Is Culdesac the Template for a Walkable Valley of the Sun? A Critical Analysis of Future Potential

Phoenix, Arizona is a city characterized by intense urban sprawl: low-density, spread out, and disconnected development. Within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area comes a new development, Culdesac, that creates car-free living geared towards alternate transit methods. This new neighborhood offers a

Phoenix, Arizona is a city characterized by intense urban sprawl: low-density, spread out, and disconnected development. Within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area comes a new development, Culdesac, that creates car-free living geared towards alternate transit methods. This new neighborhood offers a more sustainable urban form that contrasts Phoenix and has potential to increase walkability in the city. After examining case studies of Vauban, Germany; Masdar City, Abu Dhabi; and Fruitvale, California as examples of sustainable development with a focus on alternate transit, this paper compares these examples to the future of Culdesac. A list of principles of walkability including public participation, scale, creativity, adherence to principles, government cooperation, and transportation help to guide this comparison and determine whether Culdesac is a possible method to increase sustainable urban form in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.
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It Takes A Village: The Efficacy of Phoenix’s Urban Village Model as a Mechanism for Urban Planning and Citizen Participation in Governance


In 1974, with a relatively young and fast-growing city in front of them, the City Council of Phoenix, Arizona charged the Phoenix Planning Commission with studying potential plans for urban form. Through the help of over 200 citizens over the

In 1974, with a relatively young and fast-growing city in front of them, the City Council of Phoenix, Arizona charged the Phoenix Planning Commission with studying potential plans for urban form. Through the help of over 200 citizens over the next eight months, the village concept was born. Characterized by an emphasis on community-level planning, unique neighborhood character, and citizen input, the village concept plan provides an compelling lens into decentralized planning. In 1979, the Village Concept, as part of the “Phoenix Concept Plan 2000,” was officially adopted by the Phoenix City Council and has remained a component of the city’s long-range planning ever since. Each village features a core of dense commercial and residential activity, with a surrounding periphery featuring varied densities and land usage. There were nine original villages outlined in 1979. As of today, there are 15 villages. Each village has a Village Planning Committee (VPC) made up of 15 to 21 citizens, each being appointed to the committee by the Phoenix Mayor and City Council. This exploratory study was born out of an interest in the Village Planning Committees and a desire to understand their function as a mechanism for citizen participation in urban planning and urban governance. Similarly, with the rapid onset of the automobile and freeway expansion in the decades after WWII, once-insolated communities in the Valley have become connected to each other in a way that raises questions about how to maintain neighborhood’s unique character while promoting sustainable growth and expansion of the city. Phoenix’s Urban Village Model attempts to answer those questions. The efficacy of the model can be considered from two perspectives––how does it aid in making land use decisions, and how does it promote citizen participation? While there is an extensive body of literature on neighborhood councils in the United States and plentiful analysis of the merits of such models as participatory mechanisms and devices of urban planning, there is a lack of discussion of Phoenix’s Urban Village Model. This thesis aims to include Phoenix in this growing body of work.

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Walkability and Crime in Urban Areas, post-2020


Much of modern urban planning in the United States is concerned with making cities more walkable. However, this is occurring as the urban landscape of the U.S. is altered radically by changes in crime patterns after the summer of 2020.

Much of modern urban planning in the United States is concerned with making cities more walkable. However, this is occurring as the urban landscape of the U.S. is altered radically by changes in crime patterns after the summer of 2020. This paper seeks to find out what the relationship is between walkability and crime in major U.S. cities after 2020. Using multiple linear regressions at the city and neighborhood scale, walkability is found to be a significant, positive predictor of 2019 violent crime rate, 2020 violent crime rate, 2020 property crime rate, and 2020 total crime rate at the city level. It was found to be a positive, but not significant predictor at the neighborhood level. Walkability has no protective influence against crime/rising crime, and it appears that as crime gets worse it tends to get worse in the cities that are more walkable, but other variables such as African American population are better determinants of crime. Urban planners should seek to increase walkability while also finding a way to mitigate potential exposure to crime.

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Designing Transit in Desert Cities

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Public transportation is considered a solution to congestion and a tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is becoming popular even in cities with the harshest climate conditions as these cities grow rapidly and are trying to provide sustainable alternatives

Public transportation is considered a solution to congestion and a tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is becoming popular even in cities with the harshest climate conditions as these cities grow rapidly and are trying to provide sustainable alternatives for their vehicle-oriented communities. A lot must be taken into consideration whendesigning transit systems to reduce riders' vulnerability to heat in cities with high temperatures averaging 40°C during the summer and humidity levels reaching 90 percent. Using transit systems in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Phoenix Metropolitan, United States, as case studies, this paper focuses on both qualitative and quantitative research methods to observe the built environment around public transit stations and measure the temperatures and humidity levels to compare with the experienced temperatures and the built environment observations. The results show that the design of transit stations and the public realm significantly impacts a rider's experience. The findings show that passive cooling, shading, and vegetation as the best practices in the two case studies. Both transit systems have certain elements that work efficiently and other elements that need improvement to provide a better rider experience. Identifying these best practices helps develop recommendations for the future of designing transit systems in desert cities worldwide.
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Does Utopian Urban Planning Have a Place in the 21st Century?

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Throughout the history of urban planning, different visionaries have attempted to promote their own utopian visions of cities, thus transforming urban planning thought regarding cities of tomorrow. By researching the utopian planned visions of Paolo Soleri, Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier,

Throughout the history of urban planning, different visionaries have attempted to promote their own utopian visions of cities, thus transforming urban planning thought regarding cities of tomorrow. By researching the utopian planned visions of Paolo Soleri, Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, and Frank Lloyd Wright, different lessons can be taken from and instilled in a future city plan in the making, Telosa. Marc Lore and Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) have plans to start construction of this utopian desert city by 2030. Examining past utopian city visions can shed light on planning principles and forms of governance, as well as social, political, and economic processes that go together with this style of planning. Arcosanti, The Garden Cities, Letchworth, The Contemporary City, The Radiant City, Brasilia, Broadacre City and Levittown are all case studies examined to determine the value of utopian urban planning, in light of the plan of Telosa. By understanding the value of utopianism, and the inherent challenges faced, visionaries like Lore and BIG have a higher probability of bringing Telosa to fruition.
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The Role of Walkability in Fostering Neighborhood Place Identity in a Warm, Desert Metropolis

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In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase

In urban planning and design, creating emotional bonds, known as place identity, between people and their surroundings is paramount to improving the well-being of those who reside there. However, determining how to alter the built environment in order to increase place identity is a difficult task to achieve. Walkability is a good mechanistic link between the built environment and place identity. Walkability is comprised of a suite of factors that take into consideration both the natural and built environment. This thesis aims to determine if walkability is positively correlated with place identity in an extreme climate such as Phoenix. To test this, ecosystem services and disservices are used as factors to measure overall walkability. We found that access to recreational opportunities, aesthetic features of the pathway, and safety were all significant predictors of place identity. This has positive implications for walkable infrastructure to be strengthened in desert cities.
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Accessibility Services Feedback and Recommendations: The Experience of a Sun Devil at ASU

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This paper argues that improved student disability services at universities can limit the amount of stress that burdens students with disabilities in order to, improve their mood and create greater possibilities for successful student outcomes. This study begins by reviewing

This paper argues that improved student disability services at universities can limit the amount of stress that burdens students with disabilities in order to, improve their mood and create greater possibilities for successful student outcomes. This study begins by reviewing the progress that has been made in the 20th and 21st centuries in terms of heightened awareness and legislation that benefit people with disabilities. In addition, it applauds the efforts made so far at the Arizona State University Polytechnic and Tempe campuses, but also seeks to highlight some concerns that might become a focus of future policymaking endeavors. The applause and concerns are based on the experience of the author with ASU’s Disability Resource Center (DRC), now rebranded as the Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS). The author’s lens of physical/mobility limitations yields insight into the accessibility of the unique programs
offered by ASU’s Study Abroad Office as well as the daily transportation efforts of the DRC/SAILS’s DART service. The particular experiences discussed include a Barrett Global Intensive Experience trip to Ireland, the use of the on-campus DART transportation service at Polytechnic and Tempe, handicap parking and elevator placement at Polytechnic, the intercampus shuttle, and the future of Zoom as a means of providing accessibility to students with disabilities. This paper will make recommendations to the appropriate parties for possible changes to policy and/or procedure and alterations to the current state of tangible obstacles.
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Native American Participation in Public Lands Management: An Historical Evaluation

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The purpose of this paper is to explore the historical development of Native Americans' participation in public lands management. The literature on federal-tribal relations in public lands management demonstrates that Native Americans face an uphill battle in order to receive

The purpose of this paper is to explore the historical development of Native Americans' participation in public lands management. The literature on federal-tribal relations in public lands management demonstrates that Native Americans face an uphill battle in order to receive recognition of and protection for their cultural and traditional ties to public lands. This paper uses Arnstein's ladder of participation to evaluate several historical examples of federal-tribal relations in public lands management. Arnstein's ladder of participation shows how different forms of participation correspond to an individual or groups power to affect outcomes of decision-making processes. The examples discussed in this paper are explicative of these different forms of participation and show that the predominance of hierarchical power structures and particular cultural ideals of American society have impeded recognition of and protection for Native Americans' cultural and traditional ties to public lands. Around the end of the 19th century and start of the 20th century, forms of nonparticipation excluded Native Americans from the emerging dialogue concerning the nation's first public lands. Although Native Americans became more militant and assertive in the economic, political, and cultural spheres of American society as time went on, tokenistic forms of participation still precluded effective and equitable recognition of and protection for their cultural and traditional ties to public lands. This paper concludes with an evaluation of the recent creation of Bears Ears National Monument by presidential proclamation and how the organization and activism by several tribes to receive protection for the Bears Ears landscape demonstrates the potential for similar approaches to produce more effective and equitable forms of participation.
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Reenvisioning Victory Gardens for Food Deserts

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Local organic gardening once experienced great popularity with Americans. At one time promoted and prominent, local gardens became obscure, old-fashioned, and outmoded. However, in the last few decades, for various reasons, local organic gardening has made some progress. This study

Local organic gardening once experienced great popularity with Americans. At one time promoted and prominent, local gardens became obscure, old-fashioned, and outmoded. However, in the last few decades, for various reasons, local organic gardening has made some progress. This study seeks to assist high-density, low-income, inner-city Americans, who often do not have have easy or affordable access to fresh whole food by creating sustainable, resilient, local, urban gardens. However, this effort does not attempt to address the needs of entire populations of census tracts, rather one suburban home, one small apartment complex, or one small community garden. O​ ne solution to the problems associated with food insecurity is to put the creativity and responsibility into the hands of those who need the food, allow them to work within a self-sustaining garden, and decide what to do with any excess food. W​ ith the help of Greg Peterson, Phoenix’s own urban farmer, this project set out to create a system using Phoenix’s limited amount of rainfall to create a aquaponic gardening system which will be used in micro-communities such as multi-family complexes, middle schools, or high schools, in order to help grow food for these communities and alleviate some of the difficulties of finding fresh food in the desert.
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Applying Arcology: Implementing Paolo Soleri's Vision into Existing Cities

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In this project I analyze Paolo Soleri's concept of arcology \u2014 the combination of architecture and ecology \u2014 from a theoretical, symbolic, and physical perspective. I utilize these three viewpoints to determine what aspects of his theories are most effective

In this project I analyze Paolo Soleri's concept of arcology \u2014 the combination of architecture and ecology \u2014 from a theoretical, symbolic, and physical perspective. I utilize these three viewpoints to determine what aspects of his theories are most effective for urban design. While his ideas are based on building "arcologies" from the ground up, I will be using the Phoenix Metropolitan area to determine how we could apply his ideas to existing cities without having to rebuild entirely. This past summer I participated in the 5-week construction workshop the Cosanti Foundation offers at the physical prototypical city of Arcosanti in Mayer, Arizona during which time I studied Soleri's work and participated in the construction of the city while also participating in the community dynamic there. I have found that while not all components of Soleri's theories translated well into Arcosanti, there are certainly some ideas that could be applied help to improve the City of Phoenix. I propose improvements to the pedestrian realm and an increase public space with an emphasis on utilizing the infrastructure and land that is already present for future development.
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