“Swipe Stories”: Creating Longform Digital Content for Brands


In an effort to create an exemplar for what brands, “Swipe Stories” is a video series that displays how brands can connect with consumers in a way that is engaging and additive to their life. The paper outlines the ideation,

In an effort to create an exemplar for what brands, “Swipe Stories” is a video series that displays how brands can connect with consumers in a way that is engaging and additive to their life. The paper outlines the ideation, creation and extrapolation of the creative project as well as results that were found. Each step of the process is outlined with detail and notes to benefit both consumers and marketing professionals to understand the ways that longford content can be utilized for the shared value of the consumer and the brand.

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The Greater Impact that Micro Influencers Have on Brand Marketing

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Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing,

Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing, influencer marketing, discussing reach, relevance, and resonance, and Generation Z’s purchasing decisions. In addition, we conducted an online survey through Qualtrics that allowed us to analyze the impact social media influencers have. The results of our research indicate that TikTok is used most frequently, but Instagram is where social media influencers are followed most. From our data, we concluded that Generation Z is most influenced by authentic, genuine content created by influencers regardless of follower count. We recommend that a brand interested in reaching Generation Z (we refer to the brand as “Brand X”) use micro influencers, as our research shows that genuine relationships are valued among this generation. We believe that micro influencers are the most valuable to use as they are able to create meaningful relationships with consumers due to their reach, relevance, and resonance with the individuals their content reaches.

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The Greater Impact that Micro Influencers Have on Brand Marketing

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Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing,

Micro influencers have become extremely powerful in terms of swaying buying patterns among consumers. This thesis examines the greater impact that micro influencers have on brand marketing. This was completed through a literature review that highlights the evolution of marketing, influencer marketing, discussing reach, relevance, and resonance, and Generation Z’s purchasing decisions. In addition, we conducted an online survey through Qualtrics that allowed us to analyze the impact social media influencers have. The results of our research indicate that TikTok is used most frequently, but Instagram is where social media influencers are followed most. From our data, we concluded that Generation Z is most influenced by authentic, genuine content created by influencers regardless of follower count. We recommend that a brand interested in reaching Generation Z (we refer to the brand as “Brand X”) use micro influencers, as our research shows that genuine relationships are valued among this generation. We believe that micro influencers are the most valuable to use as they are able to create meaningful relationships with consumers due to their reach, relevance, and resonance with the individuals their content reaches.

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How Influencer Marketing Affects Consumer Behavior

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Influencer marketing is a fairly new concept within the marketing industry. Even though this strategy of digital marketing has not been around too long, it has grown an immense amount over the last 5 years. This thesis analyzes how influencer

Influencer marketing is a fairly new concept within the marketing industry. Even though this strategy of digital marketing has not been around too long, it has grown an immense amount over the last 5 years. This thesis analyzes how influencer marketing affects consumer behavior. This was done through a literature review that highlights how consumers make decisions, the influencer marketing industry, and two case studies that evaluate influencer marketing campaigns along with their effects on consumer behavior. In addition, an online survey was distributed to consumers who actively follow influencers on social media to capture respondents’ attitudes of influencers and if they have been affected by them. The analysis of the responses showed that in this study, females are more affected by influencers than when compared to male responses. Other key insights were that the majority of respondents do not trust influencers; but yet, they still follow their content and take interest into influencers’ recommendations. The results indicate that there is a complex relationship between influencers and their followers that can be investigated upon further research. I recommend that influencers become more transparent with their followers to gain trust and authenticity so their followers view them as a credible and reliable source. Implementing the recommendations in this thesis can lead to more trust between influencers and their followers, as well as, more effective social media influencer campaigns for companies.
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Advertising Made to Last Versus Advertising Left in the Past: An Analysis of Effective Advertising in American Culture

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Historically, advertising was best when it was informative because people did not look at advertising for entertainment. Stories, however, were helpful in selling products and promoting trials. Advertising has since evolved with society. Copious amounts of research still go into

Historically, advertising was best when it was informative because people did not look at advertising for entertainment. Stories, however, were helpful in selling products and promoting trials. Advertising has since evolved with society. Copious amounts of research still go into advertising but some old principles get left in the past. Some can be adapted to today’s digital world while others simply do not ring true anymore. Today, the best of the best showcase in the Super Bowl. This has proven to be very beneficial to those that dazzle and entertain viewers.
The USA Today Ad Meter has been used for decades to rank Super Bowl ads and can show us what works well. All ads that run during the Super Bowl are rated by thousands of viewers and then ranked based on average ratings. The Ad Meter is the most used tool to look at these ads and discern what viewers enjoyed seeing. Entertaining ads do very well on the Ad Meter while informational and simple ads often sink. The Ad Meter does a good job telling advertisers what worked but it does not tell us why it worked or what people want to see.
These entertaining ads do well on the ad meter because, according to the following research study, people prefer entertainment in Super Bowl advertising, whether the product is relevant or not. People are willing to watch a Super Bowl ad that is longer than a normal ad would be because they expect entertainment and the length allows for a story to develop. People also have a strong preference for humorous Super Bowl ads but the emotional/meaningful ads that make it into the top 5 are almost the exception to the rule because the results of the research performed here show very little preference for these ads. While the Super Bowl still seems to be a beneficial way to advertise, the price is a big barrier to entry. Luckily, digital culture gives smaller businesses the power to capture viewers in other ways. The study’s findings suggest that many younger participants often just watch Super Bowl ads on YouTube after the game. Younger people are also watching the Super Bowl less and becoming numb to scrolling through ads on social media. It is important, now more than ever, for advertisers to have attention grabbing tactics for a generation with such short attention spans. Advertisers need to follow the trends to keep up with social media, but it will be worth it.
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For Your Consideration: Exploring the Value of Academy Awards Campaigns

For over ninety years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized award-winning films for their technical capabilities, acting and storytelling. And for decades, many parties involved have campaigned for Oscar glory. This thesis generates a deeper understanding

For over ninety years, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has recognized award-winning films for their technical capabilities, acting and storytelling. And for decades, many parties involved have campaigned for Oscar glory. This thesis generates a deeper understanding into the process by which the motion picture ecosystem works - and explains why being nominated and/or winning an Academy Award generates added value for all parties involved ranging from agencies to studios, streamers, talent and even legitimate awards campaign strategists. This thesis analyzes the various methods and price tags different entities put on awards campaigns and explores the various creative and traditional methods in which people vie for nominations and wins. Our title, “For Your Consideration,” is a term widely used in the entertainment industry when courting Academy members to vote for eligible projects in traditional advertising - which can be seen littered about Hollywood in the months leading up to Oscar Sunday.
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Marketing to U.S. Hispanic Millennials: Understanding Hispanic Identity, Culture and the Spanish Language

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The Hispanic population is growing rapidly in the United States and already possesses tremendous buying power and influence. The Millennial generation has officially outnumbered the Baby Boomers to become the largest generational group in the United States. This thesis aligns

The Hispanic population is growing rapidly in the United States and already possesses tremendous buying power and influence. The Millennial generation has officially outnumbered the Baby Boomers to become the largest generational group in the United States. This thesis aligns these two groups to study the U.S. Hispanic Millennial and the characteristics that make this segment unique and powerful. How are Hispanic Millennial consumers different and unique? How can brands connect with Hispanic Millennials in an authentic way? These questions will be explored through a literature review which covers three important aspects: Hispanic identity, culture, and the influence of the Spanish language. Next, a primary research study is conducted to determine if there is a relationship between Hispanic acculturation levels and language preference in advertisements. Finally, the findings of the study are compared with various research studies and reports to determine the best methods of connecting with U.S. Hispanic Millennials as a marketer.
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Student Organization Marketing at Arizona State University: Best Practices and the Future of Marketing to the ASU Student Population

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This thesis investigates how student organizations market to students at Arizona State University as well as opinions from students in how they view marketing on campus. From a collection of data from in-depth interviews and surveys, it has been concluded

This thesis investigates how student organizations market to students at Arizona State University as well as opinions from students in how they view marketing on campus. From a collection of data from in-depth interviews and surveys, it has been concluded that not one method is best at marketing on campus. Student organizations need to have a combination of methods to create a well-rounded strategy that will instill brand awareness and recognition on campus and, in turn, produce an increase in engagement for their organization via recruitment of new members and attendance at meetings and events.
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