Research on the Economic Benefits of the Application of Source-grid-load-storage System in Oilfield Enterprises

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While the central government of China established its "dual carbon" goals, transformation of energy structure has become key component of the country's energy revolution and economic reform. Installment of the "Source-Grid-Load-Storage" (SGLS) systems is crucial for implementation of the ESG

While the central government of China established its "dual carbon" goals, transformation of energy structure has become key component of the country's energy revolution and economic reform. Installment of the "Source-Grid-Load-Storage" (SGLS) systems is crucial for implementation of the ESG goals in domestic oilfields and uplifting of the economic efficiency for oil production. The SGLS system is a micro power grid capable of dispatching power among multiple equipment in the most efficient way but to consider multi factors including power generation, power storage, and electrical load. However, the randomness and intermittency of renewable energy power generation imposes significant challenges to the SGLS systems control, making it difficult to assess the economic benefits and therefore being undervalued by oil companies for its potential ESG benefits.To promote SGLS systems to be applied in the oilfields, this paper proposes a model to assess economic benefits of the SGLS system. Based on real data generated by sample Oilfield, an operation model designed for the SGLS system is established to access the optimal cost structure. Factors that have been built into the model include the main grid purchasing cost, dissipation cost during power transport, photovoltaic power generation cost, and energy storage cost. By calculating the optimal cost structure with the mentioned multi factors built in, the model can predict operational outcome of the SGLS system in real-time and guide on the power dispatching. Meanwhile, the model is trying to maintain the minimum requirement of energy reserve. Based on scenario testing, the economic benefits of SGLS system in oilfield production are assessed with an optimized cost approach, therefore a valuable reference for the oil industry. This research also conducted interviews with key people in the oil industry and proposes strategies to improve the economic benefits of SGLS systems in Oilfield based on takeaways from those interviews. This could be value-adding to accelerate construction of SGLS systems and its application in the oilfields. Meanwhile, the SGLS operational model designed in this paper as a power generation solution is innovative to the energy industry and with obvious economic benefits. Therefore, it could also be an enabler of the oil industry’s sustainable development in the long run.
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Technology for Good - A Study of the Impact of Digital Economy Firms' Participation in the Common Wealth Model on Firm Performance

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Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether

Under the new generation of technological and industrial revolutions, digital economy enterprises are increasingly becoming major contributors to socio-economic development. Their scale effect and marginal cost effect are different from traditional enterprises, which also raises concern and discussion on whether digital economy enterprises can promote more equitable and sustainable development of society. The participation of digital economy enterprises in the common wealth is an important source of legitimacy for their development. This thesis investigates the mechanism of the impact of their common wealth inputs on corporate financial performance by using a sample of digital economy firms among Chinese listed companies as a case study. It is found that, overall, the mechanism of the effect of firms' common affluence model on their financial performance has a positive effect. The main source of this positive effect is the secondary distribution of the firm, i.e., the legitimacy of tax contributions. Other legitimacy such as employee and shareholder legitimacy are not significantly associated with financial performance, while social philanthropic input from tertiary distribution participation has a significant negative effect. In the association of redistribution on firm performance, there is a positive facilitating effect on firms' R&D efficiency and a negative moderating effect of economic policy uncertainty. It suggests that there are differences in the impact of firms' legitimacy initiatives, such as tax contributions, on performance under different firm development expectations. Whereas in the third distribution, firms' R&D efficiency has a crowding-out effect on the economic gains from the legitimacy of common wealth participation, economic policy uncertainty has a reinforcing effect in the third distribution of firms. The above suggests that the development of digital economy firms is more positively facilitated by official legitimacy and currently lacks the constraints of industrial ecology from internal and public scrutiny.
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作为凸显国际竞争战略的重要标志性产业之一,MEMS传感器因其技术含量高、市场前景广阔等特征备受全球主要国家的重点关注。我国MEMS传感器产业驱动力主要表现为政策的正向驱动效应明显,下游需求潜力巨大,资本流入效应明显,企业研发重视程度不断提高等。在这些驱动因素下,我国MEMS产业涌现出以敏芯股份为代表的诸多优秀企业,国产化MEMS逐步在单一产品上突破外商“包围”,在全球占据较大市场份额,初步实现了点的突破。从MEMS产业本身来看,MEMS产品的商业进程慢、生产工艺非标准化、严重依赖下游应用场景、需求定制化程度高,技术端和需求端匹配要求极高,这意味着MEMS企业的先发优势尤其重要。然而,从技术成熟度、企业经营状况、竞争者数量等方面来看,本土MEMS传感器行业的替代趋势尚处初级阶段。企业规模还只是国际领先企业的零头, 产品比较单一,集成化集中度不高,而且产品加工制造等关键环节还严重依赖象IMT, TSMC(台积电)这样的外资控股企业。 在此背景下,本文以我国MEMS传感器产业链为切入点,系统梳理MEMS传感器产业上、中、下游产业链的发展现状、竞争格局与发展趋势等。一方面,本文通过剖析全球MEMS产业链现状,并对比分析中国MEMS产业发展的现状、困境、不足和未来发展趋势,以此强化对MEMS产业更为深刻、理性和全面的认知;另一方面,本文通过对比分析中国MEMS上市公司主营策略,并结合敏芯股份、美新半导体等案例,分析国内MEMS相关企业的全产业链的竞争格局, 提出了本人对如何实现突围,如何在全球市场抢占先机的竞争战略思考。
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Advances at the Interface of Combinatorial Optimization and Computations Social Choice: Mathematical Formulations, Structural Decompositions, and Analytical Insights

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The rank aggregation problem has ubiquitous applications in operations research, artificial intelligence, computational social choice, and various other fields. Generally, rank aggregation is utilized whenever a set of judges (human or non-human) express their preferences over a set of items,

The rank aggregation problem has ubiquitous applications in operations research, artificial intelligence, computational social choice, and various other fields. Generally, rank aggregation is utilized whenever a set of judges (human or non-human) express their preferences over a set of items, and it is necessary to find a consensus ranking that best represents these preferences collectively. Many real-world instances of this problem involve a very large number of items, include ties, and/or contain partial information, which brings a challenge to decision-makers. This work makes several contributions to overcoming these challenges. Most attention on this problem has focused on an NP-hard distance-based variant known as Kemeny aggregation, for which solution approaches with provable guarantees that can handle difficult large-scale instances remain elusive. Firstly, this work introduces exact and approximate methodologies inspired by the social choice foundations of the problem, namely the Condorcet criterion, to decompose the problem. To deal with instances where exact partitioning does not yield many subsets, it proposes Approximate Condorcet Partitioning, which is a scalable solution technique capable of handling large-scale instances while providing provable guarantees. Secondly, this work delves into the rank aggregation problem under the generalized Kendall-tau distance, which contains Kemeny aggregation as a special case. This new problem provides a robust and highly-flexible framework for handling ties. First, it derives exact and heuristic solution methods for the generalized problem. Second, it introduces a novel social choice property that encloses existing variations of the Condorcet criterion as special cases. Thirdly, this work focuses on top-k list aggregation. Top-k lists are a special form of item orderings wherein out of n total items only a small number of them, k, are explicitly ordered. Top-k lists are being increasingly utilized in various fields including recommendation systems, information retrieval, and machine learning. This work introduces exact and inexact methods for consolidating a collection of heterogeneous top- lists. Furthermore, the strength of the proposed exact formulations is analyzed from a polyhedral point of view. Finally, this work identifies the top-100 U.S. universities by consolidating four prominent university rankings to assess the computational implications of this problem.
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关键词:农村银行业金融机构;盈利能力;资产规模;影响因素; 非线性固定效应回归模型
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多元化集团母公司心智图 对公司战略成效的影响:理论与案例分析

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中国自80年代以来随着改革开放和经济发展潮流,一批批本土企业快速成长,已经从单一主业壮大成熟,完成资本积累并快速朝多元化、规模化发展。截止到2019年中国有129家企业进入世界500强,而该数量在2011年为69家 ,2005年为18家。这一数据反映了中国大型集团的增长速度之快、数量之多令人刮目相看。





关键词: 多元化集团、母公司心智图、心智图测量、公司层面战略管理三支柱、战略成效
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当前在光伏电站资产价值评估所使用的方法包括净现值法、回收期法、内部收益率等,在投资决策中也包含实物期权评估等方法。这些方法在光伏电站资产评估中各有特点,本论文将结合实际案例经验,对这些评估方法进行分析,验证评估方法的有效性,并提出提升光伏电站资产估值准确性及投资决策流程的建议 。

对以光伏为代表的新兴战略行业资产投资价值分析研究, 不仅能够为企业提供参与类似产业投资决策提供帮助,对国家制定相应新兴产业支持政策以也有重要借鉴价值。

关键词: 光伏电站估值 光伏电站投资 实物期权 投资决策流程 决策优化方法
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