Extensions of the Assembly Line Balancing Problem Towards a General Assembly System Design Problem

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Assembly lines are low-cost production systems that manufacture similar finished units in large quantities. Manufacturers utilize mixed-model assembly lines to produce customized items that are not identical but share some general features in response to consumer needs. To maintain efficiency,

Assembly lines are low-cost production systems that manufacture similar finished units in large quantities. Manufacturers utilize mixed-model assembly lines to produce customized items that are not identical but share some general features in response to consumer needs. To maintain efficiency, the aim is to find the best feasible option to balance the lines efficiently; allocating each task to a workstation to satisfy all restrictions and fulfill all operational requirements in such a way that the line has the highest performance and maximum throughput. The work to be done at each workstation and line depends on the precise product configuration and is not constant across all models. This research seeks to enhance the subject of assembly line balancing by establishing a model for creating the most efficient assembly system. Several realistic characteristics are included into efficient optimization techniques and mathematical models to provide a more comprehensive model for building assembly systems. This involves analyzing the learning growth by task, employing parallel line designs, and configuring mixed models structure under particular constraints and criteria. This dissertation covers a gap in the literature by utilizing some exact and approximation modeling approaches. These methods are based on mathematical programming techniques, including integer and mixed integer models and heuristics. In this dissertation, heuristic approximations are employed to address problem-solving challenges caused by the problem's combinatorial complexity. This study proposes a model that considers learning curve effects and dynamic demand. This is exemplified in instances of a new assembly line, new employees, introducing new products or simply implementing engineering change orders. To achieve a cost-based optimal solution, an integer mathematical formulation is proposed to minimize the production line's total cost under the impact of learning and demand fulfillment. The research further creates approaches to obtain a comprehensive model in the case of single and mixed models for parallel lines systems. Optimization models and heuristics are developed under various aspects, such as cycle times by line and tooling considerations. Numerous extensions are explored effectively to analyze the cost impact under certain constraints and implications. The implementation results demonstrate that the proposed models and heuristics provide valuable insights.
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Developing a Cyber-Physical System for Real-Time Proactive Traffic Control and Management of Mixed Fleet of Vehicles with Various Levels of Autonomy

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In this dissertation, a cyber-physical system called MIDAS (Managing Interacting Demand And Supply) has been developed, where the “supply” refers to the transportation infrastructure including traffic controls while the “demand” refers to its dynamic traffic loads. The strength of MIDAS

In this dissertation, a cyber-physical system called MIDAS (Managing Interacting Demand And Supply) has been developed, where the “supply” refers to the transportation infrastructure including traffic controls while the “demand” refers to its dynamic traffic loads. The strength of MIDAS lies in its ability to proactively control and manage mixed vehicular traffic, having various levels of autonomy, through traffic intersections. Using real-time traffic control algorithms MIDAS minimizes wait times, congestion, and travel times on existing roadways. For traffic engineers, efficient control of complicated traffic movements used at diamond interchanges (DI), which interface streets with freeways, is challenging for normal human driven vehicular traffic, let alone for communicationally-connected vehicles (CVs) due to stochastic demand and uncertainties. This dissertation first develops a proactive traffic control algorithm, MIDAS, using forward-recursion dynamic programming (DP), for scheduling large set of traffic movements of non-connected vehicles and CVs at the DIs, over a finite-time horizon. MIDAS captures measurements from fixed detectors and captures Lagrangian measurements from CVs, to estimate link travel times, arrival times and turning movements. Simulation study shows MIDAS’ outperforms (a) a current optimal state-of-art optimal fixed-cycle time control scheme, and (b) a state-of-art traffic adaptive cycle-free scheme. Subsequently, this dissertation addresses the challenges of improving the road capacity by platooning fully autonomous vehicles (AVs), resulting in smaller headways and greater road utilization. With the MIDAS AI (Autonomous Intersection) control, an effective platooning strategy is developed, and optimal release sequence of AVs is determined using a new forward-recursive DP that minimizes the time-loss delays of AVs. MIDAS AI evaluates the DP decisions every second and communicates optimal actions to the AVs. Although MIDAS AI’s exact DP achieves optimal solution in almost real-time compared to other exact algorithms, it suffers from scalability. To address this challenge, the dissertation then develops MIDAS RAIC (Reinforced Autonomous Intersection Control), a deep reinforcement learning based real-time dynamic traffic control system for AVs at an intersection. Simulation results show the proposed deep Q-learning architecture trains MIDAS RAIC to learn a near-optimal policy that minimizes the total cumulative time loss delay and performs nearly as well as the MIDAS AI.
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Power System Planning for Adverse Climate and Weather Events: Theoretical and Computational Insights for Incorporating Flexible Transmission Technologies

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The stable and efficient operation of the transmission network is fundamental to the power system’s ability to deliver electricity reliably and cheaply. As average temperatures continue to rise, the ability of the transmission network to meet demand is diminished.

The stable and efficient operation of the transmission network is fundamental to the power system’s ability to deliver electricity reliably and cheaply. As average temperatures continue to rise, the ability of the transmission network to meet demand is diminished. Higher temperatures lead to congestion by reducing thermal limits of lines while simultaneously reducing generation potential. Furthermore, they contribute to the growing frequency and ferocity of devasting weather events. Due to prohibitive costs and limited real estate for building new lines, it is necessary to consider flexible investment options (e.g., transmission switching, capacity expansion, etc.) to improve the functionality and efficiency of the grid. Increased flexibility, however, requires many discrete choices, rendering fully accurate models intractable. This dissertation derives several classes of structural valid inequalities and employs them to accelerate the solution process for each of the proposed expansion planning problems. The valid inequalities leverage the variability of the cumulative capacity-reactance products of parallel simple paths in networks with flexible topology, such as those found in transmission expansion planning problems. Ongoing changes to the climate and weather will have vastly differing impacts a regional and local scale, yet these effects are difficult to predict. This dissertation models the long-term and short-term uncertainty of rising temperatures and severe weather events on transmission network components in both stochastic and robust mixed-integer linear programming frameworks. It develops a novel test case constructed from publicly available data on the Arizona transmission network. The models and test case are used to test the impacts of climate and weather on regional expansion decisions.
Date Created

Advances at the Interface of Combinatorial Optimization and Computations Social Choice: Mathematical Formulations, Structural Decompositions, and Analytical Insights

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The rank aggregation problem has ubiquitous applications in operations research, artificial intelligence, computational social choice, and various other fields. Generally, rank aggregation is utilized whenever a set of judges (human or non-human) express their preferences over a set of items,

The rank aggregation problem has ubiquitous applications in operations research, artificial intelligence, computational social choice, and various other fields. Generally, rank aggregation is utilized whenever a set of judges (human or non-human) express their preferences over a set of items, and it is necessary to find a consensus ranking that best represents these preferences collectively. Many real-world instances of this problem involve a very large number of items, include ties, and/or contain partial information, which brings a challenge to decision-makers. This work makes several contributions to overcoming these challenges. Most attention on this problem has focused on an NP-hard distance-based variant known as Kemeny aggregation, for which solution approaches with provable guarantees that can handle difficult large-scale instances remain elusive. Firstly, this work introduces exact and approximate methodologies inspired by the social choice foundations of the problem, namely the Condorcet criterion, to decompose the problem. To deal with instances where exact partitioning does not yield many subsets, it proposes Approximate Condorcet Partitioning, which is a scalable solution technique capable of handling large-scale instances while providing provable guarantees. Secondly, this work delves into the rank aggregation problem under the generalized Kendall-tau distance, which contains Kemeny aggregation as a special case. This new problem provides a robust and highly-flexible framework for handling ties. First, it derives exact and heuristic solution methods for the generalized problem. Second, it introduces a novel social choice property that encloses existing variations of the Condorcet criterion as special cases. Thirdly, this work focuses on top-k list aggregation. Top-k lists are a special form of item orderings wherein out of n total items only a small number of them, k, are explicitly ordered. Top-k lists are being increasingly utilized in various fields including recommendation systems, information retrieval, and machine learning. This work introduces exact and inexact methods for consolidating a collection of heterogeneous top- lists. Furthermore, the strength of the proposed exact formulations is analyzed from a polyhedral point of view. Finally, this work identifies the top-100 U.S. universities by consolidating four prominent university rankings to assess the computational implications of this problem.
Date Created

Computer Vision: Improving Detection and Tracking for Occluded and Blurry Settings

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Computer vision and tracking has become an area of great interest for many reasons, including self-driving cars, identification of vehicles and drivers on roads, and security camera monitoring, all of which are expanding in the modern digital era. When working

Computer vision and tracking has become an area of great interest for many reasons, including self-driving cars, identification of vehicles and drivers on roads, and security camera monitoring, all of which are expanding in the modern digital era. When working with practical systems that are constrained in multiple ways, such as video quality or viewing angle, algorithms that work well theoretically can have a high error rate in practice. This thesis studies several ways in which that error can be minimized.This thesis describes an application in a practical system. This project is to detect, track and count people entering different lanes at an airport security checkpoint, using CCTV videos as a primary source. This thesis improves an existing algorithm that is not optimized for this particular problem and has a high error rate when comparing the algorithm counts with the true volume of users. The high error rate is caused by many people crowding into security lanes at the same time. The camera from which footage was captured is located at a poor angle, and thus many of the people occlude each other and cause the existing algorithm to miss people. One solution is to count only heads; since heads are smaller than a full body, they will occlude less, and in addition, since the camera is angled from above, the heads in back will appear higher and will not be occluded by people in front. One of the primary improvements to the algorithm is to combine both person detections and head detections to improve the accuracy. The proposed algorithm also improves the accuracy of detections. The existing algorithm used the COCO training dataset, which works well in scenarios where people are visible and not occluded. However, the available video quality in this project was not very good, with people often blocking each other from the camera’s view. Thus, a different training set was needed that could detect people even in poor-quality frames and with occlusion. The new training set is the first algorithmic improvement, and although occasionally performing worse, corrected the error by 7.25% on average.
Date Created

Product Allocation and Capacity Planning Considering Product-Specific Flexibility for Automobile Manufacturing

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To maintain long term success, a manufacturing company should be managed and operated under the guidance of properly designed capacity, production and logistics plans that are formulated in coordination with its manufacturing footprint, so that its managerial goals on both

To maintain long term success, a manufacturing company should be managed and operated under the guidance of properly designed capacity, production and logistics plans that are formulated in coordination with its manufacturing footprint, so that its managerial goals on both strategic and tactical levels can be fulfilled. In particular, sufficient flexibility and efficiency should be ensured so that future customer demand can be met at a profit. This dissertation is motivated by an automobile manufacturer's mid-term and long-term decision problems, but applies to any multi-plant, multi-product manufacturer with evolving product portfolios and significant fixed and variable production costs. Via introducing the concepts of effective capacity and product-specific flexibility, two mixed integer programming (MIP) models are proposed to help manufacturers shape their mid-term capacity plans and long-term product allocation plans. With fixed tooling flexibility, production and logistics considerations are integrated into a mid-term capacity planning model to develop well-informed and balanced tactical plans, which utilize various capacity adjustment options to coordinate production, inventory, and shipping schedules throughout the planning horizon so that overall operational and capacity adjustment costs are minimized. For long-term product allocation planning, strategic tooling configuration plans that empower the production of multi-generation products at minimal configuration and operational costs are established for all plants throughout the planning horizon considering product-specific commonality and compatibility. New product introductions and demand uncertainty over the planning horizon are incorporated. As a result, potential production sites for each product and corresponding process flexibility are determined. An efficient heuristic method is developed and shown to perform well in solution quality and computational requirements.
Date Created

Modeling Cascading Network Disruptions under Uncertainty For Managing Hurricane Evacuation

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Short-notice disasters such as hurricanes involve uncertainties in many facets, from the time of its occurrence to its impacts’ magnitude. Failure to incorporate these uncertainties can affect the effectiveness of the emergency responses. In the case of a hurricane event,

Short-notice disasters such as hurricanes involve uncertainties in many facets, from the time of its occurrence to its impacts’ magnitude. Failure to incorporate these uncertainties can affect the effectiveness of the emergency responses. In the case of a hurricane event, uncertainties and corresponding impacts during a storm event can quickly cascade. Over the past decades, various storm forecast models have been developed to predict the storm uncertainties; however, access to the usage of these models is limited. Hence, as the first part of this research, a data-driven simulation model is developed with aim to generate spatial-temporal storm predicted hazards for each possible hurricane track modeled. The simulation model identifies a means to represent uncertainty in storm’s movement and its associated potential hazards in the form of probabilistic scenarios tree where each branch is associated with scenario-level storm track and weather profile. Storm hazards, such as strong winds, torrential rain, and storm surges, can inflict significant damage on the road network and affect the population’s ability to move during the storm event. A cascading network failure algorithm is introduced in the second part of the research. The algorithm takes the scenario-level storm hazards to predict uncertainties in mobility states over the storm event. In the third part of the research, a methodology is proposed to generate a sequence of actions that simultaneously solve the evacuation flow scheduling and suggested routes which minimize the total flow time, or the makespan, for the evacuation process from origins to destinations in the resulting stochastic time-dependent network. The methodology is implemented for the 2017 Hurricane Irma case study to recommend an evacuation policy for Manatee County, FL. The results are compared with evacuation plans for assumed scenarios; the research suggests that evacuation recommendations that are based on single scenarios reduce the effectiveness of the evacuation procedure. The overall contributions of the research presented here are new methodologies to: (1) predict and visualize the spatial-temporal impacts of an oncoming storm event, (2) predict uncertainties in the impacts to transportation infrastructure and mobility, and (3) determine the quickest evacuation schedule and routes under the uncertainties within the resulting stochastic transportation networks.
Date Created

Structural Decomposition Methods for Sparse Large-Scale Optimization

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This dissertation focuses on three large-scale optimization problems and devising algorithms to solve them. In addition to the societal impact of each problem’s solution, this dissertation contributes to the optimization literature a set of decomposition algorithms for problems whose optimal

This dissertation focuses on three large-scale optimization problems and devising algorithms to solve them. In addition to the societal impact of each problem’s solution, this dissertation contributes to the optimization literature a set of decomposition algorithms for problems whose optimal solution is sparse. These algorithms exploit problem-specific properties and use tailored strategies based on iterative refinement (outer-approximations). The proposed algorithms are not rooted in duality theory, providing an alternative to existing methods based on linear programming relaxations. However, it is possible to embed existing decomposition methods into the proposed framework. These general decomposition principles extend to other combinatorial optimization problems.

The first problem is a route assignment and scheduling problem in which a set of vehicles need to traverse a directed network while maintaining a minimum inter-vehicle distance at any time. This problem is inspired by applications in hazmat logistics and the coordination of autonomous agents. The proposed approach includes realistic features such as continuous-time vehicle scheduling, heterogeneous speeds, minimum and maximum waiting times at any node, among others.

The second problem is a fixed-charge network design, which aims to find a minimum-cost plan to transport a target amount of a commodity between known origins and destinations. In addition to the typical flow decisions, the model chooses the capacity of each arc and selects sources and sinks. The proposed algorithms admit any nondecreasing piecewise linear cost structure. This model is applied to the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) problem, which is to design a minimum-cost pipeline network to transport CO2 between industrial sources and geologic reservoirs for long-term storage.

The third problem extends the proposed decomposition framework to a special case of joint chance constraint programming with independent random variables. This model is applied to the probabilistic transportation problem, where demands are assumed stochastic and independent. Using an empirical probability distribution, this problem is formulated as an integer program with the goal of finding a minimum-cost distribution plan that satisfies all the demands with a minimum given probability. The proposed scalable algorithm is based on a concave envelop approximation of the empirical probability function, which is iteratively refined as needed.
Date Created

Capacity Planning, Production and Distribution Scheduling for a Multi-Facility and Multi-Product Supply Chain Network

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In today’s rapidly changing world and competitive business environment, firms are challenged to build their production and distribution systems to provide the desired customer service at the lowest possible cost. Designing an optimal supply chain by optimizing supply chain

In today’s rapidly changing world and competitive business environment, firms are challenged to build their production and distribution systems to provide the desired customer service at the lowest possible cost. Designing an optimal supply chain by optimizing supply chain operations and decisions is key to achieving these goals.

In this research, a capacity planning and production scheduling mathematical model for a multi-facility and multiple product supply chain network with significant capital and labor costs is first proposed. This model considers the key levers of capacity configuration at production plants namely, shifts, run rate, down periods, finished goods inventory management and overtime. It suggests a minimum cost plan for meeting medium range demand forecasts that indicates production and inventory levels at plants by time period, the associated manpower plan and outbound shipments over the planning horizon. This dissertation then investigates two model extensions: production flexibility and pricing. In the first extension, the cost and benefits of investing in production flexibility is studied. In the second extension, product pricing decisions are added to the model for demand shaping taking into account price elasticity of demand.

The research develops methodologies to optimize supply chain operations by determining the optimal capacity plan and optimal flows of products among facilities based on a nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation. For large size real life cases the problem is intractable. An alternate formulation and an iterative heuristic algorithm are proposed and tested. The performance and bounds for the heuristic are evaluated. A real life case study in the automotive industry is considered for the implementation of the proposed models. The implementation results illustrate that the proposed method provides valuable insights for assisting the decision making process in the supply chain and provides significant improvement over current practice.
Date Created

Global Optimization Using Piecewise Linear Approximation

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Global optimization (programming) has been attracting the attention of researchers for almost a century. Since linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) had been well studied in early stages, MILP methods and software tools had improved in their

Global optimization (programming) has been attracting the attention of researchers for almost a century. Since linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) had been well studied in early stages, MILP methods and software tools had improved in their efficiency in the past few years. They are now fast and robust even for problems with millions of variables. Therefore, it is desirable to use MILP software to solve mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problems. For an MINLP problem to be solved by an MILP solver, its nonlinear functions must be transformed to linear ones. The most common method to do the transformation is the piecewise linear approximation (PLA). This dissertation will summarize the types of optimization and the most important tools and methods, and will discuss in depth the PLA tool. PLA will be done using nonuniform partitioning of the domain of the variables involved in the function that will be approximated. Also partial PLA models that approximate only parts of a complicated optimization problem will be introduced. Computational experiments will be done and the results will show that nonuniform partitioning and partial PLA can be beneficial.
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