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中国乳制品(液态奶)行业进入成熟期,伊利、蒙牛等乳企寡头垄断,新乳业作为后进入者,洞察消费者购买乳制品除了获得实物产品外,还期望获得产品相关的附加服务和体验,因此开展了大量体验营销活动。企业独创性地推出了“食育乐园”活动,定期邀请消费者参观公司的牧场、工厂,开展知识互动、现场体验、自助DIY产品、美照话题分享等活动,获得了良好的消费者反馈。本文基于新乳业的体验营销活动,研究体验营销对消费者购买意愿的影响。本文研究研究了三个部分。首先从SOR理论(外部刺激、个体状态、个体反应)出发,以五种体验要素为自变量、以感知价值和品牌信任为中介变量、以购买意愿为因变量建立了体验营销对购买意愿的影响模型。通过问卷法收集了301份消费者数据,用实证分析检验了模型的有效性。结果显示:体验营销五要素中,感官、情感、思考和关联体验对购买意愿产生正影响,行动体验对购买意愿没有显著影响。在除了关联体验外的三个要素对购买意愿的正影响中,感知价值和品牌信任均有中介作用。分性别来看,男性组,感官、思考和关联体验对购买意愿有显著正影响;女性组,情感和关联体验对购买意愿有显著正影响。关联体验对购买意愿的正影响中,女性大于男性。 然后,本文采取事件法,分析比较消费者在参加体验营销活动前后购买意愿的变化,验证了体验营销对购买意愿的提升作用,整体提升7.1%。分人群来看:体验营销对购买意愿提升较大的群体为:女性; 40岁以上;家庭饮奶次数在3-7次/周;近期购买过竞品的消费者。据此,本文认为该类消费者可以作为未来体验营销活动的主力群体。 最后,本文对比分析了活动前后消费者的体验变量,并以此对新乳业的体验营销活动进行评价和优化。活动前后,关联体验提升幅度最大(11.4%),行动体验虽然提升幅度排第二(9.2%),但理论研究表明行动体验的提升并不能对购买意愿产生显著正影响。因此在未来活动设计中,重视与关联体验有关的设计、适度简化行动体验、强化感官体验、情感体验等更加直观的体验有利于提升活动效果。
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我国上市公司股东采取股权质押贷款方式融资非常普遍,股权质押贷款总余额已经高达5.70万亿元,这些贷款背后隐藏着巨大的风险。上市公司大股东采用股权质押贷款的动机可能是对未来乐观行业预期的资金需求,或者是由于股权转让的限制而采取的变相套现转移风险。后者的动机里本身就包含着上市公司大股东对自身股价已经估值过高的判断。本文通过分析上市公司股权质押贷款风险 (即,上市公司当年股价估值程度与上市公司下一年股价崩盘风险之间的关系)会因为股权质押动机的不同而存在差异。只有在套现动机下,当年股价估值程度才会导致下一年显著的股价崩盘风险,而在融资动机下当年股价估值程度与下一年股价崩盘风险之间的关系则呈现负相关。鉴于目前大多数上市公司并不会披露大股东质押所得资金的具体去向,本文通过融资约束程度这个维度对上市公司大股东股权质押的动机进行识别。当上市公司所受融资约束较低时,当年股价高估程度程度越大,下一年股价崩盘风险越大(正相关),上市公司进行股权质押的动机更倾向于高位套现。在融资约束程度高的情况下,上市公司股权质押更倾向于融资,当年股价估值程度越大,下一年上市公司股价崩盘风险越小(负相关)。 在大股东控制权高的情况下,对于所受融资约束程度低的上市公司,独立董事不论是比例高或者低,独立董事制度对大股东的股票质押的行为 (套现动机)无影响。 对于所受融资约束程度高的上市公司,独立董事在占比高时,对通过股票质押来融资的行为有强化作用,可以表现出其治理影响力,在独董占比低的情况下则无法产生作用。
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当前在光伏电站资产价值评估所使用的方法包括净现值法、回收期法、内部收益率等,在投资决策中也包含实物期权评估等方法。这些方法在光伏电站资产评估中各有特点,本论文将结合实际案例经验,对这些评估方法进行分析,验证评估方法的有效性,并提出提升光伏电站资产估值准确性及投资决策流程的建议 。

对以光伏为代表的新兴战略行业资产投资价值分析研究, 不仅能够为企业提供参与类似产业投资决策提供帮助,对国家制定相应新兴产业支持政策以也有重要借鉴价值。

关键词: 光伏电站估值 光伏电站投资 实物期权 投资决策流程 决策优化方法
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长。 在此背景下, 医疗器械企业的估值研究对投融资双方都有较大的意义。




边际和其市场容量,并对此用 12 个指标做出了定量的估计。本研究主要的数据来源是上市


般回归分析测量产品差异度与公司估值之间的关系。在得出正面的回归结果之后, 我们采



1、 “产生营收的产品唯一性水平”和“边际利润”与市值有显著相关性: 说明医疗器械

类企业确实是核心产品驱动发展的, 产品唯一性程度高(已剔除那些已逐渐被市场淘汰的

产品) 说明市场定价能力强, 边际利润率高,盈利能力强, 进而对公司估值形成正面影


2、 “”净利润“和”“互联网概念”与市值也呈现显著相关性。净利润的相关性是显而易见



3、 其他一些指标未呈现明显的相关性,有可能是因为我们的数据量太少引起的, 也



在后面进行的实证分析中, 除个别情况外,我们发现公司重磅新产品相关信息的发布

基本上对公司之后 1-30 个交易日的股价起到了较明显的推动作用。

关键词: 产品差异度 医疗器械行业 公司估值
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The Incentive Effect of Valuation Adjustment Mechanism Agreement on Firms’ Ability to Meet Performance Commitments

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Valuation adjustment mechanism has been widely applied in acquisitions of listed companies in China today, and is usually agreed upon future financial performance indicators of acquired companies (mostly net income). This paper examines how changes of key contents of VAM

Valuation adjustment mechanism has been widely applied in acquisitions of listed companies in China today, and is usually agreed upon future financial performance indicators of acquired companies (mostly net income). This paper examines how changes of key contents of VAM agreement affect firms’ ability to meet performance commitments from the perspective of incentive effects. Empirical results show that as the performance goals set in VAM agreement becomes higher, the incentive for management to meet performance commitments will initially increase and then decrease, so that the ratio of actual profits to promised profits for target firms will reach peak at some reasonable performance goal and then decrease. Second, as the level of the information asymmetry between buyer and seller turns higher, the incentive effect of performance goals becomes lower. Third, compared with cash-based compensation, stock-based compensation shows significantly higher incentive effects on promisors thus increasing the ability for target firms to achieve performance commitments.
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A Study on Risk of Internet Finance Based on Industrial Economics

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Under the background of the "new normal" of China's economy and the contraction of traditional financial sector, the development of Internet finance provides new financing channels for SMEs and individual financial needs. But with rapid development of the Internet finance,

Under the background of the "new normal" of China's economy and the contraction of traditional financial sector, the development of Internet finance provides new financing channels for SMEs and individual financial needs. But with rapid development of the Internet finance, the overall risk also appears gradually as well as the platform differentiation appears more evidently. China's Internet financial industry enters the stage of standardization development. In order to effectively prevent and resolve Internet financial risks and create a good internet financial environment, we need to identify the risk factors of Internet financial industry. Through reference carding of the existing literature, this paper proposes a research hypothesis that the industrial economic background is negatively related to the operating risk of the Internet financial platform. After descriptive statistical analysis of the current situation of the Internet financial industry in China, this paper collects 600 P2P net-lending platforms data manually, and uses Probit model to test the research hypothesis. Ceteris paribus, the result show that compared with the platform without industrial economic background, the risk probability of the industrial economic background platform will be reduced by 6.5 percentage points, and there is no regional difference in this result. This paper explains the result from two layers which are the relieving information asymmetry and the platform’s reputation mechanism. The study also finds that in addition to the industrial economic background, the P2P platform's registered capital, operation time, whether the platform funds have the corresponding third-party guarantee and the information disclosure of platform executives will significantly reduce business risk probability of the platforms. The above research conclusions also passed the robust test. Finally, this paper makes a case analysis of the two Internet Financial platforms in Suning Finance and Tuniu Finance, which have different industrial economic background and mode of operation. It also summarizes the risk control system.
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An Analysis of Firm’s Diversification and Transformation Through Mergers and Acquisitions

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Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been playing a very significant role in the capital market. Many companies regard mergers and acquisitions as an important way for their business expansion and transformation. This paper begins with a review of literature

Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) have been playing a very significant role in the capital market. Many companies regard mergers and acquisitions as an important way for their business expansion and transformation. This paper begins with a review of literature on firm’s motivations of and outcomes in M&A, and followed by a critical examination of three case studies of actual M&A transactions based on the insights provided from the literature review. For each case study, a firm’s motivations and related managerial initiatives for M&A activities were examined, followed by an assessment of the firm’s post M&A performance results. This allows the study to discerns the insights of why and how a firm proceed in its M&A transactions from its strategic intent to its post M&A managerial actions. Collectively, the results show that the key drivers for a firm’s M&A successes rest on a firm’s abilities to manage the M&A activities consistent with its strategic intent (e.g., creating synergies or transformation through diversification) and followed by its post M&A integration efforts in achieving its strategic intent.
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The Performance Effects of Cross-Industry Mergers and Acquisitions at Firms Listed in China’s Growth Enterprises Market

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This study investigates the performance effects of cross-industry mergers and acquisitions (M&A) using a sample of firms listed in China’s Growth Entrepreses Market (GEM). Compared to firms listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, firms listed in the GEM

This study investigates the performance effects of cross-industry mergers and acquisitions (M&A) using a sample of firms listed in China’s Growth Entrepreses Market (GEM). Compared to firms listed in the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, firms listed in the GEM are much smaller and tend to derive the majority of their revenues from a single industry. I first analyze the motives for firms listed in the GEM to engage in M&As and propose a set of factors that may influence their likelihood of M&A activities. Using data on 55 cross-industry M&As between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016, I find that investor generally responded positively in short-term, as indicated by the positive accumulated abonormal returns over the first five trading days following the announcements. Meanwhile, I found no evidence that investors benefited from cross-industry M&As in long-term over three years after the event. Further analysis suggests that the short-term effects of cross-industry M&As by GEM listed firms were influenced by the target firm’s market valuation, whether the M&A was paid by cash, the amount of the payment, and the degree of difference between the acquiring firm’s and the target firm’s industries. These findings have important implications for the investors and senior executives of firms listed in the GEM.
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