Research on the Reversal Effect of Growth Stocks

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This study delves into the reversal effects in the U.S. stock market using American stock data listed on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ from 1970 to 2022. The aim is to answer two key questions:

This study delves into the reversal effects in the U.S. stock market using American stock data listed on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ from 1970 to 2022. The aim is to answer two key questions: What characteristics make certain groups of stocks exhibit stronger reversal effects? And what market conditions contribute to stronger reversal effects?To begin with, the paper examines whether growth stocks exhibit stronger reversal effects compared to value stocks from the perspective of growth stocks. The study uses the price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio) to measure stock growth, with high P/E ratio stocks classified as growth stocks and low P/E ratio stocks classified as value stocks. The findings reveal: 1) The reversal effects of growth stocks are significantly stronger than those of value stocks; 2) After a substantial market decline in the previous year, the reversal effects of stocks are significantly stronger; 3) Across different market environments, the reversal effects of growth stocks are consistently stronger than those of value stocks, and growth stocks exhibit the most pronounced reversal effects in markets following significant declines. Furthermore, the paper explains why the reversal effects of growth stocks are stronger from three perspectives: market risk exposure, interest rate sensitivity, and profit volatility. The study discovers that the market BETA, duration, interest rate sensitivity, earnings per share volatility, and positive correlation with the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) for growth stocks are all significantly higher than those for value stocks. This helps explain why, during stock market rallies/interest rate declines/economic expansions, the rebound strength of growth stocks' prices/profits is higher than that of value stocks, leading to stronger reversal effects. Finally, the study finds that the phenomenon of "stronger reversal effects in growth stocks" also holds true in the A-share market, which serves as an emerging market.
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Research on the Correlation between Customer Structure and Company Value in the Domain of Cloud-computing Software

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The global software industry is shifting towards the software-as-a-service (SAAS) model of cloud computing, which is characterized by ease of use, low cost, and flexible scalability. SAAS software companies have a faster growth rate than traditional software companies, and capital

The global software industry is shifting towards the software-as-a-service (SAAS) model of cloud computing, which is characterized by ease of use, low cost, and flexible scalability. SAAS software companies have a faster growth rate than traditional software companies, and capital markets are more willing to give them relatively higher valuations. Globally there are hundreds of SAAS software companies that have developed and gone public successfully, especially in the United States, with very high valuations on the average. However, there are still major gaps in the number,scale and valuation of SAAS software companies listed in China even though they also have entered the development stage . The technological and business frameworks of the Chinese SAAS software industry have basically taken shape in recent years, and more and more enterprise customers have begun to realize the cost reduction and efficiency improvement brought about by the subscription-based software. The whole industry faces both opportunities and challenges at once. This study aims to identify the factors of sustainable development for SAAS software companies on a global scale, from a unique innovative perspective on their customer structure. It also compares and contrasts the similarities and differences of target markets between the SAAS software industry in China and that in the United States, and it analyzes the current situation and development trends of the SaaS software industry in China in order to propose novel viewpoints. It is hoped that this study can provide significant practical guidance for entrepreneurs engaged in the SAAS software domain in their strategic decision-making, can serve as a valuable benchmark for investors in their selection of investment targets and valuation analysis in the SAAS software field, and can offer unique reference value for related institutions in formulating their policies for the development of the SAAS software industry.
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Identification of False Revenue in E-commerce Sales Channels of Manufacturing Enterprises: Company A’s Case Study

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More and more manufacturing companies have seized the opportunity of the vigorous development of the capital market and successfully go public in recent years, especially in countries which focuses on manufacturing. In order to meet the listing standards, some manufacturing

More and more manufacturing companies have seized the opportunity of the vigorous development of the capital market and successfully go public in recent years, especially in countries which focuses on manufacturing. In order to meet the listing standards, some manufacturing companies engage in illegal transactions to inflate the revenue, covering by the new retail business model. This has brought great challenges to accounting firms and other institutions. As a new sales channel of manufacturing companies, e-commerce has generally become an important part of revenue in manufacturing companies and bring new economic growth points. Due to the complexity of the e-commerce transaction structure and business data, it is necessary to conduct targeted research on the false revenue of e-commerce channels for manufacturing companies in order to identify the related risks, promote the capital market’s health and sustain its development.This article conducts a study on the identification of systematic false revenue from e-commerce channels of Company A through literature research and case study method. Firstly, by collecting and organizing the related literature, it explains the background and significance of the study. It also explains the relevant concepts and theories. Then, the article gives a brief introduction of the case Company A, a brief review of Company A's false revenue situation, and a deep analysis of several audit procedures performed by the auditing firm on Company A. The article points out the shortcomings of the audit procedures and provides the suggestions. Finally, to improve the auditing technology, the author provides four suggestions based on his experience and case study, which includes improving data analysis ability, enhancing data modeling ability, improving audit sampling methods, and technical practices of Grant Thornton. In the future, through the improvement of auditing technology and the enhancement of auditor’s ability, full-sample auditing will become normal.
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Franchise Value of International Banks

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The aim of this dissertation is to examine the factors influencing the franchise value of international banks in the long run. Tobin’s Q ratio (i.e., simplified version, Price to Book value) is applied to measure the franchise value on a

The aim of this dissertation is to examine the factors influencing the franchise value of international banks in the long run. Tobin’s Q ratio (i.e., simplified version, Price to Book value) is applied to measure the franchise value on a dataset of 40-year performance (1981-2021) of the Global Systematic Important Banks (G-SIBs). Factors including the macro, operational, and business factors are analyzed using the fixed effect linear regression models to identify their correlations with the franchise value. The findings indicate that macro factors, such as interest rate, globalization cycle, pattern of global value chain, and stock market performance play a vital role in determining international banks’ franchise value. Macro factors play a more important role than operational factors such as leverage ratio and risk appetite, as well as business scope of a bank measured by business diversification and the scale of business. An analysis of a smaller sample indicates that investment in technology is another main factor driving the franchise value of international banks. In addition, peer group comparison of similar banking models is also conducted for universal banks, investment banks, and Japanese banks separately. Finally, two case studies of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse in 2023 are discussed to echo the rationale drawn from the empirical analyses of G-SIB banks.
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An Empirical Study on the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises -- Take Equipment Rental Enterprises as Example

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China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established

China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established a brand effect among small and medium-sized customers. We fully leverage the efficiency advantages of private enterprises in digital construction, iterates the system based on needs, data analysis results, feedback, and uses the high-altitude operation platform as the entry point to achieve comprehensive online operation, such as online procurement process, full equipment lifecycle management, full business process management, financial management, and realizes standardization of the entire business process. In this context, it is particularly important to conduct theoretical sublimation based on practical experience and study the impact of digital transformation on the equipment leasing industry.It has found that: 1) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital investment of enterprises; 2) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital achievements of enterprises; 3) Enterprises generally realize that increasing digital investment can significantly enhance their digitalization; 4) The digital investment of enterprises has a significant impact on their leading business indicators, which indicates that different enterprises have relatively high plans; 5) The relationship between digital investment and business revenue growth is positively correlated, indicating that the higher the investment in digital transformation, the higher the growth rate of revenue. However, this correlation is not significant; 6) The digital investment of enterprises significantly promotes the improvement of operational efficiency. In the equipment leasing industry, practitioners generally recognize that increasing digital investment can promote the improvement of operational efficiency; 7) The more achievements of digital transformation in enterprises, the more significant the efficiency improvement, and this correlation is very obvious. When a company can truly produce good digital results, the promotion of operational efficiency is very obvious, which motivates business managers to work hard to produce excellent digital results in the current difficult situation.
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A Study on the Mechanism of the Impact of Integration of Enterprise Business and Finance on Value Creation: The Moderation Role of Digital Empowerment

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With the competition of Chinese enterprises shifting from scale orientation to high-quality orientation, it is critical to enhance the level of business-finance integration. In practice, many enterprises lack the conceptual understanding of business-finance integration as well as the support of

With the competition of Chinese enterprises shifting from scale orientation to high-quality orientation, it is critical to enhance the level of business-finance integration. In practice, many enterprises lack the conceptual understanding of business-finance integration as well as the support of research method, which leads to the difficulty of implementing business-finance integration. This study attempts to establish the model of relationships between business-finance integration and enterprise value, analyze which process factors are worth paying attention to, and help enterprises improve the level of business-finance integration in both theory and practice.This study uses the research methods of case and empirical analysis to draw four main conclusions: (1) business-finance integration can facilitate the realization of enterprise value directly because business development has a stronger sense of purpose under the guidance of financial indicators, and financial resources are effectively allocated based on business needs; (2) business-finance integration can facilitate the realization of enterprise value through internal operations because the efficiency of operation process is increased, customer satisfaction is enhanced, and ultimately financial performance is improved; (3) business-finance integration can facilitate the realization of enterprise value through the upgrade of organizational capacity, because the internal communication, work ideology, and operational platforms are more aligned in the organization, and the enterprise value is realized under the liberation of organizational capacity; and (4) digitalization level can facilitate the integration of business and finance to play a greater role, because digitalization makes operation and management more efficient and stable. The innovation of this study is reflected in two aspects: (1) based on the mechanism of value transmission, the model of business-finance integration and enterprise value creation is established, which enriches the theory of business-finance integration; and (2) the identification of the logical relationships among business-finance integration, operation, organization, value realization, and digitization provides a decision-making framework and basis for industry-finance integration.
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Research on the Influencing Factors of Equity Asset Allocation among High Net Worth Individuals in China

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Presently, the asset allocation of Chinese resident families and HNWIs is mainly characterized by the following two irrationalities: Firstly, high proportion of non-financial assets and the excessive reliance of families on real estate may bring many drawbacks such as over-concentration

Presently, the asset allocation of Chinese resident families and HNWIs is mainly characterized by the following two irrationalities: Firstly, high proportion of non-financial assets and the excessive reliance of families on real estate may bring many drawbacks such as over-concentration of risk and reduction of liquidity; Secondly, low holding rate and small holding scale of equity assets, and the concentration of wealth in cash and fixed-income assets may lead to difficulties in enjoying the benefits brought by rapid growth of the domestic economy. This study examines the key factors affecting the equity asset allocation of Chinese HNWIs, with the aim of providing a practical basis for HNWIs and wealth management practitioners to facilitate the inflow of capital into the capital market, thereby promoting the high-quality development of China's financial market.The study first sorts out the relevant theories and literatures in terms of asset allocation, and also compares the household asset allocation in China with that in developed countries such as America and Japan, to find out the differences and analyze the possible reasons. Subsequently, it proposes possible influencing factors through integrating related theories, and conducts questionnaire survey based on the hypotheses. Finally, multiple linear regression method is used to test the correlation between each factor and the proportion of equity asset allocation and put forward corresponding policy suggestions. The main findings of this study are as follows: First, investors' educational background is positively correlated with their proportion of equity asset allocation. The higher the education level and the deeper the background in finance, the higher their proportion of equity asset allocation. Second, retail investors who rely on their own research for investment have a higher allocation to stock assets. Third, investors with shorter average investment cycles have higher allocations to equity assets. Fourth, investors with higher investment expectations and higher maximum acceptable losses have higher equity asset allocations. Based on these, it is recommended to increase special education and training, strengthen the sharing of investment experience among HNWIs, and encourage long-term investors and professional investment advisers to increase equity asset allocation in order to realize wealth preservation and appreciation.
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疫情期间,人们与社区发生了高频链接。流调、核酸、求助,社区工作者无时不刻出现在人们的生活中。社区作为中国基层治理的基础单元,政府需要上而下到社区执行防控工作,百姓则自下而上需要社区提供服务和帮助、向上反映各类居民诉求。伴随着中国的城镇化进程,全中国有9万个城市社区、400万社区工作者,社区参与主体从居委会、物业到民非组织,不断地进化。在人们对未来生活需求不断提高的时侯,社区服务提供者协同社区各主体,实现数字社区可持续发展?本研究围绕“社区服务提供者如何在后疫情时代构建可持续的社区协同机制?”这一研究问题,首先,对数字社区可持续发展和数字社区协同机制相关研究进行梳理和回顾;第二,将以数字社区建设和协同治理为出发点,以七彩集团为研究样本,分析其实际运营的滨江缤纷未来社区和萧山瓜沥未来社区案例,归纳总结其协同治理的具体措施;第三,结合理论规范分析,提出“数字社区协同机制-协同绩效”的理论框架和作用边界;第四,运用问卷调查结合因子分析的方法,对这些具体措施能够实际提高企业绩效进行问卷发放和数据验证。 本研究得到以下三个主要结论:(1)数字社区中可持续性发展协同治理机制是社区运营主体利用数字化技术对社区内参与提供和使用服务的治理活动进行约束、激励、引导和管理的一系列制度安排,同时包括政策治理、社区文化和市场共建三种不同作用机制。(2)数字社区中,治理政策机制仅在社团主体中作用显著;社区文化除了在社区物业中作用有限,在其他所有主体中均发挥重要作用;市场共建则是在社团、物业和居民业主中发挥作用。(3)协同机制通过政策治理、社区文化、市场共建影响社区内不同主体的感知和行为,而数字技术作用一种新兴的支撑性技术能够对上述作用产生不同的增强作用,进而促进协同绩效提升。 本研究通过聚焦于社区运营六方主体的角色分工、各自诉求,进一步讨论如何应用最新数字经济和技术来找到可持续发展的协同机制,为后疫情时代中国社区的良性发展找到解决方案。
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本文的研究背景部分首先回顾了我国上市公司定向增发发展历程以及相关规章制度,相关数据显示定向增发投资收益率年度平均值与不同公司定向增发投资收益率都存在较大差异,而且我国上市公司定向增发受政策的影响较大。因此,探索我国上市公司定向增发投资收益率的影响因素是一个重要且有意义的研究课题。为此,本文基于现有关于定增投资收益率的三个基础理论,即监督成本理论、流动性风险补偿理论以及信息不对称理论,分别选取机构投资者参与、大股东参与以及信息不对称三个因素,通过实证方法探索影响我国A股上市公司定向增发投资收益率的因素。本文从上市公司定向增发的动因与经济后果以及定向增发投资收益率影响因素三个方面对已有文献进行了回顾,并将可能影响定增收益率的其他因素纳入实证模型进行考察。本文通过实证研究方法检验了各个因素对定增收益率的影响,并且对不同股权结构、产权性质企业定向增发进行了异质性分析。在拓展性研究方面,本文进一步将定增投资收益率细分为定增折价收益率与锁定期收益率进行考察;并考察了各个影响因素对定向增发上市后绩效表现的影响;最后,考虑到我国政策因素对定增收益率的显著影响,本文进一步考察了2011年与2017年两次定增细则的修订如何作用于各个因素对定增收益率的影响。 本文的研究在学术层面丰富了定向增发影响因素的相关研究。在实践层面,本文关于定增政策影响方面的研究结论能够为优化我国上市公司定向增发相关政策提供参考;本文提供了全面而又系统的定向增发影响因素的相关证据,以及各个因素如何作用于定增上市后公司的绩效表现,研究结论能够为我国定向增发投资者选择定向增发企业,更好地做好风险与收益权衡以及后期的投资管理提供参考依据,也为上市公司是否进行定向增发,以及如何进行定向增发提供了指引。
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中国经济转型与高质量发展的痛点和难点在于县域经济的转型与发展,就是要最终打破二元经济结构,实现国家整体现代化,这样才能成为发达国家。县域经济的转型与发展关键在于县域金融的转型与高质量发展,而县域农商银行又是县域金融的主力军,因此县域农商银行信贷结构转型与高质量发展就是一个非常重要的问题。 本文基于新结构经济学理论,研究县域农商银行数字化微贷模式。 首先,新结构经济学关于最优银行业结构的理论认为,大中小型银行在经济中的最优结构取决于经济结构,大企业与大银行相匹配、小企业与小银行相匹配。在县域经济体系中,大中型企业极少,绝大多数都是小微企业,因此,县域农商银行就是县域经济中的最主要银行,县域农商银行的战略定位就是微贷主业。 其次,新结构经济学关于发展战略、自生能力与技术选择方面的研究认为,在发展战略和技术选择上遵循或违背比较优势原则是能否成功实现赶超的重要决定因素。提高自生能力是国有企业改革的根本出路。企业具有自生能力的产品、技术,决定于其比较优势和要素禀赋结构。县域农商银行的改革与转型就是要根据自身比较优势重新建立自生能力,并根据资源禀赋结构及变迁来选择合适的技术模式与发展路径。 第三,县域农商银行技术创新的基本方向是数字化微贷技术的本土化。这包括两层含义,一是数字化技术,二是本土化自主创新。既要引进世界上的先进技术,紧跟产业数字化趋势;更要强调技术的本土化适用性,充分发挥其线下网点多人员多的比较优势。 第四,县域农商银行数字化微贷的制度创新应以“自上而下”的政府强制性制度变迁为主、“自下而上”的法人行需求诱致性制度变迁为辅。充分发挥监管机构和省联社的“有为政府”作用,为县域农商银行转型提供良好的制度环境和政策支持;同时充分利用“有效市场”的作用,通过市场竞争激发县域农商银行领导人员的企业家精神和创新活力,加快技术创新和经营管理方式的转变。
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