The Implications of a High Reverse Bias Voltage

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This study focuses on the implications of a high reverse bias breakdown in silicon heterojunction cells (SHJ). In relevant literature, there is a lack of explicit investigation which compares high breakdown voltage cells (commonly SHJ) to low breakdown voltage cells

This study focuses on the implications of a high reverse bias breakdown in silicon heterojunction cells (SHJ). In relevant literature, there is a lack of explicit investigation which compares high breakdown voltage cells (commonly SHJ) to low breakdown voltage cells (commonly silicon homojunctions) in an installation setting. In addition, their relationship with shading and how they react with bypass diodes are also not very prevalent. Therefore, my project dives into how shading impacts a string of high breakdown voltage cells and a string of low breakdown voltage cells, as well as how those cells interact with a bypass diode. In order to conduct this investigation, I used the simulation software LTSpice XVII to create an accurate simulation model of a SHJ cell with a 21 V reverse breakdown voltage. With this cell model, I strung 10 cells together, and varied the shading on a single cell while measuring the string’s output current, voltage, and power. Next, I attached a bypass diode to the shaded cell, and continued to increase the number of cells attached to the bypass diode while continuing to examine the string’s output. Once I gathered this data, I modified the original cell model to have a lower reverse breakdown voltage of 5 V. From here, I strung 10 cells together again, and repeated the same measurements from the 21 V string. Upon completing these measurements, I found that the SHJ cells were in fact harder to force into reverse bias than the cells with the lower reverse breakdown voltage, suggesting that solar installation owners should consider transitioning to SHJ-based modules. When bypass diodes are being considered, my results demonstrated that heavy shading (about 65% and higher) was required for the bypass diodes to have an observable impact on the string’s power output. Therefore, owners should consider how severe the shading their installation may receive before investing in bypass diodes. If owners do find the need for the bypass diodes, my findings also show that the diodes should be used sparingly and in a compromise with output power and cost.
Date Created

Technical and Policy Barriers to Terawatt-Scale Implementation of Solar Photovoltaics

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This research identifies several barriers to large scale implementation of solar photovoltaics into the modern US electricity system, along with solutions to help mitigate these challenges. The need for new technologies and utility rate plans are identified as two of

This research identifies several barriers to large scale implementation of solar photovoltaics into the modern US electricity system, along with solutions to help mitigate these challenges. The need for new technologies and utility rate plans are identified as two of these key barriers. In place of expensive, developing technologies this research explores the use of thermal energy storage (TES), a widely used, inexpensive, mature technology as a potential solution for a portion of this problem. A real-life example from Arizona State University (ASU) is used to illustrate the potential of TES. In addition, shortcomings of modern electricity rate plans are identified using both cost and system characteristics of residential solar and battery systems. This rate and system modeling also gives insight into the value that solar can provide to residential customers in a variety of settings.
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GaAs Thermophotovoltaic Cells with Patterned Dielectric Back Contact

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GaAs thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices with a patterned dielectric back contact (PDBC) architecture, featuring a dielectric spacer between the semiconductor and back metal contact over most of the back surface for high reflectance, and metal point contacts over a smaller area

GaAs thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices with a patterned dielectric back contact (PDBC) architecture, featuring a dielectric spacer between the semiconductor and back metal contact over most of the back surface for high reflectance, and metal point contacts over a smaller area for electrical conduction were demonstrated. In the TPV application, high sub-bandgap reflectance is needed to reflect unused sub-bandgap photons to the thermal emitter to minimize energy losses in this portion of the thermal spectrum. Different PDBC fabrication processes with SU-8 and SiO2 dielectric spacer layers to maximize sub-bandgap reflectance while minimizing series resistance to increase TPV conversion efficiency was explored. GaAs SU-8 PDBC TPV devices with 2200°C blackbody-weighted sub-bandgap reflectance of 94.9% and 96.5% with and without a front metal grid, respectively were demonstrated. This was 0.7% and 2.3% (absolute) higher than the mean sub-bandgap reflectance of 94.2% for GaAs baseline TPV devices with 100% Au back contact with a front metal grid. Lower sub-bandgap reflectance in TPV devices with front grids indicated the front grid induced light scattering led to additional parasitic absorption in the TPV device. For higher contact coverage fractions, the PDBC reflectance cannot, in general, be treated by linear interpolation of the mirror and point-contact areas using simple 1D transfer matrix method modeling and should be treated instead as a diffraction grating by solving Maxwell's equations in 3D. GaAs PDBC TPV device with series resistance less than 10 mΩ·cm2 was demonstrated. Finally, GaAs PDBC TPV device with 22.8% TPV efficiency measured in a thermophotovoltaic test platform with the thermal emitter at 2100℃ was demonstrated
Date Created

Dilute Nitride Materials for High Efficiency Si-Based Multi-Junction Solar Cells

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To keep up with the increasing demand for solar energy, higher efficiencies are necessary while keeping cost at a minimum. The easiest theoretical way to achieve that is using silicon-based multi-junction solar cells. However, there are major challenges in effectively

To keep up with the increasing demand for solar energy, higher efficiencies are necessary while keeping cost at a minimum. The easiest theoretical way to achieve that is using silicon-based multi-junction solar cells. However, there are major challenges in effectively implementing such a system. Much work has been done recently to integrate III-V with Si for multi-junction solar cell purposes. The focus of this paper is to explore GaP-based dilute nitrides as a possible top cell candidate for Si-based multi-junctions. The direct growth of dilute nitrides in a lattice-matched configuration epitaxially in literature is reviewed. The problems associated with such growths are outlined and pathways to mitigate these problems are presented. The need for a GaP buffer layer between the dilute nitride film and Si is established. Defects in GaP/Si system are explored in detail and a study on pit formation during such growth is performed. Effective suppression of pits in GaP surface grown on Si is achieved. Issues facing GaP-based dilute nitrides in terms of material properties are outlined. Review of these challenges is done and some possible future areas of interest to improve material quality are established. Finally, the growth process of dilute nitrides using Molecular Beam Epitaxy tool is explained. Results for GaNP grown on Si pre and post growth treatments are detailed.
Date Created

The Study of the Fabrication Process for Surface Nanotexturing With Modification of Al2O3 Passivation

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In this dissertation, the nanofabrication process is characterized for fabrication of nanostructure on surface of silicon and gallium phosphide using silica nanosphere lithography (SNL) and metal assisted chemical etching (MACE) process. The SNL process allows fast process time and well

In this dissertation, the nanofabrication process is characterized for fabrication of nanostructure on surface of silicon and gallium phosphide using silica nanosphere lithography (SNL) and metal assisted chemical etching (MACE) process. The SNL process allows fast process time and well defined silica nanosphere monolayer by spin-coating process after mixing N,N-dimethyl-formamide (DMF) solvent. The MACE process achieves the high aspect ratio structure fabrication using the reaction between metal and wet chemical. The nanostructures are fabricated on Si surface for enhanced light management, but, without proper surface passivation those gains hardly impact the performance of the solar cell. The surface passivation of nanostructures is challenging, not only due to larger surface areas and aspect ratios, but also has a direct result of the nanofabrication processes. In this research, the surface passivation of silicon nanostructures is improved by modifying the silica nanosphere lithography (SNL) and the metal assisted chemical etching (MACE) processes, frequently used to fabricate nanostructures. The implementation of a protective silicon oxide layer is proposed prior to the lithography process to mitigate the impact of the plasma etching during the SNL. Additionally, several adhesion layers are studied, chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and titanium (Ti) with gold (Au), used in the MACE process. The metal contamination is one of main damage and Ti makes the mitigation of metal contamination. Finally, a new chemical etching step is introduced, using potassium hydroxide at room temperature, to smooth the surface of the nanostructures after the MACE process. This chemical treatment allows to improve passivation by surface area control and removing surface defects. In this research, I demonstrate the Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) passivation on nanostructure using atomic layer deposition (ALD) process. 10nm of Al2O3 layer makes effective passivation on nanostructure with optimized post annealing in forming gas (N2/H2) environment. However, 10nm thickness is not suitable for hetero structure because of carrier transportation. For carrier transportation, ultrathin Al2O3 (≤ 1nm) layer is used for passivation, but effective passivation is not achieved because of insufficient hydrogen contents. This issue is solved to use additional ultrathin SiO2 (1nm) below Al2O3 layer and hydrogenation from doped a-Si:H. Moreover, the nanostructure is creased on gallium phosphide (GaP) by SNL and MACE process. The fabrication process is modified by control of metal layer and MACE solution.
Date Created

High Efficiency Undoped Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells

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Unlike conventional solar cells, modern high efficiency passivated contacts solar cells like silicon heterojunction (SHJ) cells have excellent surface passivation and use high bulk lifetime wafers which increase the operating injection level of these devices. These solar cell architectures can

Unlike conventional solar cells, modern high efficiency passivated contacts solar cells like silicon heterojunction (SHJ) cells have excellent surface passivation and use high bulk lifetime wafers which increase the operating injection level of these devices. These solar cell architectures can benefit from having lower doped substrates, with undoped solar cells becoming an attractive option. There has been very limited literature on high bulk resistivity substrates (>>10 Ωcm). This thesis work provides a comprehensive assessment of the potential of high resistivity/undoped substrates for high performance and more reliable silicon solar cells by demonstrating the results from modeling as well as characterization of SHJ solar cells fabricated with high resistivity/undoped substrates under real-world illumination and temperature conditions that the cells/modules experience in the field. In this work, the results from the analytical model demonstrated the effects of various defects, variation in doping and temperature on the performance of silicon solar cells. Experimentally, SHJ cells with bulk resistivities in the range of 1 Ωcm to >15k Ωcm were fabricated, and cell efficiencies over 20% were measured at standard testing conditions (STC) across the entire range of bulk resistivities. The illumination response (0.1-1 sun) and temperature coefficients (25-90 °C) were shown to be independent of the bulk resistivity. No light induced degradation was observed in the n-type SHJ cells of all resistivity ranges whereas high resistivity p-type SHJ cells showed less degradation compared to that of commercial resistivity range (<10 Ωcm). Very high reverse breakdown voltages (over 1 kV) were demonstrated for SHJ cells fabricated with high resistivity wafers. Using simulation, the importance of having cells in the modules with breakdown voltage higher than the series string voltage for safe and reliable operation of the photovoltaic (PV) system was highlighted. The ingot yield can be improved by moving towards high resistivity ranges to manufacture high efficiency reliable solar cells by utilizing the entire ingot and eliminating the need to adhere to narrow resistivity range. Thus, the novel findings from this work can have profound impact on ingot and module manufacturing resulting in significant cost savings as well as improvement in the system reliability.
Date Created

Interaction of Charge Carriers with Defects at Interfaces and Grain Boundaries in Compound Semiconductors

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Realization of efficient, high-bandgap photovoltaic cells produced using economically viable methods is a technological advance that could change the way we generate and use energy, and thereby accelerate the development of human civilization. There is a need to engineer a

Realization of efficient, high-bandgap photovoltaic cells produced using economically viable methods is a technological advance that could change the way we generate and use energy, and thereby accelerate the development of human civilization. There is a need to engineer a semiconductor material for solar cells, particularly multijunction cells, that has high (1.6-2.0 eV) bandgap, has relatively inactive defects, is thermodynamically stable under normal operating conditions with the potential for cost-effective thin-film growth in mass production.This work focuses on a material system made of gallium, indium, and phosphorus – the ternary semiconductor GaInP. GaInP based photovoltaic cells in single-crystal form have demonstrated excellent power conversion efficiency, however, growth of single-crystal GaInP is prohibitively expensive. While growth of polycrystalline GaInP is expected to lower production costs, polycrystalline GaInP is also expected to have a high density of electronically active defects, about which little is reported in scientific literature. This work presents the first study of synthesis, and structural and optoelectronic characterization of polycrystalline GaInP thin films. In addition, this work models the best performance of polycrystalline solar cells achievable with a given grain size with grain-boundary/surface recombination velocity as a variable parameter. The effects of defect characteristics at the surface and layer properties such as doping and thickness on interface recombination velocity are also modeled. Recombination velocities at the free surface of single-crystal GaInP and after deposition of various dielectric layers on GaInP are determined experimentally using time-resolved photoluminescence decay measurements. In addition, experimental values of bulk lifetime and surface recombination velocity in well-passivated single crystal AlInP-GaInP based double heterostructures are also measured for comparison to polycrystalline material systems. A novel passivation method – aluminum-assisted post-deposition treatment or Al-PDT – was developed which shows promise as a general passivation and material improvement technique for polycrystalline thin films. In the GaInP system, this aluminum post-deposition treatment has demonstrated improvement in the minority carrier lifetime to 44 ns at 80 K. During development of the passivation process, aluminum diffusivity in GaInP was measured using TEM-EDS line scans. Introduction, development, and refinement of this novel passivation mechanism in polycrystalline GaInP could initiate the development of a new family of passivation treatments, potentially improving the optoelectronic response of other polycrystalline compound semiconductors as well.
Date Created

Multiscale modeling of silicon heterojunction solar cells

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Silicon photonic technology continues to dominate the solar industry driven by steady improvement in device and module efficiencies. Currently, the world record conversion efficiency (~26.6%) for single junction silicon solar cell technologies is held by silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells

Silicon photonic technology continues to dominate the solar industry driven by steady improvement in device and module efficiencies. Currently, the world record conversion efficiency (~26.6%) for single junction silicon solar cell technologies is held by silicon heterojunction (SHJ) solar cells based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and crystalline silicon (c-Si). These solar cells utilize the concept of carrier selective contacts to improve device efficiencies. A carrier selective contact is designed to optimize the collection of majority carriers while blocking the collection of minority carriers. In the case of SHJ cells, a thin intrinsic a-Si:H layer provides crucial passivation between doped a-Si:H and the c-Si absorber that is required to create a high efficiency cell. There has been much debate regarding the role of the intrinsic a-Si:H passivation layer on the transport of photogenerated carriers, and its role in optimizing device performance. In this work, a multiscale model is presented which utilizes different simulation methodologies to study interfacial transport across the intrinsic a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerface and through the a-Si:H passivation layer. In particular, an ensemble Monte Carlo simulator was developed to study high field behavior of photogenerated carriers at the intrinsic a-Si:H/c-Si heterointerface, a kinetic Monte Carlo program was used to study transport of photogenerated carriers across the intrinsic a-Si:H passivation layer, and a drift-diffusion model was developed to model the behavior in the quasi-neutral regions of the solar cell. This work reports de-coupled and self-consistent simulations to fully understand the role and effect of transport across the a-Si:H passivation layer in silicon heterojunction solar cells, and relates this to overall solar cell device performance.
Date Created

The Investigation of the Electronic Properties of Si Based Heterojucntions: a First Principle Study of a-Si:H/c-Si and GaP/Si Heterojunctions

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In this dissertation, I investigate the electronic properties of two important silicon(Si)-based heterojunctions 1) hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon (a-Si:H/c-Si) which has already been commercialized in Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer (HIT) cells and 2) gallium phosphide/silicon (GaP/Si) which has been suggested

In this dissertation, I investigate the electronic properties of two important silicon(Si)-based heterojunctions 1) hydrogenated amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon (a-Si:H/c-Si) which has already been commercialized in Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin-layer (HIT) cells and 2) gallium phosphide/silicon (GaP/Si) which has been suggested to be a good candidate for replacing a-Si:H/c-Si in HIT cells in order to boost the HIT cell’s efficiency.

In the first part, the defect states of amorphous silicon (a-Si) and a-Si:H material are studied using density functional theory (DFT). I first employ simulated annealing using molecular dynamics (MD) to create stable configurations of a-Si:H, and then analyze the atomic and electronic structure to investigate which structural defects interact with H, and how the electronic structure changes with H addition. I find that H atoms decrease the density of mid-gap states and increase the band gap of a-Si by binding to Si atoms with strained bonds. My results also indicate that Si atoms with strained bonds creates high-localized orbitals in the mobility gap of a-Si, and the binding of H atoms to them can dramatically decrease their degree of localization.

In the second part, I explore the effect of the H binding configuration on the electronic properties of a-Si:H/c-Si heterostructure using density functional theory studies of models of the interface between a-Si:H and c-Si. The electronic properties from DFT show that depending on the energy difference between configurations, the electronic properties are sensitive to the H binding configurations.

In the last part, I examine the electronic structure of GaP/Si(001) heterojunctions and the effect of hydrogen H passivation at the interface in comparison to interface mixing, through DFT calculations. My calculations show that due to the heterovalent mismatch nature of the GaP/Si interface, there is a high density of localized states at the abrupt GaP/Si interface due to the excess charge associated with heterovalent bonding, as reported elsewhere. I find that the addition of H leads to additional bonding at the interface which mitigates the charge imbalance, and greatly reduces the density of localized states, leading to a nearly ideal heterojunction.
Date Created

Comprehensive Library of Photovoltaic Functions on Python for Academic and Educational Purposes

This comprehensive library of photovoltaic functions (PVSimLib) is an attempt to help the photovoltaics community to solve one of its long-lasting problems, the lack of a simple, flexible and comprehensive tool that can be used for photovoltaic calculations. The library

This comprehensive library of photovoltaic functions (PVSimLib) is an attempt to help the photovoltaics community to solve one of its long-lasting problems, the lack of a simple, flexible and comprehensive tool that can be used for photovoltaic calculations. The library contains a collection of useful functions and detailed examples that will show the user how to take advantage of the resources present in this library. The results will show how in combination with other Python libraries (Matplotlib), this library becomes a powerful tool for anyone involved in solar power.
Date Created