The Federal Student Loan Pause: Assessing its Impact on Healthcare and Retirement Spending

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The student loan pause was implemented to assist borrowers during the economic downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Using quarterly data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey from 2019-2021, I analyze the impact of the pause on household spending on healthcare

The student loan pause was implemented to assist borrowers during the economic downturn caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Using quarterly data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey from 2019-2021, I analyze the impact of the pause on household spending on healthcare and retirement savings. Prior studies have shown negative impacts of student debt on health and retirement outcomes. The results indicate no statistically significant difference in spending in these categories for households that were eligible for the student loan pause. These findings raise concerns of whether the student loan pause was enough to help households affected by student debt and how these households will fare once the pause ends.
Date Created

Everything for Sale: Social Media and Neoliberal Subjectivity


With the dissolution of the old forms of power has come a new heteronomy: that of the screen. The individual is in stasis, caught between the old forms of control and the new, but unable to imagine a better, liberated

With the dissolution of the old forms of power has come a new heteronomy: that of the screen. The individual is in stasis, caught between the old forms of control and the new, but unable to imagine a better, liberated future. What is responsible for this interregnum? The answer lies in analyzing these new forms of control, their effects on the subject, and the material, historical processes behind them. This paper looks specifically at social media and how it has come to limit autonomy and commodify human experience and personhood. Drawing from Theodor Adorno’s Theory of Pseudo Culture, it seeks to describe the ways in which social media both erodes and administers subjectivity. Culture, now subject to the economic imperatives of capitalism, no longer contributes to the development of individuality. By referencing Karl Marx’s Capital and C. Wright Mill’s “The Competitive Personality”, this paper describes how social media expands commercial imperatives outside of the bounds of the workplace and into everyday life. The paper concludes by drawing on Herbert Marcuse’s One Dimensional Man in order to describe how social media neutralizes oppositional sentiments. Even the seemingly spontaneous expressions of dissent found on social media become a conservative force, stymieing real world organization through the repressive desublimation of revolt. In addition to understanding the dominating effects of the screen, this paper seeks to map the contours of neoliberal subjectivity.

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The New Generation of Labor Struggle? A Qualitative Study of Arizona's Starbucks Workers United Movement


The Starbucks Workers United Movement emerged in late 2021 and quickly spread to 290 stores in at least 40 states. SBWU cuts against the decades-long trend of decline in the US labor movement, and many hope that it signals its

The Starbucks Workers United Movement emerged in late 2021 and quickly spread to 290 stores in at least 40 states. SBWU cuts against the decades-long trend of decline in the US labor movement, and many hope that it signals its revitalization. I conducted interviews in Arizona's first SBWU location to investigate why workers organized, why they chose to act now, and what obstacles lie ahead of the movement. I found that the movement is driven primarily by young workers (Gen Y and Z) motivated by factors other than pay like toxic management, scheduling concerns, and dignity at work. Findings indicate that the conditions which brought about SBWU will increase in a future of climate change and economic instability.

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Engineering a Renewable Future: Improving Solar Technologies and the Engineer’s Role in a Green New Deal

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The goal of this research was to identify why the federal government should invest in solar research and development, and which areas of solar improvement should be focused on. Motivation for this can be found in the pressing need to

The goal of this research was to identify why the federal government should invest in solar research and development, and which areas of solar improvement should be focused on. Motivation for this can be found in the pressing need to prevent and reverse the effects of climate change, the inevitability of fossil fuel resources eventually running out, and the economic and job creation potential which solar energy holds. Additionally, it is important to note that the best course of action will involve a split of funding between current solar rollout and energy grid updating, and the R&D listed in this research. Upon examination, it can be seen that an energy revolution, led by a federal solar jobs program and a Green New Deal, would be both an ethically and economically beneficial solution. A transition from existing fossil fuel infrastructure to renewable, solar-powered infrastructure would not only be possible but highly beneficial in many aspects, including massive job creation, a more affordable, renewable energy solution to replace coal-fired plants, and no fuel spending or negotiation required.<br/>When examining which areas of solar improvement to focus on for R&D funding, four primary areas were identified, with solutions presented for each. These areas for improvement are EM capture, EM conversion efficiency, energy storage capacity, and the prevention of overheating. For each of these areas of improvement, affordable solutions that would greatly improve the efficiency and viability of solar as a primary energy source were identified. The most notable area that should be examined is solar storage, which would allow solar PV panels to overcome their greatest real and perceived obstacle, which is the inconsistent power generation. Solar storage is easily attainable, and with enough storage capacity, excess solar energy which would otherwise be wasted during the day can be stored and used during the night or cloudy weather as necessary. Furthermore, the implementation of highly innovative solutions, such as agrivoltaics, would allow for a solar revolution to occur.

Date Created

Reimagining the Agriculture System through a Green New Deal: How Farm Subsidies can be Reformed to Ensure Healthy Food as a Right to all Citizens of the United States

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In the United States, healthy food is much more expensive than heavily processed meat, grains, and sugars. Meanwhile, heart disease and other autoimmune disorders are the leading causes of death in the country. The Green New Deal explicitly mentions that

In the United States, healthy food is much more expensive than heavily processed meat, grains, and sugars. Meanwhile, heart disease and other autoimmune disorders are the leading causes of death in the country. The Green New Deal explicitly mentions that the agriculture system is in need of reformation and that healthy food must be supplied as a right to all citizens, however, there is no mention whatsoever of government farm subsidies. While corrupt subsidization is the main culprit for the broken agriculture system of today, the same tool can be used to transition to a regenerative system that not only can provide environmental support, but also supply healthy food as a right to everyone in the country.
Date Created

Evaluating Phoenix's Public Transit Futures Under the Scope of a Green New Deal

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The global climate crisis threatens to negatively affect all human activity on earth. Within the United States, the Green New Deal is the only proposal that plans to address and stop the climate crisis in full, promising net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, green

The global climate crisis threatens to negatively affect all human activity on earth. Within the United States, the Green New Deal is the only proposal that plans to address and stop the climate crisis in full, promising net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, green jobs, rebuilt infrastructure, access to resources, and reparations for frontline and vulnerable communities, achieved within it's 10-year mobilization period. If enacted, public transportation would be one of the first areas for intervention. Within the Phoenix Valley, a shift to public transportation would not only aid in stopping the climate crisis, but would improve resident equity, comfortability, and increase quality of life. In order to build up an effective public transportation system, all potential and current obstacles that public transit faces and will face in the wake of a Green New Deal must be analyzed: local government capacity, resident attitudes, current city layout and urban sprawl, the security of federal funding, and corporate opposition are addressed in this thesis. The security of federal funding and corporate opposition are the biggest obstacles of transit growth and create four distinct scenarios that the Phoenix Valley can utilize to understand progress towards the Green New Deal's Goals.
Date Created

A Green New Deal For Agriculture: The American Farm Bureau and the Demobilization of the American Farmer

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The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is an organization promoting itself as "The National Voice of American Agriculture." However, small independent family farmers are losing their livlihoods, having their rural communities destroyed, and are suffering from mental illness due to

The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) is an organization promoting itself as "The National Voice of American Agriculture." However, small independent family farmers are losing their livlihoods, having their rural communities destroyed, and are suffering from mental illness due to the covert actions of the AFBF. In reality, the AFBF is a national advocate for agricultural conglomerates and industrial agriculture practice. The AFBF drives the American agribusiness sector and demobilizes small farmer mobilization for any iteration of a modern and sustainable agricultural revolution. This thesis seeks to evaluate the ways in which the Farm Bureau demobilizes farmers in their ideology, education, and activism and seeks to recommend effective ways challenge the American Farm Bureau in pursuit of an agriculturally just Green New Deal (GND). A GND for agriculture emphasizes the need for independent family farmers and ensuing components of sustainability, regenerative practice, and an integrated, healthy food system.
Date Created

The Successes and Failures of the Freedom Budget and What They Mean for Today’s Progressive Battles

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In the 1960s, prominent Civil Rights leaders proposed a Freedom Budget For All Americans, a policy proposal pamphlet with ambitious goals such as the abolition of poverty, universal healthcare and housing, fair wages for workers, a progressive tax, and more.

In the 1960s, prominent Civil Rights leaders proposed a Freedom Budget For All Americans, a policy proposal pamphlet with ambitious goals such as the abolition of poverty, universal healthcare and housing, fair wages for workers, a progressive tax, and more. These economic goals were meant to alleviate racial inequality by attacking the deep roots of inequality in the United States. While the Freedom Budget did not pass, the movement for the goals was incredibly remarkable and modern progressive movements like that for the Green New Deal can learn much from the successes and failures of the Freedom Budget. This thesis aims to identify strengths and weaknesses, analyze the causes behind them, and synthesize these factors into the modern context of the Green New Deal's fight.
Date Created

A Sunrise on a New Future: How the Sunrise Movement is Reshaping Environmental Activism

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Environmental activism has played a major role in American politics since the late 1800s, with major victories including the National Park Service Organic Act of 1916 that established the National Park Service to help protect parks and monuments, the Clean

Environmental activism has played a major role in American politics since the late 1800s, with major victories including the National Park Service Organic Act of 1916 that established the National Park Service to help protect parks and monuments, the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts of the 1960s and 1970s, and the phase-out of ozone depleting chemicals in the 1990s. Yet mainstream activism has stagnated in recent years, facing a variety of problems such as continuing to perpetuate a corporate system in which frontline and minority communities are left behind and only focusing on traditional methods like lobbying and indirect activism that fail to generate mass public support. In contrast, the Sunrise Movement is a new youth-oriented environmental and social organization that has become prevalent in the last five years for their aim to combat both climate change and socioeconomic inequalities through the Green New Deal. With the growing need for climate action that is fair and equitable, this project intended to contextualize the Sunrise Movement within past and current environmental movements as well as the current environmental and political climate in order to then investigate how Sunrise operates and their level of effectiveness in promoting the Green New Deal. I performed a literature review of both past and present news articles as well as journal articles in addition to interviewing experts in the theory and practice of activism to characterize the three waves of environmentalism and lessons learned, the current political sphere and what mainstream activism is working toward, and Sunrise itself. While mainstream and localized radical activism had victories and a certain degree of effectiveness, their lack of inclusivity has failed to encourage the mass mobilization needed for long-term climate legislation. The Sunrise Movement distinguishes itself through disruptive activism and direct engagement: disruptive by challenging the status quo of profit over people, the two party system where both groups are moving toward the right, and the whiteness and liberal locations of the mainstream environmental movement; direct by working with partners across the environmental, social, and labor sphere and working with actionable, hands-on items that encourage participation. Though they have major limitations like ensuring that they are as inclusive as they recognize an environmental movement must be and the risk of being seen as a partisan organization, Sunrise shows that the attitude of the public is moving in favor of the climate and social equity.
Date Created

Building Unity Under a GND: Socially Engaged Public Art to Repair a Fragmented Nation

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This thesis reviews the successes and failures of the New Deal Federal Public Art Projects. Considering these, it makes recommendations for a socially engaged public arts program under a Green New Deal to engage and inspire people across party lines behind a shared vision of a Green New Future.
Date Created