对比分析中国MEMS产业发展的现状、困境、不足和未来发展趋势,以此强化对MEMS产业更为深刻、理性和全面的认知;另一方面,本文通过对比分析中国MEMS上市公司主营策略,并结合敏芯股份、美新半导体等案例,分析国内MEMS相关企业的全产业链的竞争格局, 提出了本人对如何实现突围,如何在全球市场抢占先机的竞争战略思考。
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本文的研究背景部分首先回顾了我国上市公司定向增发发展历程以及相关规章制度,相关数据显示定向增发投资收益率年度平均值与不同公司定向增发投资收益率都存在较大差异,而且我国上市公司定向增发受政策的影响较大。因此,探索我国上市公司定向增发投资收益率的影响因素是一个重要且有意义的研究课题。为此,本文基于现有关于定增投资收益率的三个基础理论,即监督成本理论、流动性风险补偿理论以及信息不对称理论,分别选取机构投资者参与、大股东参与以及信息不对称三个因素,通过实证方法探索影响我国A股上市公司定向增发投资收益率的因素。本文从上市公司定向增发的动因与经济后果以及定向增发投资收益率影响因素三个方面对已有文献进行了回顾,并将可能影响定增收益率的其他因素纳入实证模型进行考察。本文通过实证研究方法检验了各个因素对定增收益率的影响,并且对不同股权结构、产权性质企业定向增发进行了异质性分析。在拓展性研究方面,本文进一步将定增投资收益率细分为定增折价收益率与锁定期收益率进行考察;并考察了各个影响因素对定向增发上市后绩效表现的影响;最后,考虑到我国政策因素对定增收益率的显著影响,本文进一步考察了2011年与2017年两次定增细则的修订如何作用于各个因素对定增收益率的影响。 本文的研究在学术层面丰富了定向增发影响因素的相关研究。在实践层面,本文关于定增政策影响方面的研究结论能够为优化我国上市公司定向增发相关政策提供参考;本文提供了全面而又系统的定向增发影响因素的相关证据,以及各个因素如何作用于定增上市后公司的绩效表现,研究结论能够为我国定向增发投资者选择定向增发企业,更好地做好风险与收益权衡以及后期的投资管理提供参考依据,也为上市公司是否进行定向增发,以及如何进行定向增发提供了指引。
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中国经济转型与高质量发展的痛点和难点在于县域经济的转型与发展,就是要最终打破二元经济结构,实现国家整体现代化,这样才能成为发达国家。县域经济的转型与发展关键在于县域金融的转型与高质量发展,而县域农商银行又是县域金融的主力军,因此县域农商银行信贷结构转型与高质量发展就是一个非常重要的问题。 本文基于新结构经济学理论,研究县域农商银行数字化微贷模式。 首先,新结构经济学关于最优银行业结构的理论认为,大中小型银行在经济中的最优结构取决于经济结构,大企业与大银行相匹配、小企业与小银行相匹配。在县域经济体系中,大中型企业极少,绝大多数都是小微企业,因此,县域农商银行就是县域经济中的最主要银行,县域农商银行的战略定位就是微贷主业。 其次,新结构经济学关于发展战略、自生能力与技术选择方面的研究认为,在发展战略和技术选择上遵循或违背比较优势原则是能否成功实现赶超的重要决定因素。提高自生能力是国有企业改革的根本出路。企业具有自生能力的产品、技术,决定于其比较优势和要素禀赋结构。县域农商银行的改革与转型就是要根据自身比较优势重新建立自生能力,并根据资源禀赋结构及变迁来选择合适的技术模式与发展路径。 第三,县域农商银行技术创新的基本方向是数字化微贷技术的本土化。这包括两层含义,一是数字化技术,二是本土化自主创新。既要引进世界上的先进技术,紧跟产业数字化趋势;更要强调技术的本土化适用性,充分发挥其线下网点多人员多的比较优势。 第四,县域农商银行数字化微贷的制度创新应以“自上而下”的政府强制性制度变迁为主、“自下而上”的法人行需求诱致性制度变迁为辅。充分发挥监管机构和省联社的“有为政府”作用,为县域农商银行转型提供良好的制度环境和政策支持;同时充分利用“有效市场”的作用,通过市场竞争激发县域农商银行领导人员的企业家精神和创新活力,加快技术创新和经营管理方式的转变。
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如何鼓励翻译者翻译出优秀的内容,并记录下来,确立知识产权,是一直被探索的问题。随着eb3.0、区块链、NFT(Non-Fungible Token)等飞速发展,为这一问题提供了一种新的思路。目前NFT在艺术品领域大放异彩,对艺术品确权,大大保障了艺术家的利益,极大地激发了艺术家的创作热情。本文将NFT与翻译行业结合,梳理翻译行业现状及存在的问题,介绍NFT技术的概念、发展历程及应用场景,考虑NFT在翻译领域应用的可行性,提出一种新的商业模式,并激发译者的积极性,积累优秀语料,进而促进翻译行业发展。
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基于人类加密学,第一例加密数字货币“比特币”的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,于2009年1月3日正式诞生。经过14年的历程,整个加密货币世界得到了快速的发展、加密生态得到了极大的繁荣、有利的推动了整个人类数字文明的衍进和发展。截至2021年5月,加密货币总市值达到2.4万亿美元的峰值,加密数字货币的数量已经近6000种。单只市值超过10亿美元的数字货币有77个,单只市值超过100万美元的数字货币有1600个。虽然对加密货币究竟应该定义为商品还是证券仍存在巨大争议,但毫无疑问的是加密货币已经成为瞩目且不可忽视的一类投资性资产。 本论文试图从金融资产分析框架和行为金融学角度出发,探究比特币和以太币这两只最具有代表性的数字货币的价格影响因素。本论文分别从宏观和微观两个维度探究两个维度下的因素对价格波动的影响。从宏观视角出发探究问题一:通缩发行机制、联储货币政策、以及中美监管政策对比特币及以太币价格的影响。从微观视角出发探究问题二:加密货币的应用、市场行为金融的视角看其比特币及以太币价格波动的影响。 本论文通过应用定性和定量相结合的研究分析方法,运用一系列时间序列回归模型、相关性分析、区间统计分析、经典行为金融学动能效应模型等工具对上述两个维度的问题进行深度研究和论证,发现各个角度中所涵盖的因素对以比特币和以太币为代表的数字货币价格的影响,同时涵盖了影响的方向和影响的层度,并构建多因素定价模型。
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