Exploring the Versatility of Phosphine-Substituted Base Metal Catalysts: Hydrosilylation and Polymerization Reactions

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Late first row transitional metals have attracted attention for the development of sustainable catalysts due to their low cost and natural abundance. This dissertation discusses the utilization of redox-active ligands to overcome one electron redox processes exhibited by these base

Late first row transitional metals have attracted attention for the development of sustainable catalysts due to their low cost and natural abundance. This dissertation discusses the utilization of redox-active ligands to overcome one electron redox processes exhibited by these base metals. Previous advances in carbonyl and carboxylate hydrosilylation using redox active ligand-supported complexes such as (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn and (Ph2PPrDI)Ni have been reviewed in this thesis to set the stage for the experimental work described herein.The synthesis and electronic structure of late first row transition metal complexes featuring the Ph2PPrPDI chelate was pursued. Utilizing these complexes as catalysts for a variety of reactions gave a recurring trend in catalytic activity. DFT calculations suggest that the trend in activity observed for these complexes is associated with the ease of phosphine arm dissociation. Furthermore, the synthesis and characterization of a phosphine-substituted aryl diimine ligand, Ph2PPrADI-H was explored. Addition of Ph2PPrADI-H to CoCl2 resulted in C-H activation of the ligand backbone and formation of [(Ph2PPrADI)CoCl][Co2Cl6]0.5. Reduction of [(Ph2PPrADI)CoCl][Co2Cl6]0.5 afforded the precatalyst, (Ph2PPrADI)Co, that was found to effectively catalyze carbonyl hydrosilylation. At low catalyst loading, TOFs of up to 330 s-1 could be achieved, the highest ever reported for metal-catalyzed carbonyl hydrosilylation. This dissertation also reports the first cobalt catalyzed pathway for dehydrocoupling diamines or polyamines with polymethylhydrosiloxanes to form crosslinked copolymers. At low catalyst loading, (Ph2PPrADI)Co was found to catalyze the dehydrocoupling of 1,3-diaminopropane and TMS-terminated PMHS with TOFs of up to 157 s-1, the highest TOF ever reported for a Si-N dehydrocoupling reaction. Dehydrocoupling of diamines with hydride-terminated polydimethylsiloxane yielded linear diamine siloxane copolymers as oils. Finally, dehydrocoupling between diamines and organosilanes catalyzed by a manganese dimer complex, [(2,6-iPr2PhBDI)Mn(μ-H)]2, has allowed for the preparation of silane diamine copolymers. Exceptional solvent absorption capacity was demonstrated by the solid networks, which were found to absorb up to 7 times their own weight. Furthermore, degradation of these networks revealed that their Si-N backbones are easily hydrolysable when exposed to air. The use of lightly crosslinked copolymers as coatings was also studied using SEM analysis.
Date Created

Characterization of Solution-processed Metal Chalcogenide Precursor, Thin Film, and Nanocomposite for Thermoelectricity

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Satisfying the ever-increasing demand for electricity while maintaining sustainability and eco-friendliness has become a key challenge for humanity. Around 70% of energy is rejected as heat from different sectors. Thermoelectric energy harvesting has immense potential to convert this heat into

Satisfying the ever-increasing demand for electricity while maintaining sustainability and eco-friendliness has become a key challenge for humanity. Around 70% of energy is rejected as heat from different sectors. Thermoelectric energy harvesting has immense potential to convert this heat into electricity in an environmentally friendly manner. However, low efficiency and high manufacturing costs inhibit the widespread application of thermoelectric devices. In this work, an inexpensive solution processing technique and a nanostructuring approach are utilized to create thermoelectric materials. Specifically, the solution-state and solid-state structure of a lead selenide (PbSe) precursor is characterized by different spectroscopic techniques. This precursor has shown promise for preparing thermoelectric lead selenide telluride (PbSexTe1-x) thin films. The precursor was prepared by reacting lead and diphenyl diselenide in different solvents. The characterization reveals the formation of a solvated lead(II) phenylselenolate complex which deepens the understanding of the formation of these precursors. Further, using slightly different chemistry, a low-temperature tin(II) selenide (SnSe) precursor was synthesized and identified as tin(IV) methylselenolate. The low transformation temperature makes it compatible with colloidal PbSe nanocrystals. The colloidal PbSe nanocrystals were chemically treated with a SnSe precursor and subjected to mild annealing to form conductive nanocomposites. Finally, the room temperature thermoelectric characterization of solution-processed PbSexTe1-x thin films is presented. This is followed by a setup development for temperature-dependent measurements and preliminary temperature-dependent measurements on PbSexTe1-x thin films.
Date Created

Development of homogeneous first row metal catalysts (Fe, Mn, Co) for organic transformations and bond activation

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Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported


Transition metals have been extensively employed to address various challenges

related to catalytic organic transformations, small molecule activation, and energy storage

over the last few decades. Inspired by recent catalytic advances mediated by redox noninnocent

pyridine diimine (PDI) and α-diimine (DI) ligand supported transition metals,

our group has designed new PDI and DI ligands by modifying the imine substituents to

feature donor atoms. My doctoral research is focused on the development of PDI and DI

ligand supported low valent first row metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co) and their application

in bond activation reactions and the hydrofunctionalization of unsaturated bonds.

First two chapters of this dissertation are centered on the synthesis and

application of redox non-innocent ligand supported low valent iron complexes. Notably,

reduction of a DI-based iron dibromide led to the formation of a low valent iron

dinitrogen compound. This compound was found to undergo a sequential C-H and C-P

bond activation processes upon heating to form a dimeric compound. The plausible

mechanism for dimer formation is also described here.

Inspired by the excellent carbonyl hydrosilylation activity of our previously

reported Mn catalyst, (Ph2PPrPDI)Mn, attempts were made to synthesize second generation

Mn catalyst, which is described in the third chapter. Reduction of (PyEtPDI)MnCl2

furnished a deprotonated backbone methyl group containing Mn compound

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] whereas reduction of (Ph2PEtPDI)MnCl2 produced a dimeric compound,

[(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2. Both compounds were characterized by NMR spectroscopy and XRD

analysis. Hydrosilylation of aldehydes and ketones have been studied using

[(PyEtPDEA)Mn] as a pre-catalyst. Similarly, 14 different aldehydes and 6 different


formates were successfully hydrosilylated using [(Ph2PEtPDI)Mn]2 as a pre-catalyst.

Encouraged by the limited number of cobalt catalysts for nitrile hydroboration, we

sought to develop a cobalt catalyst that is active for hydroboration under mild conditions,

which is discussed in the last chapter. Treatment of (PyEtPDI)CoCl2 with excess NaEt3BH

furnished a diamagnetic Co(I) complex [(PyEtPDIH)Co], which exhibits a reduced imine

functionality. Having this compound characterized, a broad substrate scope for both

nitriles and imines have been investigated. The operative mechanism for nitrile

dihydroboration has been investigated based on the outcomes of a series of stoichiometric

reactions using NMR spectroscopy.
Date Created