Proposal for LEED Silver Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance Certification of the Memorial Union, with focus on Energy Efficiency & the PowerParasol Project, Zero Waste by 2015, Water Efficiency, and Alternative Transportation Methods

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As the student union on Arizona State University’s main Tempe campus, the MU should be a model of building sustainability. After a fire engulfed the MU’s second floor in 2007, the building underwent major renovations and achieved LEED v2.0: Commercial

As the student union on Arizona State University’s main Tempe campus, the MU should be a model of building sustainability. After a fire engulfed the MU’s second floor in 2007, the building underwent major renovations and achieved LEED v2.0: Commercial Interiors (LEED CI) Gold certification. Since then, more up-to-date building certification programs have been established, including the Green Globes (GG) green building rating system and a more recent version of LEED that suits the MU’s situation—Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EB:OM). This paper performs a cost-benefit analysis of these rating systems, specifically looking at 1) national recognition, 2) ease of use, 3) amount of resources needed to invest, 4) length of time of the certification process, 5) certification fees and costs, 6) pre-requisites and system structure of point allotment, and 7) flexibility of the systems. A review of the previous LEED CI certification of the MU addresses 1) solar panel installation and renewable energy achievements, 2) improvement of indoor air quality, 3) application of sustainable construction practices, 4) missed opportunities since renovations were not performed on the entire building, 5) water efficiency scoring, and 6) lack of significant Energy & Atmosphere improvements. A proposal for the university to consider LEED EB:OM certification for the Memorial Union will be presented, analyzing the points already secured by campus-wide programs and policies, credits that are possible with minimal funding, and elaborating on opportunities already planned for completion, including 1) the Power Parasol project, 2) “Zero Waste by 2015” and “Carbon Neutrality” programs and goals, and 3) plans for alternative transportation methods through the Tempe Campus Access Management Plan. In conclusion, my recommendation to pursue LEED EB:OM and achieve Silver level will be presented. With the majority of LEED points already secured and several on the horizon, certifying the MU under LEED EB:OM will set an example and increase the amount of existing buildings on campus to pursue LEED certification. University-wide policies on green cleaning, sustainable purchasing, alternative energy sources, carbon neutrality, and LEED for Multiple Buildings all contribute to simplifying the LEED certification process for ASU buildings campus-wide.
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West Nile Virus Vaccines and their Developmental Outlook: A Review Article

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The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine

The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine technology surrounding West Nile Virus. This will include past developments, current research in the field and what it may take to develop such a vaccine safe and economical for human usage.
Date Created

The New Music Industry: How Artists Create, Market, And Release Music In The Digital Age

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Adam Simons is an Interdisciplinary Studies major at Arizona State University with concentrations in business and music. He is also a member of the alternative rock group RadioDriveBy. RadioDriveBy is a five-piece band based in Arizona that writes, professionally records,

Adam Simons is an Interdisciplinary Studies major at Arizona State University with concentrations in business and music. He is also a member of the alternative rock group RadioDriveBy. RadioDriveBy is a five-piece band based in Arizona that writes, professionally records, and performs its own original songs. This thesis contains a narrative of the planning, execution, and analysis of two albums released by RadioDriveBy. Through his experience and research in managing multiple releases, Simons covers the critical factors for artists to consider when marketing music in today's changing industry. The author divides an album release into five critical components: original music, release structure, artist image, accessibility and availability, and online promotion. This method of analysis develops manageable steps for artists to succeed in the modern music industry. Overall, this thesis is a model and creative project to help understand not only the behind-the-scenes work of RadioDriveBy, but also to provide a framework for other musicians and artists navigating the same path.
Date Created

Coming Home: Understanding Sense of Place through Fictional Depiction of Familial and Environmental Connections

The elements that connect humanity to the corresponding environments that we inhabit are diverse and complex. These connections are central to understanding human interaction, our environment, and ourselves. The purpose of this thesis is to establish how connection (or lack

The elements that connect humanity to the corresponding environments that we inhabit are diverse and complex. These connections are central to understanding human interaction, our environment, and ourselves. The purpose of this thesis is to establish how connection (or lack thereof) to a region, in this instance New England, is found through environment and family. This compilation of four short stories demonstrates environmental connections via technology and familial interactions.
Date Created

Predicting Glioblastoma Growth Using a Poisson Process

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In this research we consider stochastic models of Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumors. We first look at a model by K. Swanson et al., which describes the dynamics as random diffusion plus deterministic logistic growth. We introduce a stochastic component in

In this research we consider stochastic models of Glioblastoma Multiforme brain tumors. We first look at a model by K. Swanson et al., which describes the dynamics as random diffusion plus deterministic logistic growth. We introduce a stochastic component in the logistic growth in the form of a random growth rate defined by a Poisson process. We show that this stochastic logistic growth model leads to a more accurate evaluation of the tumor growth compared its deterministic counterpart. We also discuss future plans to incorporate individual patient geometry, extend the model to three dimensions and to incorporate effects of different treatments into our model, in collaboration with a local hospital.
Date Created

Canine Obesity Awareness and Owner Responsiveness

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Pet obesity is higher than ever in the United States. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 52.5% of dogs and 58.3% of cats were either overweight or obese in 20121. Obesity has been linked to health issues such

Pet obesity is higher than ever in the United States. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 52.5% of dogs and 58.3% of cats were either overweight or obese in 20121. Obesity has been linked to health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, muscular disorders and some cancers to name a few.2 A pet at the recommended healthy weight is important to avoid these diseases. It is important that owners realize this and if their pet is at an unhealthy weight, work with their veterinarian to help the pet lose weight. This study looks at how committed dog owners are to help their pet lose weight and the problems they face while doing so.
Date Created

The Effect of Arthropod Biomass on Lizard Abundance

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The effects of biocontrol and the potential risks associated with them are of interest to many researchers. In the Virgin River area of Nevada, natural resource managers have done studies of various removal techniques on the non-native Tamarix spp. strands.

The effects of biocontrol and the potential risks associated with them are of interest to many researchers. In the Virgin River area of Nevada, natural resource managers have done studies of various removal techniques on the non-native Tamarix spp. strands. One such area of focus is the use of biocontrol in the form of the tamarisk leaf beetle (Diorhabda spp.), and the resulting changes in the environment from the defoliation of the trees. Previous studies have shown that removal of the plants can potentially be beneficial to lizards. But do changes in the environment change the amount of food available? We were interested to see if the amount of arthropod biomass from these areas had a relationship with the lizard abundance. Taking arthropod collection data from the Virgin River, we compared it with arthropod data over several years, before and after Diorhabda was introduced in 2010. Arthropod biomass data was obtained by taking the collected arthropods and drying them in an oven and weighing them. Results show that there is no correlation between the arthropod numbers or biomass with the amount of lizards in the area, that biomass was greatest after biocontrol introduction, and biomass was highest in mixed Tamarix and native tree strands versus just Tamarix strands. In conclusion, arthropod numbers and biomass have shown to be a poor indicator of lizard abundance, and factors such as temperature changes in the environment might be a better indicator of the changing abundance of lizards.
Date Created

The American Way: The History of Two of America's Greatest Superheroes and How They Shaped American Popular Culture

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Both Superman and Captain America are the ancestors of modern superheroes and, through the lens of superheroes and popular culture, following their journey from their comic-book inception to their modern-day film incarnations gives us an idea of how American values

Both Superman and Captain America are the ancestors of modern superheroes and, through the lens of superheroes and popular culture, following their journey from their comic-book inception to their modern-day film incarnations gives us an idea of how American values have shifted. Superman and Captain America are very significant to American popular culture simply because, in a way, they both have shaped much of popular culture with respects to American identity. Because they were created when America needed heroes to look up to, they have helped mold the image of what an American hero truly is. The most important aspect of these two individual characters is how they have remained popular through the many changes that have plagued and molded American culture since their inception. This endurance can be attributed to the rhetoric that each hero has embodied, and the ways in which this rhetoric has or has not changed. By exploring both their comic book origins and their current, most popular feature films, we can discover how what they have had to say not only mirrors American values, but also illuminates these values within popular culture.
Date Created

The YouTube Celebrity: Common Factors of Successful YouTuber Channels

The YouTube Celebrity examines some of the top YouTube channels and their common methods of creation and communication. In this project I created and posted several videos and blogs discussing some common factors of success, using real world examples and

The YouTube Celebrity examines some of the top YouTube channels and their common methods of creation and communication. In this project I created and posted several videos and blogs discussing some common factors of success, using real world examples and the theory behind the medium and the people. I argue that successful YouTubers use a deliberate presentation as an amateur creator in order to gain authenticity. I use my experimental creation of videos and digital discussion of these ideas to develop my argument as well as applicable literature from relevant fields.
Date Created

YES: Youth Empowerment for Success the development of a program for Indigenous Youth

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By looking at the history and the current state of educational affairs in Indian Country there is an identifiable need to encourage Indigenous students to succeed. Theories involving decolonization, sovereignty rights, and the Indigenous pedagogy are essential to properly empower

By looking at the history and the current state of educational affairs in Indian Country there is an identifiable need to encourage Indigenous students to succeed. Theories involving decolonization, sovereignty rights, and the Indigenous pedagogy are essential to properly empower Indigenous youth. Research involved analyzing four previously implemented programs in Indigenous communities around the world which focused on education, culture, and decolonization. Data was collected through interviews and surveys from undergraduate and graduate students attending Arizona State University. From the information gathered a program is suggested which focuses on teaching Indigenous youth research methods and implementing a program within their community. The suggested program derives ideas from the aforementioned analyzed programs and cultural values in the Diné community.
Date Created