Current Trends of the Beauty Industry 2020

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the

Trends in the beauty industry begin when large portions of the market shift to focus on a specific idea. These trends can be fleeting, or they can be permanent, but they have the ability to alter the course of the industry for decades. Every trend that comes and goes must be analyzed by brands to determine if it is worth following or if it would be more advantageous to take a different path. Some of the biggest trends in the beauty industry right now are inclusivity, sustainability, and clean beauty. I conducted a survey to determine the importance of these trends through consumers’ level of awareness and how the trends effect their purchasing decisions. I found that consumers are very aware of all three trends and that their willingness to purchase from brands that are more inclusive, sustainable, and clean is correlated with how much they are willing to spend on products from brands that follow the trends. The results from the survey suggest that there is a high demand for brands that are inclusive, sustainable, and clean. Therefore, it could be a good idea for brands to follow one or multiple of these trends and incorporate them into their marketing strategies.
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