Soft Skills, the Other Half of Success

The interpersonal, subjective, and communication skills we carry with us are crucial to our professional successes, sometimes even more crucial than the technical skills we use to execute tasks. The engineering industry is wildly technical and competitive in order to

The interpersonal, subjective, and communication skills we carry with us are crucial to our professional successes, sometimes even more crucial than the technical skills we use to execute tasks. The engineering industry is wildly technical and competitive in order to define a better tomorrow for the human population. However, such a technical field often neglects the use of these soft skills, both originating from students, employees, and companies. In this thesis, I delve into the importance and various applications of soft skills within the engineering industry, the presence of a gap among engineers' expected versus actual soft skill usage, and if anything can be done to mend that gap.
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Influencer Marketing and The Alcohol Industry

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Influencer marketing continues to be a tool that companies utilize to add value to their brands. This thesis explores the impact that influencer marketing has within the alcohol industry. This was done by conducting secondary research that highlights the size

Influencer marketing continues to be a tool that companies utilize to add value to their brands. This thesis explores the impact that influencer marketing has within the alcohol industry. This was done by conducting secondary research that highlights the size of the alcohol industry, the rules and regulations that apply to alcohol marketing, the power of social media and consumer behavior, and the effectiveness of influencer marketing. From this research, I compile a set of industry best practices and offer a series of recommendations for smaller brands to take into consideration when using influencer marketing. I believe that my research-based recommendations of partnering with local influencers to create genuine connections with niche audiences, creating branded hashtags for marketing purposes, and capitalizing on current social media market trends allows for niche alcohol brands to implement influencer marketing in a way that best fits the brand and the people it serves.
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Make-A-Wish America: Marketing and Brand Management Analysis


Make-A-Wish America has a world-renowned reputation as one of the best nonprofits in the world, and is widely known amongst many individuals looking to support or donate to nonprofits. Their work is not only a fundamental part of human services

Make-A-Wish America has a world-renowned reputation as one of the best nonprofits in the world, and is widely known amongst many individuals looking to support or donate to nonprofits. Their work is not only a fundamental part of human services care within the nonprofit world, but their unique online platform and social media presence is a differentiating factor among many other nonprofits and for-profit businesses alike. The purpose of this study is to research Make-A-Wish America’s brand management and marketing strategies as a nonprofit, including secondary research on the brand itself, analyze all environmental factors that affect its marketing strategy, assess their market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and evaluate their integrated marketing communications strategy. Additionally, I conducted interviews with Make-A-Wish America professionals working within the brand management department at the national office. The individuals were interviewed with various marketing backgrounds within the brand department to gain a deeper insight into their individual experiences and assessments of Make-A-Wish America’s brand management and marketing strategy. My specific thesis goals include utilizing my marketing recommendations to grow Make-A-Wish America’s profits, specifically in actions to increase fundraising. Also, my thesis goal is to find recommendations to outperform competition in gaining supporters and donors as well as, more recently, analyzing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and making recommendations on how they can grow despite this economic tragedy. The results suggest that there are common themes amongst my secondary research and primary research, resulting in marketing recommendations that Make-A-Wish America can utilize to better market to donors and supporters in the future, giving them competitive advantage over other nonprofits and combatting the effects of COVID-19. Recommendations for Make-A-Wish America include investing in their own research and development in terms of customer relationship management tools, online fundraising campaigns, and technology to better inform donors of their mission, vision, and values, diversifying their donor profile and targeted communities, and taking advantage of their point of parity within their social media online platform.

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Maintaining Brand Authenticity & Regaining Relevancy In The Market Of Adapted Films

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With the majority of films today being adapted from original source material, the market is in need of guidance on how to produce a motion picture authentic to the original source material while also providing new, engaging viewing experiences. When

With the majority of films today being adapted from original source material, the market is in need of guidance on how to produce a motion picture authentic to the original source material while also providing new, engaging viewing experiences. When the source itself has established itself as a brand with a strong fanbase or group of brand lovers, these needs become heightened and extremely valuable to the success of the adapted film brand. By examining the concepts of brand love, brand authenticity, films as brands, and brand ambidexterity I was then able to evaluate the need for an adapted film brand ambidexterity framework to produce a higher likelihood of success amongst fans. This need became further apparent when examining the brand history of the Star Wars franchise, one of the largest adapted film brands. From the prior research, I was able to construct in-depth interviews with fans of the Star Wars brand to deduce what aspects of brand love remained within this market, what they identified as the essential brand identity that must remain consistent with future projects, and what relevant ideas they anticipate in brand extensions. The unveiled concepts included the importance of long-term relationship with the brand, connection to the film brand’s philosophy, nostalgia, high family involvement, world expansion, and creative brand leaders.

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Analyzing the Impact of Gamification on Mobile Health and Fitness Applications

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In the past decade, the use of mobile applications, specifically mobile applications focused on improving the health and fitness of users, has increased exponentially. As more consumers look towards mobile health applications to improve their health through dieting, exercise, and

In the past decade, the use of mobile applications, specifically mobile applications focused on improving the health and fitness of users, has increased exponentially. As more consumers look towards mobile health applications to improve their health through dieting, exercise, and weight management, it is important to analyze how the concept of gamification can encourage sustained interaction and approval of these health-focused applications. This thesis aims to understand the prevalence of gamification amongst a large sample of health and fitness applications, identify and code the gamification features used in these apps, and finally, understand how different gamification features relate to the popularity and willingness to advocate using eWOM on behalf of a mobile app.

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The Effects, Benefits, and Behaviors of Women in Professional Selling - Staal Honors Thesis

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I conducted a study on women’s success, behaviors, and experiences in professional sales. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent that women are successful in professional sales careers and what the driving forces are behind that success.

I conducted a study on women’s success, behaviors, and experiences in professional sales. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent that women are successful in professional sales careers and what the driving forces are behind that success. I did this through exploring a variety of factors like historical statistics, recruitment and selection, and women in sales leadership. I conducted both a literature review and informational interviews with sales women to gain valuable insights. The results suggest that women are successful in professional sales in a variety of industries due to several reasons. These reasons include their ability to form strong relationships with clients, to assess client needs, and to stay organized. I recommend that companies take a series of measures such as implementing mentorship programs, changing language used on job applications, and intentionally promoting women in order to attract and retain more women within their sales organizations. This will lead to higher profitability as the workforce is more diverse from a gender perspective.
Date Created

Advertising Made to Last Versus Advertising Left in the Past: An Analysis of Effective Advertising in American Culture

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Historically, advertising was best when it was informative because people did not look at advertising for entertainment. Stories, however, were helpful in selling products and promoting trials. Advertising has since evolved with society. Copious amounts of research still go into

Historically, advertising was best when it was informative because people did not look at advertising for entertainment. Stories, however, were helpful in selling products and promoting trials. Advertising has since evolved with society. Copious amounts of research still go into advertising but some old principles get left in the past. Some can be adapted to today’s digital world while others simply do not ring true anymore. Today, the best of the best showcase in the Super Bowl. This has proven to be very beneficial to those that dazzle and entertain viewers.
The USA Today Ad Meter has been used for decades to rank Super Bowl ads and can show us what works well. All ads that run during the Super Bowl are rated by thousands of viewers and then ranked based on average ratings. The Ad Meter is the most used tool to look at these ads and discern what viewers enjoyed seeing. Entertaining ads do very well on the Ad Meter while informational and simple ads often sink. The Ad Meter does a good job telling advertisers what worked but it does not tell us why it worked or what people want to see.
These entertaining ads do well on the ad meter because, according to the following research study, people prefer entertainment in Super Bowl advertising, whether the product is relevant or not. People are willing to watch a Super Bowl ad that is longer than a normal ad would be because they expect entertainment and the length allows for a story to develop. People also have a strong preference for humorous Super Bowl ads but the emotional/meaningful ads that make it into the top 5 are almost the exception to the rule because the results of the research performed here show very little preference for these ads. While the Super Bowl still seems to be a beneficial way to advertise, the price is a big barrier to entry. Luckily, digital culture gives smaller businesses the power to capture viewers in other ways. The study’s findings suggest that many younger participants often just watch Super Bowl ads on YouTube after the game. Younger people are also watching the Super Bowl less and becoming numb to scrolling through ads on social media. It is important, now more than ever, for advertisers to have attention grabbing tactics for a generation with such short attention spans. Advertisers need to follow the trends to keep up with social media, but it will be worth it.
Date Created

The Development of Marketing with Respect to Retro-Acculturation

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With the United States' diverse group of people, diverse set of beliefs and diverse cultural backgrounds, it’s no wonder that over the last few decades there has been a 51 percent increase in second-generation Americans in the United States (Child

With the United States' diverse group of people, diverse set of beliefs and diverse cultural backgrounds, it’s no wonder that over the last few decades there has been a 51 percent increase in second-generation Americans in the United States (Child Trends, 2018). Though each of these second- and third-generation Americans experience life in the U.S. vastly different, the common steps of self-identity, acculturation and assimilation persist. However, what is often missed with this seemingly linear process is the delineating step: retro acculturation. Their sense of disconnect sparks a feeling of blurred identity, introducing the phenomenon of retro- acculturation, or an individual’s conscious efforts to connect to their heritage in new ways. Understanding the “why” behind this revelation is essential in understanding the “how”- or the actions taken by the individual to connect with their withdrawn culture. A deeper understanding of retro-acculturation and its processes is essential to leveraging a successful marketing effort in order to reach this demographic. As this population steadily reaches a larger population and quickly gains consumer buying power, it is important to be taking note of new and innovative ways of making lasting impressions on this demographic. This study focuses on exploring and discovering why individuals experience retro-acculturation and their triggers, as well as what approaches they use to connect to their heritage culture. Additionally, the insights gained were leveraged to provide recommendations as to how business can more effectively market to reach this demographic.
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Current Trends of the Beauty Industry 2020

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the industry for decades. Every trend that comes and goes must be analyzed by brands to determine if it is worth following or if it would be more advantageous to take a different path. Some of the biggest trends in the beauty industry right now are inclusivity, sustainability, and clean beauty. I conducted a survey to determine the importance of these trends through consumers’ level of awareness and how the trends effect their purchasing decisions. I found that consumers are very aware of all three trends and that their willingness to purchase from brands that are more inclusive, sustainable, and clean is correlated with how much they are willing to spend on products from brands that follow the trends. The results from the survey suggest that there is a high demand for brands that are inclusive, sustainable, and clean. Therefore, it could be a good idea for brands to follow one or multiple of these trends and incorporate them into their marketing strategies.
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Interview Practices and Their Proven Effectiveness of Gauging Potential Performance in Recent College Graduates

As graduation season approaches each year, companies are seeking to hire the top talent from different universities all over the world. The battle to hire recent college graduates stems from the desire to hire young, hungry, and excited employees. However,

As graduation season approaches each year, companies are seeking to hire the top talent from different universities all over the world. The battle to hire recent college graduates stems from the desire to hire young, hungry, and excited employees. However, with young age comes a lack of experience and exposure to the work force. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how recruiters from large corporations decide which candidates to hire, specifically candidates who are recent college graduates. Given that recent college graduates have little to no experience, it can be challenging for recruiters to determine their potential performance in each role. In comparison to seasoned professionals who have years of industry experience under their belts, it can be challenging for a recruiter effectively determine a young professional’s skills, work ethic, and industry knowledge.

I have identified and explained the different hiring methods that companies use when recruiting new talent to provide background information for my research. Furthermore, I have also interviewed several recruiters from large corporations in order to gain a further understanding of the university recruitment process, including what works and what doesn’t work. From the gathered research, I discovered key findings surrounding the topics of the interview process itself, how to properly assess a candidate, key components of the process and suggestions for enhancing the process. With this information, I have established recommendations for interviewing college graduates such as incorporating a pre-hire assessment into the process, implementing an on-site experience, condensing the process and clearly defining the interview protocol.
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