The Implications of a High Reverse Bias Voltage

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This study focuses on the implications of a high reverse bias breakdown in silicon heterojunction cells (SHJ). In relevant literature, there is a lack of explicit investigation which compares high breakdown voltage cells (commonly SHJ) to low breakdown voltage cells

This study focuses on the implications of a high reverse bias breakdown in silicon heterojunction cells (SHJ). In relevant literature, there is a lack of explicit investigation which compares high breakdown voltage cells (commonly SHJ) to low breakdown voltage cells (commonly silicon homojunctions) in an installation setting. In addition, their relationship with shading and how they react with bypass diodes are also not very prevalent. Therefore, my project dives into how shading impacts a string of high breakdown voltage cells and a string of low breakdown voltage cells, as well as how those cells interact with a bypass diode. In order to conduct this investigation, I used the simulation software LTSpice XVII to create an accurate simulation model of a SHJ cell with a 21 V reverse breakdown voltage. With this cell model, I strung 10 cells together, and varied the shading on a single cell while measuring the string’s output current, voltage, and power. Next, I attached a bypass diode to the shaded cell, and continued to increase the number of cells attached to the bypass diode while continuing to examine the string’s output. Once I gathered this data, I modified the original cell model to have a lower reverse breakdown voltage of 5 V. From here, I strung 10 cells together again, and repeated the same measurements from the 21 V string. Upon completing these measurements, I found that the SHJ cells were in fact harder to force into reverse bias than the cells with the lower reverse breakdown voltage, suggesting that solar installation owners should consider transitioning to SHJ-based modules. When bypass diodes are being considered, my results demonstrated that heavy shading (about 65% and higher) was required for the bypass diodes to have an observable impact on the string’s power output. Therefore, owners should consider how severe the shading their installation may receive before investing in bypass diodes. If owners do find the need for the bypass diodes, my findings also show that the diodes should be used sparingly and in a compromise with output power and cost.
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