Examining the Influence of Health Insurance on COVID-19 Preventative Practices
Among Border Town Populations in Arizona


This study investigates the relationship between COVID-19 preventive behaviors and health insurance coverage in populations residing in Arizona border towns, a transnational geographical area with limited research focus. The literature highlights the impact of healthcare policies on immigrant communities, suggesting

This study investigates the relationship between COVID-19 preventive behaviors and health insurance coverage in populations residing in Arizona border towns, a transnational geographical area with limited research focus. The literature highlights the impact of healthcare policies on immigrant communities, suggesting that restricted access to healthcare exacerbates vulnerability to COVID-19. This secondary data analysis study is based on data collected from 2022 to 2023. The data revealed that being uninsured (b = -0.04, p = 0.44) or having public health insurance (b = -0.02, p = 0.72) did not predict stronger masking attitudes. The lack of a significant association between health insurance and preventive behaviors could be explained by the widespread dissemination of knowledge and adherence to established public health guidelines at that point in the pandemic. Additionally, culturally adaptive information and training for healthcare professionals was necessary to address migrants' health needs. Access to health services is crucial for all populations, including immigrants, to improve public health despite the loss of health insurance caused by the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

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Examining the Significance of Economic Connectedness as an Indicator of Disparities in COVID-19 Infection Risk in Arizona ZCTAs

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Bridging social capital describes the diffusion of information across networks built between individuals of different social identities. This project aims to understand if the bridging ties of economic connectedness (EC), measured by data from Facebook friends and calculated as the

Bridging social capital describes the diffusion of information across networks built between individuals of different social identities. This project aims to understand if the bridging ties of economic connectedness (EC), measured by data from Facebook friends and calculated as the average share of high socioeconomic status friends that an individual from a low socioeconomic status has, can be a predictor of variations in COVID-19 infection risk across Arizona ZIP code tabulation areas (ZCTAs). Economic connectedness values across Arizona ZCTAs was examined in addition to the correlation of EC to various social and demographic factors such as age, sex, race and ethnicity, educational background, income, and health insurance coverage. A multiple linear regression model was conducted to examine the association of EC to biweekly COVID-19 growth rate from October 2020 to November 2021, and to examine the longitudinal trends in the association between these two factors. The study found that the bridging ties of economic connectedness has a significant effect size comparable to that of other demographic features, and has implications in being used to identify vulnerabilities and health disparities in communities during the pandemic.

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Intergenerational Trauma and Depressive Symptoms Among Adult Descendants of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian Refugees


Descendants of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian refugees have been impacted by intergenerational trauma as a result of their parent’s trauma from being refugees from the Vietnam War, Secret War, and the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s and 1980s. There are

Descendants of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian refugees have been impacted by intergenerational trauma as a result of their parent’s trauma from being refugees from the Vietnam War, Secret War, and the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s and 1980s. There are limited studies evaluating the impacts of intergenerational trauma on adult descendants in Southeast Asian (SEA) refugee families. To address this research gap, a quantitative survey was conducted with adult descendants who are 18 years old or older to examine if intergenerational trauma is associated with depressive symptoms among adult Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian Americans whose parents came to the United States as refugees. To recruit participants, both purposive and snowball sampling was used. A total of 66 participants responded to the online survey. The survey consisted of multiple measures that analyzed the relationship between intergenerational trauma and depressive symptoms, including perceived parental trauma, intergenerational/intercultural conflict, acculturation, social support, and demographic characteristics. Statistical analysis was conducted through descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation analysis. Results indicated that intergenerational trauma was not associated with depressive symptoms. However, depressive symptoms were associated with intergenerational/intercultural conflict (r = 0.421, p < .01) and social support (r = -0.383, p < .01). It is possible that acculturation differences between descendants and parents are connected to intergenerational/intercultural conflict and depressive symptoms while social support allows the descendants to feel connected with others, which can reduce depressive symptoms. Culturally adapted family interventions, education, culturally sensitive therapy, and community spaces are possible solutions to addressing depressive symptoms among SEA adult descendants.

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Exploring Patient’s Experiences of Diabetes Empowerment Education Programs (DEEP) Among Tenants of Publicly Subsidized Housing (PSH) in Arizona

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Tenants of publicly subsidized housing (PSH) as well as the general population may choose from one of many existing diabetes education programs, such as the national Diabetes Prevention Program or choose from a smaller, more community-based program. The purpose of

Tenants of publicly subsidized housing (PSH) as well as the general population may choose from one of many existing diabetes education programs, such as the national Diabetes Prevention Program or choose from a smaller, more community-based program. The purpose of this study is to explore experiences of tenants of PSH who participated in a community-based Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP). This program aims to increase health literacy regarding public health concepts, such as the social determinants of health, gives participants the skills and resources for better diabetes management. From the literature review, a research gap was identified in two areas: studies evaluating participant’s experiences in diabetes education and studies using tenants of PSH for diabetes education. This study was designed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches to address the research gap. First, 5 participants were recruited and two surveys were conducted during the first and last sessions of the six-week DEEP class. The survey was created based upon the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire and the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities Measure. From the surveys, a coding guide was created and data was coded according to the guide. In addition, the means and standard deviations of categories from within the survey were calculated. Second, to better understand lived experiences during the DEEP intervention, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 2 class participants and the class educator to gain a deeper understanding of their experiences in the class. Diabetes knowledge increased between the first and second surveys. The rate of correct replies to 26 questions on the Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire increased from 52.8 % to 73.1% prior to and following the DEEP intervention. Overall, there was a 38.4% increase in diabetes knowledge before and after the DEEP classes. Regarding the findings from the individual interviews, social networks improved diabetics overall experience in the DEEP class and managing their diabetes. Additionally, barriers such as COVID-19, comorbidities, and cultural norms were discovered in participant’s experiences. Participants shared similar facilitators to diabetes management, such as time with diabetes increasing success at diabetes management. COVID-19 significantly limited enrollment in the DEEP classes, leading to a very small sample size which is a major limitation of this study. A critical implication of this study is highlighting the necessity of free community health education programs, such as this one, especially in publicly subsidized housing communities, to promote health equity for all.

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Achieving Health Equity: The Role of Community Health Workers in Latinx Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Arizona

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The purpose of this study is to describe Community Health Workers’ (CHWs) efforts in meeting unmet needs in underserved populations, especially with added COVID-19 pressures. Five focus groups were conducted with 28 CHWs across three counties. It was found that

The purpose of this study is to describe Community Health Workers’ (CHWs) efforts in meeting unmet needs in underserved populations, especially with added COVID-19 pressures. Five focus groups were conducted with 28 CHWs across three counties. It was found that CHW’s served as puentes/bridges, in which the extent of their reach and foundational strength provides a connection between the Latino/a/x population across Arizona and social services, resources, and the healthcare system.
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Trajectories of Intimate Partner Violence and Help-Seeking Among Older Adult Women in the Southwest United States: A Life Course Perspective

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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a common experience among (lifetime prevalence 16.5% - 54.5%); however, current research, intervention programs, and policies tend to target women of child-bearing age, leaving older adult women feeling unseen and unheard. The purpose of this

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a common experience among (lifetime prevalence 16.5% - 54.5%); however, current research, intervention programs, and policies tend to target women of child-bearing age, leaving older adult women feeling unseen and unheard. The purpose of this study was to provide a more accurate picture of violence against women over the life course. Guided by Life Course Theory, the characteristics of trajectories of IPV events and IPV-related help-seeking were assessed among a sample of community-dwelling women aged 60 or older residing in the Southwest United States (n = 52). Semi-structured retrospective interviews were conducted using a Life History Calendar (LHC). The characteristics of trajectories of IPV by type (physical, psychological, sexual) and by frequency (high, low) were examined. The impact of experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) on trajectories of violence were analyzed to account for childhood victimization in the life course. To better understand IPV-related help-seeking behaviors, the characteristics of trajectories of IPV-related help-seeking by age, type of IPV, and frequency of IPV were examined. Generalized linear mixed modeling was used to evaluate whether the probability of experiencing IPV and seeking IPV-related help changed over the life course. Half of the women in the sample experienced IPV at age 45 or later (n = 28; 53.8%), with approximately one-quarter of the women in an intimate relationship reporting IPV at time of interview (n = 6; 27.3%). Findings revealed curvilinear characteristics of IPV experience by type and frequency over the life course, with the probability of IPV events increasing earlier in life then decreasing later in life. Compared to previous studies that report IPV events decreasing in the latter 20s, the probability of experiencing IPV events increased later into adulthood (mid to late thirties among women in the study sample). The probability of seeking IPV-related help increased earlier in the life course and then declined, with the occurrence of IPV of all types significantly affecting trajectories of help-seeking behavior. Findings from this study contribute evidence needed for the recommendation of IPV screening into older adulthood and the adaptation of supportive services for older women seeking IPV-related help.
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Social Network Attributes and Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management Behaviors Among Young Adults in a Diabetes Related Social Group

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Young adults with type one diabetes mellitus (T1DM) face unique challenges in managing their chronic disease. While simultaneously navigating major life transitions and becoming fully responsible for their diabetes-self management behaviors (DSMB), social support can be an integral part of

Young adults with type one diabetes mellitus (T1DM) face unique challenges in managing their chronic disease. While simultaneously navigating major life transitions and becoming fully responsible for their diabetes-self management behaviors (DSMB), social support can be an integral part of disease management. Many young adults enroll in college where student organizations are prevalent including diabetes related social groups on some campuses, which provide a rich source of social support for students with diabetes as they transition to greater independence in diabetes management. This study used descriptive analysis and personal network analysis (PNA) to investigate which aspects of being a part of a diabetes related social group and personal networks, in general, are pertinent to successful diabetes management, measured by a Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) among 52 young adults with T1DM. The majority of respondents indicated that since being a part of College Diabetes Network (CDN) or another diabetes-related social group, they increased time spent paying attention to, and felt more empowered to make changes to their diabetes management routine, and they were able to generally take better care of their diabetes. Half of respondents noticed their health improved since joining, and over half felt less burdened by their diabetes. Though no personal network measures were highly correlated with higher Diabetes Self-Management Scores, the degree to which health matters were discussed within their personal network was the most associated personal network measure. Our findings help contextualize the ways in which young adults’ DSMB are influenced by participation in diabetes- related social groups, as well as introduce the use of personal network analysis in gauging important aspects of social capital and support in young adults with chronic disease.

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Social Network Attributes and Type 1 Diabetes Self-Management Behaviors Among Young Adults in a Diabetes Related Social Group

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Young adults with type one diabetes mellitus (T1DM) face unique challenges in managing their chronic disease. While simultaneously navigating major life transitions and becoming fully responsible for their diabetes-self management behaviors (DSMB), social support can be an integral part of

Young adults with type one diabetes mellitus (T1DM) face unique challenges in managing their chronic disease. While simultaneously navigating major life transitions and becoming fully responsible for their diabetes-self management behaviors (DSMB), social support can be an integral part of disease management. Many young adults enroll in college where student organizations are prevalent including diabetes related social groups on some campuses, which provide a rich source of social support for students with diabetes as they transition to greater independence in diabetes management. This study used descriptive analysis and personal network analysis (PNA) to investigate which aspects of being a part of a diabetes related social group and personal networks, in general, are pertinent to successful diabetes management, measured by a Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) among 52 young adults with T1DM. The majority of respondents indicated that since being a part of College Diabetes Network (CDN) or another diabetes-related social group, they increased time spent paying attention to, and felt more empowered to make changes to their diabetes management routine, and they were able to generally take better care of their diabetes. Half of respondents noticed their health improved since joining, and over half felt less burdened by their diabetes. Though no personal network measures were highly correlated with higher Diabetes Self-Management Scores, the degree to which health matters were discussed within their personal network was the most associated personal network measure. Our findings help contextualize the ways in which young adults’ DSMB are influenced by participation in diabetes- related social groups, as well as introduce the use of personal network analysis in gauging important aspects of social capital and support in young adults with chronic disease.

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The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 and its Related Fallout on the Mental Health of Young Adults


COVID-19 has shocked the bedrock of society, impacting both human life and the economy. Accompanying this shock has been the psychological distress inflicted onto the general population as a result of the emotion strain stemming from isolation/quarantine policies, being sick

COVID-19 has shocked the bedrock of society, impacting both human life and the economy. Accompanying this shock has been the psychological distress inflicted onto the general population as a result of the emotion strain stemming from isolation/quarantine policies, being sick with COVID-19, dealing with COVID-19 losses, and post-COVID syndrome and its effect on quality of life. The psychological distress has been experienced by the general population, but compared to middle age (30-50) and older adults (>50 years of age), it has been young adults (18-30 years old) who have been more psychologically affected (Glowacz & Schmits, 2020). Psychological distress, specifically anxiety and depression, has been exacerbated by feelings of uncertainty, fear of illness, losing loved ones, and fear of post-COVID syndrome. Post-COVID syndrome, as with other post-viral syndromes such as post viral SARS involve lingering symptoms such as myalgic encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and loss of motivation (Underhill, 2015). In addition to these symptoms, patients suffering from post-COVID syndrome have also presented brain inflammation and damaged brain blood vessels (Meinhardt et al., 2021), Endotheliitis (Varga et al., 2020), CV abnormalities and changes in glucose metabolism (Williams et al., 2020). CV abnormalities and changes in glucose metabolism are connected to chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease respectively. These chronic illnesses are then associated with higher risk for depression as a result of the stress induced by the symptoms and their impact on quality of life (NIMH, 2021). Further monitoring, and research will be important to gauge ultimate physiological and psychological impact of COVID-19.

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A Journey: American Indian Behavioral Health Programs Building Culturally Competent Clinical Skills and Adapting Evidence-Based Treatments

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There are federal mandates attached to funding for behavioral health programs that require the use of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) to treat mental health disorders in order to improve clinical outcomes. However, these EBTs have not been constructed with American Indian/Alaskan

There are federal mandates attached to funding for behavioral health programs that require the use of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) to treat mental health disorders in order to improve clinical outcomes. However, these EBTs have not been constructed with American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) populations. There are over 340 EBTs, and only two outcome controlled studies have demonstrated effectiveness with AI/AN populations to treat mental health disorders. AI/AN communities often have to select an EBT that is not reflective of their culture, language, and traditions. Although EBTs are frequently used in AI/AN communities, little is known about the adaptation process of these interventions with the AI/AN population. For this study, a qualitative design was used to explore how American Indian behavioral health (AIBH) organizations in the Southwest adapted EBTs for cultural relevancy and cultural appropriateness. One urban and two tribal AIBH programs were recruited for the study. Over a six-week period, 24 respondents (practitioners and cultural experts) participated in a semi-structured interview. Transcripts were analyzed using the constant comparative analysis approach. As a result, four themes emerged: 1) attitudes towards EBTs, 2) how to build culturally competent clinical skills, 3) steps to adapt EBTs, and 4) internal and external organizational factors required to adopt EBTs. The four themes identify how to build a culturally responsive behavioral health program in Indian country and are the purview of this dissertation.
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