Bayesian Approach in Addressing Simultaneous Gene Network Model Selection and Parameter Estimation with Snapshot Data

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Gene expression models are key to understanding and predicting transcriptional dynamics. This thesis devises a computational method which can efficiently explore a large, highly correlated parameter space, ultimately allowing the author to accurately deduce the underlying gene network model using

Gene expression models are key to understanding and predicting transcriptional dynamics. This thesis devises a computational method which can efficiently explore a large, highly correlated parameter space, ultimately allowing the author to accurately deduce the underlying gene network model using discrete, stochastic mRNA counts derived through the non-invasive imaging method of single molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH). An underlying gene network model consists of the number of gene states (distinguished by distinct production rates) and all associated kinetic rate parameters. In this thesis, the author constructs an algorithm based on Bayesian parametric and nonparametric theory, expanding the traditional single gene network inference tools. This expansion starts by increasing the efficiency of classic Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling by combining three schemes known in the Bayesian statistical computing community: 1) Adaptive Metropolis-Hastings (AMH), 2) Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), and 3) Parallel Tempering (PT). The aggregation of these three methods decreases the autocorrelation between sequential MCMC samples, reducing the number of samples required to gain an accurate representation of the posterior probability distribution. Second, by employing Bayesian nonparametric methods, the author is able to simultaneously evaluate discrete and continuous parameters, enabling the method to devise the structure of the gene network and all kinetic parameters, respectively. Due to the nature of Bayesian theory, uncertainty is evaluated for the gene network model in combination with the kinetic parameters. Tools brought from Bayesian nonparametric theory equip the method with an ability to sample from the posterior distribution of all possible gene network models without pre-defining the gene network structure, i.e. the number of gene states. The author verifies the method’s robustness through the use of synthetic snapshot data, designed to closely represent experimental smFISH data sets, across a range of gene network model structures, parameters and experimental settings (number of probed cells and timepoints).
Date Created

Enhancing Patient-Specific Trigeminal Nerve Visualization and Neuromodulation.

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Non-invasive visualization of the trigeminal nerve through advanced MR sequences and methods like tractography is important for studying anatomical and microstructural changes due to pathology like trigeminal neuralgia (TN), facial dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and for surgical pre-planning. The use of

Non-invasive visualization of the trigeminal nerve through advanced MR sequences and methods like tractography is important for studying anatomical and microstructural changes due to pathology like trigeminal neuralgia (TN), facial dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and for surgical pre-planning. The use of specific anatomical markers from CT, MPRAGE and cranial nerve imaging (CRANI) sequences, enabled successful tractography of patient-specific trajectory of the frontal, nasociliary, infraorbital, and mandibular nerve branches extending beyond the cisternal brain stem region and leading to the face. Performance of MPRAGE sequence together with the advanced T2-weighted CRANI sequence with and without a gadolinium contrast agent, was studied to characterize identification efficiency in smaller nerve structures in the extremities. A large FOV nerve visualization exam inclusive of the anatomy of all trigeminal nerve distal branches can be obtained within an acquisition time of 20 minutes using pre-contrast CRANI and MPRAGE. Post-processing with MPR and MIP images improved nerve visualization.Transcranial electrical stimulation techniques (TES) have been used for the treatment of multiple neurodegenerative diseases. These techniques involve placing electrodes on the scalp with multiple peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve crossing directly under that may be stimulated. This was studied through hybrid computational realistic axon models. These models also facilitated studying the effects of electrode drift during experiments on the recruitment of peripheral nerves. An optimal point of lowest threshold was found while displacing the nerve horizontally i.e., the activation thresholds of both myelinated and unmyelinated axons increased when the electrodes were displaced medially and decreased to a certain extend when the electrodes were displaced laterally, after which further lateral displacement led to increase of thresholds. Inclusion of unmyelinated axons in the modeling provided the capability of finding maximum stimulation amplitude below which side effects like pain sensation may be avoided. In the case of F3 – F4 electrode montage the maximum amplitude was 2.39 mA and in case of RS – LS montage the maximum amplitude was 2.44 mA. Such modeling studies may be useful for personalization of TES devices for finding optimal positioning of electrodes with respect to target and stimulation amplitude range that minimizes side effects.
Date Created

Mathematics of Transmission Dynamics and Control of HIV in an MSM Population

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\begin{abstract}The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic, which causes the syndrome of opportunistic infections that characterize the late stage HIV disease, known as the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), remains a major public health challenge to many parts of the world. This

\begin{abstract}The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic, which causes the syndrome of opportunistic infections that characterize the late stage HIV disease, known as the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), remains a major public health challenge to many parts of the world. This dissertation contributes in providing deeper qualitative insights into the transmission dynamics and control of the HIV/AIDS disease in Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) community. A new mathematical model (which is relatively basic), which incorporates some of the pertinent aspects of HIV epidemiology and immunology and fitted using the yearly new case data of the MSM population from the State of Arizona, was designed and used to assess the population-level impact of awareness of HIV infection status and condom-based intervention, on the transmission dynamics and control of HIV/AIDS in an MSM community. Conditions for the existence and asymptotic stability of the various equilibria ofthe model were derived. The numerical simulations showed that the prospects for the effective control and/or elimination of HIV/AIDS in the MSM community in the United States are very promising using a condom-based intervention, provided the condom efficacy is high and the compliance is moderate enough. The model was extended in Chapter 3 to account for the effect of risk-structure, staged-progression property of HIV disease, and the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) on the spread and control of the disease. The model was shown to undergo a PrEP-induced \textit{backward bifurcation} when the associated control reproduction number is less than one. It was shown that when the compliance in PrEP usage is $50%(80%)$ then about $19.1%(34.2%)$ of the yearly new HIV/AIDS cases recorded at the peak will have been prevented, in comparison to the worst-case scenario where PrEP-based intervention is not implemented in the MSM community. It was also shown that the HIV pandemic elimination is possible from the MSM community even for the scenario when the effective contact rate is increased by 5-fold from its baseline value, if low-risk individuals take at least 15 years before they change their risky behavior and transition to the high-risk group (regardless of the value of the transition rate from high-risk to low-risk susceptible population).
Date Created

Modeling Brain Cancer Progression Using Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Minimal Parameters

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A description of numerical and analytical work pertaining to models that describe the growth and progression of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive form of primary brain cancer. Two reaction-diffusion models are used: the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation and a 2-population model that

A description of numerical and analytical work pertaining to models that describe the growth and progression of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), an aggressive form of primary brain cancer. Two reaction-diffusion models are used: the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation and a 2-population model that divides the tumor into actively proliferating and quiescent (or necrotic) cells. The numerical portion of this work (chapter 2) focuses on simulating GBM expansion in patients undergoing treatment for recurrence of tumor following initial surgery. The models are simulated on 3-dimensional brain geometries derived from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans provided by the Barrow Neurological Institute. The study consists of 17 clinical time intervals across 10 patients that have been followed in detail, each of whom shows significant progression of tumor over a period of 1 to 3 months on sequential follow up scans. A Taguchi sampling design is implemented to estimate the variability of the predicted tumors to using 144 different choices of model parameters. In 9 cases, model parameters can be identified such that the simulated tumor contains at least 40 percent of the volume of the observed tumor. In the analytical portion of the paper (chapters 3 and 4), a positively invariant region for our 2-population model is identified. Then, a rigorous derivation of the critical patch size associated with the model is performed. The critical patch (KISS) size is the minimum habitat size needed for a population to survive in a region. Habitats larger than the critical patch size allow a population to persist, while smaller habitats lead to extinction. The critical patch size of the 2-population model is consistent with that of the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piskunov equation, one of the first reaction-diffusion models proposed for GBM. The critical patch size may indicate that GBM tumors have a minimum size depending on the location in the brain. A theoretical relationship between the size of a GBM tumor at steady-state and its maximum cell density is also derived, which has potential applications for patient-specific parameter estimation based on magnetic resonance imaging data.
Date Created

Testing the Accuracy of Using Accelerometers for Determining Position


The main purpose of this project is to create a method for determining the absolute position of an accelerometer. Acceleration and angular speed were obtained from an accelerometer attached to a vehicle as it moves around. As the vehicle moves

The main purpose of this project is to create a method for determining the absolute position of an accelerometer. Acceleration and angular speed were obtained from an accelerometer attached to a vehicle as it moves around. As the vehicle moves to collect information the orientation of the accelerometer changes, so a rotation matrix is applied to the data based on the angular change at each time. The angular change and distance are obtained by using the trapezoidal approximation of the integrals. This method was first validated by using simple sets of "true" data which are explicitly known sets of data to compare the results to. Then, an analysis of how different time steps and levels of noise affect the error of the results was performed to determine the optimal time step of 0.1 sec that was then used for the actual tests. The tests that were performed were: a stationary test for uses of calibration, a straight line test to verify a simple test, and a closed loop test to test the accuracy. The graphs for these tests give no indication of the actual paths, so the final results can only show that the data from the accelerometer is too noisy and inaccurate for this method to be used by this sensor. The future work would be to test different ways to get more accurate data and then use it to verify this methods. These ways could include using more sensors to interpolate the data, reducing noise by using a different sensor, or adding a filter. Then, if this method is considered accurate enough, it could be implemented into control systems.

Date Created

Topology Processing of Retinotopic Maps

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Retinotopic map, the map between visual inputs on the retina and neuronal activation in brain visual areas, is one of the central topics in visual neuroscience. For human observers, the map is typically obtained by analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging

Retinotopic map, the map between visual inputs on the retina and neuronal activation in brain visual areas, is one of the central topics in visual neuroscience. For human observers, the map is typically obtained by analyzing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals of cortical responses to slowly moving visual stimuli on the retina. Biological evidences show the retinotopic mapping is topology-preserving/topological (i.e. keep the neighboring relationship after human brain process) within each visual region. Unfortunately, due to limited spatial resolution and the signal-noise ratio of fMRI, state of art retinotopic map is not topological. The topic was to model the topology-preserving condition mathematically, fix non-topological retinotopic map with numerical methods, and improve the quality of retinotopic maps. The impose of topological condition, benefits several applications. With the topological retinotopic maps, one may have a better insight on human retinotopic maps, including better cortical magnification factor quantification, more precise description of retinotopic maps, and potentially better exam ways of in Ophthalmology clinic.
Date Created

Prostate Cancer Modeling: Exploring a Path from Theory and Practice

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The representation of a patient’s characteristics as the parameters of a model is a key component in many studies of personalized medicine, where the underlying mathematical models are used to describe, explain, and forecast the course of treatment. In this

The representation of a patient’s characteristics as the parameters of a model is a key component in many studies of personalized medicine, where the underlying mathematical models are used to describe, explain, and forecast the course of treatment. In this context, clinical observations form the bridge between the mathematical frameworks and applications. However, the formulation and theoretical studies of the models and the clinical studies are often not completely compatible, which is one of the main obstacles in the application of mathematical models in practice. The goal of my study is to extend a mathematical framework to model prostate cancer based mainly on the concept of cell-quota within an evolutionary framework and to study the relevant aspects for the model to gain useful insights in practice. Specifically, the first aim is to construct a mathematical model that can explain and predict the observed clinical data under various treatment combinations. The second aim is to find a fundamental model structure that can capture the dynamics of cancer progression within a realistic set of data. Finally, relevant clinical aspects such as how the patient's parameters change over the course of treatment and how to incorporate treatment optimization within a framework of uncertainty quantification, will be examined to construct a useful framework in practice.
Date Created

A Multi-Scale, Component-Based, Composable Cellular Automata Modeling and Simulation Framework

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The concept of multi-scale, heterogeneous modeling is well-known to be central in the complexities of natural and built systems. Therefore, whole models that have parts with different spatiotemporal scales are preferred to those specified using a monolithic modeling approach and

The concept of multi-scale, heterogeneous modeling is well-known to be central in the complexities of natural and built systems. Therefore, whole models that have parts with different spatiotemporal scales are preferred to those specified using a monolithic modeling approach and tightly integrated. To build simulation frameworks that are expressive and flexible, model composability is crucial where a whole model's structure and behavior traits must be concisely specified according to those of its parts and their interactions. To undertake the spatiotemporal model composability, a breast cancer cells chemotaxis exemplar is used. In breast cancer biology, the receptors CXCR4+ and CXCR7+ and the secreting CXCL12+ cells are implicated in spreading normal and malignant cells. As discrete entities, these can be modeled using Agent-Based Modeling (ABM). The receptors and ligand bindings with chemokine diffusion regulate the cells' movement gradient. These continuous processes can be modeled as Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and Partial Differential Equations (PDE). A customized, text-based BrSimulator exists to model and simulate this kind of breast cancer phenomenon. To build a multi-scale, spatiotemporal simulation framework supporting model composability, this research proposes using composable cellular automata (CCA) modeling. Toward this goal, the Cellular Automata DEVS (CA-DEVS) model is used, and the novel Composable Cellular Automata DEVS (CCA-DEVS) modeling is proposed. The DEVS-Suite simulator is extended to support CA and CCA Parallel DEVS models. This simulator introduces new capabilities for controlled and modular run-time animation and superdense time trajectory visualization. Furthermore, this research proposes using the Knowledge Interchange Broker (KIB) approach to model and simulate the interactions between separate geo-referenced CCA models developed using the DEVS and Modelica modeling languages. To demonstrate the proposed model composability approach and its use in the extended DEVS-Suite simulator, the breast cancer cells chemotaxis and others have been studied. The BrSimulator is used as a proxy for evaluating the proposed model composability approach using an integrated DEVS-Suite and OpenModelica simulator. Simulation experiments are developed that show the composition of spatiotemporal ABM, ODE, and PDE models reproduce the behaviors of the same model developed in the BrSimulator.
Date Created

Mathematics of Dengue Transmission Dynamics and Assessment of Wolbachia-based Interventions

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Dengue is a mosquito-borne arboviral disease that causes significant public health burden in many trophical and sub-tropical parts of the world (where dengue is endemic). This dissertation is based on using mathematical modeling approaches, coupled with rigorous analysis and computation,

Dengue is a mosquito-borne arboviral disease that causes significant public health burden in many trophical and sub-tropical parts of the world (where dengue is endemic). This dissertation is based on using mathematical modeling approaches, coupled with rigorous analysis and computation, to study the transmission dynamics and control of dengue disease. In Chapter 2, a new deterministic model was designed and used to assess the impact of local fluctuation of temperature and mosquito vertical (transvasorial) transmission on the population abundance of dengue mosquitoes and disease in a population. The model, which takes the form of a deterministic system of nonlinear differential equations, was parametrized using data from the Chiang Mai province of Thailand. The disease-free equilibrium of the model was shown to be globally-asymptotically stable when a certain epidemiological quantity is less than unity. Vertical transmission was shown to only have marginal impact on the disease dynamics, and its effect is temperature-dependent. Dengue burden in the province is maximized when the mean monthly temperature lie in the range [26-28] C. A new deterministic model was designed in Chapter 3 to assess the impact of the release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes on curtailing the mosquito population and dengue disease in a population. The model, which stratifies the mosquito population in terms of sex and Wolbachia-infection status, was rigorously analysed to characterize the bifurcation property of the model as well as the asymptotic stability of the various disease-free equilibria. Simulations, using Wolbachia-based mosquito control from Queensland, Australia, showed that the frequent release of mosquitoes infected with the bacterium can lead to the effective control of the local wild mosquito population, and that such effective control increases with increasing number of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes released (up to 90% reduction in the wild mosquito population, from their baseline values, can be achieved). It was also shown that the well-known feature of cytoplasmic incompatibility has very little effect on the effectiveness of the Wolbachia-based mosquito control.
Date Created

Differential equation models for understanding phenomena beyond experimental capabilities

Mathematical models are important tools for addressing problems that exceed experimental capabilities. In this work, I present ordinary and partial differential equation (ODE, PDE) models for two problems: Vicodin abuse and impact cratering.

The prescription opioid Vicodin is the nation's

Mathematical models are important tools for addressing problems that exceed experimental capabilities. In this work, I present ordinary and partial differential equation (ODE, PDE) models for two problems: Vicodin abuse and impact cratering.

The prescription opioid Vicodin is the nation's most widely prescribed pain reliever. The majority of Vicodin abusers are first introduced via prescription, distinguishing it from other drugs in which the most common path to abuse begins with experimentation. I develop and analyze two mathematical models of Vicodin use and abuse, considering only those patients with an initial Vicodin prescription. Through adjoint sensitivity analysis, I show that focusing efforts on prevention rather than treatment has greater success at reducing the total population of abusers. I prove that solutions to each model exist, are unique, and are non-negative. I also derive conditions for which these solutions are asymptotically stable.

Verification and Validation (V&V) are necessary processes to ensure accuracy of computational methods. Simulations are essential for addressing impact cratering problems, because these problems often exceed experimental capabilities. I show that the Free Lagrange (FLAG) hydrocode, developed and maintained by Los Alamos National Laboratory, can be used for impact cratering simulations by verifying FLAG against two analytical models of aluminum-on-aluminum impacts at different impact velocities and validating FLAG against a glass-into-water laboratory impact experiment. My verification results show good agreement with the theoretical maximum pressures, and my mesh resolution study shows that FLAG converges at resolutions low enough to reduce the required computation time from about 28 hours to about 25 minutes.

Asteroid 16 Psyche is the largest M-type (metallic) asteroid in the Main Asteroid Belt. Radar albedo data indicate Psyche's surface is rich in metallic content, but estimates for Psyche's composition vary widely. Psyche has two large impact structures in its Southern hemisphere, with estimated diameters from 50 km to 70 km and estimated depths up to 6.4 km. I use the FLAG hydrocode to model the formation of the largest of these impact structures. My results indicate an oblique angle of impact rather than a vertical impact. These results also support previous claims that Psyche is metallic and porous.
Date Created