Tunable Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer Exceeding Blackbody Limit with Vanadium Dioxide Thin Film

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This paper investigates near-field thermal radiation as the primary source of heat transfer between two parallel surfaces. This radiation takes place extremely close to the heated surfaces in study so the experimental set-up to be used will be done at

This paper investigates near-field thermal radiation as the primary source of heat transfer between two parallel surfaces. This radiation takes place extremely close to the heated surfaces in study so the experimental set-up to be used will be done at the nanometer scale. The primary theory being investigated is that near-field radiation generates greater heat flux that conventional radiation governed by Planck’s law with maximum for blackbodies. Working with a phase shift material such as VO2 enables a switch-like effect to occur where the total amount of heat flux fluctuates as VO2 transitions from a metal to an insulator. In this paper, the theoretical heat flux and near-field radiation effect are modeled for a set-up of VO2 and SiO2 layers separated by different vacuum gaps. In addition, a physical experimental set-up is validated for future near-field radiation experiments.

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Dynamic Radiative Thermal Management and Optical Force Modulation with Tunable Nanophotonic Structures Based on Thermochromic Vanadium Dioxide

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This research focuses mainly on employing tunable materials to achieve dynamic radiative properties for spacecraft and building thermal management. A secondary objective is to investigate tunable materials for optical propulsion applications. The primary material investigated is vanadium dioxide (VO2), which

This research focuses mainly on employing tunable materials to achieve dynamic radiative properties for spacecraft and building thermal management. A secondary objective is to investigate tunable materials for optical propulsion applications. The primary material investigated is vanadium dioxide (VO2), which is a thermochromic material with an insulator-to-metal phase transition. VO2 typically undergoes a dramatic shift in optical properties at T = 341 K, which can be reduced through a variety of techniques to a temperature more suitable for thermal control applications. A VO2-based Fabry-Perot variable emitter is designed, fabricated, characterized, and experimentally demonstrated. The designed emitter has high emissivity when the radiating surface temperature is above 345 K and low emissivity when the temperature is less than 341 K. A uniaxial transfer matrix method and Bruggeman effective medium theory are both introduced to model the anisotropic properties of the VO2 to facilitate the design of multilayer VO2-based devices. A new furnace oxidation process is developed for fabricating high quality VO2 and the resulting thin films undergo comprehensive material and optical characterizations. The corresponding measurement platform is developed to measure the temperature-dependent transmittance and reflectance of the fabricated Fabry-Perot samples. The variable heat rejection of the fabricated samples is demonstrated via bell jar and cryothermal vacuum calorimetry measurements. Thermal modeling of a spacecraft equipped with variable emittance radiators is also conducted to elucidate the requirements and the impact for thermochromic variable emittance technology.
The potential of VO2 to be used as an optical force modulating device is also investigated for spacecraft micropropulsion. The preliminary design considers a Fabry-Perot cavity with an anti-reflection coating which switches between an absorptive “off” state (for insulating VO2) and a reflective “on” state (for metallic VO2), thereby modulating the incident solar radiation pressure. The visible and near-infrared optical properties of the fabricated vanadium dioxide are examined to determine if there is a sufficient optical property shift in those regimes for a tunable device.
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Direct Solar–powered Membrane Distillation for Small–scale Desalination Applications

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Water desalination has become one of the viable solutions to provide drinking water in regions with limited natural resources. This is particularly true in small communities in arid regions, which suffer from low rainfall, declining surface water and increasing salinity

Water desalination has become one of the viable solutions to provide drinking water in regions with limited natural resources. This is particularly true in small communities in arid regions, which suffer from low rainfall, declining surface water and increasing salinity of groundwater. Yet, current desalination methods are difficult to be implemented in these areas due to their centralized large-scale design. In addition, these methods require intensive maintenance, and sometimes do not operate in high salinity feedwater. Membrane distillation (MD) is one technology that can potentially overcome these challenges and has received increasing attention in the last 15 years. The driving force of MD is the difference in vapor pressure across a microporous hydrophobic membrane. Compared to conventional membrane-based technologies, MD can treat high concentration feedwater, does not need intensive pretreatment, and has better fouling resistance. More importantly, MD operates at low feed temperatures and so it can utilize low–grade heat sources such as solar energy for its operation. While the integration of solar energy and MD was conventionally indirect (i.e. by having two separate systems: a solar collector and an MD module), recent efforts were focused on direct integration where the membrane itself is integrated within a solar collector aiming to have a more compact, standalone design suitable for small-scale applications. In this dissertation, a comprehensive review of these efforts is discussed in Chapter 2. Two novel direct solar-powered MD systems were proposed and investigated experimentally: firstly, a direct contact MD (DCMD) system was designed by placing capillary membranes within an evacuated tube solar collector (ETC) (Chapter 3), and secondly, a submerged vacuum MD (S-VMD) system that uses circulation and aeration as agitation techniques was investigated (Chapter 4). A maximum water production per absorbing area of 0.96 kg·m–2·h–1 and a thermal efficiency of 0.51 were achieved. A final study was conducted to investigate the effect of ultrasound in an S-VMD unit (Chapter 5), which significantly enhanced the permeate flux (up to 24%) and reduced the specific energy consumption (up to 14%). The results add substantially to the understanding of integrating ultrasound with different MD processes.
Date Created

Short-Term Reliability Evaluation of Glass-Glass Photovoltaic Modules: Influence of EVA and POE Encapsulants

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The primary goal of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin elastomer (POE) encapsulant types on the glass-glass (GG) photovoltaic (PV) module reliability. The influence of these two encapsulant types on the reliability

The primary goal of this thesis is to evaluate the influence of ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin elastomer (POE) encapsulant types on the glass-glass (GG) photovoltaic (PV) module reliability. The influence of these two encapsulant types on the reliability of GG modules was compared with baseline glass-polymer backsheet (GB) modules for a benchmarking purpose. Three sets of modules, with four modules in each set, were constructed with two substrates types i.e. glass-glass (GG) and glass- polymer backsheet (GB); and 2 encapsulants types i.e. ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin elastomer (POE). Each module set was subjected to the following accelerated tests as specified in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard and Qualification Plus protocol of NREL: Ultraviolet (UV) 250 kWh/m2; Thermal Cycling (TC) 200 cycles; Damp Heat (DH) 1250 hours. To identify the failure modes and reliability issues of the stressed modules, several module-level non-destructive characterizations were carried out and they include colorimetry, UV-Vis-NIR spectral reflectance, ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) imaging, electroluminescence (EL) imaging, and infrared (IR) imaging. The above-mentioned characterizations were performed on the front side of the modules both before the stress tests (i.e. pre-stress) and after the stress tests (i.e. post-stress). The UV-250 extended stress results indicated slight changes in the reflectance on the non-cell area of EVA modules probably due to minor adhesion loss at the cell and module edges. From the DH-1250 extended stress tests, significant changes, in both encapsulant types modules, were observed in reflectance and UVF images indicating early stages of delamination. In the case of the TC-200 stress test, practically no changes were observed in all sets of modules. From the above short-term stress tests, it appears although not conclusive at this stage of the analysis, delamination seems to be the only failure mode that could possibly be affecting the module performance, as observed from UV and DH extended stress tests. All these stress tests need to be continued to identify the wear-out failure modes and their impacts on the performance parameters of PV modules.
Date Created

Study of Solar Thermophotovoltaic (STPV) Energy Conversion with Selective Metafilm Coatings and GaSb Cell Separated by Glass Microspheres

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Solar energy as a limitless source of energy all around the globe has been difficult to harness. This is due to the low direct solar-electric conversion efficiency which has an upper limit set to the Shockley-Queisser limit. Solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV)

Solar energy as a limitless source of energy all around the globe has been difficult to harness. This is due to the low direct solar-electric conversion efficiency which has an upper limit set to the Shockley-Queisser limit. Solar thermophotovoltaics (STPV) is a much more efficient solar energy harvesting technology as it has the potential to overcome the Shockley-Queisser limit, by converting the broad-spectrum solar irradiation into narrowband infrared spectrum radiation matched to the PV cell. Despite the potential to surpass the Shockley-Queisser limit, very few experimental results have reported high system-level efficiency.

The objective of the thesis is to study the STPV conversion performance with selective metafilm absorber and emitter paired with a commercial GaSb cell at different solar concentrations. Absorber and Emitter metafilm thickness was optimized and fabricated. The optical properties of fabricated metafilms showed good agreement with the theoretically determined properties. The experimental setup was completed and validated by measuring the heat transfer rate across the test setup and comparing it with theoretical calculations. A novel method for maintaining the gap between the emitter and PV cell was developed using glass microspheres. Theoretical calculations show that the use of the glass of microspheres introduces negligible conduction loss across the gap compared to the radiation heat transfer, which is confirmed by experimental heat transfer measurement. This research work will help enhance the fundamental understanding and the development of the high-efficiency solar thermophotovoltaic system.
Date Created

Nonlinear Integrated Photonics in the Visible Spectrum Based on III-N Material Platform

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Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) in the visible spectrum opens up new opportunities for frequency metrology, neurophotonics, and quantum technologies. Group III nitride (III-N) compound semiconductor is a new emerging material platform for PIC in visible spectrum. The ultra-wide bandgap of

Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) in the visible spectrum opens up new opportunities for frequency metrology, neurophotonics, and quantum technologies. Group III nitride (III-N) compound semiconductor is a new emerging material platform for PIC in visible spectrum. The ultra-wide bandgap of aluminum nitride (AlN) allows broadband transparency. The high quantum efficiency of indium gallium nitride (InGaN) quantum well is the major enabler for solid-state lighting and provides the opportunities for active photonic integration. Additionally, the two-dimensional electron gas induced by spontaneous and polarization charges within III-N materials exhibit large electron mobility, which is promising for the development of high frequency transistors. Moreover, the noncentrosymmetric crystalline structure gives nonzero second order susceptibility, beneficial for the application of second harmonic generation and entangled photon generation in nonlinear and quantum optical technologies. Despite the promising features of III-N materials, the investigations on the III-N based PICs are still primitive, mainly due to the difficulties in material growth and the lack of knowledge on fundamental material parameters. In this work, firstly, the fundamental nonlinear optical properties of III-N materials will be characterized. Then, the fabrication process flow of III-N materials will be established. Thirdly, the waveguide performance will be theoretically and experimentally evaluated. At last, the supercontinuum generation from visible to infrared will be demonstrated by utilizing soliton dynamics in high order guided modes. The outcome from this work paves the way towards fully integrated optical comb in UV and visible spectrum.
Date Created

Moving-Average Transient Model for Predicting the Back-surface Temperature of Photovoltaic Modules

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The operating temperature of photovoltaic (PV) modules has a strong impact on the expected performance of said modules in photovoltaic arrays. As the install capacity of PV arrays grows throughout the world, improved accuracy in modeling of the expected module

The operating temperature of photovoltaic (PV) modules has a strong impact on the expected performance of said modules in photovoltaic arrays. As the install capacity of PV arrays grows throughout the world, improved accuracy in modeling of the expected module temperature, particularly at finer time scales, requires improvements in the existing photovoltaic temperature models. This thesis work details the investigation, motivation, development, validation, and implementation of a transient photovoltaic module temperature model based on a weighted moving-average of steady-state temperature predictions.

This thesis work first details the literature review of steady-state and transient models that are commonly used by PV investigators in performance modeling. Attempts to develop models capable of accounting for the inherent transient thermal behavior of PV modules are shown to improve on the accuracy of the steady-state models while also significantly increasing the computational complexity and the number of input parameters needed to perform the model calculations.

The transient thermal model development presented in this thesis begins with an investigation of module thermal behavior performed through finite-element analysis (FEA) in a computer-aided design (CAD) software package. This FEA was used to discover trends in transient thermal behavior for a representative PV module in a timely manner. The FEA simulations were based on heat transfer principles and were validated against steady-state temperature model predictions. The dynamic thermal behavior of PV modules was determined to be exponential, with the shape of the exponential being dependent on the wind speed and mass per unit area of the module.

The results and subsequent discussion provided in this thesis link the thermal behavior observed in the FEA simulations to existing steady-state temperature models in order to create an exponential weighting function. This function can perform a weighted average of steady-state temperature predictions within 20 minutes of the time in question to generate a module temperature prediction that accounts for the inherent thermal mass of the module while requiring only simple input parameters. Validation of the modeling method presented here shows performance modeling accuracy improvement of 0.58%, or 1.45°C, over performance models relying on steady-state models at narrow data intervals.
Date Created

Tungsten Trioxide-based Variable Reflectivity Radiation Coatings for Optical Propulsion Applications

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This thesis explores the potential application of the phase change material tungsten trioxide (WO3) in optical force modulation for spacecraft and satellites. It starts with a literature review of past space optical force applications as well as potential phase change

This thesis explores the potential application of the phase change material tungsten trioxide (WO3) in optical force modulation for spacecraft and satellites. It starts with a literature review of past space optical force applications as well as potential phase change materials for optical force modulation. This is followed by the theoretical model and discussions of the optical properties of a variety of materials used in the structures explored thereafter. Four planar structures were analyzed in detail. Two of the structures were opaque and the other two were semi-transparent.

The first of the opaque structures was a tungsten trioxide film on aluminum substrate (WO3/Al). It was found to have a 26% relative change in radiation pressure with WO3 thickness of 200 nm. The second opaque structure was a tungsten trioxide film on silicon spacer on aluminum substrate (WO3/Si/Al). This structure was found to have a 25% relative change in radiation pressure with 180 nm WO3 and 20 nm Si.

The semitransparent structures were tungsten trioxide film on undoped silicone substrate (WO3/Si), and a tungsten trioxide film on a silicone spacer on tungsten trioxide (WO3/Si/WO3). The WO3/Si structure was found to have an 8% relative change in radiation pressure with 200 nm WO3 and 50 nm Si. The WO3/Si/WO3 structure had a relative change in radiation pressure of 20% with 85 nm WO3 and 90 nm Si.

These structures show promise for attitude control in future solar sailing space missions. The IKAROS mission proved the functionality of using phase change material in order to steer a space craft. This was accomplished with a 7.8% relative change in radiation pressure. However, this only occurred at a pressure change of 0.11 µN/m2 over a range of 0.4 to 1.0 µm which is approximately 77.1% of the solar spectrum energy. The proposed structure (WO3/Al) with a 26% relative change in radiation pressure with a pressure change of 1.4 µN/m2 over a range 0.4 to 1.6 µm which is approximately 80% of the solar spectrum energy. The magnitude of radiation pressure variation in this study exceeds that used on the IKAROS, showing applicability for future mission.
Date Created

Computational Methods for Simulations of Multiphase Compressible Flows for Atomization Applications

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Compressible fluid flows involving multiple physical states of matter occur in both nature and technical applications such as underwater explosions and implosions, cavitation-induced bubble collapse in naval applications and Richtmyer-Meshkov type instabilities in inertial confinement fusion. Of particular interest is

Compressible fluid flows involving multiple physical states of matter occur in both nature and technical applications such as underwater explosions and implosions, cavitation-induced bubble collapse in naval applications and Richtmyer-Meshkov type instabilities in inertial confinement fusion. Of particular interest is the atomization of fuels that enable shock-induced mixing of fuel and oxidizer in supersonic combustors. Due to low residence times and varying length scales, providing insight through physical experiments is both technically challenging and sometimes unfeasible. Numerical simulations can help provide detailed insight and aid in the engineering design of devices that can harness these physical phenomena.

In this research, computational methods were developed to accurately simulate phase interfaces in compressible fluid flows with a focus on targeting primary atomization. Novel numerical methods which treat the phase interface as a discontinuity, and as a smeared region were developed using low-dissipation, high-order schemes. The resulting methods account for the effects of compressibility, surface tension and viscosity. To aid with the varying length scales and high-resolution requirements found in atomization applications, an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) framework is used to provide high-resolution only in regions of interest. The developed methods were verified with test cases involving strong shocks, high density ratios, surface tension effects and jumps in the equations of state, in one-, two- and three dimensions, obtaining good agreement with theoretical and experimental results. An application case of the primary atomization of a liquid jet injected into a Mach 2 supersonic crossflow of air is performed with the methods developed.
Date Created

Characterization of Solution-processed Metal Chalcogenide Precursor, Thin Film, and Nanocomposite for Thermoelectricity

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Satisfying the ever-increasing demand for electricity while maintaining sustainability and eco-friendliness has become a key challenge for humanity. Around 70% of energy is rejected as heat from different sectors. Thermoelectric energy harvesting has immense potential to convert this heat into

Satisfying the ever-increasing demand for electricity while maintaining sustainability and eco-friendliness has become a key challenge for humanity. Around 70% of energy is rejected as heat from different sectors. Thermoelectric energy harvesting has immense potential to convert this heat into electricity in an environmentally friendly manner. However, low efficiency and high manufacturing costs inhibit the widespread application of thermoelectric devices. In this work, an inexpensive solution processing technique and a nanostructuring approach are utilized to create thermoelectric materials. Specifically, the solution-state and solid-state structure of a lead selenide (PbSe) precursor is characterized by different spectroscopic techniques. This precursor has shown promise for preparing thermoelectric lead selenide telluride (PbSexTe1-x) thin films. The precursor was prepared by reacting lead and diphenyl diselenide in different solvents. The characterization reveals the formation of a solvated lead(II) phenylselenolate complex which deepens the understanding of the formation of these precursors. Further, using slightly different chemistry, a low-temperature tin(II) selenide (SnSe) precursor was synthesized and identified as tin(IV) methylselenolate. The low transformation temperature makes it compatible with colloidal PbSe nanocrystals. The colloidal PbSe nanocrystals were chemically treated with a SnSe precursor and subjected to mild annealing to form conductive nanocomposites. Finally, the room temperature thermoelectric characterization of solution-processed PbSexTe1-x thin films is presented. This is followed by a setup development for temperature-dependent measurements and preliminary temperature-dependent measurements on PbSexTe1-x thin films.
Date Created