The NFL in London: A Franchise Proposal

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The NFL has a positive history sending teams across the pond to play a “London Series”. These games began in the 2007 season and have since increased popularity and buzz for the NFL as a whole in the London and

The NFL has a positive history sending teams across the pond to play a “London Series”. These games began in the 2007 season and have since increased popularity and buzz for the NFL as a whole in the London and UK market. Many conversations have occurred and spanned years of speculation of a possible franchise being relocated to London to allow American football fans in the UK market to have their own team as opposed to a few games a year. Because of the massive success of the international series for the NFL and the success that other leagues have seen with having a team outside of its home country, there is an argument for the NFL
to not only move a current franchise to London, but rather to create a brand new NFL franchise in London. Therefore, the objective of this proposal is to give a detailed amount of evidence to support the development of a new NFL franchise in London and provide the proposal for a possible franchise in the London market. The following describes instances of NFL franchises relocating and the effect of the decision.
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Authentic Beauty: How Influencer Marketing in the Beauty Industry has been Impacted by Consumer Perception

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Influencer marketing has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry, with millions of influencers spanning thousands of different industries. The beauty industry is one of the most popular industries for influencer marketing, with influencers having the ability to collaborate with popular

Influencer marketing has exploded into a multi-billion dollar industry, with millions of influencers spanning thousands of different industries. The beauty industry is one of the most popular industries for influencer marketing, with influencers having the ability to collaborate with popular beauty brands like L’Oréal as well as being able to create their own successful beauty companies. With consumers exposed to thousands of brand deals every day, brands are now searching for the keys to creating an authentic brand partnership with influencers. This thesis looks at the factors that go into authentic influencer marketing to help brands understand what they should be looking for when creating a partnership that consumers would deem as authentic, with a specific emphasis on the beauty industry. This thesis includes a multi-method study using a focus group and a survey. Specifically, the focus group focused on finding common themes related to authenticity and the survey uncovered whether follower count influences consumers’ perception of authenticity. The studies revealed that follower count doesn’t impact how consumers’ perceived authenticity, but authenticity and trust do play a role in whether consumers will interact with an influencer’s paid advertisement. To better understand the research presented in this thesis, an analysis of influencers and the psychology of influence are presented, along with a case study of a successful beauty brand partnership and an in depth look at FTC guidelines.
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Creating Your Digital Identity: The Relationship between Personal Branding and Social Media

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As social media continues to grow, so does the need to have a strong online presence that exhibits a unique personal brand. However, with social media platforms ranging from Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn, it is a challenge for Millennials

As social media continues to grow, so does the need to have a strong online presence that exhibits a unique personal brand. However, with social media platforms ranging from Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn, it is a challenge for Millennials to know how to build a personal brand that is appropriate for all potential audiences. More than just friends and family are viewing our social media profiles; it is common practice for potential employers too and it can be difficult to cater our social media for both. This thesis looks at how personal branding has evolved with the rapid expansion of social media and the relationship between the two. It also looks at the importance of personal branding and best/worst practices for social media. Although there is an emphasis of professional networking platforms in my primary research, I also discuss how social media affects our personal, along with our professional, relationships. There is also a focus on the types of perceptions people make about someone’s personal brand based off of what they see on social media. To better understand people’s perceptions of social media as it relates to personal branding, I conducted interviews with job recruiters and administered a survey, which tested recommendations collected from the first interviews.
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Next Generation Recruiting: Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Attract Top Talent

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Today’s job market favors the candidate as a result of the low unemployment rate in the United States. This requires companies to look beyond their typical recruiting techniques if they want to ensure they are hiring the best candidates after

Today’s job market favors the candidate as a result of the low unemployment rate in the United States. This requires companies to look beyond their typical recruiting techniques if they want to ensure they are hiring the best candidates after college in order to build their future leadership in the company. Throughout research for this thesis it became apparent that many of the recruiters surveyed during this study were not actively using Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in their recruiting tactics. In addition, a lot of the career pages of companies that actively recruit at Arizona State University do not even mention the topic. Throughout primary research of students that attend Arizona State University, surveys were able to draw conclusions on the type of students that prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility in their recruiting seasons. From these surveys, it was found that students with higher GPAs who are ethnically diverse, female, with more than one internship experience, or graduating within the next two years on average chose to prioritize Corporate Social Responsibility over other traditional “perks” of jobs. Following the collection of survey data, in order to get a more genuine understanding of what students are looking for, there was a focus group conducted with nine (9) W. P. Carey School of Business students. This allowed for there to be a guided conversation about Corporate Social Responsibility and allow students to share their feelings about the topic and how they prioritize it when looking for jobs. This, in combination with the surveys of recruiters and students, made it very clear about exactly the kind of students that recruiters should be targeting. Therefore, it has become apparent that if recruiters want to hire candidates who are more experienced, diverse, and with higher GPAs then they should be incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility into their recruiting techniques. Whether that is advertising it on their career pages and at career events, asking questions about it in interviews, or starting a conversation with students about it, this will allow recruiters to find those students with a genuine appreciation for the topic.
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Bienvenidos a México: Breaking Down Borders of the NBA

While basketball has been traditionally regarded as an American sport, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has gained substantial traction outside the United States over the past decade. In order to further encourage attention from international fans and increase league profit,

While basketball has been traditionally regarded as an American sport, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has gained substantial traction outside the United States over the past decade. In order to further encourage attention from international fans and increase league profit, I propose that the league adds an expansion team to Mexico City. I believe that through thorough market research and conscientious brand development, the team be successfully integrated into both the local community as well as the league’s current fan base. Local infrastructure, player safety, border customs, and financials were all taken into consideration into this proposal. The purpose of this project is twofold: first, to advocate for league expansion of the NBA into Mexico City through discussion and exploration of both the anticipated opportunities and obstacles, and second, to design three brand concepts and then propose a final brand concept based off of qualitative and quantitative feedback systematically collected via a survey.
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Are Sales Contests An Effective Tool to Motivate A Diverse Workforce?

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Companies are constantly looking for a way to increase sales and productivity from their workforce. A popular way to spark motivation and competition is through employee sales contests or incentive-based plans. In theory, these contests are geared to include every

Companies are constantly looking for a way to increase sales and productivity from their workforce. A popular way to spark motivation and competition is through employee sales contests or incentive-based plans. In theory, these contests are geared to include every employee at the sales level in the organization and are thought to boost motivation across the board. But, sales contests receive substantial attention regarding their effectiveness from the academic and professional press due to some unethical incidents happening at large corporations. There have been many studies regarding the effectiveness of contests, but many have inconclusive results and do not produce a definite answer. Because of this, further research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of such contests used in the professional world. Further research would require a study that is much longer in length, as there are many variables that are behind the psychological factors associated to sales contests.

I conducted a study on the effective design, implementation, motivational factors, and takeaways upon completion of such contests. The purpose of this study is to find out whether or not sales contests are an effective way of motivating a diverse workforce. The results suggest that sales contests are a hyper-efficient tool to increase employee motivation but must be prepared for and implemented correctly in order to achieve efficient results. I recommend that sales managers use contests as a tool to gauge the motivational and behavioral changes in their employees resulting from such contests, instead of just trying to gain more revenue. Also, to combat the growing threat of unethical behaviors as a result of running sales contests, leaders need to implement appropriate measures, like unethical behavior diversion courses.
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Authenticity and Ethics in the Beauty and Fashion Influencer Marketing Space

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Influencer marketing occurs when a brand elicits an individual to publicly promote or review its product in exchange for some benefit, which can often be either monetary or material. This practice has exploded in today’s marketing and advertising industry due

Influencer marketing occurs when a brand elicits an individual to publicly promote or review its product in exchange for some benefit, which can often be either monetary or material. This practice has exploded in today’s marketing and advertising industry due to its high return on investment for businesses and income potential for influencers. With this new and evolving process comes a struggle to establish and maintain regulations between brands, consumers, and influencers. Because influencer marketing is purely based on authenticity and trust between the influencer and the consumer, disclosure or lack thereof can seriously impact the validity of the endorsement. I conducted a study in which consumers were shown a staged influencer post and asked to answer a series of questions regarding compensation, appeal, authenticity, and influence, under three different conditions. Condition A showed an influencer’s post with only general information, Condition B revealed that the post was in collaboration with Tory Burch, and Condition C stated that Tory Burch told the influencer when and where to make the post. I found that as the influencer disclosed more about how she was compensated and controlled by the brand, respondents found the content less appealing, less authentic, and reported that they thought a brand had more influence and compensated her more to create the post. These findings support the idea that influencer marketing requires a level of honesty and trust between the consumer and influencer, and a lack of this causes negative sentiments and less effective results. Moving forward, brands and influencers alike must work to foster more transparent and authentic connections in order be in compliance with FTC regulations as well as maintain meaningful connections with consumers.
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Strategic Brand Portfolio Management: Brand Leveraging and the Importance of Mitigating Brand Dilution Risks in the Golf Equipment Industry

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The Golf Equipment Industry is flooded with many competitors, all looking to expand and grow with their various customer bases. In an industry which demands rapid new-product developments and offerings, companies must position their various brands in a way that

The Golf Equipment Industry is flooded with many competitors, all looking to expand and grow with their various customer bases. In an industry which demands rapid new-product developments and offerings, companies must position their various brands in a way that appeals to both current and future customers. In tailoring product offerings and leveraging existing brand equity, effectively manipulating brand portfolios, companies must assess the risk of brand dilution effects when fulfilling company-wide growth initiatives. The following project will present research-based marketing principles with marketplace examples from various industries; specifically looking at marketers’ strategies in manipulating brand portfolios through the use of brand architectures, upward/downward line stretches, and brand extensions. Essentially, this paper will present the importance of manipulating brand portfolios in a variety of industries (including the golf industry), exciting current and new customer bases, eventually establishing an understanding of the risks associated with each leveraging strategy.
With a deep emphasis on the criticality of mitigating brand dilution whilst manipulating product offerings, this paper will then provide a golf-specific industry trend analysis, diving into the various ways marketers at TaylorMade Golf, Callaway Golf, and Cleveland/Srixon/XXIO Golf leverage brand equity while mitigating brand dilution risks. With a greater understanding of marketing-theory based principles and research conducted on the current customer trends prevalent in the golf industry, supplemented by marketing-personnel survey responses, I will be able to translate branding-based principles into recommendations for companies competing in the golf equipment industry.
Date Created

Manipulation! How Spokespeople Affect Brands and Their Consumers

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Advertising has been a part of the marketing landscape for decades, evolving over time. Among the many tactics of advertising is the use of spokespeople, or brand personalities, that represent a brand and its offerings. Spokespeople have been around as

Advertising has been a part of the marketing landscape for decades, evolving over time. Among the many tactics of advertising is the use of spokespeople, or brand personalities, that represent a brand and its offerings. Spokespeople have been around as early as the 1950s, with brands hiring well-known actors and actresses to represent everyday products. Since then, they have evolved to be more than just a brand representative. Fast forward to the 21st century, spokespeople have developed symbiotic relationships with brands, helping them create authentic connections with its consumers.

There are many successful cases of spokespeople enhancing a brand’s popularity and growing their sales, but what would happen to the brand if their spokesperson engaged in controversial behavior? The basis of this thesis, and my research, revolves around this research objective: to better understand if, and how, spokespeople affect a brand and its consumers. I conducted primary research in the form of a survey to test consumer’s attitudes and behaviors towards brands and spokespeople; additionally, I conducted secondary research to understand how spokespeople can impact a brand’s stock and sales performance. I expect spokespeople with high levels of association with the brands they represent to have a strong affect on a brand’s performance and perception.

The results of my research defy my expectations. Spokespeople that have a weaker association level with their brands had a strong affect on a brand and its consumers, and vice-versa with strong association levels. In the primary research, spokespeople with weak association levels with Nike and Papa John’s had a significant impact on how participants viewed and engaged with the brands. In addition, secondary research indicates there are significant affects on a brand’s performance as a result of the spokespeople, despite the weak association levels.

After conducting research, I concluded that to have effective spokespeople that can positively impact a brand and its consumers, they must possess two characteristics: trustworthiness and authenticity. The successful cases of spokespeople from my primary and secondary research possessed these characteristics. Consumers need to be able to trust the messages that come from spokespeople, and they need to be able to understand that the relationship between the them and the brand is authentic and makes sense. Therefore, if the spokespeople brands hire are trustworthy and authentic to the brand, then they will positively impact the performance and perception of the brand.
Date Created

Ocupado/a: A Comparison of Perceptions and Marketing Appeals in Spain and the US

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International marketing involves a tricky balance between appealing to foreign cultural values while still creating an authentic message, without using stereotypes or relying on complex cultural notions that might be misunderstood. American and Spanish cultures have famously different paces of

International marketing involves a tricky balance between appealing to foreign cultural values while still creating an authentic message, without using stereotypes or relying on complex cultural notions that might be misunderstood. American and Spanish cultures have famously different paces of life: Americans are thought to value busyness, while Spaniards are thought to prefer leisure time. We conduct two studies to determine to what extent these values hold true among Spanish and American students, and whether these values impact students’ perceptions of marketing messages. The results suggest that the hypothesized values of busyness and leisure time are true, but appealing to these deep and complicated values through marketing does not always work. Globalization is causing consumer preferences around the world to converge, and attempting to apply specific cultural values to new global products in marketing communications can easily backfire. We recommend that instead of attempting to appeal to the cultural values of each international audience, advertisers should consider a more standardized approach by positioning new products similarly across the globe, especially to younger consumers.
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