Cosplay, Comicon, and Creativity: Unmasking the Phoenix Nerd Community

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An analysis and informal ethnography of the participatory culture in Phoenix, Arizona that identifies itself as "geeky" or "nerdy." Conducted through numerous interviews and academic research, the project looks at this active community under the scope of personal choice and togetherness.
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The YouTube Celebrity: Common Factors of Successful YouTuber Channels

The YouTube Celebrity examines some of the top YouTube channels and their common methods of creation and communication. In this project I created and posted several videos and blogs discussing some common factors of success, using real world examples and

The YouTube Celebrity examines some of the top YouTube channels and their common methods of creation and communication. In this project I created and posted several videos and blogs discussing some common factors of success, using real world examples and the theory behind the medium and the people. I argue that successful YouTubers use a deliberate presentation as an amateur creator in order to gain authenticity. I use my experimental creation of videos and digital discussion of these ideas to develop my argument as well as applicable literature from relevant fields.
Date Created

Time Travel in Fanfiction

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In fan fiction, fans utilize different elements in an original work and incorporate them into their fanfics; elements such as the characters and setting of an original work are frequently used in fan fiction. A different element is investigated: time

In fan fiction, fans utilize different elements in an original work and incorporate them into their fanfics; elements such as the characters and setting of an original work are frequently used in fan fiction. A different element is investigated: time travel. The physics behind time travel is not yet understood, so authors have to create their own time travel physics in their works to account for this lack of understanding. Therefore, for fan authors to incorporate time travel into their fanfic, they must study the time travel physics in the original work the same way that characters from an original work are studied. Three original works and three fanfics are examined: the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its fanfic "The Fall and Rise of the Alicorn", the Harry Potter book series and its fanfic "Back to the Time of the Unknown", and the webcomic Homestuck and its fanfic "Like a Bug on a Windshield".
Date Created