Service Modularity Innovation—Emperical Research of Hotel Chain Innovation in China

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As the global economy and digital technology rapidly advance, the service industry faces increasingly intense market competition and challenges in meeting diverse customer demands. This study, set against the backdrop of chain hotels in China, empirically analyzes how service modularity

As the global economy and digital technology rapidly advance, the service industry faces increasingly intense market competition and challenges in meeting diverse customer demands. This study, set against the backdrop of chain hotels in China, empirically analyzes how service modularity could impact customer perceived value and contribute to innovation performance of hotels. Using two innovative prototypes from Jinjiang Hotels at different development stages as examples, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed to delve into the effects of service modularity innovation. For the “fit-up” module at the incubation phase, conjoint analysis was applied to understand consumer preferences and willingness to pay for the module combination, defining the product version 1.0. Regarding the “pure room” module at the pilot phase, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to validate the relationship between modular innovation and perceived value, satisfaction, and consumer willingness, laying the foundation for optimizing and promoting version 1.0. Empirical results indicate that service modularity significantly enhances customer perceived value, enabling efficient personalized service innovation design to respond more rapidly to consumer demand iterations. Service modularity, as a crucial trend in service management, holds significant importance in improving service efficiency, meeting customer needs, and enhancing enterprise competitiveness. This study enriches the theoretical framework of service modularity and innovation performance, providing empirical evidence of its impact on customer perceived value and innovation performance. Furthermore, as an innovation management strategy, service modularity proves effective in enhancing the innovation performance and service upgrades of chain hotels, especially the mid-scale segment, offering meaningful insights and references to strengthen competitive advantages.
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近年来,随着我国居民消费结构不断升级,数字技术驱动的新消费推动传统消费转型。在新的消费浪潮下企业纷纷寻求突破,电商直播带货成为当下最受企业青睐的线上营销方式。 然而企业选择电商直播的方式拓展业务时仍需面对许多问题。本文旨在研究品牌电商在考虑直播时如何选择网红以及网红在直播间的表现对消费者购买意愿的影响。通过设计正交实验,本文从实验数据分析影响网红直播带货效果的关键因素。结合SOR理论模型和问卷调查方法,本文分析了影响消费者购买决策的网红主播特征并梳理出消费者购买决策的影响路径以及关键因素。本文结论对于企业如何选择直播网红,网红在直播间如何影响消费者购买决策,本文的研究成果对提升企业运营效率具有很好的指导意义。
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金融服务于实体经济可以促进实体经济的发展,随着时代和科技的进步,农业的发展更需要得到大量资金的支持,但农业生产的固有特点存在诸多不确定性,投入与产出不一定成正比,金融服务于农业的动力不强。相比于其他行业,农业生产和消费端的匹配度更差一些,产业化、标准化、集约化程度不高。尤其在中国,“三农”问题历年来受到高度重视,各界想方设法在使农业增产、农民增收、农村致富,但至今没有很好的解决方案,金融对农业的支持力度尚弱,还有很大的发展空间。随着农业产业化的发展和金融服务供应链的兴起,农产品供应链金融受到了越来越多的研究和关注,也是普惠金融谈论得较多的领域,但之前的研究多涉及风险和模式的研究。 农产品批发市场(简称农批市场)是农产品流通的主要渠道,近几年虽然由于销售渠道的多样化使得市场份额从基本垄断的地位有所减弱,但农批市场仍是农产品销售的主渠道,也是农产品供应链金融中的核心企业。 研究和理解增加财务杠杆对销售量有没有影响和有多大的影响在政策上和应用上都是很有意义的。在政策上的意义是可以了解小微企业是否真正(或者在多大程度上)受到融资难的影响;在应用上意义可以帮助资金方定量了解开展供应链金融业务(贷款给小微企业)会有多大的收益和风险。 本文将以实验设计的方式研究农产品供应链金融对农批市场的影响,将以无锡朝阳农产品大市场的苹果供应商作为研究对象,研究苹果供应链金融对农批市场销售成交额的影响,本文认为杠杆、信用评分等因素对农批市场销售额有显著影响。
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