An empirical study of Pre-IPO round investment returns of Chinese companies

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Pre-Initial Public Offering(Pre-IPO) investment is an extremely important investment method in private equity investment. It invests in the latest stage of the company's listing time. In the context of Chinese stock issuance registration system reform, a large number of small

Pre-Initial Public Offering(Pre-IPO) investment is an extremely important investment method in private equity investment. It invests in the latest stage of the company's listing time. In the context of Chinese stock issuance registration system reform, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises with technological attributes and high growth potential have begun to conduct IPOs. As the last opportunity for companies to replenish their "ammunition" before going public, Pre-IPO investment has gradually become a hot topic in the practical and academic circles. This article collected four financial indicators that may affect the Pre-IPO investment income(including profitability, solvency, growth potential and governance structure) and used a multiple regression model to examine the mechanism. This article has three research conclusions: First, the Pre-IPO investment still has considerable returnsin the current market environment, but the rate of return is gradually decreasing. Secondly, most of the Pre-IPO return is brought about by the successful listing of the invested company, and the return on total assets, current ratio, and total asset growth rate have a significantly positive impact on primary market investment income, while the controlling shareholder's shareholding ratio has a negative impact. The income from secondary market is much less than primary market, and it is mainly related to the profitability and solvency of the invested company. Profitability has a negative impact on the stock price, while solvency has a positive impact; Thirdly, with the launch of the Science and Technology Innovation Board and the implementation of the Registration System, investment institutions need to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the invested companies, such as the company's growth and internal governance structure. Companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board need to pay more attention to their profitability and growth,while others need to pay more attention to the debt solvency and governance structure.
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Research on the Correlation between Customer Structure and Company Value in the Domain of Cloud-computing Software

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The global software industry is shifting towards the software-as-a-service (SAAS) model of cloud computing, which is characterized by ease of use, low cost, and flexible scalability. SAAS software companies have a faster growth rate than traditional software companies, and capital

The global software industry is shifting towards the software-as-a-service (SAAS) model of cloud computing, which is characterized by ease of use, low cost, and flexible scalability. SAAS software companies have a faster growth rate than traditional software companies, and capital markets are more willing to give them relatively higher valuations. Globally there are hundreds of SAAS software companies that have developed and gone public successfully, especially in the United States, with very high valuations on the average. However, there are still major gaps in the number,scale and valuation of SAAS software companies listed in China even though they also have entered the development stage . The technological and business frameworks of the Chinese SAAS software industry have basically taken shape in recent years, and more and more enterprise customers have begun to realize the cost reduction and efficiency improvement brought about by the subscription-based software. The whole industry faces both opportunities and challenges at once. This study aims to identify the factors of sustainable development for SAAS software companies on a global scale, from a unique innovative perspective on their customer structure. It also compares and contrasts the similarities and differences of target markets between the SAAS software industry in China and that in the United States, and it analyzes the current situation and development trends of the SaaS software industry in China in order to propose novel viewpoints. It is hoped that this study can provide significant practical guidance for entrepreneurs engaged in the SAAS software domain in their strategic decision-making, can serve as a valuable benchmark for investors in their selection of investment targets and valuation analysis in the SAAS software field, and can offer unique reference value for related institutions in formulating their policies for the development of the SAAS software industry.
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Research on the Relationship between Enterprise Attributes and ESOP

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In current international environment, the important goal of improving China industry is to strengthen the independence of the industrial chain. Sci-tech innovation enterprises are the main carrier. They are also the service objects of the Sci-Tech innovation board (“SSE STAR

In current international environment, the important goal of improving China industry is to strengthen the independence of the industrial chain. Sci-tech innovation enterprises are the main carrier. They are also the service objects of the Sci-Tech innovation board (“SSE STAR MARKET”).Some sci-tech innovation enterprises are “capital intensive”, some are “technology intensive”, and the others are both. “Capital intensive” enterprises are controlled by the capital side, “technology intensive” enterprises are controlled by core technical team. The importance of “capital” and “technology” should be reflected in the shareholding ratio, which will impact on corporate governance. This paper aim to find out the relationship between team ownership and enterprise attributes. Team shareholding ratio uses ESOP as indicator (ESOP includes core management shareholding and Employee Stock Ownership Plans), and enterprise attributes are quantified by heavy asset ratio, R&D input, company counterbalance system, and institutional investors shareholding ratio. The research object is the listed companies on the SSE STAR MARKET as of June 30, 2023. Datas range from 2019 to 2023. According to the regression result, it is found that: at first, the heavy asset ratio is negatively correlated with ESOP. The higher heavy asset ratio is. the lower ESOP shareholding ratio the enterprises have. Secondly, company counterbalance system is negatively correlated with ESOP. The higer shareholding ratio of 2-5 major shareholders is, the lower ESOP shareholding ratio the enterprises have. Thirdly, there is no significant influence between institutional investors shareholding ratio and ESOP. Fourthly, there is no significant influence between R&D input and ESOP. But along with heavy asset ratio, there has a significant positive correlation with ESOP. That is, R&D input does not affect ESOP alone, it needs to be combined with heavy asset ratio. Fifthly, the results of sub-industry regression are different from the whole. This paper hopes the study can be further extended to the operation of other sci-tech innovative enterprises, and provide an effective way to build a stable corporate governance structure for those enterprises.
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Research on the Relationship between the Importance of Customer Business Requirements and the Business Willingness of Clothing Suppliers in the Context of Digital Transformation

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The clothing industry is labor-intensive, with many small and medium-sized enterprises and lack of scale effect; Clothing has a short fashion cycle, long operational process, and lack of independent brands; the proportion of clothing exports is relatively large, and the

The clothing industry is labor-intensive, with many small and medium-sized enterprises and lack of scale effect; Clothing has a short fashion cycle, long operational process, and lack of independent brands; the proportion of clothing exports is relatively large, and the dependence on foreign trade is high. At present, a considerable number of domestic clothing processing enterprises (clothing suppliers) still maintain price driven relationships with customers (clothing purchasers or clothing brands). They pay more attention to short-term goals, although they can establish certain business relationships, they do not pay attention to maintaining relationships. Once affected by external adverse factors, this relationship will be easily abandoned. Upstream clothing supplier enterprises do not attach importance to the concept of supply chain management, neglect the establishment of long-term cooperation mechanisms, and excessively pursue short-term benefits, leading to frequent tension in the cooperation relationship between the supply chain。This study found that:1) The higher the customer business requirements, the stronger the supplier's business willingness; 2) The importance of profit contribution (ImProfit), order attractiveness (OrderAttract), and digitalization of cash flow (Digitizec) cannot promote the relationship between customer business requirement importance (ImRequirement) and business willingness, while cooperation attractiveness (Coordination), development expectation (Expectation), communication effectiveness(Communicate), business risk perception (PerceRisk), digitalization of information flow (Digitizea) and Digitization of logistics(Digitizeb)can significantly enhance the relationship between the importance of customer business requirements and business willingness; 3) The effectiveness of communication directly interacts with business intention, not through customer business requirements, but rather through profit contribution, order attraction, cooperation attraction, development expectation, and risk perception. 4) Digitization has both direct and indirect impacts on the business willingness. The role of digitization is comprehensive, with direct impacts being new revolutionary changes and intermediary impacts being benign and innovative changes. The proportion of intermediary impacts is 24.79%, 26.33%, and 25.92%, respectively.
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An Empirical Study on the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises -- Take Equipment Rental Enterprises as Example

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China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established

China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established a brand effect among small and medium-sized customers. We fully leverage the efficiency advantages of private enterprises in digital construction, iterates the system based on needs, data analysis results, feedback, and uses the high-altitude operation platform as the entry point to achieve comprehensive online operation, such as online procurement process, full equipment lifecycle management, full business process management, financial management, and realizes standardization of the entire business process. In this context, it is particularly important to conduct theoretical sublimation based on practical experience and study the impact of digital transformation on the equipment leasing industry.It has found that: 1) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital investment of enterprises; 2) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital achievements of enterprises; 3) Enterprises generally realize that increasing digital investment can significantly enhance their digitalization; 4) The digital investment of enterprises has a significant impact on their leading business indicators, which indicates that different enterprises have relatively high plans; 5) The relationship between digital investment and business revenue growth is positively correlated, indicating that the higher the investment in digital transformation, the higher the growth rate of revenue. However, this correlation is not significant; 6) The digital investment of enterprises significantly promotes the improvement of operational efficiency. In the equipment leasing industry, practitioners generally recognize that increasing digital investment can promote the improvement of operational efficiency; 7) The more achievements of digital transformation in enterprises, the more significant the efficiency improvement, and this correlation is very obvious. When a company can truly produce good digital results, the promotion of operational efficiency is very obvious, which motivates business managers to work hard to produce excellent digital results in the current difficult situation.
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A Study on the Influential Factors of IPO Pricing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board

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On January 30, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Implementation Opinions on the Establishment of the Science and Technology Innovation Board on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Pilot Registration-based System, announcing the establishment of a new Science

On January 30, 2019, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the Implementation Opinions on the Establishment of the Science and Technology Innovation Board on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Pilot Registration-based System, announcing the establishment of a new Science and Technology Innovation Board(STAR). The STAR Market is an important measure in China's capital market reform, aiming to promote the transformation of China's economy from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. The companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board are mainly scientific and technological innovation enterprises that are at the forefront of the world's science and technology, the main battlefield of the economy, and the major needs of the country, in line with the national strategy, breaking through key core technologies, and with high market recognition. Since its launch on July 22, 2019, to May, 15, 2023, there are 522 companies have been listed on the STAR Market, with a total market capitalization of more than RMB 7 trillion. The successful listing of these enterprises will provide strong support for the deep integration of China's high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries.This paper analyzes the influencing factors of IPO listing pricing on the STAR Market, and studies 1478 companies listed on the three listing platforms of the STAR Market, ChiNext and Hong Kong stocks. Through descriptive statistical analysis and multivariate regression model, the influencing factors of the 1st day and the 20th day were empirically studied. The results of the study will provide a pricing reference for ii listed companies in the future, and provide a reference for policymakers to meet the expectations of the new regulatory reforms. Through analysis of multiple factors includes but not limited as the NR,IPE, LEAD, ISCA, T10, AOL, BC, STL, RDI, CAGR, DTOR, these influencing factors have an important impact on the IPO of the STAR Market.
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Correlation Analysis Between Publicity and Financing Process of Medical Enterprise

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With the increasing aging population in China, the public's emphasis on health has been on the rise. Many innovative pharmaceutical companies have undertaken multiple rounds of financing, with some going public through IPOs. As a high-tech industry, it is essential

With the increasing aging population in China, the public's emphasis on health has been on the rise. Many innovative pharmaceutical companies have undertaken multiple rounds of financing, with some going public through IPOs. As a high-tech industry, it is essential to study the relationship between the level of corporate publicity and the financing process.This study collected information on the number of promotional articles, timing, and platforms of dozens of pharmaceutical companies that have already gone public through IPOs using Python. An analysis was conducted on the temporal variations of promotional articles for ten representative companies. It was found that the number of promotional articles experienced a significant increase in the month of IPO or the month before, and remained relatively high even after the IPO. Furthermore, the Pearson correlation coefficient method was used to analyze the correlation between the number of promotional articles and various stages of financing. The study found a positive correlation between the daily average number of promotional articles before IPO and the final financing amount. Additionally, a strong positive correlation was observed between the daily average number of promotional articles from 7 days before IPO to IPO day and the turnover rate on IPO day. Grey correlation analysis was also employed to analyze the impact of publicity on the financing amount of each ii financing round, revealing that the financing round and the Shanghai Composite Index had a significant influence. Finally, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the relationship between the pre-IPO financing scale, IPO-day trading amount, and the level of corporate publicity. The regression results indicated that the pre-IPO financing scale was mainly influenced by the number of promotional articles in the 7 days preceding IPO, particularly for pharmaceutical companies listed on the A-share market. Moreover, a negative correlation was observed between the financing round and the financing amount, particularly among companies that experienced a decline in share price on the IPO day. However, the study found a weak association between the IPO-day trading amount and the level of corporate publicity, primarily observed among pharmaceutical companies listed on the A-share market.
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The Empirical Study of Digital and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies

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This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that:

This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that: digital transformation will improve enterprise performance, the technological innovation capability of enterprises helps to improve the business performance of enterprises; the level of enterprise technological innovation has a strengthening effect on the positive impact of digitalization on enterprise performance; corporate financing constraints will weaken the positive effect of corporate digital transformation on corporate performance; the improvement of technological innovation capability is conducive to the improvement of the performance of digital transformation enterprises; technological innovation of manufacturing enterprises is difficult to have a greater impact on enterprise performance by improving production efficiency. Based on the empirical results of this paper, in order to fully grasp the development opportunities of the digital economy, the government should take the digital transformation of enterprises as a way to help enterprises develop with high quality. At the industrial level, we should promote the digital transformation of economic industries based on the principle of differentiation. At the enterprise level, we should strengthen the financial services and R&D investment that match the financing needs of enterprises, effectively play the positive regulatory role of enterprises' technological innovation ability on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation, and effectively weaken the negative regulatory role of financing constraints on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation.
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并购重组一直是提升企业经营效率、增强市场活力的重要力量。我国政府也一直积极鼓励企业间的并购重组以推动资源的优化配置,使得我国并购重组市场一直较为活跃,交易数量和规模屡创新高。然而交易双方的信息不对称可能导致并购方支付过高的并购溢价,损害并购方价值。针对这一问题,证监会于 2008 年开始实施《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》,要求当标的资产估值是基于未来预期收益时,如果标的资产未来三年的实际盈利低于承诺利润,交易对方需以现金或股份形式对并购方进行补偿。因此,业绩承诺的政策初衷是防止被并购方操纵资产价格、保护并购方和外部投资者的利益。但近年来,部分公司与标的方合谋制定高业绩承诺以换取高估值溢价,继而引发财务造假、减持套现、利益输送、股价崩盘等一系列问题,比如曾被称为“游戏第一股”的掌趣科技从 2013 年开始疯狂并购多家公司并签订相应业绩承诺,公司股价随之飙升,华谊兄弟等大股东和管理层趁机大规模减持,累计套现近60亿,导致中小股东利益严重受损,资本市场对业绩承诺的质疑也日益增加。因此并购重组业绩承诺实现的影响因素及其作用机制成为近年来学术界的研究热点。上市公司进行并购交易时,通常会根据自身财务状况、股权结构、融资成本等因素设计并购支付方式。根据中国证监会 2014 年发布的 《关于修改<上市公司收购管理办法>的决定》 的规定,上市公司收购可采用现金、证券、现金与证券相结合等合法方式支付收购价款。收购方无论采取何种支付方式,都是期望通过优化配置资源、改善经营绩效和增加股东财富。自股权分置改革以来,我国的资本市场正不断完善,并购支付方式也逐渐走向多元化。但是由于信息不对称等问题的存在,业绩承诺协议中的支付方式选择和补偿方式选择也可能会滋生并购双方进行利益输送的温床。因此,在该背景下,研究支付方式对业绩承诺的影响机制具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文以2014-2018年我国A股主板上市公司为研究样本,以“提出问题-理论分析-实证分析-研究结论”为基本思路,运用委托代理理论、信息不对称理论、信号传递理论以及控制权等理论,分析企业并购支付方式的影响因素和支付方式对业绩承诺影响的作用机制,并提出本文的研究假设,通过描述性统计分析、二元逻辑回归和多元线性回归分析等研究方法对研究假设进行实证检验,得出本文的研究结论。 本文主要的研究工作和内容如下: 根据本文的研究主题,梳理了并购、支付方式、业绩承诺等方面已有研究文献,指出已有研究文献的贡献和不足,进而提出本文的研究问题。 在理论分析和作用机理方面,本文运用代理理论、信息不对称理论、融资优序理论、控制权理论等针对支付方式的影响因素以及支付方式对业绩承诺影响的机理进行分析,据此提出本文的研究假设。 在实证研究方面,运用描述性统计分析、二元逻辑回归和多元线性回归分析等方法检验了股权集中度、现金持有量和市场估值对支付方式选择的影响,利用中介效应检验验证了资本结构、股权制衡以及税负协同在支付方式与业绩承诺之间的作用路径,得出本文的实证结论,最后采用更换实证模型方法和主要研究变量的方法进行了相应的稳健性检验。 最后给出本文的主要研究结论,指出本文的研究局限和未来研究方向。 本文的主要研究结论如下: (1)股票支付方式更有利于实现业绩承诺。通过多元统计回归分析和中介效应检验,以及现金支付和股权支付下的业绩承诺兑现进行均值差异检验,均发现两种不同支付方式下的业绩承诺兑现效果是显著存在差异的。(2)在理论上解释了支付方式影响业绩承诺的机理。运用信息不对称下的信号理论、资本结构理论、公司控制权以及协同理论,阐述了支付方式影响业绩承诺的机理,业绩承诺的兑现是支付方式、资本结构、公司控制权结构等多种因素综合作用的结果。选择不同的支付方式来源于企业不同的融资方式,差异化的融资方式就会导致企业在并购完成后形成不同的资本结构和股权结构,从而给企业带来财务协同和管理协同效应,同时,由于我国税收制度的改革,对不同的支付方式均能够影响并购参与方的税收变化,能够产生税收协同效应,从而有利于实现企业的业绩承诺。 (3)在并购支付方式影响因素的研究中,运用多元回归统计回归的方法分析方法验证了现金持有量、股权集中度和市场估值是影响企业并购支付方式的重要因素。其中,股权集中度与支付方式的回归系数为负数,说明股权集中度越高,企业越倾向于选择现金支付;现金持有量与股份支付之间存在负相关的关系,即公司现金持有水平越高,企业越偏好选择现金支付;市场估值与股份支付的回归系数为正,说明企业并购支付方式具有择时效应,当上市公司股价较高时,上市公司会利用股票溢价来减少实际支付的金额。 (4)在支付方式对业绩承诺的兑现的研究中,运用逻辑回归和中介效应检验的方法,证实了支付方式能够对业绩承诺直接产生影响外,还发现资本结构、股权制衡和税负在其中发挥了中介的作用,其中相比现金支付,股权支付会引起股权结构和债务结构的变化,通过风险共担以及股权结构的优化,在一定程度上能够一直股权制衡带来的寻租成本,从而有利于业绩承诺的兑现。股权支付能够获得递延交纳资本利得税、应计折日和资产增加等税收协同,也助力了业绩承诺的实现。与此同时,发现并购企业自身规模、被并购企业的规模、并购的类型以及是否是关联并购也起到了一定的影响,这为企业如何实现业绩承诺提供了参考。 本文的创新之处体现在: (1)研究视角的创新。以往关于并购支付方式的研究主要关注支付方式的选择对并购绩效的影响,鲜少考虑业绩承诺这一前提下二者之间的关系。本文综合考量当并购双方签订业绩承诺的情况下,企业的并购目标不同于简单追求控制权的转移,增加了对并购长期战略目标的关注,分析支付方式对业绩承诺的影响及其作用机制。本文基于业绩承诺视角研究支付方式对并购绩效的影响,进一步扩展了并购领域的研究视角。 (2)研究方法的创新。利用中介效应检验模型验证支付方式对业绩承诺的影响。支付方式作为并购战略的重要组成部分,对于能否顺利实施并购战略具有重要的意义,以往的研究大多选择结构方程进行因素检验,本文采用中介效应的三步法进行验证,发现支付方式既有直接效应,同时还验证了资本结构、股权制衡和税收协同的部分中介作用,本研究有助于丰富和完善支付方式对业绩承诺影响的研究内容。 (3)研究方向和内容的创新。本文采用本文改变现有文献通过设置虚拟变量的方式将股份支付和现金支付截然分开,把并购案例中股份支付对价与并购支付总对价之间的比率作为并购支付变量,并购支付变量设计成连续变量;同时,本文以并购完成后样本公司的资本结构、股权制衡和税负变化衡量并购带来的协同效应为中介变量,详细分析支付方式对业绩承诺影响的作用机制,完善并丰富了并购领域的研究。
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通过引入国有资本提升融资能力、克服制度约束是民营企业提升创新水平的重要举措,在现有研究聚焦于民营企业创新数量的基础上,本文引入了代表不同创新程度和创新类型的利用式创新和探索式创新,分析民营企业引入国有资本将如何影响其两种不同的创新行为,以及公司治理、关键人力资本激励以及市场环境等影响企业成长的关键因素在其中发挥了何种调节效果。本文收集了2008至2019年中国A股上市企业的数据,利用多期DID双重差分模型进行假设验证,得出以下结论:其一,民营企业引入国有资本将提升其利用式创新,但降低了探索式创新。其二,高管团队异质性、环境不确定性能够有效缓解国有资本对探索式创新的不利影响,提升企业探索式创新水平,并且不会降低企业的利用式创新。股权激励在提升探索式创新的同时,会降低企业利用式创新。其三,国有资本引入与市场化发展水平具有替代作用,导致市场化发展水平较高地区的企业在引入国有资本后,更倾向于利用政治关联和资源优势获利,而同时降低企业利用式创新和探索式创新。其四,国有资本引入后的控制权变化能显著提升企业的利用式创新,但对探索式创新没有显著影响。 本文揭示了民营企业引入国有资本对其双元创新的影响,以及探索了国有资本引入背景下,企业提升探索式创新的关键因素,丰富了民营企业创新能力、混合所有制改革以及正式制度与非正式制度交互等相关的内容,为相应实践提供一定启示。
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