Reading Saves Minds: Engaging Young Students in Critically Analyzing Extremism and Violence Through Classic Literature

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In modern America, as well as the world, violence and extremist ideologies are taking an increasingly central role in affairs. Students are struggling to learn and lack basic analytical skills. In the age of social media, the values of examining

In modern America, as well as the world, violence and extremist ideologies are taking an increasingly central role in affairs. Students are struggling to learn and lack basic analytical skills. In the age of social media, the values of examining literature, critical thinking, and contextual understanding are disappearing. Yet these skills nevertheless remain necessary for life. In taking on civic duties as adults, students must be able to understand and engage with the increasingly complex and dangerous world they live in, particularly one where the threat of terror haunts everyday life. It is thus important for young adults to be exposed to violent or otherwise disagreeable material. Extremism is a reality of today’s society, and younger generations must be prepared to process and respond to it. Critical thinking skills, which are often insufficiently developed, are crucial to this. The goals of this project are to provide a mature, appropriate, and thoughtful approach to violent or radical ideologies, allowing students to hone critical analysis skills and understand how to respond to a world where extremism is becoming increasingly prevalent. This thesis provides an introduction to the idea of terror and extremism, its history, and its impact on American culture and curriculum. This sets the stage for a discussion on critical thinking, emphasizing the importance of such a skill and how it can best be taught. In light of this, it is important for controversial or mature materials to be read in class, as they not only help students understand what goes on in the world but also provide opportunities for students to develop strong critical thinking skills in a safe and encouraging environment.
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Exploring the Experiences of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Families

This paper provides an overview of the experiences of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the experiences of their immediate family members, the definition and practice of ableism, and how all three relate to the psychological well-being of these children

This paper provides an overview of the experiences of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the experiences of their immediate family members, the definition and practice of ableism, and how all three relate to the psychological well-being of these children and their families. Children on the spectrum have diverse lives and presentations just like the rest of us, but they often struggle with socioemotional functioning, sensory processing, and comorbid disorders. Parents with children with Autism also experience ups and downs like every other parent, but many take on unique parenting styles and strengths that few others can relate to. Through analysis of contemporary research and testimonies, this paper demonstrates that although individuals with ASD or other developmental disorders experience the world differently than individuals without disabilities, their diagnosis is not a problem that needs to be fixed: harmful behaviors and perceptions are. They are not doomed to a life of nothingness, and their parents and siblings are not doomed to a life of hardship.
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The Effects and Strategies for Managing Social Anxiety in Barrett Students

Social anxiety is a growing problem for multiple demographics in our society. One such group of people dealing with social anxiety is the college student population, specifically honors students. College students have been struggling with the aftereffects of the COVID-19

Social anxiety is a growing problem for multiple demographics in our society. One such group of people dealing with social anxiety is the college student population, specifically honors students. College students have been struggling with the aftereffects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused social anxiety to become more prominent than it has ever been before. Honors students have been hit especially hard with this, because expectations and requirements are held to higher standards than for traditional students. Having social anxiety does not have to halt life for students, however. There are many different paths that a person can take to manage their social anxiety and better their lives overall. From managing social anxiety on your own time, to using university resources, to exploring therapies and other available options, there are multiple avenues that a person can take depending on their situations and preferences. This project also includes a guidebook for the practical application of techniques researched in this paper.
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Communication and Introspection: The Roadmap to a More Productive American Democracy

American democracy is perishing, and in order to address this trend, we must improve our perceptive and communicative abilities. To begin, this thesis examines the different influences that affect the behavior of American voters, some of which are innately political

American democracy is perishing, and in order to address this trend, we must improve our perceptive and communicative abilities. To begin, this thesis examines the different influences that affect the behavior of American voters, some of which are innately political and some that are not. American polarization, social media, the two-party system, human hardwiring, and a general lack of incentive to engage are all examined at length to set the table for solutions. Solutions, in the context of this thesis, are not policy solutions but rather internal solutions. Given that democracy is such a participatory process, it appears most useful to provide tangible, personal takeaways. By exploring how to harness the power of influence, epistemic humility, open-mindedness, and appropriate media consumption, we have the tools necessary to pursue a more refined free speech society and democracy. If democracy is something the American collective is interested in preserving, we must adjust the way we process the world, and in this thesis, the foundations are set for a more productive democracy.
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Imagination Looks Different for Gen-Alpha: Social Play in Early-Childhood Development and the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including early child development (0 years old to 5 years old). Compared to historical events, the COVID-19 Pandemic’s effects are close to those of the Great Depression

The COVID-19 Pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of society, including early child development (0 years old to 5 years old). Compared to historical events, the COVID-19 Pandemic’s effects are close to those of the Great Depression regarding business closures, levels of stress and anxiety, and the number of job losses that occurred, which will be written about in future textbooks. This literature review will discuss the theoretical history of social play and the appropriate play levels based on a child's age. Then, the thesis will explain the importance of social play during early childhood. Finally, the article will debrief the differences in play behavior noticed between pre-pandemic and post-pandemic teachers and caregivers and the potential long-term effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Thesis will end with a discussion of advisory websites directed to parents regarding the issue. While the full extent of the long-term effects is still being studied, evidence suggests that the pandemic has negatively affected child development in several ways, including social isolation and emotional health and well-being.
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Booksmart: Changing the Narratives in the High School Film Genre

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Teens are one of the largest markets for movies. Representations of teenagers in film have the potential to powerfully impact their sense of self and society (Elbaba, 2019, para. 17), yet mainstream films in the high school genre have typically

Teens are one of the largest markets for movies. Representations of teenagers in film have the potential to powerfully impact their sense of self and society (Elbaba, 2019, para. 17), yet mainstream films in the high school genre have typically recycled the same narrow teen stereotypes and narratives since the 1980s (Shary, 2014, p. 19). However, film critics, social commentators, and social media reactions lauded a notable exception in Booksmart (Wilde, 2019). The research reported in this thesis was an analysis of the narrative arc and character tropes in Booksmart intended to explore how these differed from those typical in this genre. The analysis identified several ways that Booksmart deviated from traditional gendered forms in the transformational elements of the narrative and in the strategic use of familiar tropes to disrupt stereotypes. Ultimately, while it is limited in some ways (e.g., racial diversity), Booksmart does include more multidimensional characters and contemporary youth issues (deconstructing stereotypes, beauty standards, etc.) compared to most mainstream films in the teen American high school film genre.
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Schitt’s Creek and the Myth of Empowerment in LGBTQ+ Representation

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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals experience a variety of types of representation, particularly in media outlets. While the quantity of such representations is steadily increasing, research must continue to examine the content of representations as they become

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals experience a variety of types of representation, particularly in media outlets. While the quantity of such representations is steadily increasing, research must continue to examine the content of representations as they become available. This examination is important as much of society is determined by discourses presented in media outlets. Further, media often produces and reproduces dominant narratives about minority groups. Television is one arena where individuals come to learn about themselves and others. Particularly, the sitcom genre can be useful for figuring out how to deal with real-world issues in a humorous and entertaining way. However, the humor of sitcom does not exclude it from the meaning-making and identity-formation systems present in television and media, more broadly. Thus, this study investigates the discourses surrounding LGBTQ+ representation in the Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek through critical and rhetorical discursive analyses while also applying principles of queer theory throughout. Results indicate while Schitt’s Creek does many things well in terms of its representation of LGBTQ+ individuals, problematic stereotypes still often remain. In other words, Schitt’s Creek breaks from typical LGBTQ+ representation found in sitcoms, but often still embodies dominant cultural narratives used to degrade, restrict, and punish LGBTQ+ individuals. This is particularly evident as one examines the ways Schitt’s Creek often falls into heteronormative standards and continually polices the sexual nature of LGBTQ+ individuals to display a safe and comfortable version of homosexuality. Therefore, Schitt’s Creek may often and unknowingly reinforce the heteronormative hegemonies it seeks to break from.
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Chord Progression: An Independent Study In Music Journalism


Chord Progression is a creative project, designed to enhance one's understanding on the evolution of music journalism. It includes an academic essay that highlights key moments in the history of this field, a collection of three original album reviews, three

Chord Progression is a creative project, designed to enhance one's understanding on the evolution of music journalism. It includes an academic essay that highlights key moments in the history of this field, a collection of three original album reviews, three one-on-one artist interviews and a personal account on the most recent music festival in Arizona. This project was intended to be used as resume material when searching for opportunities in professional writing and editing positions. I hope that you enjoy reading!

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