The State of Startups: A Student Perspective


This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative

This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques. The information gathered has been curated into a productive, meaningful manner, through a report titled “The State of Startups: A Student Perspective.” <br/> The first key theme of this thesis is that market intelligence can be a powerful tool. The second key theme is the power of knowledge implementation towards competitive strategies. The first section of the thesis will focus on identifying and understanding the current “startup” landscape as a basis on which to build strategic and impactful business decisions. This will be accomplished as the team conducts a landscape analysis focused on the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem. The second section of the thesis will focus specifically on the personal experiences of student startup founders. This will be accomplished through the analysis of interviews with founders of the startups researched from the first section of the thesis. This will provide us with a direct insight into the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem.

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The State of Startups: A Student Perspective


This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative

This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques. The information gathered has been curated into a productive, meaningful manner, through a report titled “The State of Startups: A Student Perspective.” <br/>The first key theme of this thesis is that market intelligence can be a powerful tool. The second key theme is the power of knowledge implementation towards competitive strategies. The first section of the thesis will focus on identifying and understanding the current “startup” landscape as a basis on which to build strategic and impactful business decisions. This will be accomplished as the team conducts a landscape analysis focused on the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem. The second section of the thesis will focus specifically on the personal experiences of student startup founders. This will be accomplished through the analysis of interviews with founders of the startups researched from the first section of the thesis. This will provide us with a direct insight into the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem.

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The State of Startups: A Student Perspective

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This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative

This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques. The information gathered has been curated into a productive, meaningful manner, through a report titled “The State of Startups: A Student Perspective.” <br/> The first key theme of this thesis is that market intelligence can be a powerful tool. The second key theme is the power of knowledge implementation towards competitive strategies. The first section of the thesis will focus on identifying and understanding the current “startup” landscape as a basis on which to build strategic and impactful business decisions. This will be accomplished as the team conducts a landscape analysis focused on the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem. The second section of the thesis will focus specifically on the personal experiences of student startup founders. This will be accomplished through the analysis of interviews with founders of the startups researched from the first section of the thesis. This will provide us with a direct insight into the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem.

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The State of Student Startups: A Student Perspective


This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative

This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques. The information gathered has been curated into a productive, meaningful manner, through a report titled “The State of Startups: A Student Perspective.” <br/> The first key theme of this thesis is that market intelligence can be a powerful tool. The second key theme is the power of knowledge implementation towards competitive strategies. The first section of the thesis will focus on identifying and understanding the current “startup” landscape as a basis on which to build strategic and impactful business decisions. This will be accomplished as the team conducts a landscape analysis focused on the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem. The second section of the thesis will focus specifically on the personal experiences of student startup founders. This will be accomplished through the analysis of interviews with founders of the startups researched from the first section of the thesis. This will provide us with a direct insight into the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem.

Date Created

The State of Startups: A Student Perspective


This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative

This thesis will bring together students to engage in entrepreneurship by finding, measuring and sharing strategic market opportunities. From a student’s perspective, it will take a deep dive into the world of startup ecosystems, markets and trends utilizing both qualitative and quantitative market research techniques. The information gathered has been curated into a productive, meaningful manner, through a report titled “The State of Startups: A Student Perspective.” <br/> The first key theme of this thesis is that market intelligence can be a powerful tool. The second key theme is the power of knowledge implementation towards competitive strategies. The first section of the thesis will focus on identifying and understanding the current “startup” landscape as a basis on which to build strategic and impactful business decisions. This will be accomplished as the team conducts a landscape analysis focused on the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem. The second section of the thesis will focus specifically on the personal experiences of student startup founders. This will be accomplished through the analysis of interviews with founders of the startups researched from the first section of the thesis. This will provide us with a direct insight into the student perspective of the student-based North American “entrepreneurial” ecosystem.

Date Created

Approaching the Evolving Music Industry with Modern Marketing Theory

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The pace at which technology advances beats many marketers’ responses; in the music industry, technological advancements have driven the changes in music consumption and music marketing, which has created a need for a different marketing approach. Specifically, the digitalization of

The pace at which technology advances beats many marketers’ responses; in the music industry, technological advancements have driven the changes in music consumption and music marketing, which has created a need for a different marketing approach. Specifically, the digitalization of music has changed the way it is consumed—consumers now have access to digital music libraries with millions of songs directly on their phones, making streaming the driver of today’s music consumption—and social media has played an important role in the need for changes in music marketing. Additionally, the consumers behind this shift from buying physical albums to streaming music are millennials and Gen Z. For this reason, both groups were focused on in this research.
For decades, the music industry followed a structured business model that relied on the sale of albums in order for musicians and record labels to see revenues. Due to the rise of streaming services and changes in consumer behavior, this is no longer the case. Aldo Cundari argues that because of these changes, we are in the Customer Era of marketing, where marketers must use customer-centricity in order to drive consumers to want to engage with brands, as we now face informed and empowered consumers. Taking this theory and Vargo and Lusch’s argument that marketing is now service-centered—where consumers should be a part of the production process through co-creation of value, relationships, and customization of offerings—requires an analysis of the drivers of digital streaming and approaching them through a value-adding approach, finding the right channel of distribution, determining potential brand advocates, and assessing their preferences and behavior.
This paper first examines the history of music consumption, assesses today’s consumption, the shift from buying to streaming, and uncovers the indirect relationship between music and social media. I find that millennials and Generation Z are the drivers behind streaming, so primary research via a questionnaire is conducted to further evaluate their preferences and what they value in order to recommend customer-centric marketing strategies for music marketing. It was found that today’s consumer is a heavy social media user, integrates his/her social media and music consumption, and that the best channel of distribution is Instagram. To allow the consumer to co-create value, I found that the use of brand advocates and organic influencer marketing (through playlists and sponsored posts) is needed in the dynamic of today’s music industry.
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The View from Inside

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An in-depth look at intra-prisoner trade and debt within an AZ Department of Corrections state prison, focusing on the monopolistic activities of privately held corporations profiting off 2.2 million incarcerated U.S. citizens, with an emphasis on their rights to freedom

An in-depth look at intra-prisoner trade and debt within an AZ Department of Corrections state prison, focusing on the monopolistic activities of privately held corporations profiting off 2.2 million incarcerated U.S. citizens, with an emphasis on their rights to freedom of speech, press and religion, attempting to answer the question whether it is ethical and feasible to market goods and services to this isolated market.
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Marketing the Study Abroad Experience: An Investigation of Student Motivations and Obstacles to Studying Abroad

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Study abroad provides an opportunity for students to grow, earn academic credit, and explore the world. The experience helps students develop a new set of skills and engage in another culture. However, only a small percentage of students across the

Study abroad provides an opportunity for students to grow, earn academic credit, and explore the world. The experience helps students develop a new set of skills and engage in another culture. However, only a small percentage of students across the United States participate in this opportunity. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate why students study abroad or choose not to. More specifically, this study examines the motivations and obstacles students have to studying abroad. The other questions that contribute to this study are: Why are students unable to study abroad? How do certain personality traits affect a student's choice to study abroad? How can university study abroad organizations attract more students to participate in their programs? Before conducting research, the author reflected on her reasons for studying abroad, the problems she encountered, and her overall experience. Based on her experience and knowledge as an ASU Study Abroad Recruiter, she identified the different types of students who have not studied abroad. These are: students who plan to study abroad, are unable to study abroad, and who do not want to study abroad. To address the purpose of this study, the author created survey questions based on her experience and background research. She conducted research through a survey on Qualtrics and administered it to college students in the W.P. Carey School of Business. After reviewing the results, she came to several conclusions that can serve as guidelines for marketing study abroad to different types of students. Based on these conclusions, the author developed marketing messages to appeal to students with certain personality traits as well as to students who have not studied abroad. For each message, she created a sample of an ad that can be used in print materials or social media campaigns.
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The Business Model Behind

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Description is a website dedicated to the promotion of the Wizards of the Coast-trading card game Magic: the Gathering in Arizona. This paper details the business model that helps sustain the website and how that business model is designed specifically is a website dedicated to the promotion of the Wizards of the Coast-trading card game Magic: the Gathering in Arizona. This paper details the business model that helps sustain the website and how that business model is designed specifically to help build the community and ultimately fulfill the mission statement of
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The New Music Industry: How Artists Create, Market, And Release Music In The Digital Age

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Adam Simons is an Interdisciplinary Studies major at Arizona State University with concentrations in business and music. He is also a member of the alternative rock group RadioDriveBy. RadioDriveBy is a five-piece band based in Arizona that writes, professionally records,

Adam Simons is an Interdisciplinary Studies major at Arizona State University with concentrations in business and music. He is also a member of the alternative rock group RadioDriveBy. RadioDriveBy is a five-piece band based in Arizona that writes, professionally records, and performs its own original songs. This thesis contains a narrative of the planning, execution, and analysis of two albums released by RadioDriveBy. Through his experience and research in managing multiple releases, Simons covers the critical factors for artists to consider when marketing music in today's changing industry. The author divides an album release into five critical components: original music, release structure, artist image, accessibility and availability, and online promotion. This method of analysis develops manageable steps for artists to succeed in the modern music industry. Overall, this thesis is a model and creative project to help understand not only the behind-the-scenes work of RadioDriveBy, but also to provide a framework for other musicians and artists navigating the same path.
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