The Good, The Bad, and The Tamale:
An Exploration of Arizona’s Past and Present Proposed Changes to the Cottage Food Law

Explores Arizona's proposed changes to the cottage food law, and political happenings surrounding such policies.
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Navigating US-China Relations: Balancing Leverage and Influence in the Indo-Pacific

Taiwan, located in the South China Sea, plays a vital role in America's strategic objectives and leverage on the global stage. The South China Sea is essential for trade, travel, and geopolitical dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region. Tension is rising

Taiwan, located in the South China Sea, plays a vital role in America's strategic objectives and leverage on the global stage. The South China Sea is essential for trade, travel, and geopolitical dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region. Tension is rising between the United States of America and the People's Republic of China as they struggle for influence in this region. International relations are complex but critical to navigating diplomatic ties to ensure global safety and security. The world functions on a delicate balance, threatening to tip any moment. Cultural clashes, economic disparities, and military differences constantly threaten this balance. Nowhere is this dynamic more pronounced than in Asia, where the United States is navigating a tricky relationship with China. The high tensions surrounding the US-China relationship in the South China Sea and with Taiwan underscore the urgency of the American government taking action. America must have a strong military presence, cultural influence, and partners in the area to be able to correct the path the CCP is pushing the Indo-Pacific down; America must have leverage. By understanding the complexities of this region, the United States can navigate the challenges posed by China. The United States has implemented a multifaceted strategy in the Indo-Pacific region to address China's imminent threat and safeguard regional stability. These strategies consist of strengthening the military capabilities of the US and its allies, creating a political culture of democracy, and promoting robust international trade. Collaboratively, these strategies will protect Taiwan, the South China Sea, and global freedom from a forceful takeover by The CCP, which hopes to upset the international balance in their favor forever.
Date Created

A New Globalization: How Trade and Power Restructuring is Changing Global Supply Chains

In the developed world, we often take the positive correlation between openness to trade and development for granted. After all, the world has seen the greatest amount of economic growth ever in this relatively short period of time in which

In the developed world, we often take the positive correlation between openness to trade and development for granted. After all, the world has seen the greatest amount of economic growth ever in this relatively short period of time in which global markets have been very accessible. There can be many factors attributed to this perspective on the near-universal association between trade and wealth, such as its simple, intuitive reasoning, a historical drive for developed nations to seek out beneficial trade opportunities, or perhaps even a general lack of awareness when it comes to how such enterprising attitudes may impact those living in entirely different civilizations. Whatever the reasoning may be, the reality is that global trade or openness to it is not as cut and dry as many would like to believe, nor does trade openness come as freely as one might expect, as certain conditions are needed in order to foster access to well-developed markets. It has been observed recently that the cost of doing trade, so to speak, has been increasing globally as certain state and nonstate actors push against the free trade model developed by the United States after World War II. It is with this challenge in mind that we explore the recent changes in the balance of global power dynamics that have led to a decline in the openness of the globalized economy. Saying this, we are not advocating for an end to "globalization", rather, this paper is meant to observe multiple potential frustrations to the current economic global order and the resulting fallout of trade among the world’s top economies.
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More Perfect: Examining Political Unity and Fracture Through Speculative Fiction

This creative project examines a near-future dystopian Arizona in the form of a novella. The story follows Junia, a young woman who is convinced to join the Neighborhood Watch, an organization dedicated to preserving the Union from political violence by

This creative project examines a near-future dystopian Arizona in the form of a novella. The story follows Junia, a young woman who is convinced to join the Neighborhood Watch, an organization dedicated to preserving the Union from political violence by protecting Arizona citizens from hearing opposing political points of view. These "Privacy" codes become stricter and stricter as the Watch's relationship with the State deepens. Junia's personal and ideological loyalties are tested to their limits, and her choices will help to construct either, in the words of Alexis Tocqueville, "a formidable circle around thought," or a path to connection in the aftermath of violent polarization.
Date Created

Solving the Citizenship Deficit: Restoring the Intended Vision for American Civic Education

Active and healthy citizenship in America has diminished greatly in recent decades. On the whole, Americans do not have the relevant information for participating in civic life while symptoms of a declining American political society, such as heightened polarization and

Active and healthy citizenship in America has diminished greatly in recent decades. On the whole, Americans do not have the relevant information for participating in civic life while symptoms of a declining American political society, such as heightened polarization and declining community engagement, have become widespread. These trends highlight the failure of American civic education and formation in recent years. This paper argues that American civic education was originally intended to be an enterprise focused on fostering quality citizenship, utilizing both academic instruction and social and political institutions to instruct and shape Americans, and proposes returning to this model to address the adverse trends currently affecting citizenship and civic life.
Date Created

Veterans and First Responders: The Concept and Understanding of Transcendental Sacrifice


The thesis looks into the sacrifices of first responders and veterans and how the differences between these people of service are transcended by said sacrifices, allowing them to better empathize and understand what one another had gone through. The thesis

The thesis looks into the sacrifices of first responders and veterans and how the differences between these people of service are transcended by said sacrifices, allowing them to better empathize and understand what one another had gone through. The thesis also looks at this understanding of sacrifices among people of service, and how such an understanding can be used by the public to better understand issues that affect veterans and first responders after and during their service.

Date Created

The Importance of Non-Governmental Organizations in Combating HIV in Spain: A Case Study of Two HIV Organizations in Barcelona


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are diseases that still pose a threat to all parts of the world, particularly in less economically developed regions. However, it continues to be a problem in many high-income countries. The

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) are diseases that still pose a threat to all parts of the world, particularly in less economically developed regions. However, it continues to be a problem in many high-income countries. The epidemiological picture in Spain offers an interesting case study for analysis to answer whether local interventions to confront HIV transmission, morbidity, and mortality are more effective than solely national or international efforts to reduce the effects of the disease. In this thesis, I rely on qualitative data in the form of key informant interviews and field notes collected in Barcelona, Spain, to demonstrate the significant role that grassroots organizations play in combating HIV in the Spanish context. CheckPoint Barcelona and ACATHI are two organizations in Barcelona, Spain that seek to improve such outcomes by directly providing support for communities at risk of poor outcomes after a late diagnosis of HIV and of contracting HIV in general. I find that local, non-governmental organizations are the driving force in combating HIV in Spain through three approaches: biomedical interventions, education and prevention initiatives, and social support for affected communities. Collectively, these findings suggest that non-governmental organizations, like ACATHI and CheckPoint should be supported to continue achieving desired HIV objectives.

Date Created

Clouds over the Pyrais
Pre-Socratics in the Modern University

This thesis recalls a famous Greek comedy's critique of higher education and examines how it might apply to the modern university. In order to understand the application of such a critique, this thesis necessarily works to define the spirit of

This thesis recalls a famous Greek comedy's critique of higher education and examines how it might apply to the modern university. In order to understand the application of such a critique, this thesis necessarily works to define the spirit of the university as it was formed in the cross-civilizational decedents of Plato's Academy. After the first universities, I examine the development of higher education in the United States. Ultimately I argue that the Aristophanic critique of Socrates and higher education is applicable in a very important way to the modern university. I offer two policy recommendations that might offer an important starting point for recalling the spirit of the university.
Date Created

Conscientious Communitarianism


When former President Donald Trump declared that the “American Dream is dead” during his campaign launch in June 2015, for many Americans, that was simply the case. Somehow, a multi-billionaire intuited a truth that the American elite had ignored for

When former President Donald Trump declared that the “American Dream is dead” during his campaign launch in June 2015, for many Americans, that was simply the case. Somehow, a multi-billionaire intuited a truth that the American elite had ignored for decades: certain places had flourished, giving their next generation ample opportunity to succeed and community life to flourish, while certain places had collapsed, leaving their next generation hollowed out neighborhoods, broken families, and despair. As civil society and community declined in the United States after a high in the mid-20th century, a new lower class began to form. This new lower class is deprived of the institutions of civil society which form people as self-governing creatures, leaving fewer and fewer mediating layers between man and state. This stratification of social capital along class lines and the social isolation it has wrought are among the chief threats to human flourishing in the United States in the twenty-first century, depriving people of authentic freedom and supplanting it with a base understanding of liberty-as-license. The alienation facing tens of millions of Americans, and impacting our entire society, was not caused by a singular economic, social, political, or technological innovation (though plenty of these changes have accelerated and accentuated this phenomena). At the base of community’s decline is a mismanaged individualism -- a term first coined by Alexis de Tocqueville -- which has warped our politics, and simultaneously empowered radical self-centeredness and government centralization. This thesis builds on a large body of work surrounding Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, the role of civil society in America, and the stratification of community over the last half-century, drawing on the thought of Robert Putnam, Tim Carney, Yuval Levin, Patrick Deneen, Charles Murray, and Robert Nisbet -- among others -- to build an outline of the state of civil society and meaningful community in America today. It also charts a path forward for conceptualizing the American Dream in such a way that empowers rather than demotes the role of community in human life, arguing for a conscientious communitarianism. This revised definition of the American Dream relies upon a new concept -- authentic freedom -- that contradicts freedom-as-license. Analyzing diagnoses of our current situation and proposed solutions from the aforementioned thinkers, this thesis posits that Americans must organize and reinvigorate community on a local scale in order to confront these challenges. Ultimately, while community can only be formed productively at the local, human-scale, the long-term restoration of community and civil society in the United States will rely on political reform, framed after Yuval Levin’s modernized ethic of subsidiarity and Robert Nisbet’s conception of a new kind of state. The framework for renewal presented is not simply advocacy for a greater number of voluntary associations, but the formation and maintenance of particular sorts of associations: those which are purposeful about moral formation, the inculcation of the habits and mores necessary for a free people to flourish, and ultimately the proliferation of authentic freedom. While the conscientious communitarian advocates for a politics that prizes civil society broadly, they advocate for, create, and join institutions of this particular character. This is both an argument for a more robust and diverse civil society, and an affirmative case for particular institutions of civil society which form people towards authentic freedom.

Date Created

The Christian Right and the Role of Religion in American Politics: Departing from the Founders' Vision


This thesis explores the role of religion in politics, specifically focusing on the Christian Right movement in the United States. Through an analysis of the Christian Coalition, Faith and Freedom Coalition, and Alliance Defending Freedom, this research examines how these

This thesis explores the role of religion in politics, specifically focusing on the Christian Right movement in the United States. Through an analysis of the Christian Coalition, Faith and Freedom Coalition, and Alliance Defending Freedom, this research examines how these organizations use religion to influence political policy and mobilize voters. The findings suggest that the Christian Right is not using religion in the way the Founding Fathers intended, which raises concerns about the erosion of democratic values and the loss of trust in government. Ultimately, this study highlights the need to reexamine the relationship between religion and politics in the United States.

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