Computer Vision: Improving Detection and Tracking for Occluded and Blurry Settings

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Computer vision and tracking has become an area of great interest for many reasons, including self-driving cars, identification of vehicles and drivers on roads, and security camera monitoring, all of which are expanding in the modern digital era. When working

Computer vision and tracking has become an area of great interest for many reasons, including self-driving cars, identification of vehicles and drivers on roads, and security camera monitoring, all of which are expanding in the modern digital era. When working with practical systems that are constrained in multiple ways, such as video quality or viewing angle, algorithms that work well theoretically can have a high error rate in practice. This thesis studies several ways in which that error can be minimized.This thesis describes an application in a practical system. This project is to detect, track and count people entering different lanes at an airport security checkpoint, using CCTV videos as a primary source. This thesis improves an existing algorithm that is not optimized for this particular problem and has a high error rate when comparing the algorithm counts with the true volume of users. The high error rate is caused by many people crowding into security lanes at the same time. The camera from which footage was captured is located at a poor angle, and thus many of the people occlude each other and cause the existing algorithm to miss people. One solution is to count only heads; since heads are smaller than a full body, they will occlude less, and in addition, since the camera is angled from above, the heads in back will appear higher and will not be occluded by people in front. One of the primary improvements to the algorithm is to combine both person detections and head detections to improve the accuracy. The proposed algorithm also improves the accuracy of detections. The existing algorithm used the COCO training dataset, which works well in scenarios where people are visible and not occluded. However, the available video quality in this project was not very good, with people often blocking each other from the camera’s view. Thus, a different training set was needed that could detect people even in poor-quality frames and with occlusion. The new training set is the first algorithmic improvement, and although occasionally performing worse, corrected the error by 7.25% on average.
Date Created

Real-Time Control of Production Systems with Constrained Time Windows

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A production system is commonly restricted by time windows. For example, perishability is a major concern in food processing and requires products, such as yogurt, beer and meat, not to stay in buffer for long. Semiconductor manufacturing is faced with

A production system is commonly restricted by time windows. For example, perishability is a major concern in food processing and requires products, such as yogurt, beer and meat, not to stay in buffer for long. Semiconductor manufacturing is faced with oxidation and moisture absorption issues, if a product in buffer is exposed to air for long. Machine reliability is a major source of uncertainty in production systems that causes residence time constraints to be unsatisfied, leading to potential product quality issues. Rapid advances in sensor technology and automation provide potentials to manage production in real time, but the system complexity, brought by residence time constraints, makes it difficult to optimize system performance while providing a guaranteed product quality. To contribute to this end, this dissertation is dedicated to modeling, analysis and control of production systems with constrained time windows. This study starts with a small-scale serial production line with two machines and one buffer. Even the simplest serial lines could have too large state space due to the consideration of residence time constraints. A Markov chain model is developed to approximately analyze its transient behavior with a high accuracy. An iterative learning algorithm is proposed to perform real-time control. The analysis of two-machine serial line contributes to the further analysis of more general and complex serial lines with multiple machines. Residence time constraints can be required in multiple stages. To deal with it, a two-machine-one-buffer subsystem isolated from a multi-stage serial production line is firstly analyzed and then acts as a building block to support the aggregation method for overall system performance. The proposed aggregation method substantially reduces the complexity of the problem while maintaining a high accuracy. A decomposition-based control approach is proposed to control a multi-stage serial production line. A production system is decomposed into small-scale subsystems, and an iterative aggregation procedure is then used to generate a production control policy. The decomposition-based control approach outperforms general-purpose reinforcement learning method by delivering significant system performance improvement and substantial reduction on computation overhead. Semiconductor assembly line is a typical production system, where products are restricted by time windows and production can be disrupted by machine failures. A production control problem of semiconductor assembly line is presented and studied, and thus total lot delay time and residence time constraint violation are minimized.
Date Created

Product Allocation and Capacity Planning Considering Product-Specific Flexibility for Automobile Manufacturing

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To maintain long term success, a manufacturing company should be managed and operated under the guidance of properly designed capacity, production and logistics plans that are formulated in coordination with its manufacturing footprint, so that its managerial goals on both

To maintain long term success, a manufacturing company should be managed and operated under the guidance of properly designed capacity, production and logistics plans that are formulated in coordination with its manufacturing footprint, so that its managerial goals on both strategic and tactical levels can be fulfilled. In particular, sufficient flexibility and efficiency should be ensured so that future customer demand can be met at a profit. This dissertation is motivated by an automobile manufacturer's mid-term and long-term decision problems, but applies to any multi-plant, multi-product manufacturer with evolving product portfolios and significant fixed and variable production costs. Via introducing the concepts of effective capacity and product-specific flexibility, two mixed integer programming (MIP) models are proposed to help manufacturers shape their mid-term capacity plans and long-term product allocation plans. With fixed tooling flexibility, production and logistics considerations are integrated into a mid-term capacity planning model to develop well-informed and balanced tactical plans, which utilize various capacity adjustment options to coordinate production, inventory, and shipping schedules throughout the planning horizon so that overall operational and capacity adjustment costs are minimized. For long-term product allocation planning, strategic tooling configuration plans that empower the production of multi-generation products at minimal configuration and operational costs are established for all plants throughout the planning horizon considering product-specific commonality and compatibility. New product introductions and demand uncertainty over the planning horizon are incorporated. As a result, potential production sites for each product and corresponding process flexibility are determined. An efficient heuristic method is developed and shown to perform well in solution quality and computational requirements.
Date Created

Queueing Network Models for Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Multi-Product Manufacturing Systems

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Modern manufacturing systems are part of a complex supply chain where customer preferences are constantly evolving. The rapidly evolving market demands manufacturing organizations to be increasingly agile and flexible. Medium term capacity planning for manufacturing systems employ queueing network models

Modern manufacturing systems are part of a complex supply chain where customer preferences are constantly evolving. The rapidly evolving market demands manufacturing organizations to be increasingly agile and flexible. Medium term capacity planning for manufacturing systems employ queueing network models based on stationary demand assumptions. However, these stationary demand assumptions are not very practical for rapidly evolving supply chains. Nonstationary demand processes provide a reasonable framework to capture the time-varying nature of modern markets. The analysis of queues and queueing networks with time-varying parameters is mathematically intractable. In this dissertation, heuristics which draw upon existing steady state queueing results are proposed to provide computationally efficient approximations for dynamic multi-product manufacturing systems modeled as time-varying queueing networks with multiple customer classes (product types). This dissertation addresses the problem of performance evaluation of such manufacturing systems.

This dissertation considers the two key aspects of dynamic multi-product manufacturing systems - namely, performance evaluation and optimal server resource allocation. First, the performance evaluation of systems with infinite queueing room and a first-come first-serve service paradigm is considered. Second, systems with finite queueing room and priorities between product types are considered. Finally, the optimal server allocation problem is addressed in the context of dynamic multi-product manufacturing systems. The performance estimates developed in the earlier part of the dissertation are leveraged in a simulated annealing algorithm framework to obtain server resource allocations.
Date Created

Capacity Planning, Production and Distribution Scheduling for a Multi-Facility and Multi-Product Supply Chain Network

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In today’s rapidly changing world and competitive business environment, firms are challenged to build their production and distribution systems to provide the desired customer service at the lowest possible cost. Designing an optimal supply chain by optimizing supply chain

In today’s rapidly changing world and competitive business environment, firms are challenged to build their production and distribution systems to provide the desired customer service at the lowest possible cost. Designing an optimal supply chain by optimizing supply chain operations and decisions is key to achieving these goals.

In this research, a capacity planning and production scheduling mathematical model for a multi-facility and multiple product supply chain network with significant capital and labor costs is first proposed. This model considers the key levers of capacity configuration at production plants namely, shifts, run rate, down periods, finished goods inventory management and overtime. It suggests a minimum cost plan for meeting medium range demand forecasts that indicates production and inventory levels at plants by time period, the associated manpower plan and outbound shipments over the planning horizon. This dissertation then investigates two model extensions: production flexibility and pricing. In the first extension, the cost and benefits of investing in production flexibility is studied. In the second extension, product pricing decisions are added to the model for demand shaping taking into account price elasticity of demand.

The research develops methodologies to optimize supply chain operations by determining the optimal capacity plan and optimal flows of products among facilities based on a nonlinear mixed integer programming formulation. For large size real life cases the problem is intractable. An alternate formulation and an iterative heuristic algorithm are proposed and tested. The performance and bounds for the heuristic are evaluated. A real life case study in the automotive industry is considered for the implementation of the proposed models. The implementation results illustrate that the proposed method provides valuable insights for assisting the decision making process in the supply chain and provides significant improvement over current practice.
Date Created

Optimization Model and Algorithm for the Design of Connected and Compact Conservation Reserves

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Conservation planning is fundamental to guarantee the survival of endangered species and to preserve the ecological values of some ecosystems. Planning land acquisitions increasingly requires a landscape approach to mitigate the negative impacts of spatial threats such as urbanization, agricultural

Conservation planning is fundamental to guarantee the survival of endangered species and to preserve the ecological values of some ecosystems. Planning land acquisitions increasingly requires a landscape approach to mitigate the negative impacts of spatial threats such as urbanization, agricultural development, and climate change. In this context, landscape connectivity and compactness are vital characteristics for the effective functionality of conservation reserves. Connectivity allows species to travel across landscapes, facilitating the flow of genes across populations from different protected areas. Compactness measures the spatial dispersion of protected sites, which can be used to mitigate risk factors associated with species leaving and re-entering the reserve. This research proposes an optimization model to identify areas to protect while enforcing connectivity and compactness. In the suggested projected area, this research builds upon existing methods and develops an alternative metric of compactness that penalizes the selection of patches of land with few protected neighbors. The new metric is referred as leaf because it intends to minimize the number of selected areas with 1 neighboring protected area. The model includes budget and minimum selected area constraints to reflect realistic financial and ecological requirements. Using a lexicographic approach, the model can improve the compactness of conservation reserves obtained by other methods. The use of the model is illustrated by solving instances of up to 1100 patches.
Date Created

Extensions of the dual-resource constrained flexible job-shop scheduling problem

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The shift in focus of manufacturing systems to high-mix and low-volume production poses a challenge to both efficient scheduling of manufacturing operations and effective assessment of production capacity. This thesis considers the problem of scheduling a set of jobs that

The shift in focus of manufacturing systems to high-mix and low-volume production poses a challenge to both efficient scheduling of manufacturing operations and effective assessment of production capacity. This thesis considers the problem of scheduling a set of jobs that require machine and worker resources to complete their manufacturing operations. Although planners in manufacturing contexts typically focus solely on machines, schedules that only consider machining requirements may be problematic during implementation because machines need skilled workers and cannot run unsupervised. The model used in this research will be beneficial to these environments as planners would be able to determine more realistic assignments and operation sequences to minimize the total time required to complete all jobs. This thesis presents a mathematical formulation for concurrent scheduling of machines and workers that can optimally schedule a set of jobs while accounting for changeover times between operations. The mathematical formulation is based on disjunctive constraints that capture the conflict between operations when trying to schedule them to be performed by the same machine or worker. An additional formulation extends the previous one to consider how cross-training may impact the production capacity and, for a given budget, provide training recommendations for specific workers and operations to reduce the makespan. If training a worker is advantageous to increase production capacity, the model recommends the best time window to complete it such that overlaps with work assignments are avoided. It is assumed that workers can perform tasks involving the recently acquired skills as soon as training is complete. As an alternative to the mixed-integer programming formulations, this thesis provides a math-heuristic approach that fixes the order of some operations based on Largest Processing Time (LPT) and Shortest Processing Time (SPT) procedures, while allowing the exact formulation to find the optimal schedule for the remaining operations. Computational experiments include the use of the solution for the no-training problem as a starting feasible solution to the training problem. Although the models provided are general, the manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards are used as a case study.
Date Created

An optimization model for emergency response crew location within a theme park

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Every year, millions of guests visit theme parks internationally. Within that massive population, accidents and emergencies are bound to occur. Choosing the correct location for emergency responders inside of the park could mean the difference between life and death. In

Every year, millions of guests visit theme parks internationally. Within that massive population, accidents and emergencies are bound to occur. Choosing the correct location for emergency responders inside of the park could mean the difference between life and death. In an effort to provide the utmost safety for the guests of a park, it is important to make the best decision when selecting the location for emergency response crews. A theme park is different from a regular residential or commercial area because the crowds and shows block certain routes, and they change throughout the day. We propose an optimization model that selects staging locations for emergency medical responders in a theme park to maximize the number of responses that can occur within a pre-specified time. The staging areas are selected from a candidate set of restricted access locations where the responders can store their equipment. Our solution approach considers all routes to access any park location, including areas that are unavailable to a regular guest. Theme parks are a highly dynamic environment. Because special events occurring in the park at certain hours (e.g., parades) might impact the responders' travel times, our model's decisions also include the time dimension in the location and re-location of the responders. Our solution provides the optimal location of the responders for each time partition, including backup responders. When an optimal solution is found, the model is also designed to consider alternate optimal solutions that provide a more balanced workload for the crews.
Date Created

Reliability based design optimization of systems with dynamic failure probabilities of components

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This research is to address the design optimization of systems for a specified reliability level, considering the dynamic nature of component failure rates. In case of designing a mechanical system (especially a load-sharing system), the failure of one component will

This research is to address the design optimization of systems for a specified reliability level, considering the dynamic nature of component failure rates. In case of designing a mechanical system (especially a load-sharing system), the failure of one component will lead to increase in probability of failure of remaining components. Many engineering systems like aircrafts, automobiles, and construction bridges will experience this phenomenon.

In order to design these systems, the Reliability-Based Design Optimization framework using Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) method is developed. The dynamic nature of component failure probability is considered in the system reliability model. The Stress-Strength Interference (SSI) theory is used to build the limit state functions of components and the First Order Reliability Method (FORM) lies at the heart of reliability assessment. Also, in situations where the user needs to determine the optimum number of components and reduce component redundancy, this method can be used to optimally allocate the required number of components to carry the system load. The main advantage of this method is that the computational efficiency is high and also any optimization and reliability assessment technique can be incorporated. Different cases of numerical examples are provided to validate the methodology.
Date Created

Efficient formulations for next-generation choice-based network revenue management for airline implementation

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Revenue management is at the core of airline operations today; proprietary algorithms and heuristics are used to determine prices and availability of tickets on an almost-continuous basis. While initial developments in revenue management were motivated by industry practice, later developments

Revenue management is at the core of airline operations today; proprietary algorithms and heuristics are used to determine prices and availability of tickets on an almost-continuous basis. While initial developments in revenue management were motivated by industry practice, later developments overcoming fundamental omissions from earlier models show significant improvement, despite their focus on relatively esoteric aspects of the problem, and have limited potential for practical use due to computational requirements. This dissertation attempts to address various modeling and computational issues, introducing realistic choice-based demand revenue management models. In particular, this work introduces two optimization formulations alongside a choice-based demand modeling framework, improving on the methods that choice-based revenue management literature has created to date, by providing sensible models for airline implementation.

The first model offers an alternative formulation to the traditional choice-based revenue management problem presented in the literature, and provides substantial gains in expected revenue while limiting the problem’s computational complexity. Making assumptions on passenger demand, the Choice-based Mixed Integer Program (CMIP) provides a significantly more compact formulation when compared to other choice-based revenue management models, and consistently outperforms previous models.

Despite the prevalence of choice-based revenue management models in literature, the assumptions made on purchasing behavior inhibit researchers to create models that properly reflect passenger sensitivities to various ticket attributes, such as price, number of stops, and flexibility options. This dissertation introduces a general framework for airline choice-based demand modeling that takes into account various ticket attributes in addition to price, providing a framework for revenue management models to relate airline companies’ product design strategies to the practice of revenue management through decisions on ticket availability and price.

Finally, this dissertation introduces a mixed integer non-linear programming formulation for airline revenue management that accommodates the possibility of simultaneously setting prices and availabilities on a network. Traditional revenue management models primarily focus on availability, only, forcing secondary models to optimize prices. The Price-dynamic Choice-based Mixed Integer Program (PCMIP) eliminates this two-step process, aligning passenger purchase behavior with revenue management policies, and is shown to outperform previously developed models, providing a new frontier of research in airline revenue management.
Date Created