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In the past decade, 2D materials especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDc), have been studied extensively for their remarkable optical and electrical properties arising from their reduced dimensionality. A new class of materials developed based on 2D TMDc that has gained

In the past decade, 2D materials especially transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDc), have been studied extensively for their remarkable optical and electrical properties arising from their reduced dimensionality. A new class of materials developed based on 2D TMDc that has gained great interest in recent years is Janus crystals. In contrast to TMDc, Janus monolayer consists of two different chalcogen atomic layers between which the transition metal layer is sandwiched. This structural asymmetry causes strain buildup or a vertically oriented electric field to form within the monolayer. The presence of strain brings questions about the materials' synthesis approach, particularly when strain begins to accumulate and whether it causes defects within monolayers.The initial research demonstrated that Janus materials could be synthesized at high temperatures inside a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) furnace. Recently, a new method (selective epitaxy atomic replacement - SEAR) for plasma-based room temperature Janus crystal synthesis was proposed. In this method etching and replacing top layer chalcogen atoms of the TMDc monolayer happens with reactive hydrogen and sulfur radicals. Based on Raman and photoluminescence studies, the SEAR method produces high-quality Janus materials. Another method used to create Janus materials was the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, which utilizes the interaction of sulfur/selenium plume with monolayer to replace the top chalcogen atomic layer in a single step. The goal of this analysis is to characterize microscale defects that appear in 2D Janus materials after they are synthesized using SEAR and PLD techniques. Various microscopic techniques were used for this purpose, as well as to understand the mechanism of defect formation. The main mechanism of defect formation was proposed to be strain release phenomena. Furthermore, different chalcogen atom positions within the monolayer result in different types of defects, such as the appearance of cracks or wrinkles across monolayers. In addition to investigating sample topography, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was used to examine its electrical properties to see if the formation of defects impacts work function. Further study directions have been suggested for identifying and characterizing defects and their formation mechanism in the Janus crystals to understand their fundamental properties.
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    • Studies on Microscale Defects in Janus Monolayers
    Date Created
    Resource Type
  • Text
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    • Partial requirement for: M.S., Arizona State University, 2022
    • Field of study: Materials Science and Engineering

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