A Multi-Objective Approach to Community Park Siting in Maricopa County

Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) increases landscape sustainability by meeting multiple socioeconomic and environmental objectives. Community parks are a common form of green or terrestrial UEI that improve access to open space in urban areas. They also provide environmental benefits such

Urban Ecological Infrastructure (UEI) increases landscape sustainability by meeting multiple socioeconomic and environmental objectives. Community parks are a common form of green or terrestrial UEI that improve access to open space in urban areas. They also provide environmental benefits such as increased biodiversity, pollution filtration, urban heat island mitigation, and rainwater drainage. Decision-makers should consider these factors when siting parks to maximize services, especially since land acquisition involves budget constraints. Geographic information systems (GIS) include various tools that can be used to site parks based on multiple spatial datasets. This research develops a GIS process to identify suitable parcels for parks, filling a gap in the literature through developing a small-scale analysis that considers local context and includes smaller pockets of potential green space in Metro Phoenix, Arizona. This process involved compiling a dataset of socioeconomic and environmental criteria, creating park suitability layers in ArcGIS Pro, and conducting statistical and spatial analyses on the suitability layers. The analysis involved assigning scores to each parcel, where higher scores indicate higher park suitability, and lower scores indicate lower park suitability. Factors that resulted in higher suitability scores were barren land cover, low tree canopy, high surface temperature, in a flood zone, far from existing parks and trails, high percentage of minority and low-income residents, and in an urban area. The resulting maps show significantly higher scores in the southern and western parts of Maricopa County, particularly in and around Gila Bend. While most high-ranking parcels are situated along rural highways, there are many large clusters of high-ranking urban parcels along waterways in Metro Phoenix. Based on this assessment, I recommend park implementation efforts focus on land along the Salt River, Gila River, and Agua Fria River in southern and western Phoenix. Further research could build on this methodology, integrating additional datasets such as walkability scores and experimenting with the parameters to see how the results change.
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An exploration of the relationship between social mobility and the housing foreclosure crisis in Maricopa County, Arizona

This paper explores if there is a relationship between neighborhoods foreclosures and future social mobility in Maricopa County. Using data from various sources, we constructed a statistical model, multiple regression analysis, and maps to demonstrate patterns across Maricopa County, Arizona.
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The Effects of a Social Issue on the Architectural Design Process: A Case Study of the Educational Gender Gap in El Salvador

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The dynamic between the center and periphery urban settings in El Salvador shows that the periphery lacks resources, while the center has an abundance. The resource differences can be seen in areas such as technology, education, and safety. The phenomenon

The dynamic between the center and periphery urban settings in El Salvador shows that the periphery lacks resources, while the center has an abundance. The resource differences can be seen in areas such as technology, education, and safety. The phenomenon of gender inequality is also ever-present; making it difficult for female youth in rural El Salvador to pursue a future outside of their communities. By identifying this social issue in El Salvador, Muchas Mas, a non-profit organization has created a hub for the rural female youth to get educational resources in the country’s capital of San Salvador. In coalition with Muchás Mas, the intent of this creative thesis project is to explore ways in which a social issue can affect the architectural design process. With the hope of exposing new conclusions about the design process, the goal is to show how architecture can work to improve a social issue.

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ASU Women’s Power and Influence Index: Creating Awareness for the WPI

The Difference Engine at Arizona State University developed the Women’s Power and Influence Index (WPI) in order to combat the systemic inequality faced by women in the workplace. It aims to analyze data, such as Equal Employment Opportunity data, from

The Difference Engine at Arizona State University developed the Women’s Power and Influence Index (WPI) in order to combat the systemic inequality faced by women in the workplace. It aims to analyze data, such as Equal Employment Opportunity data, from various Fortune 500 companies to provide a measure of workplace inequality as well as encourage these institutions to adopt more equitable policies. By rating companies based on what truly matters to women, ASU’s Difference Engine hopes to help both women in existing career paths as well as women seeking a new career or position in companies. However, in order for the WPI to become a relevant scoring metric of gender equality within the workplace, we must raise awareness about the issue of gender equality and of the index itself. By raising awareness about gender inequality as well as inspiring companies to further equality within their workplaces, the WPI will serve to have an integral role in increasing gender equality in the workplace. Our approach for raising awareness utilizes two different strategies: (1) establishing a new version of the WPI website that is both informative and aesthetically pleasing and (2) generating social media content on TikTok that appeal to a variety of audiences and introduce them to the WPI and our mission.
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An Analysis of Strategies to Supplement Arizona Game and Fish Department Funding for the Purposes of Conservation

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This paper addresses the issue of conservation funding in Arizona, particularly for the Arizona Game and Fish Department. This department is traditionally funded by the Pittman-Robertson act, which places excise taxes on hunting equipment to fund species conservation, and sales

This paper addresses the issue of conservation funding in Arizona, particularly for the Arizona Game and Fish Department. This department is traditionally funded by the Pittman-Robertson act, which places excise taxes on hunting equipment to fund species conservation, and sales of hunting tags and licenses, but there is concern that these sources are unable to cover the increasing costs of climate change. A decrease in hunter participation and expenditures on hunting equipment also brings into question the stability of these revenue sources. This paper explains and analyzes four methods to supplement the department's funding to ensure adequate financial resources are available to conserve state wildlife and wildlife areas and draws conclusions about which method is best for the state of Arizona.
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An Analysis of the Relationship Between Tropospheric Ozone Pollution and Synoptic Conditions in Phoenix, Arizona

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High levels of surface ozone pollution have been shown to have adverse effects on human health and our environment. For at least the past decade, ozone concentrations in Phoenix, Arizona have been above the federal health standard, set in place

High levels of surface ozone pollution have been shown to have adverse effects on human health and our environment. For at least the past decade, ozone concentrations in Phoenix, Arizona have been above the federal health standard, set in place by the Environmental Protection Agency. It is crucial that all factors contributing to rising tropospheric ozone levels within the Phoenix metropolitan area are analyzed to better understand this risk for future mitigation efforts. Consequently, the primary objective of this study is specifically to examine meteorological factors' influence on Phoenix’s ground level ozone by comparing days of ozone exceedances with ozone non-exceedances days over the course of 2010-2020. To carry out this research, various weather conditions for both exceedance and non-exceedance ozone days were studied using unpaired Student’s t-tests and Pearson product-moment correlation tests. The results of this study suggest that the most significant factors that are associated with the occurrence of surface ozone exceedances in Phoenix are wind speed and temperature, whereas the least significant variables are wind direction and sky conditions. This indicates that more stable synoptic conditions in which skies are clearer, allowing for higher temperatures and more stagnant air movement, are ideal for ozone production leading to an ozone exceedance. The results from this honors thesis will be useful as it will aid in greater understanding of the relationship between Phoenix’s surface ozone and weather, aiding future ozone forecasting.

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Course Outline: The Intersection of Urban Planning and Public Health

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Public health and urban planning are tightly linked, yet their intersection is not always addressed in courses. Urban planning plays a critical role in determining a city’s environmental impact, transportation infrastructure, walkability, and so much more. Creating a class that

Public health and urban planning are tightly linked, yet their intersection is not always addressed in courses. Urban planning plays a critical role in determining a city’s environmental impact, transportation infrastructure, walkability, and so much more. Creating a class that explores the ways urban planning and public health connect for pre-med and public health students is important because their education shapes the type of health advocates they become. Ultimately, understanding urban planning provides future public health advocates and doctors with a new toolset to improve the public’s health and produce healthier cities. This creative project aims to address this issue by creating a class with 15 modules showing the various ways that urban planning and public health intersect.

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The Role of Walkability in Fostering Neighborhood Place Identity in a Warm, Desert Metropolis

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In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase

In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase place identity is a difficult task to achieve. Walkability is a good mechanistic link between the built environment and place identity. Walkability is comprised of a suite of factors that take into consideration both the natural and built environment. This thesis aims to determine if walkability is positively correlated with place identity in an extreme climate such as Phoenix. To test this, ecosystem services and disservices are used as factors to measure overall walkability. We found that access to recreational opportunities, aesthetic features of the pathway, and safety were all significant predictors of place identity. This has positive implications for walkable infrastructure to be strengthened in desert cities.
Date Created

Small Island Developing States Adaptation Strategies in the Face of Climate Change

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Climate change risks such as rising sea-levels, prolonged droughts, and extreme coastal weather events, are devastating for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) where both their homes and livelihoods are highly interdependent upon the ocean. These SIDS have no other viable

Climate change risks such as rising sea-levels, prolonged droughts, and extreme coastal weather events, are devastating for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) where both their homes and livelihoods are highly interdependent upon the ocean. These SIDS have no other viable choice but to adapt to their ever-changing environments and the rising disaster risks compounded by climate change. Although SIDS tend to receive significant attentions for the adverse impacts of climate change, less is known about the place-based adaptation measures as well as people’s lived experiences with sea-level rise, inundation, tropical storms, droughts, and more. Considering the vast area that the SIDS’ nations cover, the type of climate adaptation measures adopted may vary due to the respective country’s vulnerability and adaptive capacity, as some are more comprehensive and effective than others. This study directly responds to the existing gap in our understanding of how different nations within SIDS are prioritizing and strategizing their adaptation measures with the following research questions: “What are key adaptation strategies practiced in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) to address impacts of climate change? Are there similarities or differences in the adaptation strategies pursued by SIDS?” This study uses a conceptual framework of disaster risk and climate change adaptation developed by the IPCC AR5 (2014) to systematically review over 107 peer-reviewed journal articles, scientific reports, and a few videos. Using a systematic literature view approach as the primary research method, this study assembled, categorized, and analyzed the national as well as sub-national adaptation measures—social, institutional, and structural--of two representative countries: 1) Kiribati (a small, low-lying island with the higher level of exposure and vulnerability to climate change), and 2) Fiji (the second biggest island in the South Pacific known for bigger economy and “High Islands”). The results of the study suggest that the adopted adaptation measures were reflective of the country’s historical legacy and the existing adaptive capacity. While Kiribati has historically focused more on external migration of displaced people and more recently has prioritized structural adaptation practices (e.g., construction of coastal seawall), Fiji has been able to leverage its bigger economy and technical resources to develop more comprehensive institutional, social, and structural adaptation measures. However, it is also important to recognize that the other internal and external factors, mainly geophysical setting (low elevation of Kiribati vs the high islands of Fiji) also contribute the level of vulnerability these nations face.

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Comprehending the Impact of Arizona Geographic Diversity on Secondary Social Studies Textbooks: A Case Study Investigation of Multicultural Perspectives Present in Textbooks

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Textbooks are crucial in classrooms when it comes to developing lesson plans and curriculum for the classroom. They serve as a way for students to learn more about a certain topic in depth and can improve reading comprehension skills. However,

Textbooks are crucial in classrooms when it comes to developing lesson plans and curriculum for the classroom. They serve as a way for students to learn more about a certain topic in depth and can improve reading comprehension skills. However, as past studies have shown (Grever and van der Vlies), textbooks can be one-sided and leave out stories and perspectives from marginalized groups, such as African Americans and Indigenous peoples. Multiple perspectives in textbooks allow students to use historical consciousness to reflect how these historical events have an impact on modern society. Arizona has been in a unique political position over the past decade. In 2011, the state legislature passed a bill banning ethnic studies to be taught in schools. This was eventually reversed by the Court in 2017. Recently, the Governor signed two bills regarding education, which are improving curriculum on the Holocaust and banning critical race theory from being taught in schools. Because of Arizona’s geographic diversity, textbook content might vary since Arizona holds the most federally recognized tribes and borders Mexico. To analyze those differences, the 15 counties of Arizona are grouped into five regions, and from each region, one textbook will be analyzed. The textbooks will be coded for each racial community, which will be Asian American, Hispanic American, Black American, and Indigenous American. It is concluded that there is a direct relationship between the textbooks chosen and the racial groups that are covered in these books. Counties that had a larger Indigenous population tended to have a textbook that would cover more Indigenous history.
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