A new story: Narrative-Based Medicine Applied to Latino Healthcare


Language has a critical role as a social determinant of health and a source of healthcare disparities. Rhetorical devices are ubiquitous in medicine and are often used to persuade or inform care team members. Rhetorical devices help a healthcare team

Language has a critical role as a social determinant of health and a source of healthcare disparities. Rhetorical devices are ubiquitous in medicine and are often used to persuade or inform care team members. Rhetorical devices help a healthcare team acknowledge and interpret narratives. For example, metaphors are frequently used as rhetorical devices by patients to describe cancer, including winning or losing a battle, surviving a fight, war, potentially implying that the patient feels helpless like a pawn fighting in a struggle directed by the physician, thus reducing patient autonomy and agency. However, this occidental approach is flawed because it excessively focuses on the individual's agency and marginalizes external factors, such as cultural beliefs and social support (Sontag, 1989). Although there is a large body of research about how the rhetoric of medicine affects patients in the United States, there is a lack of such research about how patient experiences' rhetoric can help increase the understanding of Latino populations' unique social determinants. This creative project aims to analyze the rhetorical differences in the description of disease amongst Latino and American communities, translating to creating an educational module for a Spanish for biomedical sciences class. The objective is to increase future healthcare professionals' ability to understand how the composition of descriptions and medical rhetoric in different mediums of humanities can serve as critical tools to analyze social determinants in Latino healthcare delivery.

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Traditional Medicine in Latin America

Over the last century, the Latino population in the United States has increased dramatically. Like most ethnic groups, Latinos highly value their culture and bring aspects of it with them when they come to the United States. One such aspect

Over the last century, the Latino population in the United States has increased dramatically. Like most ethnic groups, Latinos highly value their culture and bring aspects of it with them when they come to the United States. One such aspect of Latino culture is the use of traditional medicine. As the Latino population in the United States continues to grow, it is important that physicians and future physicians understand how the use of and belief in traditional medicine within different Latino populations can affect the healthcare experience for both provider and patient. Many physicians lack this knowledge and therefore are unsure how to proceed when confronted with these situations; in order to remedy this issue, this project seeks to propose and demonstrate a potential course that would be intended to inform pre-medical and pre-health students about traditional medicine in different Latin American countries so that they will be better prepared.
In this 3-credit course, students will gain awareness and understand the importance of Latino traditional medical practices from the perspective of future medical professionals. Students will learn about concepts such as folk illnesses and traditional religious practices within different Latino populations and will discover how these cultural beliefs can affect a patient’s attitude and cooperation in the medical office.
Through study of the traditional medicines of Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Cuba, students will be exposed to new concepts that will allow them to gain a broader understanding of their future patients, which will allow them to provide the best possible care as a physician. Students will reflect on the importance of having respect for a patient’s cultural beliefs in the medical profession, regardless of their knowledge of Spanish, so that they will be best equipped to handle these situations within the United States and abroad.
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The Experience of International Service Learning: Project Vietnam

International Service Devils (ISD) is a non-profit volunteer program established and run by students at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus. Since 2013, International Service Devils has volunteered in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and India. This blog, written by Kali Richmond and

International Service Devils (ISD) is a non-profit volunteer program established and run by students at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus. Since 2013, International Service Devils has volunteered in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and India. This blog, written by Kali Richmond and myself, shares the experience of how we as students are establishing a new volunteer program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We have described in an entertaining fashion, our entire learning process from the brainstorming and organizing to the results of the trip itself. This includes the struggles that we had to overcome with planning and finances, as well as crediting the people and organizations who helped us along the way to overcome those obstacles. We established 2 volunteer projects as well as completed multiple community analyses for the possibility of starting a school and providing scholarships to deserving children through the Young Dreamer Network. This blog is accompanied by an approximately 15 minute video of footage and photos taken during our time in Vietnam. The video shows both the volunteer aspect as well as some of the cultural experiences that we experienced. The purpose of this documentation is to encourage international service learning as a source of experience and education for University students, and to show plausibility of setting goals similar to ours and being able to achieve them. We hope that our writing can help students get an idea of what it takes to be a leader in international service learning programs, and that our experience can help prove the worth of volunteering abroad. We want to inspire fellow students to travel with the mission to learn from wherever they go and be able to give back to those communities, as this has provided us with immense personal growth and new perspectives on education and culture.
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The Experience of International Service Learning: Project Vietnam

Abstract: International Service Devils (ISD) is a non-profit volunteer program established and run by students at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus. Since 2013, International Service Devils has volunteered in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and India. This blog, written by Kali Richmond

Abstract: International Service Devils (ISD) is a non-profit volunteer program established and run by students at Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus. Since 2013, International Service Devils has volunteered in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and India. This blog, written by Kali Richmond and myself, shares the experience of how we as students have established a new volunteer program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. We have described in an entertaining fashion, our entire learning process from the brainstorming and organizing, to the results of the trip itself. This includes the struggles that we had to overcome with planning and finances, as well as crediting the people and organizations who helped us along the way to overcome those obstacles. We established 2 volunteer projects as well as completed multiple community analyses for the possibility of starting a school and providing scholarships to deserving children through the Young Dreamer Network. This blog is accompanied by an approximately 15 minute video of footage and photos taken during our time in Vietnam. The video shows both the volunteer aspect as well as some of the cultural experiences that we experienced. The purpose of this documentation is to encourage international service learning as a source of experience and education for University students, and to show plausibility of setting goals similar to ours and being able to achieve them. We hope that our writing can help students get an idea of what it takes to be a leader in international service learning programs, and that our experience can help prove the worth of volunteering abroad. We want to inspire fellow students to travel with the mission to learn from wherever they go and be able to give back to those communities, as this has provided us with immense personal growth and new perspectives on education and culture.
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A Comparison of the Effect of Acute vs. Chronic Stress on the Cardiovascular System

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The stress levels of the average person in today's society are extremely high and this can have a massive effect on health, especially on the cardiovascular system. The two most common types of stress, acute and chronic, effect the cardiovascular

The stress levels of the average person in today's society are extremely high and this can have a massive effect on health, especially on the cardiovascular system. The two most common types of stress, acute and chronic, effect the cardiovascular system differently. Acute stress comes from a short term source of perceived danger, such as giving a presentation in front of a crowd, or being chased by a wild animal. Chronic stress is the dull anxiety that hangs around consistently and comes from long-term sources of stress, such as a negative work environment or feeling trapped in a poor relationship. A review of the available research literature shows that while acute stress can have positive or negative effects on the body, chronic stress is consistently damaging to cardiovascular health. The adrenaline rush associated with acute stress can increase focus and improve performance through a variety of physiological reactions such as increased heart rate and changes in blood flow to support the most vital organs. Chronic stress sufferers have an increased chance of heart disease, heart attack, and a variety of other problems due to the negative consequences of chronic stress such as high blood pressure. The high negative impact chronic stress and excessive amounts of acute stress can have leads to the conclusion that stress needs to be regulated and limited. Prioritizing health by getting sufficient sleep, taking time to exercise, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation can all help to minimize stress levels and the dangerous potential consequences of excess stress.
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Prenatal Care, Immigration and the Welfare State: A Comparative of the Hispaniola and US-Mexico Dynamics

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This thesis examines the problems that occur when the politics and practices of social services, specifically maternal and prenatal care, are guided by a distorted understanding of immigration. It compares the politics and practice of this care across two international

This thesis examines the problems that occur when the politics and practices of social services, specifically maternal and prenatal care, are guided by a distorted understanding of immigration. It compares the politics and practice of this care across two international borders: the U.S.-Mexico and that within Hispaniola. In an ideal world, care would be extended to all individuals regardless of citizenship. However, since every welfare state has its limits at the national border, citizenship matters to both federal governments and medical professionals. Government-provided resources play an integral role in the current immigration debate, as these programs are a collective investment in which all individuals contribute in order to sustain it. The United States developed the welfare state in order to provide necessary resources to those who could not afford it. Its creators did not view these services as a handout, rather as a support for the future workforce of the country. However, health care was and still is not provided on this model of economic and social citizenship. Current U.S. healthcare policy dictates that no one can be turned away in an emergency situation because someone cannot pay their medical bill, including undocumented immigrants. But for immigrant mothers carrying children across the border, maternal and prenatal care does not qualify as an emergency and the federal government aid typically does not extend to them them as citizens. When care is extended to undocumented immigrants in the United States at all, it typically is provided to the child through Medicaid, who is by dint of the Fourteenth Amendment considered a citizen after birth. The relation between the Dominican Republic and Haiti offers a more complex situation, as the idea of birthright citizenship has recently been revoked. Following the Haitian Earthquake in 2010, the only healthcare to which many Haitians had access was across the Hispaniola border. Haitian women who give birth to children in the Dominican Republic are often not evaluated by a doctor until they are entering the delivery process, and even then health-care is complicated by or denied because of racial prejudice and unclear legal situation. In September of 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic issues a new ruling which declared that any immigrant born between 1929 and 2010 without documentation of their own or of their ancestors does not have citizenship, rendering many Haitians born in the Dominican Republic essentially stateless. To be born to a non-citizen mother typically means the child will likely be born with little or no prenatal care, and the mother will receive poor or inadequate care. Prenatal care is one of the most inexpensive elements of a care-model that carries huge returns relative to its costs. All governments would benefit from improved access to maternal and prenatal care because its future citizens who receive such care would be born healthier and have fewer expensive chronic illnesses. Fewer chronic illness among a population would have huge returns on the welfare state because fewer people would be utilizing it for expensive medical treatments. Though most medical professionals condemn the extreme act of denying care to pregnant women or infants (documented or not), the Dominican Republic and the United States have a popular politics that embraces this cruelty, despite the fact that both pride themselves on a multi-ethnic population. It is easy for policymakers to incriminate undocumented immigrants and claim that they are responsible for an illegitimate share of the consumption of the country's resources. Therefore, it seems likely that the host country's perceptions of immigrant natality and maternity help construct a negative image of the immigration "problem" in such a way that laws and policies are designed without accurate rationale. This thesis examines how the United States and the Dominican Republic might improve the relationship between the culture of healthcare and the role of the legal system for immigrants and their children. It seeks to understand the reasons, motivations, and consequences for denying immigrants services on the account of their citizenship status. The social, economic, and health consequences of being an undocumented citizen will be examined. Current legal policy and what political roadblocks and cultural prejudices must be overcome in order to implement a successful policy will be reviewed. Finally, the best practices prenatal care as a national investment will be discussed, as will the problem of cross-cultural perception of natality, maternity, and immigration.
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West Nile Virus Vaccines and their Developmental Outlook: A Review Article

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The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine

The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine technology surrounding West Nile Virus. This will include past developments, current research in the field and what it may take to develop such a vaccine safe and economical for human usage.
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