The Impact of Consumer Co-creation Value and Platform Service Quality on Customer Loyalty in the Context of the Sharing Economy——The Mediating Role of Self-determination Sense

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With the rapid development of information technology and the rise of the Internet+ era, the sharing economy has fundamentally changed people's lives and consumption patterns, and has also reshaped the process of value co-creation between enterprises and customers. In the

With the rapid development of information technology and the rise of the Internet+ era, the sharing economy has fundamentally changed people's lives and consumption patterns, and has also reshaped the process of value co-creation between enterprises and customers. In the sharing economy, enterprises no longer play the dominant role; instead, they have evolved into platforms that provide support and services for users. In this economy, users not only determine the profitability and reputation of enterprises but also create substantial value through the exchange of usage rights to idle resources and interactions both online and offline. Therefore, studying the value co-creation behavior of bilateral users on sharing service platforms is of significant necessity for enterprise development. This research aims to explore the impact mechanism of bilateral user value co-creation on customer value in sharing service platforms. Through the analysis and summarization of literature, a theoretical model of bilateral user value co-creation and customer value in the context of the sharing economy has been established. The research subjects include users of the homestay/inn platform on Ctrip, as well as users of other types of sharing platforms, such as Lazy Housekeeping, LoveChef, Didi and Airbnb. In the empirical part, questionnaires were designed and sample data was collected through the Questionnaire Star platform. SPSS 25 and AMOS 23 data analysis software were used to perform reliability and validity analysis and correlation analysis of the scales. Multivariate regression analysis was employed to investigate the impact of bilateral user value co-creation on various aspects of customer value. Additionally, the Bootstrap method was used to test the mediating roles of relevant factors. Through the above research methods, we will be able to have an in-depth understanding of the impact mechanism of two-sided user value co-creation on customer value of the shared service platform and obtain more comprehensive and concrete research findings. I believe that the findings of this study will have important implications for the theory and practice in the domain of sharing economy. Key words: sharing economy, sharing service platform, two-sided users, value co-creation, customer value
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Service Modularity Innovation—Emperical Research of Hotel Chain Innovation in China

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As the global economy and digital technology rapidly advance, the service industry faces increasingly intense market competition and challenges in meeting diverse customer demands. This study, set against the backdrop of chain hotels in China, empirically analyzes how service modularity

As the global economy and digital technology rapidly advance, the service industry faces increasingly intense market competition and challenges in meeting diverse customer demands. This study, set against the backdrop of chain hotels in China, empirically analyzes how service modularity could impact customer perceived value and contribute to innovation performance of hotels. Using two innovative prototypes from Jinjiang Hotels at different development stages as examples, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed to delve into the effects of service modularity innovation. For the “fit-up” module at the incubation phase, conjoint analysis was applied to understand consumer preferences and willingness to pay for the module combination, defining the product version 1.0. Regarding the “pure room” module at the pilot phase, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to validate the relationship between modular innovation and perceived value, satisfaction, and consumer willingness, laying the foundation for optimizing and promoting version 1.0. Empirical results indicate that service modularity significantly enhances customer perceived value, enabling efficient personalized service innovation design to respond more rapidly to consumer demand iterations. Service modularity, as a crucial trend in service management, holds significant importance in improving service efficiency, meeting customer needs, and enhancing enterprise competitiveness. This study enriches the theoretical framework of service modularity and innovation performance, providing empirical evidence of its impact on customer perceived value and innovation performance. Furthermore, as an innovation management strategy, service modularity proves effective in enhancing the innovation performance and service upgrades of chain hotels, especially the mid-scale segment, offering meaningful insights and references to strengthen competitive advantages.
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Research on Customer Management for Small and Medium-sized Construction Companies —Based on Shanghai A Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.

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This study provides an in-depth investigation of customer management in the construction decoration industry, focusing on Shanghai A Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. By analyzing the company's operational data, the study emphasizes different ownership types of clients and examines factors influencing

This study provides an in-depth investigation of customer management in the construction decoration industry, focusing on Shanghai A Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. By analyzing the company's operational data, the study emphasizes different ownership types of clients and examines factors influencing the profitability of high-quality client projects. The findings reveal that foreign-funded enterprise clients exhibit significant advantages in project quantity, profitability, and per capita output value within Shanghai A Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. While private and state-owned enterprises also have a certain number of projects, foreign-funded enterprises account for over 70% of the total projects. Moreover, the project profitability of foreign-funded enterprises is notably higher than that of the other two types. However, there is no significant difference in per capita output value among the three types of enterprises. Further regression analysis demonstrates that unique technologies and client-specific attributes have a significant positive impact on project profitability. This implies that enterprises with unique technologies and a deep understanding of client needs can achieve higher project profitability. Additionally, bidding quantities and contract amounts have a positive effect on per capita output value, indicating that participating in more bidding activities and securing high-value contracts can enhance project productivity. In conclusion, the research findings shed light on key aspects of customer management for small and medium-sized construction decoration enterprises. Foreign-funded enterprises possess advantages in project quantity, profitability, and per capita output value. Unique technologies and client-specific attributes have a positive influence on project profitability, while bidding quantities and contract amounts contribute to increased per capita output value. These research results provide valuable insights and guidance for small and medium-sized construction decoration enterprises to comprehend the importance of customer management and develop strategies to enhance profitability and performance. However, the specific implementation strategies need to be adjusted and optimized based on each company's unique circumstances to achieve the best outcomes.
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Research on the Response Strategy Selection and Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Companies under the "Volume-Based Purchasing" Policy

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The pharmaceutical industry is closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, with high drug prices and pressure on health insurance. The implementation of the band purchasing policy has made an important contribution to lowering drug prices, improving the

The pharmaceutical industry is closely related to the national economy and people's livelihood, with high drug prices and pressure on health insurance. The implementation of the band purchasing policy has made an important contribution to lowering drug prices, improving the balance rate of health insurance, reshaping the pattern of the pharmaceutical industry, and improving the efficiency of pharmaceutical production and circulation, but how the band purchasing policy affects the performance of the majority of pharmaceutical enterprises, and how the pharmaceutical enterprises can effectively deal with the challenges of environmental mutation and other related problems have not yet been effectively explored.To this end, this paper collects data from A-share listed pharmaceutical companies in China from 2014 to 2022, takes 2018 as the base year for the implementation of the "4+7" "band purchasing" policy, and utilizes a multi-period DID double-difference model for hypothesis verification. It is found that the implementation of the band purchasing policy significantly reduces the profitability performance and growth performance of pharmaceutical enterprises. Secondly, the implementation of enhanced innovation can moderate the negative impact of band purchasing on the growth performance of enterprises, and the expansion of exports and the enhancement of digitalization can significantly ii improve the negative impact of band purchasing on the profitability performance of enterprises, but has no effect on the growth performance of enterprises. In addition, this paper analyzes the process of pharmaceutical enterprises' implementation of enhancing innovation, expanding exports, and improving digitalization through case studies, and refines the strategic change process model of "coping strategy formation - coping strategy implementation - adaptation to the new state" under the sudden change environment. This paper explores the differentiated effects of coping strategies of different types of pharmaceutical enterprises in the face of the band purchasing policy, and provides some insights into the practice of related enterprises.
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近年来,随着我国居民消费结构不断升级,数字技术驱动的新消费推动传统消费转型。在新的消费浪潮下企业纷纷寻求突破,电商直播带货成为当下最受企业青睐的线上营销方式。 然而企业选择电商直播的方式拓展业务时仍需面对许多问题。本文旨在研究品牌电商在考虑直播时如何选择网红以及网红在直播间的表现对消费者购买意愿的影响。通过设计正交实验,本文从实验数据分析影响网红直播带货效果的关键因素。结合SOR理论模型和问卷调查方法,本文分析了影响消费者购买决策的网红主播特征并梳理出消费者购买决策的影响路径以及关键因素。本文结论对于企业如何选择直播网红,网红在直播间如何影响消费者购买决策,本文的研究成果对提升企业运营效率具有很好的指导意义。
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知识产权对产品销量的影响分析 -以B公司积木玩具为例

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随着国内消费和零售行业市场的快速发展, 我国消费者人群对文化及娱乐产品的消费呈现出“多样化”。作为玩具生产制造大国,中国玩具产量约为全球总产量的80%。为丰富玩具的内涵、提升玩具的产品附加值,近年来中国玩具企业纷纷探索新的品牌及产品规划,积极向“玩具 +IP (Intellectual Property)” 的模式发展。积木玩具作为玩具类目的的头部大品类,也在积极引入不同的IP,打造IP主题系列积木。B公司为中国原创积木品牌,创立7年以来全国销量遥遥领先,在打造公司原创IP的同时,积极引入中国及世界知名IP形象,打造不同IP系列的积木产品,吸引IP人群以及积木粉丝。由此IP的引入,IP+产品的组合对积木产品的销量的影响以及IP如何通过产品感知和价格敏感度影响用户的产品选择的研究对B公司的发展格外重要,同时也对积木同行业起到借鉴的作用。 本论文通过积木行业的调研分析来看IP+积木产品组合的趋势及积木公司的产品策略,同时通过文献的研究更好的理解IP对产品带来的附加值。通过研究B公司21年及22年1-3月产品销量(后续论文成文过程中可根据需要调整分析基础数据的时间段)数据和产品属性(IP属性,年龄段,平均销售单价,积木颗粒数,产品销售渠道五个属性)建立单因素与销量的一元回归分析及多因素与销量的多元回归分析模型,从而分析IP对积木产品销量的影响。同时通过调研问卷方式采集用户反馈的基础数据来分析IP如何通过产品感知和价格敏感度影响用户的产品选择。
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多层次会员体系高尔夫球场经营管理: 中国高尔夫球场之实证研究

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本文旨在研究我国高尔夫球场在经营管理中对于会员制的选择以及渠道促销对于球场的盈利影响。在高尔夫球场的经营和发展中,会员制是球场经营中最常见的模式,但是在我国300多家高尔夫球场的经营中,还有20%左右的球场选择不采用会员制经营。本文第一部分拟基于我国高尔夫球场的相关数据和Logit模型分析了会员制选择的影响因素,结果表明,球场所在地GDP会显著正向地影响会员制的选择,而所在地人口数和日照时数则会正向影响其会员制的选择。在球场的经营过程中,为了更好地实现长期经营和盈利的目标,球场通常会选择不同渠道进行促销,本文第二部分通过广州仙村国际高尔夫球场2020年的经营促销数据,采用多元回归模型分析渠道(携程、高协和铁马)促销在其球场营销经营中扮演的角色。研究发现,渠道促销确实能显著正向地促进球场的下场数,在不考虑星期变量的情况下,携程的促销效果要优于其他两个渠道。此外,渠道促销的效果(相较于星期一)在星期二时是最大的,说明在星期二进行促销活动的效率最高。与此同时,三个不同的渠道在5、9和12月份均具有正向的影响,而7月份、10月份和11月份则都具有负向的影响,表明渠道促销确实有着一定的周期特征,球场在经营中可以充分利用渠道促销的月度特征谋取更多的收益。 综上所述,我国高尔夫球场在营销经营管理中,确实需要适时的采用渠道促销提升自身的经营情况,但是考虑到不同渠道在不同月度和周度具有不同的促销效果,因此,球场在促销时,需要尽量选择具有正向影响的月份和周内某天,从而获取最佳的促销效果。
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新世纪以来中国电影的产业化改革与探索愈发呈现良好的态势,国产院线电影也在实践中努力赢得观众和票房市场。其中类型喜剧电影,最符合商业电影规律、最顺应影视市场需求、最能获得票房收益而备受影视创投机构、制作公司青睐。本论文研究对象聚焦类型喜剧电影,通过“欢声笑语里的财富”现象,探究类型喜剧电影内部本体构成要素与外部客观促成要素的关联;以通过分析自变量与因变量因素对中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素进行实证研究,为影视创投和影视制作总结并提供可靠建议。 本论文整体结构包括:第一部分为导论,包括研究背景、目的意义,相关文献综述与文献评述和论文创新性。第二部分聚焦类型喜剧本身,从电影学范畴的电影本体出发,探究“笑”的心理、社会与文化内涵,并分析将“笑”对经济领域的延伸。第三部分以影视投资、票房为依托,从现象和数据中探寻影响类型喜剧电影的因素,为展开中国电影票房之类型喜剧影响因素实证研究做好理论的铺垫。第四与第五部分则基于上述理论进行实证检验,选用2013-2020年电影样本,采用多元线性回归模型研究喜剧类型对票房的吸引力,以及不同种类型喜剧对电影票房的提振效果作用差异。研究发现喜剧电影对电影票房有显著的提振作用;以及研究电影的外部影响因素(续集效应)对电影票房的作用。发现续集电影有更好的票房表现,续集效应的票房提升作用在喜剧电影中表现的更加明显。 本论文研究成果最终将回归到“欢声笑语里的财富”本身;即“类型复合喜剧”对促进电影与金融产业的互动关联、实现更加可持续化发展,以及进而推动经济及文化业的发展。
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The Marketing Tactics of BTS and the Techniques Used to Globalize K-Pop Artists

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My research aimed to examine the marketing strategy of the popular K-Pop group BTS and how they've managed to globalize their music over the past few years. The analysis focuses on the 7 P's of marketing, and how their strategy

My research aimed to examine the marketing strategy of the popular K-Pop group BTS and how they've managed to globalize their music over the past few years. The analysis focuses on the 7 P's of marketing, and how their strategy has evolved over time. My research is in the form of a video and serves as a creative documentary analyzing their marketing strategy. The link to the creative project can be found in the appendix of the research paper.

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