Personality, Character Choice, and Play Style in a Massively Multiplayer Online Video Game

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Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) offer community spaces where players can interact and develop a diverse range of skills online, such as communication and socialization, that can be applied offline. Designing more inclusive community spaces is crucial to

Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) offer community spaces where players can interact and develop a diverse range of skills online, such as communication and socialization, that can be applied offline. Designing more inclusive community spaces is crucial to give a more diverse range of individuals the chance to develop these skills. One way to add diversity to an online community space is to attract players with diverse personalities and play styles. This study is a qualitative exploration of personality and play in Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV). The specific research question is: what kinds of patterns exist in player personality and in the choices players make in a massively multi-player online (MMO) game Subjects were given the Big 5 personality survey to measure the five core personality dimensions. The survey also included FFXIV-specific items about in-game preferences and play styles of the players, and it concluded with open-ended questions that allowed subjects to explain certain choices. Thematic analysis was used to find patterns in the open-ended questions. The results of this exploratory study indicate that the players in this community are mostly casual and play FFXIV for the content and social aspects of the game. They enjoyed the customization options and gameplay of FFXIV. It is important to be open to the different backgrounds of players who join the Free Company (FC) and to accommodate their preferences and choices in the game. Consistent player interactions and activities with other members in their FC help to create a sense of community.
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Booksmart: Changing the Narratives in the High School Film Genre

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Teens are one of the largest markets for movies. Representations of teenagers in film have the potential to powerfully impact their sense of self and society (Elbaba, 2019, para. 17), yet mainstream films in the high school genre have typically

Teens are one of the largest markets for movies. Representations of teenagers in film have the potential to powerfully impact their sense of self and society (Elbaba, 2019, para. 17), yet mainstream films in the high school genre have typically recycled the same narrow teen stereotypes and narratives since the 1980s (Shary, 2014, p. 19). However, film critics, social commentators, and social media reactions lauded a notable exception in Booksmart (Wilde, 2019). The research reported in this thesis was an analysis of the narrative arc and character tropes in Booksmart intended to explore how these differed from those typical in this genre. The analysis identified several ways that Booksmart deviated from traditional gendered forms in the transformational elements of the narrative and in the strategic use of familiar tropes to disrupt stereotypes. Ultimately, while it is limited in some ways (e.g., racial diversity), Booksmart does include more multidimensional characters and contemporary youth issues (deconstructing stereotypes, beauty standards, etc.) compared to most mainstream films in the teen American high school film genre.
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Schitt’s Creek and the Myth of Empowerment in LGBTQ+ Representation

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals experience a variety of types of representation, particularly in media outlets. While the quantity of such representations is steadily increasing, research must continue to examine the content of representations as they become

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals experience a variety of types of representation, particularly in media outlets. While the quantity of such representations is steadily increasing, research must continue to examine the content of representations as they become available. This examination is important as much of society is determined by discourses presented in media outlets. Further, media often produces and reproduces dominant narratives about minority groups. Television is one arena where individuals come to learn about themselves and others. Particularly, the sitcom genre can be useful for figuring out how to deal with real-world issues in a humorous and entertaining way. However, the humor of sitcom does not exclude it from the meaning-making and identity-formation systems present in television and media, more broadly. Thus, this study investigates the discourses surrounding LGBTQ+ representation in the Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek through critical and rhetorical discursive analyses while also applying principles of queer theory throughout. Results indicate while Schitt’s Creek does many things well in terms of its representation of LGBTQ+ individuals, problematic stereotypes still often remain. In other words, Schitt’s Creek breaks from typical LGBTQ+ representation found in sitcoms, but often still embodies dominant cultural narratives used to degrade, restrict, and punish LGBTQ+ individuals. This is particularly evident as one examines the ways Schitt’s Creek often falls into heteronormative standards and continually polices the sexual nature of LGBTQ+ individuals to display a safe and comfortable version of homosexuality. Therefore, Schitt’s Creek may often and unknowingly reinforce the heteronormative hegemonies it seeks to break from.
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Human Trafficking, Coercion and Activism: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Activists Perspectives on Human Trafficking

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This master’s thesis reports on the experiences and understandings about coercion into human trafficking of activists working in the field. Trafficking exists as a wholly exploitative process which impacts both the psychological state of being of victims as well as

This master’s thesis reports on the experiences and understandings about coercion into human trafficking of activists working in the field. Trafficking exists as a wholly exploitative process which impacts both the psychological state of being of victims as well as their overall lived, day-to-day experience. A qualitative interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) was utilized for this research to gain understanding of the experiences of activists working in the field of trafficking. Given IPA as the method of inquiry, emphasis was placed on achieving an understanding of the lived experiences of the participants. Using a semi-structured interview guide, six different activists in the field of human trafficking were interviewed to gain an understanding of the coercive methods of traffickers, the socio-political realities surrounding trafficking as well as an individualized understanding of what trafficking is like for the victims. The interviews were transcribed and coded for themes and subthemes according to the stipulations of IPA. Three themes emerged from this analysis on trafficking. The first theme addressed basic needs. Participants speak to how traffickers' primary method of recruitment centers around the supplication of basic needs otherwise not provided for. In the second theme, activists reported on the socio-political realities involving trafficking and how that impacts victim identification and recruitment into the life of trafficking. In the third theme, activists reported on the psychological consequences of trafficking during recruitment, being in traffic and once they get out of the life of trafficking and into rehabilitation.
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Risky Behavior: Being Black and Pregnant in the USA


The mortality rate for African American mothers is nearly three times higher than white women and African American infants’ mortality rate is double the rate of white infants (Devido, Appelt, & Szalla, 2019, p. 1). Research has shown racism remains

The mortality rate for African American mothers is nearly three times higher than white women and African American infants’ mortality rate is double the rate of white infants (Devido, Appelt, & Szalla, 2019, p. 1). Research has shown racism remains a prominent problem for the contemporary healthcare industry, with high mortality rates due to inequities in healthcare caused by racism, including stress, restricted access to healthcare, and mistrust in medical professionals amongst the African American community (Devido et al., 2019). In this analysis, the legacy of historical racism was explored in relation to its continued impact on the present-day treatment of pregnant African American women within the healthcare industry. A key finding was that African American women do not trust the healthcare system or the healthcare professionals due to: 1. awareness of historical inequities in healthcare provision; 2. awareness of the inequities experienced daily within the African American community; 3. awareness of the high mortality rates of pregnant African American women and babies; 4. personal experiences of the disparities in healthcare either directly or by community members. Specific strategies were identified to combat systemic and overt racism and to build trust within African American communities to directly increase the rate of survival for expectant African American women and their newborns. First, the active hiring of African American medical professionals by healthcare facilities, especially in those that serve African American communities. Second, the implementation of education, awareness, and inclusivity training to all healthcare professionals and providers to address and combat the issues and behaviors underlying the major disparities and systemic issues. However, given the embedded and systemic problems and the challenges of substantive change, healthcare provision for pregnant African Americans and their newborns should include high quality community-led and community-based healthcare and support.

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Indelibly Drawn Together: How Tattoo Artists Can Help Redefine and Rediscover the Meanings of Art, Communication, and Community

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Western cultures on the whole have a particular fascination surrounding tattoos, and academia is no different. There are numerous studies that discuss why people get tattoos and what peoples’ perceptions of those with tattoos are. However, there has only been

Western cultures on the whole have a particular fascination surrounding tattoos, and academia is no different. There are numerous studies that discuss why people get tattoos and what peoples’ perceptions of those with tattoos are. However, there has only been a minuscule amount of research on the ones who even make tattoos possible: Tattoo artists. This work endeavors to provide a platform for tattoo artists to share their stories and experiences, and, in turn, help provide academia and the public at-large with a better understanding of tattoo artist identity and how the tattoo artist residual community functions and defines itself. Through ethnography, ethnographic interviews, and autoethnography, the everyday lives of tattoo artists will be explored. This work also seeks to provide an understanding of the history, skillsets, artistry, and creativity of Western tattoo artists, while simultaneously arguing for how tattoos and their creators can open the world of “fine art” to a broader audience and make it more accessible for all.
Date Created

Physical Activity and Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of daily life due to social distancing guidelines, including physical exercise. Prior research indicates that physical activity is a potent resilience factor against stress’ impact on mental health. Further, research suggests that social

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many aspects of daily life due to social distancing guidelines, including physical exercise. Prior research indicates that physical activity is a potent resilience factor against stress’ impact on mental health. Further, research suggests that social integration and participation positively contributes to mental well-being. Yet, one aspect of physical activity that may be particularly impacted by social distancing guidelines is the social context. It is unclear if those who participated in social physical activity prior to the COVID pandemic are more impacted by the restrictions placed on these behaviors. In a sample of 519 adults in the United States, the current longitudinal study examined whether participation in social physical activity, compared to individual physical activity, moderates the influence of pandemic stress on mental health and whether there are gender differences between men and women in these associations. Study results indicated physical activity did benefit mental health during the COVID pandemic. However, greater social physical activity did not buffer against the negative impact of stress. Future research should examine other variables potentially influencing these relationships, and examine them under non-pandemic conditions.
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LGBTQ+ Youth and the Search for Labels: Identity Exploration Online

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In this study, the posts and interactions on a social media site for sexuality and/or gender questioning adolescents were analyzed in order to explore how online spaces contribute to identity development and exploration for this community. Fifty posts, pulled from

In this study, the posts and interactions on a social media site for sexuality and/or gender questioning adolescents were analyzed in order to explore how online spaces contribute to identity development and exploration for this community. Fifty posts, pulled from two Reddit threads, were assessed to determine how questioning adolescents were discussing and questioning their sexual and/or gender identity. The replies of the postee to comments from others were also analyzed to further explore responses to and engagement with other members of the LGBTQ+ community. Using a thematic analysis, it was determined that questioning youth were using Reddit as a means of getting advice, help, explanation, and clarification about their identities and labels they could self-identify as. It was also determined that identities were positively impacted and informed through engagement with others through the exchange of supportive comments and advice. This data suggests that social media can provide positive and supportive safe spaces for identity development and a sense of shared community. However, the significance of the anonymity provided by social media sites is an important part of this provision. It is recommended that further research be done within this framework in order to assess how identity exploration occurs on multiple social media platforms, with an emphasis on the earlier aspects of identity formation given that the focus to date has been primarily on the specific process of coming out.
Date Created

“It's More Important That I Serve Someone Else's Needs. Or That I Just Don't Become the Problem”: Emerging Adult Women on Sexual Communication

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Sexual satisfaction has been positively linked to both individual and relational wellbeing (Christopher & Sprecher, 2000; Davison, Bell, LaChina, Holden, & Davis, 2009). Further, sexual communication has demonstrated positive impacts on sexual satisfaction (Byers, 2005); yet, research by MacNeil and

Sexual satisfaction has been positively linked to both individual and relational wellbeing (Christopher & Sprecher, 2000; Davison, Bell, LaChina, Holden, & Davis, 2009). Further, sexual communication has demonstrated positive impacts on sexual satisfaction (Byers, 2005); yet, research by MacNeil and Byers (2009) found that most people in romantic relationships do not share their sexual preferences with their partner. According to Tolman (2002), women seem to be especially reluctant to communicate sexually, due to the particular societal restrictions placed on expressions of female sexuality and desire. This study aims to understand how emerging adult women communicate with their sexual partners in order to increase pleasure, what barriers exist to sexual communication for these women, and how gendered social norms are expressed in the process. Based on interviews with 19 women between the ages of 20-29, the findings of this study suggest that emerging women often place more weight on social expectations of appropriate female sexual expression than relational context when choosing whether or not and/or how to sexually self-disclose. Further, the women in this study were at varying stages of renegotiating their internalization of the prioritization of male sexual pleasure over female pleasure.
Date Created

Hanging in the balance: gendered identity in elite sport

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Elite experience and careers in judged female sports complicate the binary categories of retirement while they are especially exposed to cultures of abuse, pressure and subjectivity. This thesis is comprised of multiple voices and experiences from the elite female athletic


Elite experience and careers in judged female sports complicate the binary categories of retirement while they are especially exposed to cultures of abuse, pressure and subjectivity. This thesis is comprised of multiple voices and experiences from the elite female athletic perspective, including my autoethnographic narrative. Highlighted and discussed are the topics of sexual assault and abuse, family pressure on children to do and excel at sport, the National Team experience representing the United States and subjected bodies and judging. It is an aim of this thesis to culminate all of those factors in the final chapter and hold that the experience and the cultures of athletic identity within synchronized swimming, gymnastics and figure skating not only cannot be explained by current research on athletic identity through retirement but have the capability to retire undeveloped young women by overdeveloped athletic identities. Through a sampling of voices and experiences across different female judged sports, over three decades, the reader will observe similarities that cause these sports to have a culture of solidarity through the aspects they hold in common with each other. The narrative highlights pivotal moments in the lives of the elite female athlete within these sports, which add to the calculation of their athletic identities and the lack of their personal identities. Through reflection and analyses of not only my story, but the interviewees from my original research and that of Joan Ryan’s as well, I aim to voice a mutual experience of elite athletes. Consisting of multiple factors throughout many years we will see through my autoethnography, paralleling with other voices and experiences, how it all intersects and contributes to this: Who am I now and where do I go from here?
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