The Wellness Warriors: A Comic Quest for Diabetes Knowledge

This research investigates how educational material and provider conversation better address the concerns of Mexican patients and families dealing with Type 2 diabetes. This is important to address since Type 2 diabetes is a common disease that continues to increase

This research investigates how educational material and provider conversation better address the concerns of Mexican patients and families dealing with Type 2 diabetes. This is important to address since Type 2 diabetes is a common disease that continues to increase and affects all ages. In addition, although it is a common disease, lack of education and knowledge is a barrier patients often face when diagnosed. Some of the factors that impact Type 2 diabetes management are understanding the diagnosis itself and learning about the factors that impact how diabetes is managed. In addition, to these factors, education and knowledge were investigated to learn how the form of education and individual versus group education impacts understanding. In this project, a comic book was created in Spanish to help Hispanic patients understand their diagnoses along with the symptoms and dietary changes that they must make. Resources are provided via QR codes to gain more information and concepts like carbohydrates and glycemic index are also reviewed to understand how the food they consume affects their blood sugar as well.
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Happy Healthy Little Humans: an educational podcast on childhood obesity for parents

This project is a 4 episode podcast on what the healthcare system and society can do to help reduce stigma and help prevent childhood obesity as well as be an educational tool for parents on what childhood obesity is. The

This project is a 4 episode podcast on what the healthcare system and society can do to help reduce stigma and help prevent childhood obesity as well as be an educational tool for parents on what childhood obesity is. The first episode, also known as my introduction episode, ended up being about 15 minutes in length. This is where I introduced the idea of childhood obesity and what the Inspire program is. This episode is where a lot of my literature review information came into play. Next, I interviewed Dr. Ron Tuckman who is a pediatric primary care physician and the Director of the Inspire Program at Northern Arizona Healthcare. This Episode is about 25 minutes in length and provides a lot of information on what obesity is, what causes it, how we can prevent it, and can we make kids feel safer in the healthcare so they will want to get treated. For the next episode, I interviewed nurse practitioner Sherry Walka and she is the primary nurse practitioner for the Inspire program. This episode was about 30 minutes in length and She really took us into a bigger look into what the inspire program is and how they go about diagnosing and treating childhood obesity. Then to tie it all off I have a summary episode which ended up being about 5 minutes in length. This episode discusses the similarities and differences between the two interviews and what the healthcare system and society can do to help childhood obesity.
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LifeSaver's Lane: Personal Hygiene Kits

Life on a college campus can get incredibly busy between classes, work, and a social life. Because of this, it can be easy to completely forget to grab those essential items on the way out the door that you might

Life on a college campus can get incredibly busy between classes, work, and a social life. Because of this, it can be easy to completely forget to grab those essential items on the way out the door that you might need for your day. The goal of LifeSaver’s Lane is to remedy the need to remember to grab those items by creating a small, easily accessible kit of essential items that can be thrown in a backpack or purse to keep at all times. Through this project we collected information on what would best work within our bags, as well as gathering expressed interest in regard to purchasing the product after we began to produce it. This project showed a large need for a product like these personal hygiene kits to deal with the chaos of daily life.
Date Created

Navigating Newborn Sleep Environments for Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths

Cases of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) have taken thousands of lives of infants from families each year. The dangers of accidental suffocation, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs), and even unknown causes have been prevalent throughout history. There are several

Cases of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) have taken thousands of lives of infants from families each year. The dangers of accidental suffocation, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs), and even unknown causes have been prevalent throughout history. There are several behavioral risk factors that are associated with SUIDS and SIDS, which threaten the life of infants less than one year of age because they are in their vulnerable state of being. Being cautious of the crib environment, sleeping position, and co-sleeping can all help in reducing the risk of developing SIDS. The goal of this project is to continue to spread awareness regarding preventable measures to protect infants from unintentional deaths. These risks are modifiable and can help reduce the decline of health and help first-time parent(s) and caregivers protect their young.
Date Created

Navigating Newborn Sleep Environments for Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths

Cases of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) have taken thousands of lives of infants from families each year. The dangers of accidental suffocation, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs), and even unknown causes have been prevalent throughout history. There are several

Cases of sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUID) have taken thousands of lives of infants from families each year. The dangers of accidental suffocation, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDs), and even unknown causes have been prevalent throughout history. There are several behavioral risk factors that are associated with SUIDS and SIDS, which threaten the life of infants less than one year of age because they are in their vulnerable state of being. Being cautious of the crib environment, sleeping position, and co-sleeping can all help in reducing the risk of developing SIDS. The goal of this project is to continue to spread awareness regarding preventable measures to protect infants from unintentional deaths. These risks are modifiable and can help reduce the decline of health and help first-time parent(s) and caregivers protect their young
Date Created