LGBTQ+ Youth and the Search for Labels: Identity Exploration Online

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In this study, the posts and interactions on a social media site for sexuality and/or gender questioning adolescents were analyzed in order to explore how online spaces contribute to identity development and exploration for this community. Fifty posts, pulled from

In this study, the posts and interactions on a social media site for sexuality and/or gender questioning adolescents were analyzed in order to explore how online spaces contribute to identity development and exploration for this community. Fifty posts, pulled from two Reddit threads, were assessed to determine how questioning adolescents were discussing and questioning their sexual and/or gender identity. The replies of the postee to comments from others were also analyzed to further explore responses to and engagement with other members of the LGBTQ+ community. Using a thematic analysis, it was determined that questioning youth were using Reddit as a means of getting advice, help, explanation, and clarification about their identities and labels they could self-identify as. It was also determined that identities were positively impacted and informed through engagement with others through the exchange of supportive comments and advice. This data suggests that social media can provide positive and supportive safe spaces for identity development and a sense of shared community. However, the significance of the anonymity provided by social media sites is an important part of this provision. It is recommended that further research be done within this framework in order to assess how identity exploration occurs on multiple social media platforms, with an emphasis on the earlier aspects of identity formation given that the focus to date has been primarily on the specific process of coming out.
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