The Psychological Impacts of Social Media on Today’s Youth

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Based on the findings from previous studies and research, social media use and psychological issues among minors are increasing overtime. However, there are still questions about whether or not these factors are related to one another. The goal of my

Based on the findings from previous studies and research, social media use and psychological issues among minors are increasing overtime. However, there are still questions about whether or not these factors are related to one another. The goal of my study is to better understand the relationship between social media use and the psychological issues among minors by analyzing their self-esteem, self-efficacy, social anxiety, locus of control, and peer pressure. My research examined minors' time spent on social media, their influencer engagement, and the social media platforms they use and how these factors impact the constructs of interest: self-esteem, self-efficacy, social anxiety, locus of control, and peer pressure. My study was conducted by distributing a survey to minors (ages 12-17) that asked about their social media use and habits. Based on my findings, I concluded that minors that use a large number of social media platforms have lower self-esteem and high levels of peer pressure, the more frequently a minor uses social media, the higher their self-esteem is, and the more social media influencers that the minor is following, the lower their self-efficacy is. Additionally, using certain social media platforms, following certain types of influencers, and participating in certain engagement behaviors had different effects on the minor’s self-esteem, self-efficacy, social anxiety, locus of control, and peer pressure. An implication from my results is that social media can be a positive outlet for a minor's mental health and it can impact a minor positively or negatively depending on how they use it.
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Best Practices in Building Brand Awareness Through Social Media Campaigns

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I was interested in discovering how cutting edge brands differentiate themselves and create brand awareness using social media campaigns because social media is becoming the standard for most marketing campaigns. Having worked in social media marketing for a few years,

I was interested in discovering how cutting edge brands differentiate themselves and create brand awareness using social media campaigns because social media is becoming the standard for most marketing campaigns. Having worked in social media marketing for a few years, I have seen that it can be difficult creating unique content that stands out against other brands. I first began by briefly looking at the history of marketing, digital marketing and social media to examine the importance of each and successes and failures that have occurred during each of these marketing eras. I next began researching social media and campaigns to dive deeper into what it takes to succeed using each platform. One major section that was critical to my discoveries was determining how a brand can gain consumer attention and foster brand awareness. To gain more information, I looked at The Apple #ShotOniPhone campaign and the Nike Dream Crazy campaign as to how innovative companies such as these can differentiate themselves using social media campaigns. I wanted to complement my secondary research so I interviewed three social media experts who have social media marketing experience. Most of what I found from them supported what I found in my secondary research. There were seven main key factors that I derived from the totality of my research. These seven factors that brands should use in order to have successfully differentiated social media campaigns that enhance brand awareness are: 1) hyper targeting toward the consumer using quality content and creating a storyline, 2) creating an uplifting emotional element within the campaign that engages both the mind and the heart, 3) being authentic and transparent in all aspects of the campaign 4) having a strong message that relates to the brand, the consumer, and is at the core of the campaign 5) having a high engagement or reaction with striking messages and eye catching visuals, 6) making the content personal to the consumer on some level in a positive emotional manner and 7) encouraging the consumer to see life through the lens of the campaign and create an inner narrative.

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国内小微商户融资行为与信用风险关系的实证研究 ——基于H公司小微商户贷款业务的案例分析

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本文以H公司(致力于为国内小微商户提供融资服务的贷款公司)的小微贷款产品为案例,通过收集和分析该产品放款客户的贷前贷后数据,对国内小微商户申请融资的渠道进行阐述和分析,并进一步探索一段时间内小微商户申请融资渠道的数量及组成成分,与其贷后信用风险水平之间的关系。本研究表明:(1)国内小微商户的融资渠道很大部分来源于银行以外的非传统金融机构;(2)鉴于国内小微商户融资渠道的多样化,仅靠人民银行征信报告不足以评估其多头申请水平,可借助其他大型的第三方大数据公司;(3)小微商户申请融资渠道的数量和组成成分(如银行/P2P/小额贷款公司/消费金融机构),与其信用风险水平有显著关联;(4)结合人民银行征信报告和第三方大数据公司提供的多头申请信息,可帮助小微贷款机构更精准地评估小微商户的信用风险水平;(5)融资行为越频繁,融资渠道越下沉,越早发生较严重的信用违约,即信用风险水平越高。 本文研究对象——小微商户,是介于个人和企业之间的微型经营实体,具有单户规模小、总体基数大、生命周期短、风险水平高、信用评估困难等特征,是包括银行的众多正规传统金融机构,还无法深入渗透和服务的潜力客群。通过本文的探索,将揭示和刻画这类群体申请融资的主要渠道和客观现状,并寻求与信用风险水平关系的分析结论,从而帮助像H公司这样致力于服务小微客群的贷款机构,更精准地评估客户的资金需求程度和信用风险水平,给予更合理的风险定价。
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Analyzing the Impact of Gamification on Mobile Health and Fitness Applications

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In the past decade, the use of mobile applications, specifically mobile applications focused on improving the health and fitness of users, has increased exponentially. As more consumers look towards mobile health applications to improve their health through dieting, exercise, and

In the past decade, the use of mobile applications, specifically mobile applications focused on improving the health and fitness of users, has increased exponentially. As more consumers look towards mobile health applications to improve their health through dieting, exercise, and weight management, it is important to analyze how the concept of gamification can encourage sustained interaction and approval of these health-focused applications. This thesis aims to understand the prevalence of gamification amongst a large sample of health and fitness applications, identify and code the gamification features used in these apps, and finally, understand how different gamification features relate to the popularity and willingness to advocate using eWOM on behalf of a mobile app.

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Instagram Influencers: Building a Brand and Growing an Engaged Audience

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Influencer marketing is the latest phenomenon in the consumer marketing industry. Successful influencer sponsorships close the gap between companies and their customers by capitalizing on the connection influencers share with their audience. Producing advertisements more organically and directly, coming from

Influencer marketing is the latest phenomenon in the consumer marketing industry. Successful influencer sponsorships close the gap between companies and their customers by capitalizing on the connection influencers share with their audience. Producing advertisements more organically and directly, coming from a trustworthy and relatable source leads to greater returns. Therefore, influencer accounts are becoming increasingly popular throughout social media, especially Instagram. For this reason, the main focal point of this paper is to describe how to effectively create an influencer brand by finding a niche and growing an engaged audience on Instagram. Our findings consist of three studies: personal interviews, creating an Instagram account, and analyzing twelve well-known influencers. We first analyzed the environmental trends impacting the social media industry and what this means for a growing influencer. Using our discoveries, we launched an Instagram account, featuring the Nordstrom Twins, learning from the first-hand experience of successful and unsuccessful content strategies. Then, through data collection and analysis of twelve unique twin influencer (twinfluencer) accounts, as well as personal interviews with industry professionals, we established an influencer business strategy. Our research conveys how to increase user interactions and grow an engagement rate on the constantly evolving Instagram platform.
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