Latin America in Phoenix: Presence through Cuisine and the Culture

In Arizona, many expect all and any Latin influence to come from Mexican immigrants but, in actuality, there are a variety of countries that have immigrants established themselves in the state. One of the best ways to learn a

In Arizona, many expect all and any Latin influence to come from Mexican immigrants but, in actuality, there are a variety of countries that have immigrants established themselves in the state. One of the best ways to learn a new culture and to become more empathetic is through their food. Knowing this, I went to several Latin American restaurants in the Phoenix valley to conduct ethnographic interviews with owners in order to analyze their cultural influence on the community and the overall impacts of culture, community, and Latinidad.
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Preserving Food Traditions in a Globalized World: Challenges and Opportunities in Brazil


Globalization, characterized by growing interdependence between countries on goods and services as a result of technological advances in society, has brought about immense change in the formation of culture. This phenomenon has gone beyond the market itself, reflecting changes in

Globalization, characterized by growing interdependence between countries on goods and services as a result of technological advances in society, has brought about immense change in the formation of culture. This phenomenon has gone beyond the market itself, reflecting changes in consumption patterns, shifting the way food is consumed (Labonté and Schreker 2007a: 1). When cultures start to intermingle in this context, what is considered traditional today? Traditional foods are generally characterized by the passing of cultural knowledge from one generation to the next. However, the concept of traditional food is dynamic, as it depends on many factors such as the individual who is carrying it out, territory, and time period (Rocillo-Aquino et al., 2021). The focus of this investigation centers on traditional foods in the context of Brazil. Home to 60.1% of the Amazon rainforest and more than 220 indigenous tribes and traditional communities, the country has rich biodiversity and a complicated social-economic background. In the early 90s, with the opening of the market, there was considerable growth in the country’s food imports (Moura & Mendes, 2012). As a result, globalization in the Brazilian context has brought about a change in the country’s food production industries through political, technological, and economic forces that have led to a population’s change of consumption and habits, all of which affect traditional methods of production and consumption (Valduga, & Minasse, 2020). These factors are what contribute to the line between traditional flavors and interpretations becoming progressively more blurred with time (Rezende & Avelar, 2012). Food is a principal actor in what shapes society 's identity and relationship with the world. While the standardization of food practices has facilitated life in contemporary society in various ways, mainly influenced by the need for time, practicality, and efficiency, it also poses a challenge by disrupting cultural traditions, heritage, and health. The quotation, “Ou seja a saúde do homem depende da sua alimentação, que por sua vez, é baseada nas tradições culturais e nos alimentos disponíveis na região onde vive”*, exemplifies the relationship between society, culture, and food underscoring how human health relies on dietary habits rooted in cultural traditions and the locally available foods (Moura & Mendes, 2012, p.1). This results in a noticeable tension between commercial and traditional goods where quality and culture are replaced with practicality and efficiency. In an increasingly homogenized food landscape emerges the question: why should society be preserving these methods if they are being lost to market forces? With the aim of clarifying this question, this project investigates the role traditional food products have in the contemporary Brazilian context, and their adaptation in a globalized environment. To develop a deeper comprehension of how traditional foods have adapted to globalization in Brazil, the investigation utilizes the TEP10 framework. The TEP10 framework is designed to analyze, systematize, and conceptualize the nuances between traditional and modern foods. Within this study, the framework is applied to investigate the Slow Food Indica project centered in Salvador, Bahia, which aims to promote the visibility of food products from regional cooperatives and family producers. The investigation will analyze the food products featured in the project and examine factors that contribute to their categorization as traditional or modern. By shedding light on what discerns traditional and modern foods, the investigation aims to understand how these foods are presented and preserved in the current globalized context.

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Free Trade and the Environmental Impact of Resource Extraction: A Comparative Study of Brazil and Chile Post-Democratization


Mining is a key component of both the Brazilian and Chilean economies and accounts for an outsized share of these countries’ exports. Yet, it is a common target for environmental criticism, especially due to its impacts on local populations and

Mining is a key component of both the Brazilian and Chilean economies and accounts for an outsized share of these countries’ exports. Yet, it is a common target for environmental criticism, especially due to its impacts on local populations and ecosystems. Brazil and Chile have adopted markedly different trade strategies over the past three decades, most notably with regards to their involvement in international trade agreements. This paper investigates how these differences in trade policy since 1990 have affected the sustainability of each country’s mining sector by identifying and comparing the channels through which free trade agreements influence the environmental impacts of resource extraction.

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Fair Trade Products: Consumer Awareness in Arizona


For my honors thesis research project, I was interested to learn more about why not everyone purchases fair trade products. The goal of this project is to research more about if there is a lack of awareness regarding fair trade

For my honors thesis research project, I was interested to learn more about why not everyone purchases fair trade products. The goal of this project is to research more about if there is a lack of awareness regarding fair trade products? And if there were more awareness would people seek out fairly traded products? This paper highlights what I learned about fair trade products as well as what I did to educate people in my community on fair trade.

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Programs in Public Procurement

I evaluated different programs in public procurement to determine how they add value and innovate the space. I looked into cooperative purchasing programs, the Arizona Set-Aside program, and the Department of Homeland Security's Procurement Innovation Lab to determine the benefits of these programs.
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The Effects of a Social Issue on the Architectural Design Process: A Case Study of the Educational Gender Gap in El Salvador

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The dynamic between the center and periphery urban settings in El Salvador shows that the periphery lacks resources, while the center has an abundance. The resource differences can be seen in areas such as technology, education, and safety. The phenomenon

The dynamic between the center and periphery urban settings in El Salvador shows that the periphery lacks resources, while the center has an abundance. The resource differences can be seen in areas such as technology, education, and safety. The phenomenon of gender inequality is also ever-present; making it difficult for female youth in rural El Salvador to pursue a future outside of their communities. By identifying this social issue in El Salvador, Muchas Mas, a non-profit organization has created a hub for the rural female youth to get educational resources in the country’s capital of San Salvador. In coalition with Muchás Mas, the intent of this creative thesis project is to explore ways in which a social issue can affect the architectural design process. With the hope of exposing new conclusions about the design process, the goal is to show how architecture can work to improve a social issue.

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