The Influence of the Gut Microbiome on Human Health

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Bacteria are often regarded s pathogens, with deleterious impacts on the human body. However, it is known that the presence of trillions of bacteria on and in the human body impart beneficial effects on human health. Like a fingerprint, each

Bacteria are often regarded s pathogens, with deleterious impacts on the human body. However, it is known that the presence of trillions of bacteria on and in the human body impart beneficial effects on human health. Like a fingerprint, each individual’s microbiome is unique. The composition of bacteria in one person’s gut is different from the gut bacteria in another individual. Together, the human gut microbiome is a complex mix of organisms that is commonly referred to as “the second brain.� Its role in the human body goes beyond digestion and immune system function. The health of the microbiome factors into risk for illnesses as diverse as depression, obesity, bowel disorders and autism (Perlmutter et al., 2015). In context of the myriad of bacteria that live on and within the human body, the composition of bacteria in the gut may have the most significant impact on an individual’s well-being. This “superorganism� co-evolved with its host in order to provide essential and mutually beneficial functions (Ragonnaud et al., 2021).

Affecting millions of Americans, depression is one of the leading causes of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), followed by anxiety (Gibson-Smith et al., 2018). Communication that occurs between the human brain and the gut microbiome has been found to be a major contributor towards mental health. The human gut microbiome is comprised of many microbes that can communicate with the brain through the gut-brain axis. However, factors such as stress and diets can interfere with this process, especially after increasing the permeability of the intestine (Khoshbin et al., 2020). Perturbation of the gut-brain axis has been implicated across a wide scale of neurodegenerative disorders, with respect to psychopathology (Bonaz et al., 2018). The environment of the gut, along with which species reside there, can help determine the link between gut function and disease. Therefore, it may be possible to prevent the degradation of an individual’s immune function and well-being through alteration of the gut microbiome. (abstract)
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Vaccine Essentials: How They Came To Be, Why They Are Necessary, and Why Vaccine Hesitancy Exists

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Vaccines are modern medicine’s best way of combating the majority of viral and bacterial illnesses and contagions to date. Thanks to the introduction of vaccines since the first uses of them in 1796 (Jenner’s smallpox vaccine), they have drastically reduced

Vaccines are modern medicine’s best way of combating the majority of viral and bacterial illnesses and contagions to date. Thanks to the introduction of vaccines since the first uses of them in 1796 (Jenner’s smallpox vaccine), they have drastically reduced figures of disease worldwide, turning once lethal and life changing conditions into minor annoyances; Some of these afflictions have even become nonexistent or even extinct in certain parts of the world outside of a controlled laboratory setting. With many advancements and overwhelming evidence proving their efficiency, it is clear that vaccines have become nothing less than a necessity for everyday healthcare in today’s world. <br/>The greatest contributor to the creation and evolution of vaccines throughout the years is by far the progress and work done in the field of molecular and cellular biology. These advancements have become the bedrock of modern vaccination, as shown by the differing types of vaccines and their methodology. The most common varieties of vaccines are include ‘dead’ or inactivated vaccines, one such example being the pertussis strain of vaccines, which have either dead or torn apart cells for the body to easily fight off, allowing the immune system to easily and quickly counter the illness; Additionally, there are also live attenuated vaccines (LAVs) in which a weaker version of the pathogen is introduced to the body to stimulate an immune response, or a recombinant mRNA vaccine where mRNA containing the coding for an antigen is presented for immunological response, the latter being what the current COVID-19 vaccines are based on. This is in part aided by the presence of immunological adjuvants, antigens and substances that the immune system can recognize, target, and remember for future infections. However, for more serious illnesses the body needs a bigger threat to analyze, which leads to live vaccines- instead of dead or individual components of a potential pathogen, a weakened version is created in the lab to allow the body to combat it. The idea behind this is the same, but to a larger degree so a more serious illness such as measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) do not infect us.<br/>However, for the past couple of decades the public’s views on vaccination has greatly varied, with the rise of fear and disinformation leading those to believe that modern medicine is a threat in disguise. The largest of these arguments began in the late 90’s, when Dr. Andrew Wakefield published an article under the Lancet with false information connecting vaccinations to the occurrence of autism in younger children- a theory which has since then been proven incorrect numerous times over. Unfortunately, the rise of hysteria and paranoia in people, along with more misinformation from misleading sources, have strengthened the anti-vaccination cause and has made it into a serious threat to the health of those world-wide.<br/>The aim of this thesis is to provide an accurate and thorough analysis on these three themes- the history of vaccines, their inner workings and machinations in providing immune defenses for the body, and the current controversy of the anti-vaccination movement. Additionally, there will be two other sections going in-depth on two specific areas where vaccination is highly important; The spread and fear of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been around for nearly four decades, so it begs the question: what makes this such a difficult virus, and how can a vaccine be created to combat it? Additionally, in the last year the world has encountered a new virus that has evolved into a global pandemic, SARS-COV 2. This new strain of coronavirus has shown itself to be highly contagious and rapidly mutating, and the race to quickly develop a vaccine to counteract it has been on-going since its first major infections in Wuhan, China. Overall, this thesis will go in-depth in providing the most accurate, up-to-date, and critical information regarding vaccinations today.

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Nutritional and Medicinal Effect of Aeroponic Agriculture

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A comparison of the total phenolic content, total vitamin C, and concentration of arsenic were tested in leafy vegetables (basil and kale) grown in aeroponic systems and conventional agriculture soil acquired from local supermarkets. In general, the study shows that

A comparison of the total phenolic content, total vitamin C, and concentration of arsenic were tested in leafy vegetables (basil and kale) grown in aeroponic systems and conventional agriculture soil acquired from local supermarkets. In general, the study shows that plants grown in aeroponic systems show comparable yield of Vitamin C and phenolic content, with absence of significant amounts of arsenic in aeroponically grown samples compared to those grown conventionally in soil.
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Predicting Dimensions of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

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In recent years, experimental and theoretical evidence has pointed to the existence of biologically active proteins that either include unstructured regions or are entirely unstructured. Referred to as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), they are now known to be involved

In recent years, experimental and theoretical evidence has pointed to the existence of biologically active proteins that either include unstructured regions or are entirely unstructured. Referred to as intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), they are now known to be involved in diverse functions, much as any folded protein. Mutations in IDPs have been implicated in multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Considering the disordered nature of IDPs, there are limited structure features that can be used to quantify the disordered state. One such pair of variables are the radius of gyration (Rg) and the corresponding Flory’s scaling exponent, both of which characterize the dimension and size of the protein. It is generally understood that the sequence of an IDP affects its Rg and scaling exponent. Properties such as amino acid hydrophobicity and charge can play important roles in determining the Rg of an IDP, much as they affect the structure of a folded protein. However, it is nontrivial to directly predict Rg and scaling exponent from an IDP sequence. In this thesis, a coarse-grained model is used to simulate the Rg and scaling exponents of 10,000 randomly generated sequences mimicking the amino acid propensities of a typical IDP sequence. Such a database is then fed into an artificial neural network model to directly predict the scaling exponent from the sequence. The framework has not only made accurate and precise predictions (<1% error) in comparing to the simulation-obtained scaling exponent, but also suggest important sequence descriptors for such prediction. In addition, through varying the number of sequences for training the model, we suggest a minimum dataset of 100 sequences might be sufficient to achieve a 5% error of prediction, shedding light upon possible predictive models with only experimental inputs.
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Applying Nutritional Education within the Primary Care Clinical Setting for the Prevention and Treatment of Chronic Cardiovascular Diseases

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Nutrition has been around for as long as human beings have resided on the planet, giving it one of the most impactful roles in history, particularly in medicine. Certain herbs or dietary restrictions could help individuals recover from illnesses—this form

Nutrition has been around for as long as human beings have resided on the planet, giving it one of the most impactful roles in history, particularly in medicine. Certain herbs or dietary restrictions could help individuals recover from illnesses—this form of healing has been passed down generations, which medical providers from all over the world take advantage of. Before the era of antibiotics and pharmaceutical companies, food was the medicine used to treat. As civilization has flourished and become progressive, it seems that certain qualities of the past have been forgotten, such as the power of diet. Medical providers like to push patients towards pharmaceutical intervention because of the financial profit that this method entails, which has been shown to backfire. These interventions are not solving the true problem, but only applying a short-term solution. Dietary restrictions as well as the increase in heart-healthy foods can entirely reverse these conditions in order to avoid the fatal effects they may have. With the increase in nutritional education amongst the population via medical providers, specifically primary care providers, patients are able to reverse the symptoms of effects of chronic cardiovascular disease amongst others.
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Digging Deeper into Vitamin Supplements: A, B12, and Multivitamins

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Vitamin supplements have beneficial and adverse effects depending on the dosage given and the age and sex of the recipient. Vitamin supplements have been extremely profitable in the health industry, but there is limited scientific data supporting vitamin supplement benefits.

Vitamin supplements have beneficial and adverse effects depending on the dosage given and the age and sex of the recipient. Vitamin supplements have been extremely profitable in the health industry, but there is limited scientific data supporting vitamin supplement benefits. Many studies over the last decade have shown that vitamin supplements provide few health benefits and can lead to adverse effects, such as abnormal bone growth, birth defects, or an increased risk of cancer. Some researchers state that people with a specific vitamin deficiency should take vitamin supplements because the supplement can alleviate this deficiency. Many healthy people take vitamin supplements to prevent disease or have better health, but some researchers argue this is a misconception. Most health organizations indicate that consuming vitamins should be through diet, not supplements. The value of dietary supplements, most of which are consumed in developed countries, has been a controversial topic, because the beneficial effects of taking vitamin supplements is hotly contested. Many experts in the field of nutritional physiology suggest that Americans adequately receive enough vitamins in their diet and do not need to take vitamin supplements. Researchers at John Hopkins announced that the United States should stop spending money on vitamin supplements. Their research has found no benefits to taking vitamin supplements, because most people in industrialized areas are well-nourished. In this study, I have gathered that vitamin supplements are not beneficial when one has a sufficiently nutrient-rich diet; whereas, one who has a vitamin deficient diet can benefit from taking vitamin supplements. Furthermore, I have gathered that people older than 65-years-old should take vitamin B12 because vitamin B12 levels decrease with age. There is not enough evidence to prove or disprove that vitamin supplements are generally beneficial. In fact, I gathered that vitamin supplements may even be harmful. I propose that further studies should be conducted to discover the truth about the possible benefits of vitamin supplementation for healthy individuals and among people with different health conditions, activity levels, and nutrient requirements.
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The Effects of Probiotics on Streptococcus mutans and Their Relationship to Oral Health

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Dental caries are considered the most common infectious diseases that impacts human populations worldwide. The human oral cavity is colonized by a wide range of microorganisms including viruses, protozoa, fungi, archaea and bacteria. Oral diseases begin with the development of

Dental caries are considered the most common infectious diseases that impacts human populations worldwide. The human oral cavity is colonized by a wide range of microorganisms including viruses, protozoa, fungi, archaea and bacteria. Oral diseases begin with the development of dental plaque, a biofilm formed by the accumulation of bacteria. Of these bacteria, Streptococcus mutans has been identified as the leading cause of dental caries. Probiotics are described as live microorganisms which provide beneficial impacts to their host by improving the intestinal microbial balance. Studies have demonstrated that probiotic therapies may be suitable for decreasing the cariogenic potential of S. mutans as well as other cariogenic bacteria. In this study, it was hypothesized that probiotics would exhibit a significant effect on the population density of S. mutans within the oral cavity. Nine people selected in this study consumed Activia probiotic yogurt for a seven-day trial period. DNA was extracted from these swabs and analyzed by qPCR. The results showed the amount of S. mutans increased insignificantly (P>0.05), whereas the proportion of S. mutans in the entire community was insignificant (P>0.05). Individual subjects responded differently to treatment, indicating the influence of their preferential diet on S. mutans abundance. Studies conducted on the probiotic strains within the Activia yogurt were previously shown to be insufficient in antagonizing cariogenic bacteria, which attributes to these results.
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Medical Advancements of Radiation-Induced Cancer on the Survivors of the Atomic Bombings in Japan during World War II

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Throughout WWII, the medical experiments conducted advanced the field of medicine. However, unethical experiments caused numerous unnecessary fatalities. These included the Josef Mengele experiments in Nazi Germany and the United States experiments. The atomic bombs, dropped by the United States

Throughout WWII, the medical experiments conducted advanced the field of medicine. However, unethical experiments caused numerous unnecessary fatalities. These included the Josef Mengele experiments in Nazi Germany and the United States experiments. The atomic bombs, dropped by the United States on Japan, that ended World War II, began a lifelong study on the effects of ionizing radiation on the survivors. The Life Long Study researched the survivor's rate of cancer incidences as well as the effects on their children. Scholars will disagree on whether the atomic bombs were necessary to end the war, however, this left unintended consequences in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The ethicality of the lifelong research study advanced medical imagining knowledge by limiting the amount of radiation a person can be exposed to in a certain time period ultimately reducing side effects from radiation and preventing possibilities of cancer.
Date Created

Aspirin: Past, Present, and Future

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"Going back as far as the time of Hippocrates, ancient Egyptians, tribal African nations, and many other early civilizations, humans used herbal remedies to treat their ailments. One such remedy was willow bark, used in tea form, to treat rheumatism

"Going back as far as the time of Hippocrates, ancient Egyptians, tribal African nations, and many other early civilizations, humans used herbal remedies to treat their ailments. One such remedy was willow bark, used in tea form, to treat rheumatism and fevers. This remedy was around for many thousands of years, along with other treatments containing salicylates, although this was not understood at the time. As time has gone on, the willow bark tea has been transformed into aspirin as we know it today. In addition to its medicinal uses, aspirin has become versatile in its uses, including use in homemade facial treatments and in the garden. As beneficial as aspirin has been, there are negative consequences to its use, particularly in young children, and it may have strange effects on gender when used by pregnant women. From such humble beginnings, aspirin has been shown to be more than a simple painkiller." Topics discussed in this paper include: the origins of aspirin and its use as a medical treatment, the beginnings of aspirin as it is known today, how aspirin interacts with the body, the specific chemical reactions that occur when aspirin is taken, aspirin as part of a heart health regimen, the possible uses of aspirin in treating cancer, general information about dosages and typical aspirin use, some side effects of aspirin use, and novel uses of aspirin that are not necessarily medical in nature. The beneficial nature of aspirin and the possibilities it presents are discussed alongside information about its potential limitations and negative effects.
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West Nile Virus Vaccines and their Developmental Outlook: A Review Article

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The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine

The objectives of this review include a discussion of the West Nile Virus phylogeny, transmission history, how the virus functions in the body and how it is a threat to public health, and then discusses these items related to vaccine technology surrounding West Nile Virus. This will include past developments, current research in the field and what it may take to develop such a vaccine safe and economical for human usage.
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