A Desert of Mind-Dust: An Argument for Panpsychism

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Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is an intrinsic state of the world. While early forms were advanced by Spinoza and Russell, only recently has panpsychism gained widespread academic consideration. In this paper, I will argue for panpsychism, based on

Panpsychism is the view that consciousness is an intrinsic state of the world. While early forms were advanced by Spinoza and Russell, only recently has panpsychism gained widespread academic consideration. In this paper, I will argue for panpsychism, based on a similarity of the nature of our consciousness with the nature of the parts of our consciousness. This argument will be motivated by an anti-strong emergentist viewpoint, while allowing for complex consciousness to arise from a form of weak emergence between fundamental parts. Ultimately, this argument demonstrates that an identity theorist would collapse to panpsychism or strong emergentism, the former being preferred. From this, I argue that panpsychists can gain some intuitive benefits of dualism and materialism, without inheriting their issues. This positions the panpsychist well to respond to issues like Jackson’s (1982) Mary-argument. I will then discuss possible objections to panpsychism, focusing primarily on the combination problem. I conclude that the co-consciousness strategy is the optimal solution to this problem and can account for the inverse issue of the decombination problem that cosmopsychism faces. Overall, panpsychism’s explanatory power and compatibility with other disciplines makes it a favorable theory within the philosophy of mind.

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Concero Partners: Pioneering Capital Solutions in Emerging Markets

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic growth. At the heart of our mission is bridging the capital accessibility gap and simplifying transactions by collaborating with regional audit firms to standardize financial reporting, enhance market transparency, and make businesses more attractive to global investors. Beyond facilitating financial transactions, our broader goal is to stimulate economic growth by creating a more interconnected, efficient, and robust M&A ecosystem.
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Concero Partners: Pioneering Capital Solutions in Emerging Markets

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses

Concero Partners is committed to pioneering innovative capital solutions in emerging markets, with a strategic focus on Latin America. By leveraging a state-of-the-art online brokerage platform, Concero Partners aims to democratize access to global capital for small to mid-sized businesses in Chile and Brazil, enhancing financial transparency and fostering economic growth. At the heart of our mission is bridging the capital accessibility gap and simplifying transactions by collaborating with regional audit firms to standardize financial reporting, enhance market transparency, and make businesses more attractive to global investors. Beyond facilitating financial transactions, our broader goal is to stimulate economic growth by creating a more interconnected, efficient, and robust M&A ecosystem.
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Development of a Python-Based Software for Calculating the Jones Polynomial: Insights into the Behavior of Polymers and Biopolymers

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This thesis details a Python-based software designed to calculate the Jones polynomial, a vital mathematical tool from Knot Theory used for characterizing the topological and geometrical complexity of curves in 3-space, which is essential in understanding physical systems of filaments, including the behavior

This thesis details a Python-based software designed to calculate the Jones polynomial, a vital mathematical tool from Knot Theory used for characterizing the topological and geometrical complexity of curves in 3-space, which is essential in understanding physical systems of filaments, including the behavior of polymers and biopolymers. The Jones polynomial serves as a topological invariant capable of distinguishing between different knot structures. This capability is fundamental to characterizing the architecture of molecular chains, such as proteins and DNA. Traditional computational methods for deriving the Jones polynomial have been limited by closure-schemes and high execu- tion costs, which can be impractical for complex structures like those that appear in real life. This software implements methods that significantly reduce calculation times, allowing for more efficient and practical applications in the study of biological poly- mers. It utilizes a divide-and-conquer approach combined with parallel computing and applies recursive Reidemeister moves to optimize the computation, transitioning from an exponential to a near-linear runtime for specific configurations. This thesis provides an overview of the software’s functions, detailed performance evaluations using protein structures as test cases, and a discussion of the implications for future research and potential algorithmic improvements.
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Relationship Between Mexican Culture Orientation and Puberty Onset in Latino Youth

Puberty is a critical stage in the human life course. Specifically, puberty is the physiological transitionary period that marks the beginning of human reproduction capability. These physiological changes are markedly different in boys and girls and accordingly typically occur on

Puberty is a critical stage in the human life course. Specifically, puberty is the physiological transitionary period that marks the beginning of human reproduction capability. These physiological changes are markedly different in boys and girls and accordingly typically occur on different timelines. Furthermore, these timelines are not a set guideline for every child as some may develop earlier and others later. This age of onset is a general range that has been observed and considered to be the normal age of onset. The normal age of onset of puberty is typically between ages 8 and 13 for girls or 9 and 14 for boys (Brito & Latronico, 2015, 93). Any development seen before these ages is typically defined as early onset and development seen after is late development. Professionals have further defined different stages of puberty in both boys and girls. In girls, this involves breast development, body hair growth, changes in height and weight, and menarche (Wheeler, 1991, pg. 2). In boys, pubertal development often involves genital growth, body hair growth, deepening of voice, and growth spurts (6). Puberty onset has been a popular topic of study in the health sciences as the age of onset can indicate the impact of biological and environmental factors. In particular, inequality in research of pubertal onset, the effects of early/delayed onset, and race/ethnicity is of special interest. For instance, there is a lack of existing literature on the role that culture plays on pubertal onset in Latino youth. This analysis intends to investigate the relationship between the integration of Hispanic culture in children’s lives and pubertal onset.
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Britain’s entry to the First World War, or how Great Power Conflicts Form

Out of all of the participants in World War I, the most curious, in my opinion, is Great Britain. With the English Channel guaranteeing a navally superior Britain could guarantee its independence indefinitely, joining a world war does not seem

Out of all of the participants in World War I, the most curious, in my opinion, is Great Britain. With the English Channel guaranteeing a navally superior Britain could guarantee its independence indefinitely, joining a world war does not seem like the obvious move to make. Despite this, on August 4th, 1914 Britain was at war with Germany. In my paper, I will argue that the invasion of Belgium provided the catalyst for a great power conflict due to the institutional, material, and personal realities that set the two nations on a collision course.
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Misfit Mysticism, Paradox Pieties, Diasporist Dreams: Playwriting for the Queer Yiddish Future

This project reflects on the historical constructions of queer Jewish diasporic deviance, presents a theology of misfit mysticism, and offers an in-process play surrounding these topics. Musings include anti-nationalism, sacred-profanity, degeneracy, divinity, paradox, and infinity.
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