Analysis and decision-making with social media

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The rapid advancements of technology have greatly extended the ubiquitous nature of smartphones acting as a gateway to numerous social media applications. This brings an immense convenience to the users of these applications wishing to stay connected to other individuals

The rapid advancements of technology have greatly extended the ubiquitous nature of smartphones acting as a gateway to numerous social media applications. This brings an immense convenience to the users of these applications wishing to stay connected to other individuals through sharing their statuses, posting their opinions, experiences, suggestions, etc on online social networks (OSNs). Exploring and analyzing this data has a great potential to enable deep and fine-grained insights into the behavior, emotions, and language of individuals in a society. This proposed dissertation focuses on utilizing these online social footprints to research two main threads – 1) Analysis: to study the behavior of individuals online (content analysis) and 2) Synthesis: to build models that influence the behavior of individuals offline (incomplete action models for decision-making).

A large percentage of posts shared online are in an unrestricted natural language format that is meant for human consumption. One of the demanding problems in this context is to leverage and develop approaches to automatically extract important insights from this incessant massive data pool. Efforts in this direction emphasize mining or extracting the wealth of latent information in the data from multiple OSNs independently. The first thread of this dissertation focuses on analytics to investigate the differentiated content-sharing behavior of individuals. The second thread of this dissertation attempts to build decision-making systems using social media data.

The results of the proposed dissertation emphasize the importance of considering multiple data types while interpreting the content shared on OSNs. They highlight the unique ways in which the data and the extracted patterns from text-based platforms or visual-based platforms complement and contrast in terms of their content. The proposed research demonstrated that, in many ways, the results obtained by focusing on either only text or only visual elements of content shared online could lead to biased insights. On the other hand, it also shows the power of a sequential set of patterns that have some sort of precedence relationships and collaboration between humans and automated planners.
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Decision Support for Crew Scheduling using Automated Planning

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Allocating tasks for a day's or week's schedule is known to be a challenging and difficult problem. The problem intensifies by many folds in multi-agent settings. A planner or group of planners who decide such kind of task association schedule

Allocating tasks for a day's or week's schedule is known to be a challenging and difficult problem. The problem intensifies by many folds in multi-agent settings. A planner or group of planners who decide such kind of task association schedule must have a comprehensive perspective on (1) the entire array of tasks to be scheduled (2) idea on constraints like importance cum order of tasks and (3) the individual abilities of the operators. One example of such kind of scheduling is the crew scheduling done for astronauts who will spend time at International Space Station (ISS). The schedule for the crew of ISS is decided before the mission starts. Human planners take part in the decision-making process to determine the timing of activities for multiple days for multiple crew members at ISS. Given the unpredictability of individual assignments and limitations identified with the various operators, deciding upon a satisfactory timetable is a challenging task. The objective of the current work is to develop an automated decision assistant that would assist human planners in coming up with an acceptable task schedule for the crew. At the same time, the decision assistant will also ensure that human planners are always in the driver's seat throughout this process of decision-making.

The decision assistant will make use of automated planning technology to assist human planners. The guidelines of Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM) and the Human-In-The -Loop decision making were followed to make sure that the human is always in the driver's seat. The use cases considered are standard situations which come up during decision-making in crew-scheduling. The effectiveness of automated decision assistance was evaluated by setting it up for domain experts on a comparable domain of scheduling courses for master students. The results of the user study evaluating the effectiveness of automated decision support were subsequently published.
Date Created

Reasoning and Learning with Probabilistic Answer Set Programming

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Knowledge Representation (KR) is one of the prominent approaches to Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is concerned with representing knowledge in a form that computer systems can utilize to solve complex problems. Answer Set Programming (ASP), based on the stable model

Knowledge Representation (KR) is one of the prominent approaches to Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is concerned with representing knowledge in a form that computer systems can utilize to solve complex problems. Answer Set Programming (ASP), based on the stable model semantics, is a widely-used KR framework that facilitates elegant and efficient representations for many problem domains that require complex reasoning.

However, while ASP is effective on deterministic problem domains, it is not suitable for applications involving quantitative uncertainty, for example, those that require probabilistic reasoning. Furthermore, it is hard to utilize information that can be statistically induced from data with ASP problem modeling.

This dissertation presents the language LP^MLN, which is a probabilistic extension of the stable model semantics with the concept of weighted rules, inspired by Markov Logic. An LP^MLN program defines a probability distribution over "soft" stable models, which may not satisfy all rules, but the more rules with the bigger weights they satisfy, the bigger their probabilities. LP^MLN takes advantage of both ASP and Markov Logic in a single framework, allowing representation of problems that require both logical and probabilistic reasoning in an intuitive and elaboration tolerant way.

This dissertation establishes formal relations between LP^MLN and several other formalisms, discusses inference and weight learning algorithms under LP^MLN, and presents systems implementing the algorithms. LP^MLN systems can be used to compute other languages translatable into LP^MLN.

The advantage of LP^MLN for probabilistic reasoning is illustrated by a probabilistic extension of the action language BC+, called pBC+, defined as a high-level notation of LP^MLN for describing transition systems. Various probabilistic reasoning about transition systems, especially probabilistic diagnosis, can be modeled in pBC+ and computed using LP^MLN systems. pBC+ is further extended with the notion of utility, through a decision-theoretic extension of LP^MLN, and related with Markov Decision Process (MDP) in terms of policy optimization problems. pBC+ can be used to represent (PO)MDP in a succinct and elaboration tolerant way, which enables planning with (PO)MDP algorithms in action domains whose description requires rich KR constructs, such as recursive definitions and indirect effects of actions.
Date Created

Foundations of Human-Aware Planning -- A Tale of Three Models

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A critical challenge in the design of AI systems that operate with humans in the loop is to be able to model the intentions and capabilities of the humans, as well as their beliefs and expectations of the AI system

A critical challenge in the design of AI systems that operate with humans in the loop is to be able to model the intentions and capabilities of the humans, as well as their beliefs and expectations of the AI system itself. This allows the AI system to be "human- aware" -- i.e. the human task model enables it to envisage desired roles of the human in joint action, while the human mental model allows it to anticipate how its own actions are perceived from the point of view of the human. In my research, I explore how these concepts of human-awareness manifest themselves in the scope of planning or sequential decision making with humans in the loop. To this end, I will show (1) how the AI agent can leverage the human task model to generate symbiotic behavior; and (2) how the introduction of the human mental model in the deliberative process of the AI agent allows it to generate explanations for a plan or resort to explicable plans when explanations are not desired. The latter is in addition to traditional notions of human-aware planning which typically use the human task model alone and thus enables a new suite of capabilities of a human-aware AI agent. Finally, I will explore how the AI agent can leverage emerging mixed-reality interfaces to realize effective channels of communication with the human in the loop.
Date Created

Representing and Reasoning about Dynamic Multi-Agent Domains: An Action Language Approach

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Reasoning about actions forms the basis of many tasks such as prediction, planning, and diagnosis in a dynamic domain. Within the reasoning about actions community, a broad class of languages, called action languages, has been developed together with a methodology

Reasoning about actions forms the basis of many tasks such as prediction, planning, and diagnosis in a dynamic domain. Within the reasoning about actions community, a broad class of languages, called action languages, has been developed together with a methodology for their use in representing and reasoning about dynamic domains. With a few notable exceptions, the focus of these efforts has largely centered around single-agent systems. Agents rarely operate in a vacuum however, and almost in parallel, substantial work has been done within the dynamic epistemic logic community towards understanding how the actions of an agent may effect not just his own knowledge and/or beliefs, but those of his fellow agents as well. What is less understood by both communities is how to represent and reason about both the direct and indirect effects of both ontic and epistemic actions within a multi-agent setting. This dissertation presents ongoing research towards a framework for representing and reasoning about dynamic multi-agent domains involving both classes of actions.

The contributions of this work are as follows: the formulation of a precise mathematical model of a dynamic multi-agent domain based on the notion of a transition diagram; the development of the multi-agent action languages mA+ and mAL based upon this model, as well as preliminary investigations of their properties and implementations via logic programming under the answer set semantics; precise formulations of the temporal projection, and planning problems within a multi-agent context; and an investigation of the application of the proposed approach to the representation of, and reasoning about, scenarios involving the modalities of knowledge and belief.
Date Created

Fielding an Autonomous Cobot in a University Environment: Engineering and Evaluation

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Many researchers aspire to create robotics systems that assist humans in common office tasks, especially by taking over delivery and messaging tasks. For meaningful interactions to take place, a mobile robot must be able to identify the humans it interacts

Many researchers aspire to create robotics systems that assist humans in common office tasks, especially by taking over delivery and messaging tasks. For meaningful interactions to take place, a mobile robot must be able to identify the humans it interacts with and communicate successfully with them. It must also be able to successfully navigate the office environment. While mobile robots are well suited for navigating and interacting with elements inside a deterministic office environment, attempting to interact with human beings in an office environment remains a challenge due to the limits on the amount of cost-efficient compute power onboard the robot. In this work, I propose the use of remote cloud services to offload intensive interaction tasks. I detail the interactions required in an office environment and discuss the challenges faced when implementing a human-robot interaction platform in a stochastic office environment. I also experiment with cloud services for facial recognition, speech recognition, and environment navigation and discuss my results. As part of my thesis, I have implemented a human-robot interaction system utilizing cloud APIs into a mobile robot, enabling it to navigate the office environment, identify humans within the environment, and communicate with these humans.
Date Created

HA-MRA: A Human-Aware Multi-Robot Architecture

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This thesis describes a multi-robot architecture which allows teams of robots to work with humans to complete tasks. The multi-agent architecture was built using Robot Operating System and Python. This architecture was designed modularly, allowing the use of different planners

This thesis describes a multi-robot architecture which allows teams of robots to work with humans to complete tasks. The multi-agent architecture was built using Robot Operating System and Python. This architecture was designed modularly, allowing the use of different planners and robots. The system automatically replans when robots connect or disconnect. The system was demonstrated on two real robots, a Fetch and a PeopleBot, by conducting a surveillance task on the fifth floor of the Computer Science building at Arizona State University. The next part of the system includes extensions for teaming with humans. An Android application was created to serve as the interface between the system and human teammates. This application provides a way for the system to communicate with humans in the loop. In addition, it sends location information of the human teammates to the system so that goal recognition can be performed. This goal recognition allows the generation of human-aware plans. This capability was demonstrated in a mock search and rescue scenario using the Fetch to locate a missing teammate.
Date Created

Discovering and Mitigating Social Data Bias

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Exabytes of data are created online every day. This deluge of data is no more apparent than it is on social media. Naturally, finding ways to leverage this unprecedented source of human information is an active area of research. Social

Exabytes of data are created online every day. This deluge of data is no more apparent than it is on social media. Naturally, finding ways to leverage this unprecedented source of human information is an active area of research. Social media platforms have become laboratories for conducting experiments about people at scales thought unimaginable only a few years ago.

Researchers and practitioners use social media to extract actionable patterns such as where aid should be distributed in a crisis. However, the validity of these patterns relies on having a representative dataset. As this dissertation shows, the data collected from social media is seldom representative of the activity of the site itself, and less so of human activity. This means that the results of many studies are limited by the quality of data they collect.

The finding that social media data is biased inspires the main challenge addressed by this thesis. I introduce three sets of methodologies to correct for bias. First, I design methods to deal with data collection bias. I offer a methodology which can find bias within a social media dataset. This methodology works by comparing the collected data with other sources to find bias in a stream. The dissertation also outlines a data collection strategy which minimizes the amount of bias that will appear in a given dataset. It introduces a crawling strategy which mitigates the amount of bias in the resulting dataset. Second, I introduce a methodology to identify bots and shills within a social media dataset. This directly addresses the concern that the users of a social media site are not representative. Applying these methodologies allows the population under study on a social media site to better match that of the real world. Finally, the dissertation discusses perceptual biases, explains how they affect analysis, and introduces computational approaches to mitigate them.

The results of the dissertation allow for the discovery and removal of different levels of bias within a social media dataset. This has important implications for social media mining, namely that the behavioral patterns and insights extracted from social media will be more representative of the populations under study.
Date Created

An investigation of topics in model-lite planning and multi-agent planning

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Automated planning addresses the problem of generating a sequence of actions that enable a set of agents to achieve their goals.This work investigates two important topics from the field of automated planning, namely model-lite planning and multi-agent planning. For model-lite

Automated planning addresses the problem of generating a sequence of actions that enable a set of agents to achieve their goals.This work investigates two important topics from the field of automated planning, namely model-lite planning and multi-agent planning. For model-lite planning, I focus on a prominent model named Annotated PDDL and it's related application of robust planning. For this model, I try to identify a method of leveraging additional domain information (available in the form of successful plan traces). I use this information to refine the set of possible domains to generate more robust plans (as compared to the original planner) for any given problem. This method also provides us a way of overcoming one of the major drawbacks of the original approach, namely the need for a domain writer to explicitly identify the annotations.

For the second topic, the central question I ask is ``{\em under what conditions are multiple agents actually needed to solve a given planning problem?}''. To answer this question, the multi-agent planning (MAP) problem is classified into several sub-classes and I identify the conditions in each of these sub-classes that can lead to required cooperation (RC). I also identify certain sub-classes of multi-agent planning problems (named DVC-RC problems), where the problems can be simplified using a single virtual agent. This insight is later used to propose a new planner designed to solve problems from these subclasses. Evaluation of this new planner on all the current multi-agent planning benchmarks reveals that most current multi-agent planning benchmarks only belong to a small subset of possible classes of multi-agent planning problems.
Date Created

Human factors analysis of automated planning technologies for human-robot teaming

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Humans and robots need to work together as a team to accomplish certain shared goals due to the limitations of current robot capabilities. Human assistance is required to accomplish the tasks as human capabilities are often better suited for certain

Humans and robots need to work together as a team to accomplish certain shared goals due to the limitations of current robot capabilities. Human assistance is required to accomplish the tasks as human capabilities are often better suited for certain tasks and they complement robot capabilities in many situations. Given the necessity of human-robot teams, it has been long assumed that for the robotic agent to be an effective team member, it must be equipped with automated planning technologies that helps in achieving the goals that have been delegated to it by their human teammates as well as in deducing its own goal to proactively support its human counterpart by inferring their goals. However there has not been any systematic evaluation on the accuracy of this claim.

In my thesis, I perform human factors analysis on effectiveness of such automated planning technologies for remote human-robot teaming. In the first part of my study, I perform an investigation on effectiveness of automated planning in remote human-robot teaming scenarios. In the second part of my study, I perform an investigation on effectiveness of a proactive robot assistant in remote human-robot teaming scenarios.

Both investigations are conducted in a simulated urban search and rescue (USAR) scenario where the human-robot teams are deployed during early phases of an emergency response to explore all areas of the disaster scene. I evaluate through both the studies, how effective is automated planning technology in helping the human-robot teams move closer to human-human teams. I utilize both objective measures (like accuracy and time spent on primary and secondary tasks, Robot Attention Demand, etc.) and a set of subjective Likert-scale questions (on situation awareness, immediacy etc.) to investigate the trade-offs between different types of remote human-robot teams. The results from both the studies seem to suggest that intelligent robots with automated planning capability and proactive support ability is welcomed in general.
Date Created