Deciphering the Intrinsic Structure-Property Correlations in 2D Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

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Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging 2D quantum materials with an asymmetric chalcogen configuration that induces an out-of-plane dipole moment. Their synthesis has been a limiting factor in exploring these systems' many-body physics and interactions. This dissertation examines the

Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) are emerging 2D quantum materials with an asymmetric chalcogen configuration that induces an out-of-plane dipole moment. Their synthesis has been a limiting factor in exploring these systems' many-body physics and interactions. This dissertation examines the challenges associated with synthesis and charts the excitonic landscape of Janus crystals by proposing the development of the Selective Epitaxy and Atomic Replacement (SEAR) technique. SEAR utilizes ionized radical precursors to modify TMD monolayers into their Janus counterparts selectively. The synthesis is coupled with optical spectroscopy and monitored in real-time, enabling precise control of reaction kinetics and the structural evolution of Janus TMDs. The results demonstrate the synthesis of Janus TMDs at ambient temperatures, reducing defects and preserving the structural integrity with the hitherto best-reported exciton linewidth emission value, indicating ultra-high optical quality. Cryogenic optical spectroscopy (4K) coupled with a magnetic field on Janus monolayers has allowed the isolation of excitonic transitions and the identification of charged exciton complexes. Further study into macroscopic and microscopic defects reveals that structural asymmetry results in the spontaneous formation of 2D Janus Nanoscrolls from an in-plane strain. The chalcogen arrangement in these structures dictates two types of scrolling dynamics that form Archimedean or inverted C-scrolls. High-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy of these superlattices shows a preferential orientation of scrolling and formation of Moiré patterns. These materials' thermodynamically favorable defect states are identified and shown to be optically active. The encapsulation of Janus TMDs with hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) has allowed isolation defect transitions. DFT coupled with power-dependent PL spectroscopy at 4K shows the broad defect band to be a convolution of individual defect states with extremely narrow linewidth (2 meV) indicative of a two-state quantum system. The research presents a comprehensive synthesis approach with insights into the structural and morphological stability of 2D Janus layers, establishing a complete structure-property correlation of optical transitions and defect states, broadening the scope for practical applications in quantum information technologies.
Date Created

Silicon Thin-film Contacts to Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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The application of silicon thin films in solar cells has evolved from their use in amorphous silicon solar cells to their use as passivating and carrier-selective contacts in crystalline silicon solar cells. Their use as carrier-selective contacts has enabled crystalline

The application of silicon thin films in solar cells has evolved from their use in amorphous silicon solar cells to their use as passivating and carrier-selective contacts in crystalline silicon solar cells. Their use as carrier-selective contacts has enabled crystalline silicon solar cell efficiencies above 26%, just 3% shy of the theoretical efficiency limit. The two cell architectures that have exceeded 26% are the silicon heterojunction and tunnel oxide passivating contact cell. These two cell architectures use two different forms of silicon thin films. In the case of the silicon heterojunction, the crystalline wafer is sandwiched between layers of intrinsic amorphous silicon, which acts as the passivation layer, and doped amorphous silicon, which acts as the carrier-selective layer. On the other hand, the tunnel oxide passivating contact cell uses a thin silicon oxide passivation layer and a doped polycrystalline silicon layer as the carrier-selective layer. Both cell structures have their distinct advantages and disadvantages when it comes to production. The processing of the silicon heterojunction relies on a low thermal budget and leads to high open-circuit voltages, but the cost of high-vacuum processing equipment presents a major hurdle for industrial scale production while the tunnel oxide passivating contact can be easily integrated into current industrial lines, yet it requires a higher thermal budgets and does not produce as high of an open-circuit voltage as the silicon heterojunction. This work focuses on using both forms of silicon thin films applied as passivating and carrier-selective contacts to crystalline silicon thin films.First, a thorough analysis of the series resistivity in silicon heterojunction solar cells is conducted. In particular, variations in the thickness and doping of the individual ii contact layers are performed to reveal their effect on the contact resistivity and in turn the total series resistivity of the cell. Second, a tunnel oxide passivated contact is created using a novel deposition method for the silicon oxide layer. A 21% efficient proof-of-concept device is presented demonstrating the potential of this deposition method. Finally, recommendations to further improve the efficiency of these cells is presented.
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From Fully Depleted Silicon-on-insulator Towards Graphene-based Spintronic Applications

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In the last few decades, extensive research efforts have been focused on scaling down silicon-based complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology to enable the continuation of Moore’s law. State-of-art CMOS includes fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) field-effect-transistors (FETs) with ultra-thin silicon channels

In the last few decades, extensive research efforts have been focused on scaling down silicon-based complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology to enable the continuation of Moore’s law. State-of-art CMOS includes fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FDSOI) field-effect-transistors (FETs) with ultra-thin silicon channels (6 nm), as well as other three-dimensional (3D) device architectures like Fin-FETs, nanosheet FETs, etc. Significant research efforts have characterized these technologies towards various applications, and at different conditions including a wide range of temperatures from room temperature (300 K) down to cryogenic temperatures. Theoretical efforts have studied ultrascaled devices using Landauer theory to further understand their transport properties and predict their performance in the quasi-ballistic regime.Further scaling of CMOS devices requires the introduction of new semiconducting channel materials, as now established by the research community. Here, two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors have emerged as a promising candidate to replace silicon for next-generation ultrascaled CMOS devices. These emerging 2D semiconductors also have applications beyond CMOS, for example in novel memory, neuromorphic, and spintronic devices. Graphene is a promising candidate for spintronic devices due to its outstanding spin transport properties as evidenced by numerous studies in non-local lateral spin valve (LSV) geometries. The essential components of graphene-based LSV, such as graphene FETs, metal-graphene contacts, and tunneling barriers, were individually investigated as part of this doctoral dissertation. In this work, several contributions were made to these CMOS and beyond CMOS technologies. This includes comprehensive characterization and modeling of FDSOI nanoscale FETs from room temperature down to cryogenic temperatures. Using Landauer theory for nanoscale transistors, FDSOI devices were analyzed and modeled under quasi-ballistic operation. This was extended towards a virtual-source modeling approach that accounts for temperature-dependent quasi-ballistic transport and back-gate biasing effects. Additionally, graphene devices with ultrathin high-k gate dielectrics were investigated towards FETs, non-volatile memory, and spintronic devices. New contributions were made relating to charge trapping effects and their impact on graphene device electrostatics (Dirac voltage shifts) and transport properties (impact on mobility and conductivity). This work also studied contact resistance and tunneling effects using transfer length method (TLM) graphene FET structures and magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) towards graphene-based LSV.
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Field Effect Transistors with Emerging Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Channels for Future Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) Technologies

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The research of alternative materials and new device architectures to exceed the limits of conventional silicon-based devices has been sparked by the persistent pursuit of semiconductor technology scaling. The development of tungsten diselenide (WSe2) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), well-known member

The research of alternative materials and new device architectures to exceed the limits of conventional silicon-based devices has been sparked by the persistent pursuit of semiconductor technology scaling. The development of tungsten diselenide (WSe2) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), well-known member of the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) family, has made great strides towards ultrascaled two-dimensional (2D) field-effect-transistors (FETs). The scaling issues facing silicon-based complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies can be solved by 2D FETs, which show extraordinary potential.This dissertation provides a comprehensive experimental analysis relating to improvements in p-type metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS) FETs with few-layer WSe2 and high-κ metal gate (HKMG) stacks. Compared to this works improved methods, standard metallization (more damaging to underlying channel) results in significant Fermi-level pinning, although Schottky barrier heights remain small (< 100 meV) when using high work function metals. Temperature-dependent analysis reveals a dominant contribution to contact resistance from the damaged channel access region. Thus, through less damaging metallization methods combined with strongly scaled HKMG stacks significant improvements were achieved in contact resistance and PMOS FET overall performance. A clean contact/channel interface was achieved through high-vacuum evaporation and temperature-controlled stepped deposition. Theoretical analysis using a Landauer transport adapted to WSe2 Schottky barrier FETs (SB-FETs) elucidates the prospects of nanoscale 2D PMOS FETs indicating high-performance towards the ultimate CMOS scaling limit. Next, this dissertation discusses how device electrical characteristics are affected by scaling of equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) and by adopting double-gate FET architectures, as well as how this might support CMOS scaling. An improved gate control over the channel is made possible by scaling EOT, improving on-off current ratios, carrier mobility, and subthreshold swing. This study also elucidates the impact of EOT scaling on FET gate hysteresis attributed to charge-trapping effects in high-κ-dielectrics prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD). These developments in 2D FETs offer a compelling alternative to conventional silicon-based devices and a path for continued transistor scaling. This research contributes to ongoing efforts in 2D materials for future semiconductor technologies. Finally, this work introduces devices based on emerging Janus TMDs and bismuth oxyselenide (Bi2O2Se) layered semiconductors.
Date Created

Neutron Transmutation Doping of Two Dimensional Materials

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Doping is the cornerstone of Semiconductor technology, enabling the functionalities of modern digital electronics. Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have tunable direct bandgaps, strong many-body interactions, and promising applications in future quantum information sciences, optoelectronic, spintronic, and valleytronic devices.

Doping is the cornerstone of Semiconductor technology, enabling the functionalities of modern digital electronics. Two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) have tunable direct bandgaps, strong many-body interactions, and promising applications in future quantum information sciences, optoelectronic, spintronic, and valleytronic devices. However, their wafer-scale synthesis and precisely controllable doping are challenging. Moreover, there is no fixed framework to identify the doping concentration, which impedes their process integration for future commercialization. This work utilizes the Neutron Transmutation Doping technique to control the doping uniformly and precisely in TMDCs. Rhenium and Tin dopants are introduced in Tungsten- and Indium-based Chalcogenides, respectively. Fine-tuning over 0.001% doping level is achieved. Precise analytical techniques such as Gamma spectroscopy and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry are used to quantify ultra-low doping levels ranging from 0.005-0.01% with minimal error. Dopants in 2D TMDCs often exhibit a broad stokes-shifted emission, with high linewidths, due to extrinsic effects such as substrate disorder and surface adsorbates. A well-defined bound exciton emission induced by Rhenium dopants in monolayer WSe2 and WS2 at liquid nitrogen temperatures is reported along with specific annealing regimes to minimize the defects induced in the Neutron Transmutation process. This work demonstrates a framework for Neutron Doping in 2D materials, which can be a scalable process for controlling doping and doping-induced effects in 2D materials.
Date Created

Charge Density Wave Engineering in Rare-Earth Tritellurides: Investigating Stability Analysis and Large Area Deposition Technique for Novel Applications

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Rare-earth tritellurides (RTe3) are two-dimensional materials with unique quantum properties, ideal for investigating quantum phenomena and applications in supercapacitors, spintronics, and twistronics. This dissertation examines the electronic, magnetic, and phononic properties of the RTe3 family, exploring how these can be

Rare-earth tritellurides (RTe3) are two-dimensional materials with unique quantum properties, ideal for investigating quantum phenomena and applications in supercapacitors, spintronics, and twistronics. This dissertation examines the electronic, magnetic, and phononic properties of the RTe3 family, exploring how these can be controlled using chemical pressure, cationic alloying, and external pressure.The impact of chemical pressure on RTe3 phononic properties was investigated through noninvasive micro-Raman spectroscopy, demonstrating the potential of optical measurements for determining charge density wave (CDW) transition temperatures. Cationic alloying studies showed seamless tuning of CDW transition temperatures by modifying lattice constants and revealed complex magnetism in alloyed RTe3 with multiple magnetic transitions. A comprehensive external pressure study examined the influence of spacing between RTe3 layers on phononic and CDW properties across the RTe3 family. Comparisons between different RTe3 materials showed LaTe3, with the largest thermodynamic equilibrium interlayer spacing (smallest chemical pressure), has the most stable CDW phases at high pressures. Conversely, CDW phases in late RTe3 systems with larger internal chemical pressures were more easily suppressed by applied pressure. The dissertation also investigated Schottky barrier realignment at RTe3/semiconductor interfaces induced by CDW transitions, revealing changes in Schottky barrier height and ideality factor around the CDW transition temperature. This indicates that chemical potential changes of RTe3 below the CDW transition temperature influence Schottky junction properties, enabling CDW state probing through interface property measurements. A detailed experimental and theoretical analysis of the oxidation process of RTe3 compounds was performed, which revealed faster degradation in late RTe3 systems. Electronic property changes, like CDW transition temperature and chemical potential, are observed as degradation progresses. Quantum mechanical simulations suggested that degradation primarily results from strong oxidizing reactions with O2 molecules, while humidity (H2O) plays a negligible role unless Te vacancies exist. Lastly, the dissertation establishes a large-area thin film deposition at relatively low temperatures using a soft sputtering technique. While focused on MoTe2 deposition, this technique may also apply to RTe3 thin film deposition. Overall, this dissertation expands the understanding of the fundamental properties of RTe3 materials and lays the groundwork for potential device applications.
Date Created

Analyze of Total Ionizing Dose Effect in MOS/MNOS Capacitors

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Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) is essential to modern VLSI devices. In the past decades, a wealth of literature has been created to understand the impact of the radiation-induced charges on the devices, i.e., the creation of electron-hole pairs in the oxide layer

Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) is essential to modern VLSI devices. In the past decades, a wealth of literature has been created to understand the impact of the radiation-induced charges on the devices, i.e., the creation of electron-hole pairs in the oxide layer which is the most sensitive part of MOS structure to the radiation effect. In this work, both MOS and MNOS devices were fabricated at ASU NanoFab to study the total ionizing dose effect using capacitance-voltage (C-V) electrical characterization by observing the direction and amounts of the shift in C-V curves and electron holography observation to directly image the charge buildup at the irradiated oxide film of the oxide-only MOS device.C-V measurements revealed the C-V curves shifted to the left after irradiation (with a positive bias applied) because of the net positive charges trapped at the oxide layer for the oxide-only sample. On the other hand, for nitride/oxide samples with positive biased during irradiation, the C-V curve shifted to the right due to the net negative charges trapped at the oxide layer. It was also observed that the C-V curve has less shift in voltage for MNOS than MOS devices after irradiation due to the less charge buildup after irradiation. Off-axis electron holography was performed to map the charge distribution across the MOSCAP sample. Compared with both pre-and post-irradiated samples, a larger potential drop at the Si/SiO2 was noticed in post-irradiation samples, which indicates the presence of greater amounts of positive charges that buildup the Si/SiO2 interface after the TID exposure. TCAD modeling was used to extract the density of charges accumulated near the SiO2/Si and SiO2/ Metal interface by matching the simulation results to the potential data from holography. The increase of near-interface positive charges in post-irradiated samples is consistent with the C-V results.
Date Created

Design of Hierarchically Porous Materials Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks

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My thesis, Design of Hierarchically Porous Materials Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks, focuses on testing the validity of incorporating nanoporous organic materials into macroporous scaffolding to improve the functionality of covalent organic frameworks as materials for filtration applications. The macroporous scaffold

My thesis, Design of Hierarchically Porous Materials Containing Covalent Organic Frameworks, focuses on testing the validity of incorporating nanoporous organic materials into macroporous scaffolding to improve the functionality of covalent organic frameworks as materials for filtration applications. The macroporous scaffold was based off of a material recently described in literature and the bulk of the experimentation was focused on the effects of the necessary processing for the creation of the macroporous material on the structure of the covalent organic frameworks. The property primarily investigated was the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area, as the applicability of the frameworks is largely determined by their nanoporous surface area.

Date Created

Studies on Microscale Defects in Janus Monolayers

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In the past decade, 2D materials especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDc), have been studied extensively for their remarkable optical and electrical properties arising from their reduced dimensionality. A new class of materials developed based on 2D TMDc that has gained

In the past decade, 2D materials especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDc), have been studied extensively for their remarkable optical and electrical properties arising from their reduced dimensionality. A new class of materials developed based on 2D TMDc that has gained great interest in recent years is Janus crystals. In contrast to TMDc, Janus monolayer consists of two different chalcogen atomic layers between which the transition metal layer is sandwiched. This structural asymmetry causes strain buildup or a vertically oriented electric field to form within the monolayer. The presence of strain brings questions about the materials' synthesis approach, particularly when strain begins to accumulate and whether it causes defects within monolayers.The initial research demonstrated that Janus materials could be synthesized at high temperatures inside a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) furnace. Recently, a new method (selective epitaxy atomic replacement - SEAR) for plasma-based room temperature Janus crystal synthesis was proposed. In this method etching and replacing top layer chalcogen atoms of the TMDc monolayer happens with reactive hydrogen and sulfur radicals. Based on Raman and photoluminescence studies, the SEAR method produces high-quality Janus materials. Another method used to create Janus materials was the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, which utilizes the interaction of sulfur/selenium plume with monolayer to replace the top chalcogen atomic layer in a single step. The goal of this analysis is to characterize microscale defects that appear in 2D Janus materials after they are synthesized using SEAR and PLD techniques. Various microscopic techniques were used for this purpose, as well as to understand the mechanism of defect formation. The main mechanism of defect formation was proposed to be strain release phenomena. Furthermore, different chalcogen atom positions within the monolayer result in different types of defects, such as the appearance of cracks or wrinkles across monolayers. In addition to investigating sample topography, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was used to examine its electrical properties to see if the formation of defects impacts work function. Further study directions have been suggested for identifying and characterizing defects and their formation mechanism in the Janus crystals to understand their fundamental properties.
Date Created

Origin of Microwave Loss in Dielectric Resonators

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Complex perovskite materials, including Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BZT), are commonly used to make resonators and filters in communication systems because of their low dielectric loss and high-quality factors (Q). Transition metal additives are introduced (i.e., Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+) to act as sintering

Complex perovskite materials, including Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 (BZT), are commonly used to make resonators and filters in communication systems because of their low dielectric loss and high-quality factors (Q). Transition metal additives are introduced (i.e., Ni2+, Co2+, Mn2+) to act as sintering agents and tune their temperature coefficient to zero or near-zero. However, losses in these commercial dielectric materials at cryogenic temperatures increase markedly due to spin-excitation resulting from the presence of paramagnetic defects. Applying a large magnetic field (e.g., 5 Tesla) quenches these losses and has allowed the study of other loss mechanisms present at low temperatures. Work was performed on Fe3+ doped LaAlO3. At high magnetic fields, the residual losses versus temperature plots exhibit Debye peaks at ~40 K, ~75 K, and ~215 K temperature and can be tentatively associated with defect reactions O_i^x+V_O^x→O_i^'+V_O^•, Fe_Al^x+V_Al^"→Fe_Al^'+V_Al^' and Al_i^x+Al_i^(••)→〖2Al〗_i^•, respectively. Peaks in the loss tangent versus temperature graph of Zn-deficient BZT indicate a higher concentration of defects and appear to result from conduction losses.Guided by the knowledge gained from this study, a systematic study to develop high-performance microwave materials for ultra-high performance at cryogenic temperatures was performed. To this end, the production and characterization of perovskite materials that were either undoped or contained non-paramagnetic additives were carried out. Synthesis of BZT ceramic with over 98% theoretical density was obtained using B2O3 or BaZrO3 additives. At 4 K, the highest Q x f product of 283,000 GHz was recorded for 5% BaZrO3 doped BZT. A portable, inexpensive open-air spectrometer was designed, built, and tested to make the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique more accessible for high-school and university lab instruction. In this design, the sample is placed near a dielectric resonator and does not need to be enclosed in a cavity, as is used in commercial EPR spectrometers. Permanent magnets used produce fields up to 1500 G, enabling EPR measurements up to 3 GHz.
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