Research on the Influencing Factors of Equity Asset Allocation among High Net Worth Individuals in China

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Presently, the asset allocation of Chinese resident families and HNWIs is mainly characterized by the following two irrationalities: Firstly, high proportion of non-financial assets and the excessive reliance of families on real estate may bring many drawbacks such as over-concentration

Presently, the asset allocation of Chinese resident families and HNWIs is mainly characterized by the following two irrationalities: Firstly, high proportion of non-financial assets and the excessive reliance of families on real estate may bring many drawbacks such as over-concentration of risk and reduction of liquidity; Secondly, low holding rate and small holding scale of equity assets, and the concentration of wealth in cash and fixed-income assets may lead to difficulties in enjoying the benefits brought by rapid growth of the domestic economy. This study examines the key factors affecting the equity asset allocation of Chinese HNWIs, with the aim of providing a practical basis for HNWIs and wealth management practitioners to facilitate the inflow of capital into the capital market, thereby promoting the high-quality development of China's financial market.The study first sorts out the relevant theories and literatures in terms of asset allocation, and also compares the household asset allocation in China with that in developed countries such as America and Japan, to find out the differences and analyze the possible reasons. Subsequently, it proposes possible influencing factors through integrating related theories, and conducts questionnaire survey based on the hypotheses. Finally, multiple linear regression method is used to test the correlation between each factor and the proportion of equity asset allocation and put forward corresponding policy suggestions. The main findings of this study are as follows: First, investors' educational background is positively correlated with their proportion of equity asset allocation. The higher the education level and the deeper the background in finance, the higher their proportion of equity asset allocation. Second, retail investors who rely on their own research for investment have a higher allocation to stock assets. Third, investors with shorter average investment cycles have higher allocations to equity assets. Fourth, investors with higher investment expectations and higher maximum acceptable losses have higher equity asset allocations. Based on these, it is recommended to increase special education and training, strengthen the sharing of investment experience among HNWIs, and encourage long-term investors and professional investment advisers to increase equity asset allocation in order to realize wealth preservation and appreciation.
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中国乳制品(液态奶)行业进入成熟期,伊利、蒙牛等乳企寡头垄断,新乳业作为后进入者,洞察消费者购买乳制品除了获得实物产品外,还期望获得产品相关的附加服务和体验,因此开展了大量体验营销活动。企业独创性地推出了“食育乐园”活动,定期邀请消费者参观公司的牧场、工厂,开展知识互动、现场体验、自助DIY产品、美照话题分享等活动,获得了良好的消费者反馈。本文基于新乳业的体验营销活动,研究体验营销对消费者购买意愿的影响。本文研究研究了三个部分。首先从SOR理论(外部刺激、个体状态、个体反应)出发,以五种体验要素为自变量、以感知价值和品牌信任为中介变量、以购买意愿为因变量建立了体验营销对购买意愿的影响模型。通过问卷法收集了301份消费者数据,用实证分析检验了模型的有效性。结果显示:体验营销五要素中,感官、情感、思考和关联体验对购买意愿产生正影响,行动体验对购买意愿没有显著影响。在除了关联体验外的三个要素对购买意愿的正影响中,感知价值和品牌信任均有中介作用。分性别来看,男性组,感官、思考和关联体验对购买意愿有显著正影响;女性组,情感和关联体验对购买意愿有显著正影响。关联体验对购买意愿的正影响中,女性大于男性。 然后,本文采取事件法,分析比较消费者在参加体验营销活动前后购买意愿的变化,验证了体验营销对购买意愿的提升作用,整体提升7.1%。分人群来看:体验营销对购买意愿提升较大的群体为:女性; 40岁以上;家庭饮奶次数在3-7次/周;近期购买过竞品的消费者。据此,本文认为该类消费者可以作为未来体验营销活动的主力群体。 最后,本文对比分析了活动前后消费者的体验变量,并以此对新乳业的体验营销活动进行评价和优化。活动前后,关联体验提升幅度最大(11.4%),行动体验虽然提升幅度排第二(9.2%),但理论研究表明行动体验的提升并不能对购买意愿产生显著正影响。因此在未来活动设计中,重视与关联体验有关的设计、适度简化行动体验、强化感官体验、情感体验等更加直观的体验有利于提升活动效果。
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