An Empirical Study on the Impact of Equity Incentives on Corporate Performance of Chinese Sci Tech Innovation Board Listed Companies

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With the development of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, equity incentives have gradually evolved into the "standard configuration" for listed companies on the board in recent years. However, due to the short opening time of the Science and Technology

With the development of the Science and Technology Innovation Board, equity incentives have gradually evolved into the "standard configuration" for listed companies on the board in recent years. However, due to the short opening time of the Science and Technology Innovation Board in China, the equity incentive system on the board is still constantly being explored and advanced. Therefore, studying the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is of great practical significance for promoting the long-term development of the company.Therefore, based on a systematic review of domestic and foreign research results, combined with the basic theory of equity incentives, this article selected listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in China that implemented equity incentives from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022 as research samples, and used equity incentives as explanatory variables. This study adopts factor analysis to evaluate corporate performance through a comprehensive index, based on the operational capability, cash flow ability, and growth potential of companies. Finally, a regression analysis model is created using current period regression, lagged one period, and lagged two periods regression methods to examine the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance of listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. The relationship between equity incentives and R&D investment is analyzed using lagged two periods, and TobinQ is also analyzed Zscore conducted regression analysis to verify the conclusion of the relationship between equity incentives and corporate performance. Empirical research analysis shows that under comprehensive indicators, there is no significant promoting effect between equity incentives and corporate performance of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Compared with companies in other listed sectors, the equity incentive effect of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board is strengthened. Equity incentives of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board are conducive to improving Tobin Q performance without increasing bankruptcy risk. Equity incentives of companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board can enhance R&D investment. Based on empirical research results, this article intends to provide comprehensive suggestions for better implementation of equity incentives for listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Finally, this article proposes future research directions.
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An Empirical Study on the Impact of Digital Transformation on the Performance of Small and Medium sized Enterprises -- Take Equipment Rental Enterprises as Example

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China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established

China's infrastructure investment is ushering in a new round of growth. The equipment leasing industry maintains high growth rate. H Company has accumulated close to 200,000 service projects, of which personal contracts account for about 71%, and has initially established a brand effect among small and medium-sized customers. We fully leverage the efficiency advantages of private enterprises in digital construction, iterates the system based on needs, data analysis results, feedback, and uses the high-altitude operation platform as the entry point to achieve comprehensive online operation, such as online procurement process, full equipment lifecycle management, full business process management, financial management, and realizes standardization of the entire business process. In this context, it is particularly important to conduct theoretical sublimation based on practical experience and study the impact of digital transformation on the equipment leasing industry.It has found that: 1) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital investment of enterprises; 2) Obstacle factors have a significant impact on the digital achievements of enterprises; 3) Enterprises generally realize that increasing digital investment can significantly enhance their digitalization; 4) The digital investment of enterprises has a significant impact on their leading business indicators, which indicates that different enterprises have relatively high plans; 5) The relationship between digital investment and business revenue growth is positively correlated, indicating that the higher the investment in digital transformation, the higher the growth rate of revenue. However, this correlation is not significant; 6) The digital investment of enterprises significantly promotes the improvement of operational efficiency. In the equipment leasing industry, practitioners generally recognize that increasing digital investment can promote the improvement of operational efficiency; 7) The more achievements of digital transformation in enterprises, the more significant the efficiency improvement, and this correlation is very obvious. When a company can truly produce good digital results, the promotion of operational efficiency is very obvious, which motivates business managers to work hard to produce excellent digital results in the current difficult situation.
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Technology for Good - A Study of the Impact of Digital Economy Firms' Participation in the Common Wealth Model on Firm Performance

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Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether

Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether digital economy enterprises can promote more equitable and sustainable development of society. The participation of digital economy enterprises in the common wealth is an important source of legitimacy for their development. This thesis investigates the mechanism of the impact of their common wealth inputs on corporate financial performance by using a sample of digital economy firms among Chinese listed companies as a case study. It is found that, overall, the mechanism of the effect of firms' common affluence model on their financial performance has a positive effect. The main source of this positive effect is the secondary distribution of the firm, i.e., the legitimacy of tax contributions. Other legitimacy such as employee and shareholder legitimacy are not significantly associated with financial performance, while social philanthropic input from tertiary distribution participation has a significant negative effect. In the association of redistribution on firm performance, there is a positive facilitating effect on firms' R&D efficiency and a negative moderating effect of economic policy uncertainty. It suggests that there are differences in the impact of firms' legitimacy initiatives, such as tax contributions, on performance under different firm development expectations. Whereas in the third distribution, firms' R&D efficiency has a crowding-out effect on the economic gains from the legitimacy of common wealth participation, economic policy uncertainty has a reinforcing effect in the third distribution of firms. The above suggests that the development of digital economy firms is more positively facilitated by official legitimacy and currently lacks the constraints of industrial ecology from internal and public scrutiny.
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The Empirical Study of Digital and Corporate Performance of Chinese Listed Companies

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This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that:

This paper focuses on the path of business model digitalization and its impact on corporate performance, and empirically tests the relationship between the path of business model digitalization and corporate performance of listed companies in China.The empirical results show that: digital transformation will improve enterprise performance, the technological innovation capability of enterprises helps to improve the business performance of enterprises; the level of enterprise technological innovation has a strengthening effect on the positive impact of digitalization on enterprise performance; corporate financing constraints will weaken the positive effect of corporate digital transformation on corporate performance; the improvement of technological innovation capability is conducive to the improvement of the performance of digital transformation enterprises; technological innovation of manufacturing enterprises is difficult to have a greater impact on enterprise performance by improving production efficiency. Based on the empirical results of this paper, in order to fully grasp the development opportunities of the digital economy, the government should take the digital transformation of enterprises as a way to help enterprises develop with high quality. At the industrial level, we should promote the digital transformation of economic industries based on the principle of differentiation. At the enterprise level, we should strengthen the financial services and R&D investment that match the financing needs of enterprises, effectively play the positive regulatory role of enterprises' technological innovation ability on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation, and effectively weaken the negative regulatory role of financing constraints on the performance of enterprises' digital transformation.
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如何鼓励翻译者翻译出优秀的内容,并记录下来,确立知识产权,是一直被探索的问题。随着eb3.0、区块链、NFT(Non-Fungible Token)等飞速发展,为这一问题提供了一种新的思路。目前NFT在艺术品领域大放异彩,对艺术品确权,大大保障了艺术家的利益,极大地激发了艺术家的创作热情。本文将NFT与翻译行业结合,梳理翻译行业现状及存在的问题,介绍NFT技术的概念、发展历程及应用场景,考虑NFT在翻译领域应用的可行性,提出一种新的商业模式,并激发译者的积极性,积累优秀语料,进而促进翻译行业发展。
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基于人类加密学,第一例加密数字货币“比特币”的概念最初由中本聪在2008年11月1日提出,于2009年1月3日正式诞生。经过14年的历程,整个加密货币世界得到了快速的发展、加密生态得到了极大的繁荣、有利的推动了整个人类数字文明的衍进和发展。截至2021年5月,加密货币总市值达到2.4万亿美元的峰值,加密数字货币的数量已经近6000种。单只市值超过10亿美元的数字货币有77个,单只市值超过100万美元的数字货币有1600个。虽然对加密货币究竟应该定义为商品还是证券仍存在巨大争议,但毫无疑问的是加密货币已经成为瞩目且不可忽视的一类投资性资产。 本论文试图从金融资产分析框架和行为金融学角度出发,探究比特币和以太币这两只最具有代表性的数字货币的价格影响因素。本论文分别从宏观和微观两个维度探究两个维度下的因素对价格波动的影响。从宏观视角出发探究问题一:通缩发行机制、联储货币政策、以及中美监管政策对比特币及以太币价格的影响。从微观视角出发探究问题二:加密货币的应用、市场行为金融的视角看其比特币及以太币价格波动的影响。 本论文通过应用定性和定量相结合的研究分析方法,运用一系列时间序列回归模型、相关性分析、区间统计分析、经典行为金融学动能效应模型等工具对上述两个维度的问题进行深度研究和论证,发现各个角度中所涵盖的因素对以比特币和以太币为代表的数字货币价格的影响,同时涵盖了影响的方向和影响的层度,并构建多因素定价模型。
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Factors Affecting Uniswap Liquidity

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In recent years, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has shown an explosive growth trend in recent years. Uniswap, as one of the largest decentralized exchanges, invented Uniswap, a decentralized financial protocol of the same name based on exchanging cryptocurrencies. Automated transactions

In recent years, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has shown an explosive growth trend in recent years. Uniswap, as one of the largest decentralized exchanges, invented Uniswap, a decentralized financial protocol of the same name based on exchanging cryptocurrencies. Automated transactions between cryptocurrency tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Currency trading participants create a liquidity pool based on this agreement, and this paper mainly studies the factors that affect the liquidity of currency trading.Specifically, this paper explores the factors that affect monetary liquidity through three hypotheses. The first is the impact of rates on liquidity, exploring the differences in liquidity under various rates. Then, the impact of differences in Uniswap protocol versions on liquidity was studied. Compared with the V2 version, the Uniswap V3 version added centralized liquidity,which changed the unpaid loss. . This feature makes Uniswap V3 the most flexible and efficient protocol. Finally, the influence of different active users on liquidity is compared, and the change trend of liquidity under different numbers of users is explored. Based on the above three assumptions, this paper adopts GARCH and OLS regression analysis to explore and analyze the collected currency transaction data, and draws the following conclusions for the three assumptions: (1) Researcher may conclude that rates are correlated with trading volume, and volume growth impacts liquidity capacity and increases rates. Therefore, the fee rate has a significant impact on liquidity. (2) Compared with V2, V3, quantitative analysis was carried out using unpaid loss. It was found that impermanent loss has a more significant impact on the liquidity of the V3 version but has little correlation with the V2 version. (3) According to the analysis and comparison of the model, there is no obvious ARCH phenomenon among active users, so it is believed that there is no significant correlation between the two. (4) Combining conclusions 1 and 3, researcher further analyzed the impact of several independent variables on liquidity and found that the fee rate has a more significant influence than active users
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中小微企业是社会与经济的基本盘,它们面临的贷款融资难是全世界各国家都长期存在的世界难题,已经成了影响中小微企业经营发展的重要问题。以往的学术研究都指出了融资难的根本影响因素,那就是信息不对称,但是以往的专家学者通常是基于理性经济人的假设前提来开展进一步的影响因素研究,本论文尝试从行为金融学的视角来研究中小微企业融资难问题,研究分析贷款过程中的非理性行为因素,为提升小微贷款可获得性寻求新的思路和解决方法。以中小企业融资理论、信息不对称理论和行为金融理论为基础,结合上市银行的披露数据和问卷调查开展实证研究分析,发现企业和银行在中小微贷款融资过程中都存在非理性行为,产生心理授权效应、锚定效应和确定效应,对小微贷款可得性产生显著影响。 建议通过强化企业信用信息开放共享、提升信息披露、加强政策引导、坚持发挥中小银行对小微企业的服务优势、鼓励银行发展金融科技优化提升服务等多种方式,进一步提升小微贷款可得性,缓解中小微企业融资难问题。
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随着信息通信技术在金融科技领域中得到广泛应用,传统金融机构依靠互联网技术极大的提升了自己的金融服务能力和金融服务效率。但与此同时,作为一个新兴业态,与互联网金融服务配套的法律制度和保障措施还未完善,特别是互联网借贷业务,贷前的风控系统不完善,同时还缺乏贷后管理机制,造成了网络贷款平台不断出现爆雷现象。仅2018年7月一个月内就有200多家平台出现问题,而到2020年底为止,出现问题的在线借贷平台高达80%。为了更好的保障在线借贷平台和互联网金融行业的健康发展,亟需完善个人征信体系建设,科学评估借款人违约风险。为了解决这一问题,本文首先对现有研究进行了理论梳理,找到可能对违约风险产生影响的因素,并总结为个人特征、社交网络特征、金融特征等三方面的因素。在这之后,从社交网络特征对违约风险进行了深入分析。其次,利用大数据分析方法,构建了随机森林信用评价模型。最后,文章还通过与不同数据集上的相同模型、相同数据集上的不同模型进行对比,对本文构建模型的有效性进行了评估。 研究结论表明:(1)用户的社交网络特征对用户违约风险、欺诈等级具有一定的解释力度,其中用户通话类社交特征对用户欺诈等级的识别效果最好,其次为风险等级,违约标签的识别效果最差,而且用户的地域特征对社交网络特征有显著的调节作用。(2)通过随机森林模型,本文发现年龄、贷款金额是影响客户违约风险和欺诈等级的最重要的因素。(3)比较多元回归模型和随机森林模型,随机森林模型对样本用户特征重要性探索的准确度要高于多元回归模型。 根据上述结论,本文提出了相应了建议:(1)在线借贷平台在判断用户违约风险时,应该在现有的分析框架中考虑用户社交特征来提升用户风险预测精度;(2)信贷公司应该将随机森林等方法纳入到用户是否违约、风险等级和欺诈等级的预测中,这样会显著的提升公司对用户违约、欺诈等级的预测精度。
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当今中国,人口老龄化趋势正驱动卫生总费用快速攀升,国家医保基金可持续性面临挑战。从卫生费用结构来看,中国长期以来存在药品费用占卫生总费用比例高、用药结构相对不合理等问题,限制了基金使用效率的提升,不利于医保基金的可持续发展。医保控费尤其是控制药品花费的必要性日益凸显。2018年末,新组建的国家医保局在“4+7城市”启动了国家药品集中采购试点工作,通过“量价挂钩”“以量换价”的形式,实现了25个药品品种的大幅降价,在减轻患者经济负担、节省医保费用、净化流通环境等方面成效显著。可以预期,在医保控费压力下,以带量采购为核心的集中采购将成为一项长期的政策选项。与此同时,该项政策将通过对价格信号的重大调整和采购量的重新分配重塑市场格局,对制药产业和制药企业产生深刻影响。因此,对集中采购政策的实施影响进行全面、审慎的评估,一方面能形成对集中采购政策执行现状的深刻理解,另一方面也能基于政策实施后的产业影响,对推广实施集中采购政策形成针对性建议。 本文通过文献梳理、案例研究、问卷分析和回归预测分析等多元研究方法,对国家药品集中采购试点政策实施后对制药企业和制药行业的影响进行了深入分析。研究发现,在企业层面,受制于本国制药企业发展阶段和价格下降导致的利润压缩,国家集中采购试点政策将在一定程度上影响中标药品对于大量中国患者需求的满足并对中标药品的质量控制形成一定压力;产业层面,由于价格下降和市场格局变动导致企业预期变化,国家集中采购试点政策将使得仿制药企业对待药品的“质量和疗效一致性评价”更为审慎,短期内在被采购的药物分子领域形成一家独大的局面,长远将导致行业集中度的进一步提高。针对上述研究发现。
本文分别从带量采购政策的政策设计、带量采购中标药品质量监管政策和仿制药产业鼓励政策等维度提出了相应优化建议。建议政府在带量采购政策设计上坚持分类采购原则,强化中标企业产能、产量的核实,加大自由竞争市场份额,合理划分带量采购片区,避免医院采用“一刀切”的政策使用中标药;在质量监管上加强针对性质量监管,运用风险工具进行评估,针对高危风险制定风险最小化措施,加强推进ICH Q10在仿制药企业中的落地;在仿制药产业鼓励政策上落实“质量和疗效一致性评价”鼓励政策,为高质量仿制药提供积极的市场环境,优化流通环节费率计算方式。
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